protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["loggedInUser"] == null) { Response.Redirect("/Default.aspx?redirect=" + Request.Url); } else { oLoggedInUser = (LoginAccount)Session["loggedInUser"]; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request["logout"] != null) { Session.Abandon(); Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } else if (Session["loggedInUser"] != null) { LoginAccount oAccount = (LoginAccount)Session["loggedInUser"]; PerformRedirect(oAccount); } } }
void PerformRedirect(LoginAccount oAccount) { if (!Request["redirect"].IsNull()) { sRedirect = Request["redirect"].ToString(); } if (oAccount.IsActive) { Session["loggedInUser"] = oAccount; Response.Redirect(sRedirect ?? "Dashboard.aspx"); } else { DivError.Visible = true; DivError.InnerHtml = "Account Disabled"; } }
public string UpdatePassword(string sExisting, string sNew, string sRepeat) { try { string sID = ((LoginAccount)Session["loggedInUser"]).AccountID; LoginAccount oProfile = oDB.LoginAccounts.Where(x => x.AccountID == sID).FirstOrDefault(); if (oProfile.Password == sExisting) { if (sNew == sRepeat) { if (oDF.ValidatePassword(sNew)) { oProfile.Password = sNew; } else { return("Password Must Have Minimum 8 and Maximum 14 characters at least 1 Uppercase Alphabet, 1 Lowercase Alphabet, 1 Number and 1 Special Character"); } } else { return("Repeat Password Mismatch"); } } else { return("Existing Password Mismatch"); } oDB.SaveChanges(); return("1"); } catch { return("Error Processing Request"); } }//
protected void BtnSubmitClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string sEmailID = tbUserName.Text.Trim(); string sPassword = tbPassword.Text.Trim(); LoginAccount oAccount = oDB.LoginAccounts.Where(d => d.Email == sEmailID && d.Password == sPassword && d.IsActive).FirstOrDefault(); if (oAccount != null) { PerformRedirect(oAccount); } else { DivError.Visible = true; DivError.InnerHtml = "Invalid Email Or Password"; } } catch (Exception ex) { DivError.Visible = true; DivError.InnerHtml = ex.Message; } }