public void Test_Delete()
            var db = new EfDbMapper("Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog=ServiceStackNtierDemo; User id=sa; Password=P@$$w0rd");

            var repo = new Ienablemuch.ToTheEfnhX.EntityFramework.Repository<Order>(db);

            // Order o = db.Set<Order>().Single(x => x.OrderId == 1);
            Order o = repo.Get(1);

            repo.DeleteCascade(5, o.RowVersion);
        public void TestNullOnEF()
            string s = "";

            var db = new EfDbMapper("Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog=ServiceStackNtierDemo; User id=sa; Password=P@$$w0rd");

            Order o = db.Set<Order>().Single(x => x.OrderId == 1);

            // what a work-around!

            var dummy = o.Customer;
            o.Customer = null;

        public void Test_null_on_EF_Repo_via_dto()
            var db = new EfDbMapper("Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog=ServiceStackNtierDemo; User id=sa; Password=P@$$w0rd");

            var repo = new Ienablemuch.ToTheEfnhX.EntityFramework.Repository<Order>(db);

            // Order o = db.Set<Order>().Single(x => x.OrderId == 1);
            Order o = repo.Get(1);

            var dto = Mapper.ToDto<Order, OrderDto>(o);

            // what a work-around!

            dto.CustomerId = 0;

            var newPoco = Mapper.ToPoco<OrderDto, Order>(dto);

        public void Test_null_on_EF_Repo()
            var db = new EfDbMapper("Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog=ServiceStackNtierDemo; User id=sa; Password=P@$$w0rd");

            var repo = new Ienablemuch.ToTheEfnhX.EntityFramework.Repository<Order>(db);

            // Order o = db.Set<Order>().Single(x => x.OrderId == 1);
            Order o = repo.GetEager(1);

            // what a work-around!

            // var dummy = o.Customer;

            // we fix the null-assign problem on Get. we dummy-read all the possible Independent Associations, i.e. all reference types
            o.Customer = null;

            Assert.IsNull(o.Customer); // without the: var dummy = o.Customer, IsNull fails
