Example #1
        private void AddTileAnimatorsTo(GameObject gameObject, XElement goXml)
            // This object will only visible for a given moment of time within an animation
            var animXml = goXml.Element("TileAnimator");

            if (animXml != null)
                TileAnimator tileAnimator = gameObject.AddComponent <TileAnimator>();
                tileAnimator.StartTime          = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(animXml, "startTimeMs") * 0.001f;
                tileAnimator.Duration           = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(animXml, "durationMs") * 0.001f;
                tileAnimator.TotalAnimationTime = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(animXml, "fullTimeMs") * 0.001f;
Example #2
        private void AddTileObjectComponentsTo(GameObject gameObject, XElement goXml)
            var tileXml = goXml.Element("TileObjectComponent");

            if (tileXml != null)
                TileObject tileObject = gameObject.AddComponent <TileObject>();
                FillBaseTmxObjectProperties(tileObject, tileXml);
                tileObject.TmxFlippingHorizontal = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsBoolean(tileXml, "tmx-tile-flip-horizontal", false);
                tileObject.TmxFlippingVertical   = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsBoolean(tileXml, "tmx-tile-flip-vertical", false);
                tileObject.TileWidth             = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(tileXml, "width");
                tileObject.TileHeight            = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(tileXml, "height");
        // Modified By:
        // Kurtis Thiessen - June 2
        private void AddWeatherScriptsTo(GameObject gameObject, XElement goXml)
            foreach (var animXml in goXml.Elements("TileAnimator"))
                WeatherTile weatherTile = gameObject.AddComponent <WeatherTile>();

                foreach (var frameXml in animXml.Elements("Frame"))
                    WeatherTile.Frame tileFrame = new WeatherTile.Frame();
                    tileFrame.Vertex_z = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(frameXml, "vertex_z");
        private void CreatePrefab(XElement xmlPrefab, string objPath)
            var customImporters = GetCustomImporterInstances();

            // Part 1: Create the prefab
            string     prefabName  = xmlPrefab.Attribute("name").Value;
            float      prefabScale = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlPrefab, "scale", 1.0f);
            GameObject tempPrefab  = new GameObject(prefabName);

            tempPrefab.AddComponent <LevelInfo>();
            HandleTiledAttributes(tempPrefab, xmlPrefab);
            HandleCustomProperties(tempPrefab, xmlPrefab, customImporters);

            // Part 2: Build out the prefab
            // We may have an 'isTrigger' attribute that we want our children to obey
            bool isTrigger = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsBoolean(xmlPrefab, "isTrigger", false);

            AddGameObjectsTo(tempPrefab, xmlPrefab, isTrigger, objPath, customImporters);

            // Part 3: Allow for customization from other editor scripts to be made on the prefab
            // (These are generally for game-specific needs)
            CustomizePrefab(tempPrefab, customImporters);

            // Part 3.5: Apply the scale only after all children have been added
            tempPrefab.transform.localScale = new Vector3(prefabScale, prefabScale, prefabScale);

            // Part 4: Save the prefab, keeping references intact.
            // Modified By:
            // Kurtis Thiessen - June 2

            // Save into levels
            string prefabPath = String.Format("Assets/Resources/Levels/{0}.prefab", prefabName);

            //string prefabPath = ImportUtils.GetPrefabPathFromName(prefabName);

            UnityEngine.Object finalPrefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(prefabPath, typeof(GameObject));

            if (finalPrefab == null)
                // The prefab needs to be created
                finalPrefab = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(prefabPath);

            // Replace the prefab, keeping connections based on name.
            PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(tempPrefab, finalPrefab, ReplacePrefabOptions.ReplaceNameBased);

            // Destroy the instance from the current scene hiearchy.
Example #5
 public void HandleCustomProperties(UnityEngine.GameObject gameObject,
                                    IDictionary <string, string> props)
     // Add a terrain type to our game object
     if (props.ContainsKey("terrainType"))
         TerrainType terrainType = (TerrainType)ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsEnum(props["terrainType"], typeof(TerrainType));
         if (terrainType != null)
             gameObject.AddComponent <TerrainTagChecker>();
             gameObject.GetComponent <TerrainTagChecker>().curTerrainType = terrainType;
        private void CreateMaterialsFromInternalTextures(XDocument xml)
            var texData = xml.Root.Elements("InternalTexture");

            foreach (var tex in texData)
                string texAssetPath = tex.Attribute("assetPath").Value;
                // Check to see if normal map processing is necessary and if this is a normal map file. At this stage we only want to load just plain textures which are not normal maps
                if (ImportTiled2Unity.ProcessingNormalMaps && texAssetPath.Contains(ImportTiled2Unity.TiledNormalMapFileIdentification))

                string materialPath = GetMaterialAssetPath(texAssetPath);

