Example #1
        public override void RecalculateAttributes(IItemStack stack)
            ModularItemHelper.RecalculateAttributes(stack, api.World);

            ItemStack headstack = GetToolheadStack(stack);

            int tooltier = 0;

            if (headstack != null)
                ToolPart part = (ToolPart)headstack.Item;

                if (part != null)
                    tooltier = part.TinkerProps.ToolTier;

            if (tooltier != 0)
                stack.Attributes.SetInt("tooltier", tooltier);
Example #2
        public bool DamagePart(IWorldAccessor world, Entity byEntity, IItemStack itemstack, int amount = 1)
            ITreeAttribute ToolSlots = itemstack.Attributes.GetOrAddTreeAttribute("toolparts");
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, IAttribute> > validParts = ToolSlots.Where(pair =>
                ItemStack part = (ItemStack)pair.Value.GetValue();

                return(part != null && part.Attributes.GetInt("durability", part.Collectible.GetDurability(part)) > 0);

            // Damage sub parts, if there are any
            if (validParts.Count() > 0)
                var        pair  = validParts.ElementAt(new Random().Next(0, validParts.Count()));
                IItemStack stack = pair.Value.GetValue() as IItemStack;
                ToolPart   part  = stack.Item as ToolPart;

                bool broken = false;

                if (part != null)
                    broken = part.DamagePart(world, byEntity, stack);

                // If the part is broken, then remove it
                if (broken)
                    RemovePart(itemstack, pair.Key);

            // Damamge the tool

            int leftDurability = itemstack.Attributes.GetInt("durability", GetDurability(itemstack));

            leftDurability -= amount;
            itemstack.Attributes.SetInt("durability", leftDurability);

            if (leftDurability <= 0)
                // Bound minimum durability
                leftDurability = 0;

                if (byEntity is EntityPlayer)
                    IPlayer player = world.PlayerByUid(((EntityPlayer)byEntity).PlayerUID);
                    world.PlaySoundAt(new AssetLocation("sounds/effect/toolbreak"), player, player);
                    world.PlaySoundAt(new AssetLocation("sounds/effect/toolbreak"), byEntity.Pos.X, byEntity.Pos.Y, byEntity.Pos.Z);

            itemstack.Attributes.SetInt("durability", leftDurability);

            // Notify the containing item if this part has broken
            return(TinkerProps.Breaks && leftDurability == 0);
Example #3
        public override float GetMiningSpeed(IItemStack itemstack, Block block, IPlayer forPlayer)
            ItemStack partstack = ModularItemHelper.GetToolheadStack(itemstack);
            ToolPart  part      = null;

            if (partstack != null)
                part = (ToolPart)partstack.Item;

            if (part != null)
                return(part.GetMiningSpeed(itemstack, block, forPlayer));

            return(base.GetMiningSpeed(itemstack, block, forPlayer));