Example #1
            public TClientTransport CreateTransport()
                if (url == null)
                    // endpoint transport
                    TClientTransport trans = null;

                    if (pipe != null)
                        trans = new TNamedPipeClientTransport(pipe);
                        if (encrypted)
                            var certPath = "../../keys/client.p12";
                            var cert = new X509Certificate2(certPath, "thrift");
                            trans = new TTlsSocketClientTransport(host, port, 0, cert, (o, c, chain, errors) => true, null, SslProtocols.Tls);
                            trans = new TSocketClientTransport(host, port);

                    // layered transport
                    if (buffered)
                        trans = new TBufferedClientTransport(trans);

                    if (framed)
                        trans = new TFramedClientTransport(trans);

                    return trans;

                return new THttpClientTransport(new Uri(url), null);
        protected override async Task<TClientTransport> AcceptImplementationAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                return await Task.FromCanceled<TClientTransport>(cancellationToken);

            if (_server == null)
                throw new TTransportException(TTransportException.ExceptionType.NotOpen, "No underlying server socket.");

                var client = await _server.AcceptTcpClientAsync();
                client.SendTimeout = client.ReceiveTimeout = _clientTimeout;

                //wrap the client in an SSL Socket passing in the SSL cert
                var tTlsSocket = new TTlsSocketClientTransport(client, _serverCertificate, true, _clientCertValidator,
                    _localCertificateSelectionCallback, _sslProtocols);

                await tTlsSocket.SetupTlsAsync();

                if (_useBufferedSockets)
                    var trans = new TBufferedClientTransport(tTlsSocket);
                    return trans;

                return tTlsSocket;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new TTransportException(ex.ToString());