                Material material = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(materialPath, typeof(Material)) as Material;
                if (material == null)
                    // Create our material
                    if (ImportTiled2Unity.ProcessingNormalMaps)
                        material = new Material(Shader.Find("Tiled/TextureTintSnapNormal"));
                        material = new Material(Shader.Find("Tiled/TextureTintSnap"));

                    // Assign to it the texture that is already internal to our Unity project
                    Texture2D texture2d = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(texAssetPath, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
                    material.SetTexture("_MainTex", texture2d);

                    // Now the normal map file should be searched and loaded AND assigned to the material for shader processing.
                    if (ImportTiled2Unity.ProcessingNormalMaps)
                        var normalMapAssetPath = texData.SingleOrDefault(o => tex.Attribute("assetPath").Value.Contains(ImportTiled2Unity.TiledNormalMapFileIdentification));
                        if (normalMapAssetPath != null)
                            Texture2D texture2dNormal = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(normalMapAssetPath.Value, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
                            material.SetTexture("_BumpMap", texture2dNormal);

                    // Write the material to our asset database
                    AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(material, materialPath);
Example #7
        private void AddTileAnimatorsTo(GameObject gameObject, XElement goXml)
            foreach (var animXml in goXml.Elements("TileAnimator"))
                TileAnimator tileAnimator = gameObject.AddComponent <TileAnimator>();

                foreach (var frameXml in animXml.Elements("Frame"))
                    TileAnimator.Frame frame = new TileAnimator.Frame();
                    frame.Vertex_z   = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(frameXml, "vertex_z");
                    frame.DurationMs = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(frameXml, "duration");
Example #8
        private void AssignOpacityTo(GameObject gameObject, XElement xml, ImportBehaviour importComponent)
            float opacity = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "opacity", 1.0f);

            if (opacity == 1.0f)

            // Add a component that will control our instanced shader properties
            Tiled2Unity.GPUInstancing instancing = gameObject.GetOrAddComponent <Tiled2Unity.GPUInstancing>();
            instancing.Opacity = opacity;
        private UnityEngine.Material CreateMaterialFromXml(XElement xml)
            // Does this material support alpha color key?
            string htmlColor       = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "alphaColorKey", "");
            bool   usesDepthShader = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsBoolean(xml, "usesDepthShaders", false);

            // Determine which shader we sould be using
            string shaderName = "Tiled2Unity/";

            // Are we using depth shaders?
            if (usesDepthShader)
                shaderName += "Depth";
                shaderName += "Default";

            // Are we using color key shaders?
            Color?keyColor = null;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlColor))
                shaderName += " Color Key";

                // Sometimes Tiled saves out color without the leading # but we expect it to be there
                if (!htmlColor.StartsWith("#"))
                    htmlColor = "#" + htmlColor;

                byte r = byte.Parse(htmlColor.Substring(1, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                byte g = byte.Parse(htmlColor.Substring(3, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                byte b = byte.Parse(htmlColor.Substring(5, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                keyColor = new Color32(r, g, b, 255);

            UnityEngine.Material material = new UnityEngine.Material(UnityEngine.Shader.Find(shaderName));

            if (keyColor.HasValue)
                material.SetColor("_AlphaColorKey", keyColor.Value);

        private void OnPostprocessModel(GameObject gameObject)
            if (!UseThisImporter())

            // Each mesh renderer has the ability to set the a sort layer but it takes some work with Unity to expose it.
            foreach (MeshRenderer mr in gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>())
                mr.gameObject.AddComponent <SortingLayerExposed>();

