Example #1
         * Proxies the given packet to the server given in the Proxy connection.
         * Stores the Proxy connection object in the cache with a key that
         * is added to the packet in the "Proxy-State" attribute.
         * @param packet the packet to Proxy
         * @param proxyCon the RadiusProxyConnection for this packet
         * @throws IOException

        protected void proxyPacket(RadiusPacket packet, RadiusProxyConnection proxyConnection)
            lock (typeof (RadiusProxy))
                // add Proxy-State attribute
                String proxyIndexStr = proxyIndex.ToString();
                packet.AddAttribute(new RadiusAttribute(33, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(proxyIndexStr)));

                // store RadiusProxyConnection object
                proxyConnections.Add(proxyIndexStr, proxyConnection);

            // get server address
            //IPAddress serverAddress = proxyConnection.getRadiusServer().EndpointAddress.Address;
            //int serverPort = proxyConnection.getRadiusServer().EndpointAddress.Port;
            String serverSecret = proxyConnection.RadiusServer.SharedSecret;

            // save request authenticator (will be calculated new)
            byte[] auth = packet.Authenticator;

            // encode new packet (with new authenticator)
            var bos = new MemoryStream();
            packet.EncodeRequestPacket(bos, serverSecret);
            byte[] data = bos.ToArray();

            //var datagram = new DatagramPacket(data, data.Length, serverAddress, serverPort);

            // restore original authenticator
            packet.Authenticator = auth;

            // send packet
            //Socket proxySocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,SocketType.Stream,ProtocolType.IP);
            proxySocket.Send(data, data.Length);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the address the server listens on.
 /// Must be called before start().
 /// Defaults to null, meaning listen on every
 /// local address (wildcard address).
 /// @param listenAddress listen address or null
 /// </summary>
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies all Proxy-State attributes from the request
 /// packet to the response packet.
 /// @param request request packet
 /// @param answer response packet
 /// </summary>
 protected void CopyProxyState(RadiusPacket request, RadiusPacket answer)
     IList<RadiusAttribute> proxyStateAttrs = request.GetAttributes(33);
     foreach (RadiusAttribute proxyStateAttr in proxyStateAttrs)
         //RadiusAttribute proxyStateAttr = (RadiusAttribute)i.next();
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        ///  Reads a Radius packet from the given input stream and
        ///  creates an appropiate RadiusPacket descendant object.
        ///  Reads in all attributes and returns the object.
        ///  Decodes the encrypted fields and attributes of the packet.
        ///  @exception IOException if an IO error occurred
        ///  @exception RadiusException if the Radius packet is malformed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dictionary">dictionary to use for attributes</param>
        /// <param name="inputStream"></param>
        /// <param name="request">Radius request packet if this is a response packet to be
        ///  decoded, null if this is a request packet to be decoded</param>
        /// <param name="sharedSecret">shared secret to be used to decode this packet</param>
        /// <returns>RadiusPacket object</returns>
        protected static RadiusPacket DecodePacket(IWritableDictionary dictionary, Stream inputStream,
                                                   String sharedSecret,
                                                   RadiusPacket request)
            // check shared secret
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sharedSecret))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sharedSecret", "no shared secret has been set");

            // check request authenticator
            if (request != null && request.Authenticator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("request", "request authenticator not set");

            // read and check header
            int type       = inputStream.ReadByte() & 0x0ff;
            int identifier = inputStream.ReadByte() & 0x0ff;
            int length     = (inputStream.ReadByte() & 0x0ff) << 8 | (inputStream.ReadByte() & 0x0ff);

            if (request != null && request.Identifier != identifier)
                throw new RadiusException("bad packet: invalid packet identifier (request: " +
                                          request.Identifier + ", response: " + identifier);
            if (length < RadiusHeaderLength)
                throw new RadiusException("bad packet: packet too short (" + length + " bytes)");
            if (length > MaxPacketLength)
                throw new RadiusException("bad packet: packet too long (" + length + " bytes)");

            // read rest of packet
            var authenticator = new byte[16];
            var attributeData = new byte[length - RadiusHeaderLength];

            inputStream.Read(authenticator, 0, 16);
            inputStream.Read(attributeData, 0, attributeData.Length);

            // check and count attributes
            int pos = 0;

            while (pos < attributeData.Length)
                if (pos + 1 >= attributeData.Length)
                    throw new RadiusException("bad packet: attribute Length mismatch");
                int attributeLength = attributeData[pos + 1] & 0x0ff;
                if (attributeLength < 2)
                    throw new RadiusException("bad packet: invalid attribute Length");
                pos += attributeLength;
            if (pos != attributeData.Length)
                throw new RadiusException("bad packet: attribute Length mismatch");

            // create RadiusPacket object; set properties
            RadiusPacket rp = CreateRadiusPacket(type);

            rp.Type          = type;
            rp.Identifier    = identifier;
            rp.Authenticator = authenticator;

            // load attributes
            pos = 0;
            while (pos < attributeData.Length)
                int             attributeType   = attributeData[pos] & 0x0ff;
                int             attributeLength = attributeData[pos + 1] & 0x0ff;
                RadiusAttribute a = RadiusAttribute.CreateRadiusAttribute(dictionary, -1, attributeType);
                a.ReadAttribute(attributeData, pos, attributeLength);
                pos += attributeLength;

            // request packet?
            if (request == null)
                // decode attributes
                rp.CheckRequestAuthenticator(sharedSecret, length, attributeData);
                // response packet: check authenticator
                rp.CheckResponseAuthenticator(sharedSecret, length, attributeData, request.Authenticator);
