public static void SaveLayer(string contentPath, string newFileName, EditorTileLayer tileLayer, List<string>textureFileNames)
            //How layer saving will work is, we need to keep in mind when saving, when loading files in they must be loaded in a
            //particular order. Saving must obey this order.
            //Currently its Texturelist, Property list, tile layout
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(newFileName))
                    foreach (string textureName in textureFileNames)
                        string fullTexturePath = contentPath + "\\" + textureName;
                        //save the texture, only if it exists currently in the content path
                        string fullPathWithExtension = string.Empty;

                        foreach (string ext in imageExtensions)
                            if (File.Exists(fullTexturePath + ext))
                                fullPathWithExtension = fullTexturePath + ext;

                        if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( fullPathWithExtension ) )

                    //Write properties
                    //alpha channel
                    writer.WriteLine("Alpha = " + tileLayer.Alpha.ToString() );
                    //layer Type
                    writer.WriteLine("Layer Type Index = " + ((int)tileLayer.LayerLayoutType).ToString() );


                    for (int x = 0; x < tileLayer.LayoutWidth; x++)
                        string layerRow = string.Empty;
                        for (int y = 0; y < tileLayer.LayoutHeight; y++)
                            layerRow += tileLayer.GetCellIndex(x, y).ToString() + " , ";
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
        public TileLayerHandler()
            //current layer will start off empty
            m_currentLayer = null;
            //Cells will be -1 to mean no layer cells being hovered over
            m_cellX = -1;
            m_cellY = -1;

            m_tileLayerDictionary = new Dictionary<string, EditorTileLayer>();
 public static void SaveLayer( string contentPath, string newFileName, EditorTileLayer tileLayer, List<string>textureFileNames )
         EngineFileHandler.SaveLayer( contentPath, newFileName, tileLayer, textureFileNames);
     catch( Exception e )
         throw e;
        //Try to open and read from a selected layer
        public static EditorTileLayerDO OpenEditorLayer(string layerFileName)
                TileLayerCO layerCreationObject = ProcessLayer( layerFileName );
                //Validate this creation object (not yet implemented)
                if( ValidateCreationObject( layerCreationObject ) )
                    //Loop through properties of the layer (alpha channel etc.. ), and store them to initiate/set values in the layer
                    //Property values: alpha channel and layer type - default being normal
                    float alphaValue = 0.0f;
                    LayerType.LayerTypesEnum layerType = LayerType.LayerTypesEnum.Normal;

                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> propertyPair in layerCreationObject.LayerPropertyDictionary)
                        //handle all properties in switch
                        switch (propertyPair.Key.Trim().ToLower())
                            case "alpha":
                                alphaValue = float.Parse(propertyPair.Value);
                            case "layer type index":
                                layerType = (LayerType.LayerTypesEnum)(int.Parse( propertyPair.Value ) );

                    //Create new editor tile layer
                    EditorTileLayer editorTileLayer = new EditorTileLayer( layerCreationObject.LayerWidth, layerCreationObject.LayerHeight, layerType );

                    //Set all properties of tile layer, and intialize all editor tiles within this editor layer
                    for (int x = 0; x < layerCreationObject.LayerWidth; x++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < layerCreationObject.LayerHeight; y++)
                            editorTileLayer.SetCellIndex( x, y, layerCreationObject.LayerIndexLayout[x][y]);

                    //Set the return data object, to return the initialized editor tile layer, and the texture names, so the necessary textures
                    //can be added to managed data, and added into the layer's texture list.
                    EditorTileLayerDO editorLayerDO = new EditorTileLayerDO( editorTileLayer, layerCreationObject.LayerTextureNameList );

                    return editorLayerDO;
                    return null;
            catch( Exception e )
                throw e;
 public void UpdateCurrentLayer(string layerKey)
     if (m_tileLayerDictionary.ContainsKey(layerKey))
         m_currentLayer = m_tileLayerDictionary[layerKey];
        //If layer exists, remove it. If that layer is the current layer, set current layer to null
        public void RemoveLayer(string layerKey)
            if (m_tileLayerDictionary.ContainsKey(layerKey))
                if (m_currentLayer != null)
                    if (m_currentLayer.Equals(m_tileLayerDictionary[layerKey]))
                        m_currentLayer = null;

                m_tileLayerDictionary.Remove( layerKey );
 public EditorTileLayerDO(EditorTileLayer tileLayer, List<string> textureNameList)
     m_tileLayer = tileLayer;
     m_layerTextureNameList = textureNameList;