                // Also, no shadows
                mr.receiveShadows = false;
                ImportUtils.SetCastShadows(mr, false);
        private void CheckIfProcessingNormalMaps(XDocument xml)
            var prefabProperties = xml.Root.Elements("Prefab").Elements("Property");

            if (prefabProperties != null && prefabProperties.Count() > 0)
                // Check to see if the normal map is defined and wanted to be used.
                var useNormalMapElement = prefabProperties.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Attribute("name").Value.CompareTo(ImportTiled2Unity.TiledPropertyName_UseNormalMap) == 0);
                if (useNormalMapElement != null)
                    // If the value is greater than 1 then the Tiled user intends to use a normal map
                    if (ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(useNormalMapElement, "value") > 0)
                        ImportTiled2Unity.ProcessingNormalMaps = true;
Example #12
        private void HandleTiledAttributes(GameObject gameObject, XElement goXml)
            // Add the TiledMap component
            TiledMap map = gameObject.AddComponent <TiledMap>();

                map.NumTilesWide = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(goXml, "numTilesWide");
                map.NumTilesHigh = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(goXml, "numTilesHigh");
                map.TileWidth    = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(goXml, "tileWidth");
                map.TileHeight   = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(goXml, "tileHeight");
                Debug.LogWarning(String.Format("Error adding TiledMap component. Are you using an old version of Tiled2Unity in your Unity project?"));
        private void ImportTexturesFromXml(XDocument xml)
            var texData = xml.Root.Elements("ImportTexture");

            foreach (var tex in texData)
                string name = tex.Attribute("filename").Value;
                string data = tex.Value;

                // The data is gzip compressed base64 string. We need the raw bytes.
                //byte[] bytes = ImportUtils.GzipBase64ToBytes(data);
                byte[] bytes = ImportUtils.Base64ToBytes(data);

                // Save and import the texture asset
                    string pathToSave = GetTextureAssetPath(name);
                    File.WriteAllBytes(pathToSave, bytes);
                    AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(pathToSave, ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport);

                // Create a material if needed in prepartion for the texture being successfully imported (NOTICE: Only if this is not a normal map)
                if (!name.Contains(ImportTiled2Unity.TiledNormalMapFileIdentification))
                    string   materialPath = GetMaterialAssetPath(name);
                    Material material     = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(materialPath, typeof(Material)) as Material;
                    if (material == null)
                        // We need to create the material afterall
                        // Use our custom shader
                        if (ImportTiled2Unity.ProcessingNormalMaps)
                            material = new Material(Shader.Find("Tiled/TextureTintSnapNormal"));
                            material = new Material(Shader.Find("Tiled/TextureTintSnap"));
                        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(material, materialPath);
Example #14
        private void AssignTagTo(GameObject gameObject, XElement xml, ImportBehaviour importComponent)
            string tag = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "tag", "");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tag))

            // Let the user know if the tag doesn't exist in our project settings
                gameObject.tag = tag;
            catch (UnityException)
                importComponent.RecordError("Tag '{0}' is not defined for '{1}'. Check project settings in Edit->Project Settings->Tags & Layers", tag, GetFullGameObjectName(gameObject.transform));
        private void AssignLayerTo(GameObject gameObject, XElement xml)
            string layerName = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "layer", "");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(layerName))

            int layerId = LayerMask.NameToLayer(layerName);
            if (layerId == -1)
                string msg = String.Format("Layer '{0}' is not defined for '{1}'. Check project settings in Edit->Project Settings->Tags & Layers",

            // Set the layer on ourselves (and our children)
            AssignLayerIdTo(gameObject, layerId);
Example #16
        private void AssignSortingOrderTo(GameObject gameObject, XElement xml, ImportBehaviour importComponent)
            if (xml.Attribute("sortingOrder") == null)

            int sortingOrder = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(xml, "sortingOrder");

            Renderer renderer = gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>();

            if (renderer == null)
                importComponent.RecordWarning("Sorting Order '{0}' cannot be assigned on '{1}' without a RendererComponent", sortingOrder, gameObject.name);

            renderer.sortingOrder = sortingOrder;
        private void AssignTagTo(GameObject gameObject, XElement xml)
            string tag = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(xml, "tag", "");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tag))

            // Let the user know if the tag doesn't exist in our project sttings
                gameObject.tag = tag;
            catch (UnityException)
                string msg = String.Format("Tag '{0}' is not defined for '{1}'. Check project settings in Edit->Project Settings->Tags & Layers",
Example #18
        private bool LoadTiled2UnityXml(ImportBehaviour importComponent, string xmlPath)
                var xml = XDocument.Load(xmlPath);
                importComponent.XmlDocument = xml;

                var xmlTiled2Unity = xml.Element("Tiled2Unity");
                importComponent.Tiled2UnityXmlPath         = xmlPath;
                importComponent.ExporterTiled2UnityVersion = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(xmlTiled2Unity, "version");
            catch (Exception e)
                string msg = String.Format("Error importing Tiled2Unity xml file '{0}': {1}", xmlPath, e.Message);

        private void CreateMaterialsFromInternalTextures(XDocument xml)
            var texData = xml.Root.Elements("InternalTexture");

            foreach (var tex in texData)
                string texAssetPath = tex.Attribute("assetPath").Value;
                string materialPath = GetMaterialAssetPath(texAssetPath);

