//string BodyHeading = ""; private string GetHtml(string filename) { if (HtmlCache.ContainsKey(filename)) { return(HtmlCache[filename]); } string html = ""; MyHtmlDocument htmlDoc = new MyHtmlDocument(); var Stream = htmlDoc.GetStreamOPF(filename); using (Tidy.Document doc = Tidy.Document.FromStream(Stream)) { doc.ShowWarnings = false; doc.Quiet = true; doc.OutputXhtml = true; doc.InputCharacterEncoding = Tidy.EncodingType.Utf8; doc.OutputCharacterEncoding = Tidy.EncodingType.Utf8; doc.IndentAttributes = false; doc.IndentBlockElements = Tidy.AutoBool.Auto; doc.NewBlockLevelTags = "svg,image"; doc.WrapAt = 0; doc.CleanAndRepair(); html = doc.Save(); HtmlCache.Add(filename, html); } return(html); }
private string TidyHtml(string FullFilePath) { TidyManaged.Document TidyDocObj = TidyManaged.Document.FromFile(FullFilePath); TidyDocObj.OutputHtml = true; TidyDocObj.ShowWarnings = false; TidyDocObj.Quiet = true; TidyDocObj.ForceOutput = true; TidyDocObj.CleanAndRepair(); string TidyHtml = TidyDocObj.Save(); TidyDocObj.Dispose(); return(TidyHtml); }
private void SetUpDefaultTidy(Document document) { document.Quiet = true; document.ShowWarnings = false; document.CharacterEncoding = EncodingType.Utf8; document.NewInlineTags = GetNewInlineElements(); document.NewBlockLevelTags = GetNewBlockTags(); document.OutputXml = true; document.OutputNumericEntities = true; document.DocType = DocTypeMode.Omit; document.DropEmptyParagraphs = true; document.DropFontTags = true; document.DropProprietaryAttributes = true; document.MergeDivs = AutoBool.No; document.MergeSpans = AutoBool.No; document.EscapeCdata = true; document.RemoveComments = true; document.MaximumErrors = 0; }
public string TidyHtml(string newHtml) { string ret = string.Empty; Stream stream = newHtml.ToStream(); using (Tidy.Document doc = Tidy.Document.FromStream(stream)) { doc.ShowWarnings = false; doc.Quiet = true; doc.OutputXhtml = true; doc.CharacterEncoding = Tidy.EncodingType.Utf8; doc.InputCharacterEncoding = Tidy.EncodingType.Utf8; doc.OutputCharacterEncoding = Tidy.EncodingType.Utf8; doc.IndentAttributes = false; doc.IndentBlockElements = Tidy.AutoBool.Yes; doc.WrapAt = 0; doc.NewBlockLevelTags = svgElements; doc.AddTidyMetaElement = false; doc.MakeClean = true; doc.ForceOutput = true; doc.DocType = Tidy.DocTypeMode.Strict; doc.PreserveEntities = true; doc.AnchorAsName = false; doc.EncloseBodyText = true; doc.EncloseBlockText = true; doc.EnsureLiteralAttributes = true; doc.AddXmlDeclaration = true; //doc.RemoveEndTags = true; //doc.UseXmlParser = true; doc.CleanAndRepair(); ret = doc.Save(); ret = FixSVGCase(ret); } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// Opens the full HTML of the page the current issue is on. /// Scrolls the editor to the code for that issue as well. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void OpenHTML_Button(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (curPage == null) { e.Handled = true; return; } editor.WordWrap = false; var newNode = HtmlNode.CreateNode(editor.Text); var textToMatch = Array.ConvertAll(editor.Text.CleanSplit("\r\n"), s => s.Replace("\t", "")); curNode.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(newNode, curNode); curNode = newNode; MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.OuterHtml)); using (TidyManaged.Document my_doc = Document.FromStream(str)) { my_doc.CharacterEncoding = EncodingType.Utf8; my_doc.InputCharacterEncoding = EncodingType.Utf8; my_doc.OutputCharacterEncoding = EncodingType.Utf8; my_doc.ShowWarnings = false; my_doc.Quiet = true; my_doc.OutputXhtml = true; my_doc.OutputXml = true; my_doc.IndentBlockElements = AutoBool.Yes; my_doc.IndentAttributes = false; my_doc.IndentCdata = true; my_doc.AddVerticalSpace = false; my_doc.OutputBodyOnly = AutoBool.Yes; my_doc.IndentWithTabs = true; my_doc.WrapAt = 0; my_doc.CleanAndRepair(); editor.Text = "<body>\r\n" + my_doc.Save() + "\r\n</body>"; } str.Close(); var compareText = editor.Text.CleanSplit("\r\n"); int lineNum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < compareText.Length - textToMatch.Length; i++) { bool foundMatch = false; if (compareText[i].Contains(textToMatch[0])) { foundMatch = true; for (int j = 0; j < textToMatch.Length; j++) { if (!compareText[i + j].Contains(textToMatch[j])) { foundMatch = false; } } } if (foundMatch) { lineNum = i; break; } } double vertOffset = (editor.TextArea.TextView.DefaultLineHeight) * lineNum; editor.ScrollToVerticalOffset(vertOffset); editor.WordWrap = true; curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//body"); }
