public void InitialiseRequestWithSessionSetsTheCorrectValues()
     string sessionToken = "the session";
     DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
     BuildListRequest request = new BuildListRequest(sessionToken);
     Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Identifier), "Identifier was not set");
     Assert.AreEqual(Environment.MachineName, request.SourceName, "Source name doesn't match the machine name");
     Assert.AreEqual(sessionToken, request.SessionToken, "SessionToken doesn't match the input token");
     Assert.IsTrue((now <= request.Timestamp), "Timestamp was not set");
 public void ToStringSerialisesDefaultValues()
     BuildListRequest request = new BuildListRequest();
     string actual = request.ToString();
     string expected = string.Format("<buildListMessage xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\" " +
         "timestamp=\"{2:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFFFFFzzz}\" identifier=\"{0}\" source=\"{1}\" number=\"0\" />",
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
 public void ToStringSerialisesAllValues()
     BuildListRequest request = new BuildListRequest();
     request.Identifier = "identifier";
     request.ServerName = "serverName";
     request.SessionToken = "sessionToken";
     request.SourceName = "sourceName";
     request.Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
     request.NumberOfBuilds = 6;
     string actual = request.ToString();
     string expected = string.Format("<buildListMessage xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\" " +
         "timestamp=\"{4:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.FFFFFFFzzz}\" identifier=\"{0}\" server=\"{1}\" source=\"{2}\" session=\"{3}\" number=\"6\" />",
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the names of the buildCount most recent builds for the specified project, sorted s.t. the newest build is first in the array
        /// </summary>
        public override string[] GetMostRecentBuildNames(string projectName, int buildCount)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectName)) throw new ArgumentNullException("projectName");

            BuildListRequest request = new BuildListRequest(SessionToken, projectName);
            request.NumberOfBuilds = buildCount;
            request.ServerName = TargetServer;
            DataListResponse resp = ValidateResponse(
                connection.SendMessage("GetMostRecentBuildNames", request))
                as DataListResponse;
            return resp.Data.ToArray();
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the names of the buildCount most recent builds for the specified project, sorted s.t. the newest build is first in the array
 /// </summary>
 public virtual DataListResponse GetMostRecentBuildNames(BuildListRequest request)
     return cruiseServer.GetMostRecentBuildNames(request);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the names of the buildCount most recent builds for the specified project, sorted s.t. the newest build is first in the array
        /// </summary>
		public string[] GetMostRecentBuildNames(string projectName, int buildCount)
            BuildListRequest request = new BuildListRequest(null, projectName);
            request.NumberOfBuilds = buildCount;
            DataListResponse resp = cruiseServer.GetMostRecentBuildNames(request);
            return resp.Data.ToArray();
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the names of the buildCount most recent builds for the specified project, sorted s.t. the newest build is first in the array
 /// </summary>
 public virtual DataListResponse GetMostRecentBuildNames(BuildListRequest request)
     string[] data = { };
     DataListResponse response = new DataListResponse(RunProjectRequest(request,
             data = GetIntegrator(request.ProjectName)
     if (data != null) response.Data.AddRange(data);
     return response;
 public void GetSetAllPropertiesWorks()
     BuildListRequest request = new BuildListRequest();
     request.NumberOfBuilds = 6;
     Assert.AreEqual(6, request.NumberOfBuilds, "NumberOfBuilds fails the get/set test");