                // Create our material
                Material material = CreateMaterialFromXml(tex);

                // Assign to it the texture that is already internal to our Unity project
                Texture2D texture2d = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(texAssetPath, typeof(Texture2D)) as Texture2D;
                material.SetTexture("_MainTex", texture2d);

                // Write the material to our asset database
                ImportUtils.CreateOrReplaceAsset(material, materialPath);
        private void CreatePrefab(XElement xmlPrefab, string objPath)
            var customImporters = GetCustomImporterInstances();

            // Part 1: Create the prefab
            string     prefabName  = xmlPrefab.Attribute("name").Value;
            float      prefabScale = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlPrefab, "scale", 1.0f);
            GameObject tempPrefab  = new GameObject(prefabName);

            HandleCustomProperties(tempPrefab, xmlPrefab, customImporters);

            // Part 2: Build out the prefab
            AddGameObjectsTo(tempPrefab, xmlPrefab, objPath, customImporters);

            // Part 3: Allow for customization from other editor scripts to be made on the prefab
            // (These are generally for game-specific needs)
            CustomizePrefab(tempPrefab, customImporters);

            // Part 3.5: Apply the scale only after all children have been added
            tempPrefab.transform.localScale = new Vector3(prefabScale, prefabScale, prefabScale);

            // Part 4: Save the prefab, keeping references intact.
            string prefabPath = ImportUtils.GetPrefabPath(prefabName);

            UnityEngine.Object finalPrefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(prefabPath, typeof(GameObject));

            if (finalPrefab == null)
                // The prefab needs to be created
                finalPrefab = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(prefabPath);

            // Replace the prefab, keeping connections based on name.
            PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(tempPrefab, finalPrefab, ReplacePrefabOptions.ReplaceNameBased);

            // Destroy the instance from the current scene hiearchy.
Example #21
        private void ImportMeshesFromXml(XDocument xml)
            var meshData = xml.Root.Elements("ImportMesh");

            foreach (var mesh in meshData)
                // We're going to create/write a file that contains our mesh data as a Wavefront Obj file
                // The actual mesh will be imported from this Obj file

                string fname = mesh.Attribute("filename").Value;
                string data  = mesh.Value;

                // The data is in base64 format. We need it as a raw string.
                string raw = ImportUtils.Base64ToString(data);

                // Save and import the asset
                string pathToMesh = GetMeshAssetPath(fname);
                File.WriteAllText(pathToMesh, raw, Encoding.UTF8);
                AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(pathToMesh, ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport);
        private void OnPostprocessModel(GameObject gameObject)
            if (!UseThisImporter())

            // Each mesh renderer has the ability to set the a sort layer but it takes some work with Unity to expose it.
            foreach (MeshRenderer mr in gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>())
                mr.gameObject.AddComponent <SortingLayerExposed>();

                // Also, no shadows
                mr.receiveShadows = false;
                ImportUtils.SetCastShadows(mr, false);

#if UNITY_4_0 || UNITY_4_0_1 || UNITY_4_1 || UNITY_4_2 || UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_4 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6
                // Do not set light probes or reflection probes in Unity 4.x
                mr.useLightProbes       = false;
                mr.reflectionProbeUsage = UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage.Off;
Example #23
        private void ImportTexturesFromXml(XDocument xml)
            var texData = xml.Root.Elements("ImportTexture");

            foreach (var tex in texData)
                string name = tex.Attribute("filename").Value;
                string data = tex.Value;

                // The data is gzip compressed base64 string. We need the raw bytes.
                //byte[] bytes = ImportUtils.GzipBase64ToBytes(data);
                byte[] bytes = ImportUtils.Base64ToBytes(data);

                // Save and import the texture asset
                    string pathToSave = GetTextureAssetPath(name);
                    File.WriteAllBytes(pathToSave, bytes);
                    AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(pathToSave, ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport);