/// <summary> /// Finds the current node based on the current selected issue /// Uses an XPath selector that was saved when the report was generated /// </summary> private void SetCurrentNode() { // Get current selected issue A11yData row; try { row = (A11yData)IssueGrid.SelectedItem; }catch { return; } if (row == null || row.Location == null) { browser.Url = ""; curPage = null; curNode = null; editor.Clear(); return; } // Get issues HTML file if (isCanvas) { var pageInfo = course.PageInfoList.Where(item => item.Keys.Count(loc => loc.Contains(row.Location.CleanSplit("?").FirstOrDefault())) > 0).FirstOrDefault(); string question_id = row.Location.CleanSplit("?").LastOrDefault().CleanSplit("&").FirstOrDefault().CleanSplit("=").LastOrDefault(); if (!row.Location.Contains("question_num")) { question_id = ""; } string answer_id = row.Location.CleanSplit("?").LastOrDefault().CleanSplit("&").LastOrDefault().CleanSplit("=").LastOrDefault(); if (!row.Location.Contains("answer_num")) { answer_id = ""; } bool comment = row.Location.Contains("answer_comment"); var location = pageInfo.Keys.ElementAt(0); curCanvasItem = pageInfo; curPage = new DataToParse(location, curCanvasItem[location].getContent(question_id, answer_id, comment)); } else { var url = (directory.Text + "\\" + row.Location.Split('/').LastOrDefault()); curPage = new DataToParse(url); } // Find the issue in the page // TODO: Simplify switch statement based on new XPath selector switch (row.IssueType) { case "Link": switch (row.DescriptiveError) { case "Non-Descriptive Link": curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(row.html); break; case "JavaScript Link": curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(row.html); break; case "Broken Link": curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(row.html); break; default: curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//body"); break; } break; case "Semantics": switch (row.DescriptiveError) { case "Missing title/label": ; curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(row.html); break; case "Improper Headings": curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(row.html); break; case "Bad use of <i> and/or <b>": curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//body"); break; default: curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//body"); break; } break; case "Image": switch (row.DescriptiveError) { case "No Alt Attribute": curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(row.html); break; case "Non-Descriptive alt tags": curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(row.html); break; default: curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//body"); break; } break; case "Media": switch (row.DescriptiveError) { case "Transcript Needed": if (row.Notes.Contains("Video number")) { curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(row.html); } else if (row.Notes.Contains("BrightCove video with id")) { curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(row.html); } break; default: curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//body"); break; } break; case "Table": int tableIndex = int.Parse(row.Notes.Split(':')[0].Split(' ').LastOrDefault()) - 1; curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table")[tableIndex]; break; case "Misc": curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//body"); break; case "Color": curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(row.html); break; case "Keyboard": curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(row.html); break; default: curNode = curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//body"); break; } if (curNode == null) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Issue was not found, report data may be old. You probably want to generate a new report."); return; } // Use a stream as the TidyManaged.Document FromString method does not correctly use encoding. MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(curNode.OuterHtml)); using (TidyManaged.Document my_doc = Document.FromStream(str)) { my_doc.ShowWarnings = false; my_doc.Quiet = true; my_doc.OutputXhtml = true; my_doc.OutputXml = true; my_doc.IndentBlockElements = AutoBool.Yes; my_doc.IndentAttributes = false; my_doc.IndentCdata = true; my_doc.AddVerticalSpace = false; my_doc.WrapAt = 0; my_doc.OutputBodyOnly = AutoBool.Yes; my_doc.IndentWithTabs = true; my_doc.CleanAndRepair(); editor.Text = my_doc.Save(); editor.ScrollToHome(); } // Highlight the element var style = curNode.GetAttributeValue("style", ""); if (style == "") { style = "border: 5px solid red"; } else { style += "; border: 5px solid red;"; } curNode.Id = "focus_this"; curNode.SetAttributeValue("style", style); // Reload HTML and scroll to the issue browser.LoadHtmlAndWait(curPage.Doc.DocumentNode.OuterHtml); browser.QueueScriptCall($"var el = document.getElementById('focus_this'); el.scrollIntoView({{behavior: 'smooth' , block: 'center', inline: 'center'}});"); }