Example #1
 private void UpdateActivity(TpwRpcData rpcData)
     discord.GetActivityManager().UpdateActivity(new Discord.Activity()
         Details = rpcData.InLobby ? "In lobby" : $"In game",
         State   = rpcData.InLobby ? null : $"${rpcData.Cash} | {rpcData.GoldenTicketCount} gt | {rpcData.GoldenKeyCount} gk",
         Assets  = new Discord.ActivityAssets()
             LargeImage = rpcData.InLobby ? "tpw-box" : rpcData.Level.Replace("\\", ""),
             LargeText  = rpcData.InLobby ? "In lobby" : PrettifyLevelName(rpcData.Level),
             SmallImage = "tpw",
             SmallText  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(rpcData.SaveName) ? null : $"Playing as {rpcData.SaveName}"
         Timestamps = new Discord.ActivityTimestamps()
             Start = startTime
     }, (res) =>
         if (res == Discord.Result.Ok)
             Log("Set activity.");
             Log($"Set activity failed: {res}");
Example #2
        public void Run()
             * Addresses:
             * +007CB2DC: Int32 - Cash
             * +00871F74: String - level name (jungle, hallow, fantasy, space)
             * +0087505C: Ditto
             * +00876668: Ditto
             * +00FAA40D: Ditto
             * +00768F3D / 05C4D745?: "lobby" or "level", depending on whether the player is in lobby or not
             * +00FAA40D: Previous load (if in lobby, this will be different to level name at 00871F74).
             * +007CB360: Visitor count (only updates when info screen is shown)
             * +00752EC4: Golden ticket count
             * +007CC4B8: Golden key count
             * +05E6DAE0*: User index (saves folder prefixes, add one)

            Log($"Looking for {GlobalSettings.Default.ProcessName}...");
            var found      = false;
            var shouldExit = false;

            while (!found)
                found = Memory.Attach(GlobalSettings.Default.ProcessName);
            Log($"Found {GlobalSettings.Default.ProcessName}.");

            while (!shouldExit)
                var rpcData = new TpwRpcData();

                rpcData.Cash              = Memory.ReadMemory <int>(0x007CB2DC);
                rpcData.Level             = Memory.ReadMemoryString(0x00871F74, 6);
                rpcData.LastLoad          = Memory.ReadMemoryString(0x00FAA40D, 6);
                rpcData.GoldenTicketCount = Memory.ReadMemory <int>(0x00752EC4);
                rpcData.GoldenKeyCount    = Memory.ReadMemory <int>(0x007CC4B8);

                var savesIndex    = Memory.ReadMemory <int>(0x05E6DAE0);
                var savesContents = Directory.GetDirectories(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Bullfrog\Theme Park World\save\users");
                rpcData.SaveName = "";

                if (savesIndex >= 0 && savesIndex < 5)
                    foreach (var save in savesContents)
                        var saveName      = Path.GetFileName(save);
                        var relSavesIndex = savesIndex + 1;
                        if (saveName.StartsWith(relSavesIndex.ToString()))
                            rpcData.SaveName = saveName.Substring(1);

                rpcData.InLobby = rpcData.Cash == 0 || rpcData.Level != rpcData.LastLoad || savesIndex < 0;


            startTime = GetUnixTime();