                // Create a material if needed in prepartion for the texture being successfully imported
                    string   materialPath = GetMaterialAssetPath(name);
                    Material material     = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(materialPath, typeof(Material)) as Material;
                    if (material == null)
                        // We need to create the material afterall
                        // Use our custom shader
                        material = CreateMaterialFromXml(tex);
                        AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(material, materialPath);
        // We need to call this while the renderers on the model is having its material assigned to it
        public Material FixMaterialForMeshRenderer(string objName, Renderer renderer)
            string    xmlPath = GetXmlImportAssetPath(objName);
            XDocument xml     = XDocument.Load(xmlPath);

            // The mesh to match
            string meshName = renderer.name;

            // The mesh name may be decorated by Unity
            string pattern = @"_MeshPart[\d]$";
            Regex  regex   = new Regex(pattern);

            meshName = regex.Replace(meshName, "");

            var assignMaterials = xml.Root.Elements("AssignMaterial");

            // Find an assignment that matches the mesh renderer
            XElement match = assignMaterials.FirstOrDefault(el => el.Attribute("mesh").Value == meshName);

            if (match == null)
                // The names of our meshes in the AssignMaterials elements may be wrong
                // This happened before when Unity replaced whitespace with underscore in our named meshes
                // That case is handled now, but there may be others
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.AppendFormat("Could not find mesh named '{0}' for material matching\n", renderer.name);
                string choices = String.Join("\n  ", assignMaterials.Select(m => m.Attribute("mesh").Value).ToArray());
                builder.AppendFormat("Choices are:\n  {0}", choices);


            string materialName = match.Attribute("material").Value + ".mat";
            string materialPath = GetMaterialAssetPath(materialName);

            // Assign the material
            Material material = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(materialPath, typeof(Material)) as Material;

            if (material == null)
                Debug.LogError(String.Format("Could not find material: {0}", materialName));

            // Set the sorting layer for the mesh
            string sortingLayer = match.Attribute("sortingLayerName").Value;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortingLayer) && !SortingLayerExposedEditor.GetSortingLayerNames().Contains(sortingLayer))
                Debug.LogError(string.Format("Sorting Layer \"{0}\" does not exist. Check your Project Settings -> Tags and Layers", sortingLayer));
                renderer.sortingLayerName = "Default";
                renderer.sortingLayerName = sortingLayer;

            // Set the sorting order
            renderer.sortingOrder = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(match, "sortingOrder");

            // Do we have an alpha color key?
            string htmlColor = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(match, "alphaColorKey", "");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(htmlColor))
                // Take for granted color is in the form '#RRGGBB'
                byte  r     = byte.Parse(htmlColor.Substring(1, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                byte  g     = byte.Parse(htmlColor.Substring(3, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                byte  b     = byte.Parse(htmlColor.Substring(5, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                Color color = new Color32(r, g, b, 255);
                material.SetColor("_AlphaColorKey", color);

        private void AddGameObjectsTo(GameObject parent, XElement xml, bool isParentTrigger, string objPath, IList <ICustomTiledImporter> customImporters)
            foreach (XElement goXml in xml.Elements("GameObject"))
                string name     = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(goXml, "name", "");
                string copyFrom = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(goXml, "copy", "");

                GameObject child = null;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom))
                    float opacity = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "opacity", 1);
                    child = CreateCopyFromMeshObj(copyFrom, objPath, opacity);
                    if (child == null)
                        // We're in trouble. Errors should already be in the log.

                    // Apply the sorting to the renderer of the mesh object we just copied into the child
                    Renderer renderer = child.GetComponent <Renderer>();

                    string sortingLayer = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(goXml, "sortingLayerName", "");
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortingLayer) && !SortingLayerExposedEditor.GetSortingLayerNames().Contains(sortingLayer))
                        Debug.LogError(string.Format("Sorting Layer \"{0}\" does not exist. Check your Project Settings -> Tags and Layers", sortingLayer));
                        renderer.sortingLayerName = "Default";
                        renderer.sortingLayerName = sortingLayer;

                    // Set the sorting order
                    renderer.sortingOrder = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsInt(goXml, "sortingOrder", 0);
                    child = new GameObject();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    child.name = name;

                // Assign the child to the parent
                child.transform.parent = parent.transform;

                // Set the position
                float x = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "x", 0);
                float y = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "y", 0);
                child.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, y, 0);

                // Add any tile animators
                AddTileAnimatorsTo(child, goXml);

                // Do we have any collision data?
                // Check if we are setting 'isTrigger' for ourselves or for our childen
                bool isTrigger = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsBoolean(goXml, "isTrigger", isParentTrigger);
                AddCollidersTo(child, isTrigger, goXml);

                // Do we have any children of our own?
                AddGameObjectsTo(child, goXml, isTrigger, objPath, customImporters);

                // Does this game object have a tag?
                AssignTagTo(child, goXml);

                // Does this game object have a layer?
                AssignLayerTo(child, goXml);

                // Are there any custom properties?
                HandleCustomProperties(child, goXml, customImporters);

                // Set scale and rotation *after* children are added otherwise Unity will have child+parent transform cancel each other out
                float sx = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "scaleX", 1.0f);
                float sy = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "scaleY", 1.0f);
                child.transform.localScale = new Vector3(sx, sy, 1.0f);

                // Set the rotation
                // Use negative rotation on the z component because of change in coordinate systems between Tiled and Unity
                Vector3 localRotation = new Vector3();
                localRotation.x             = (ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsBoolean(goXml, "flipY", false) == true) ? 180.0f : 0.0f;
                localRotation.y             = (ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsBoolean(goXml, "flipX", false) == true) ? 180.0f : 0.0f;
                localRotation.z             = -ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "rotation", 0);
                child.transform.eulerAngles = localRotation;
Example #26
        private void AddGameObjectsTo(GameObject parent, XElement xml, bool isParentTrigger, string objPath, IList <ICustomTiledImporter> customImporters)
            foreach (XElement goXml in xml.Elements("GameObject"))
                string name     = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(goXml, "name", "");
                string copyFrom = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(goXml, "copy", "");

                GameObject child = null;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom))
                    child = CreateCopyFromMeshObj(copyFrom, objPath);
                    if (child == null)
                        // We're in trouble. Errors should already be in the log.
                    child = new GameObject();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    child.name = name;

                // Set the position
                float x = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "x", 0);
                float y = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "y", 0);
                child.transform.position = new Vector3(x, y, 0);

                // Set the rotation
                float r = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "rotation", 0);
                if (r != 0)
                    // Use negative 'r' because of change in coordinate systems between Tiled and Unity
                    child.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, -r);

                // Assign the child to the parent
                child.transform.parent = parent.transform;

                // Add any tile animators
                AddTileAnimatorsTo(child, goXml);

                // Do we have any collision data?
                // Check if we are setting 'isTrigger' for ourselves or for our childen
                bool isTrigger = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsBoolean(goXml, "isTrigger", isParentTrigger);
                AddCollidersTo(child, isTrigger, goXml);

                // Do we have any children of our own?
                AddGameObjectsTo(child, goXml, isTrigger, objPath, customImporters);

                // Does this game object have a tag?
                AssignTagTo(child, goXml);

                // Does this game object have a layer?
                AssignLayerTo(child, goXml);

                // Are there any custom properties?
                HandleCustomProperties(child, goXml, customImporters);
Example #27
        private void AddGameObjectsTo(GameObject parent, XElement xml, bool isParentTrigger, ImportBehaviour importComponent, IList <ICustomTiledImporter> customImporters)
            foreach (XElement goXml in xml.Elements("GameObject"))
                string name     = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(goXml, "name", "");
                string copyFrom = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(goXml, "copy", "");
                string mesh     = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsString(goXml, "mesh", "");

                GameObject child = null;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mesh))
                    child = CreateGameObjectWithMesh(mesh, importComponent);
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyFrom))
                    child = CreateCopyFromMeshObj(copyFrom, importComponent);
                    child = new GameObject();

                if (child == null)
                    importComponent.RecordError("Error creating child object '{0}'", name);

                // Assign the given name to our child
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    child.name = name;

                // Assign the child to the parent
                child.transform.parent = parent.transform;

                // Set the position
                float x = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "x", 0);
                float y = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "y", 0);
                float z = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "z", 0);
                child.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z);

                // Add any layer components
                AddTileLayerComponentsTo(child, goXml);
                AddObjectLayerComponentsTo(child, goXml);
                AddGroupLayerComponentsTo(child, goXml);

                // Add any object group items
                AddTmxObjectComponentsTo(child, goXml);
                AddRectangleObjectComponentsTo(child, goXml);
                AddCircleObjectComponentsTo(child, goXml);
                AddPolygonObjectComponentsTo(child, goXml);
                AddPolylineObjectComponentsTo(child, goXml);
                AddTileObjectComponentsTo(child, goXml);

                // Add any tile animators
                AddTileAnimatorsTo(child, goXml);

                // Do we have any collision data?
                // Check if we are setting 'isTrigger' for ourselves or for our children
                bool isTrigger = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsBoolean(goXml, "isTrigger", isParentTrigger);
                AddCollidersTo(child, isTrigger, goXml);

                // Do we have any children of our own?
                AddGameObjectsTo(child, goXml, isTrigger, importComponent, customImporters);

                // Does this game object have a tag?
                AssignTagTo(child, goXml, importComponent);

                // Does this game object have a layer?
                AssignLayerTo(child, goXml, importComponent);

                // Assign from various attributes
                AssignOpacityTo(child, goXml, importComponent);
                AssignSortingLayerNameTo(child, goXml, importComponent);
                AssignSortingOrderTo(child, goXml, importComponent);

                // Set scale and rotation *after* children are added otherwise Unity will have child+parent transform cancel each other out
                float sx = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "scaleX", 1.0f);
                float sy = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "scaleY", 1.0f);
                child.transform.localScale = new Vector3(sx, sy, 1.0f);

                // Set the rotation
                // Use negative rotation on the z component because of change in coordinate systems between Tiled and Unity
                Vector3 localRotation = new Vector3();
                localRotation.z             = -ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(goXml, "rotation", 0);
                child.transform.eulerAngles = localRotation;

                // Are there any custom properties? (This comes last - after all transformations have taken place.)
                HandleCustomProperties(child, goXml, customImporters);
Example #28
        private void AddCollidersTo(GameObject gameObject, bool isTrigger, XElement xml)
            // Box colliders
            foreach (XElement xmlBoxCollider2D in xml.Elements("BoxCollider2D"))
                BoxCollider2D collider = gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
                collider.isTrigger = isTrigger;
                float width  = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlBoxCollider2D, "width");
                float height = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlBoxCollider2D, "height");
                collider.size = new Vector2(width, height);
#if UNITY_5_0
                collider.offset = new Vector2(width * 0.5f, -height * 0.5f);
                collider.offset = new Vector2(width * 0.5f, -height * 0.5f);

            // Circle colliders
            foreach (XElement xmlCircleCollider2D in xml.Elements("CircleCollider2D"))
                CircleCollider2D collider = gameObject.AddComponent <CircleCollider2D>();
                collider.isTrigger = isTrigger;
                float radius = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlCircleCollider2D, "radius");
                collider.radius = radius;
#if UNITY_5_0
                collider.offset = new Vector2(radius, -radius);
                collider.offset = new Vector2(radius, -radius);

            // Edge colliders
            foreach (XElement xmlEdgeCollider2D in xml.Elements("EdgeCollider2D"))
                EdgeCollider2D collider = gameObject.AddComponent <EdgeCollider2D>();
                collider.isTrigger = isTrigger;
                string data = xmlEdgeCollider2D.Element("Points").Value;

                // The data looks like this:
                //  x0,y0 x1,y1 x2,y2 ...
                var points = from pt in data.Split(' ')
                             let x                 = Convert.ToSingle(pt.Split(',')[0])
                                             let y = Convert.ToSingle(pt.Split(',')[1])
                                                     select new Vector2(x, y);

                collider.points = points.ToArray();

            // Polygon colliders
            foreach (XElement xmlPolygonCollider2D in xml.Elements("PolygonCollider2D"))
                PolygonCollider2D collider = gameObject.AddComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
                collider.isTrigger = isTrigger;

                var paths = xmlPolygonCollider2D.Elements("Path").ToArray();
                collider.pathCount = paths.Count();

                for (int p = 0; p < collider.pathCount; ++p)
                    string data = paths[p].Value;

                    // The data looks like this:
                    //  x0,y0 x1,y1 x2,y2 ...
                    var points = from pt in data.Split(' ')
                                 let x                 = Convert.ToSingle(pt.Split(',')[0])
                                                 let y = Convert.ToSingle(pt.Split(',')[1])
                                                         select new Vector2(x, y);

                    collider.SetPath(p, points.ToArray());
Example #29
        private void AddCollidersTo(GameObject gameObject, bool isTrigger, XElement xml)
            // Box colliders
            foreach (XElement xmlBoxCollider2D in xml.Elements("BoxCollider2D"))
                BoxCollider2D collider = gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
                collider.isTrigger = isTrigger;
                float width  = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlBoxCollider2D, "width");
                float height = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlBoxCollider2D, "height");
                collider.size = new Vector2(width, height);

#if T2U_IS_UNITY_4
                collider.center = new Vector2(width * 0.5f, -height * 0.5f);
                collider.offset = new Vector2(width * 0.5f, -height * 0.5f);
                // Apply the offsets (if any)
                float offset_x = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlBoxCollider2D, "offsetX", 0);
                float offset_y = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlBoxCollider2D, "offsetY", 0);

#if T2U_IS_UNITY_4
                collider.center += new Vector2(offset_x, offset_y);
                collider.offset += new Vector2(offset_x, offset_y);

            // Circle colliders
            foreach (XElement xmlCircleCollider2D in xml.Elements("CircleCollider2D"))
                CircleCollider2D collider = gameObject.AddComponent <CircleCollider2D>();
                collider.isTrigger = isTrigger;
                float radius = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlCircleCollider2D, "radius");
                collider.radius = radius;
#if T2U_IS_UNITY_4
                collider.center = new Vector2(radius, -radius);
                collider.offset = new Vector2(radius, -radius);

                // Apply the offsets (if any)
                float offset_x = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlCircleCollider2D, "offsetX", 0);
                float offset_y = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlCircleCollider2D, "offsetY", 0);

#if T2U_IS_UNITY_4
                collider.center += new Vector2(offset_x, offset_y);
                collider.offset += new Vector2(offset_x, offset_y);

            // Edge colliders
            foreach (XElement xmlEdgeCollider2D in xml.Elements("EdgeCollider2D"))
                EdgeCollider2D collider = gameObject.AddComponent <EdgeCollider2D>();
                collider.isTrigger = isTrigger;
                string data = xmlEdgeCollider2D.Element("Points").Value;

                // The data looks like this:
                //  x0,y0 x1,y1 x2,y2 ...
                var points = from pt in data.Split(' ')
                             let x                 = Convert.ToSingle(pt.Split(',')[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                                             let y = Convert.ToSingle(pt.Split(',')[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                                                     select new Vector2(x, y);

                collider.points = points.ToArray();

                // Apply the offsets (if any)
                float offset_x = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlEdgeCollider2D, "offsetX", 0);
                float offset_y = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlEdgeCollider2D, "offsetY", 0);

#if T2U_IS_UNITY_4
                // This is kind of a hack for Unity 4.x which doesn't support offset/center on the edge collider
                var offsetPoints = from pt in points
                                   select new Vector2(pt.x + offset_x, pt.y + offset_y);
                collider.points = offsetPoints.ToArray();
                collider.offset += new Vector2(offset_x, offset_y);

            // Polygon colliders
            foreach (XElement xmlPolygonCollider2D in xml.Elements("PolygonCollider2D"))
                PolygonCollider2D collider = gameObject.AddComponent <PolygonCollider2D>();
                collider.isTrigger = isTrigger;

                // Apply the offsets (if any)
                float offset_x = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlPolygonCollider2D, "offsetX", 0);
                float offset_y = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xmlPolygonCollider2D, "offsetY", 0);

                var paths = xmlPolygonCollider2D.Elements("Path").ToArray();
                collider.pathCount = paths.Count();

                for (int p = 0; p < collider.pathCount; ++p)
                    string data = paths[p].Value;

                    // The data looks like this:
                    //  x0,y0 x1,y1 x2,y2 ...
                    var points = from pt in data.Split(' ')
                                 let x                 = Convert.ToSingle(pt.Split(',')[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                                                 let y = Convert.ToSingle(pt.Split(',')[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
#if T2U_IS_UNITY_4
                                                         // Hack for Unity 4.x
                                                         select new Vector2(x + offset_x, y + offset_y);
                                                         select new Vector2(x, y);

                    collider.SetPath(p, points.ToArray());

#if !T2U_IS_UNITY_4
                collider.offset += new Vector2(offset_x, offset_y);
Example #30
 private void SetLayerComponentProperties(Tiled2Unity.Layer layer, XElement xml)
     layer.Offset = new Vector2 {
         x = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "offsetX", 0), y = ImportUtils.GetAttributeAsFloat(xml, "offsetY", 0)