Example #1
        private Task PrintGameAsync(DiscordMessage msg, int bet, HoldemParticipant tomove = null, bool showhands = false)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendJoin(' ', this.drawn).AppendLine();
            sb.Append("Current pot: ").AppendLine(Formatter.Bold(this.Pot.ToString())).AppendLine();
            sb.Append("Call value: ").AppendLine(Formatter.Bold(bet.ToString())).AppendLine();

            foreach (HoldemParticipant participant in this.Participants)
                .Append(" | Chips: ")
                .Append(" | Bet: ")
                if (participant.Folded)
                if (showhands)
                    sb.AppendLine($"{participant.Card1.ToUserFriendlyString()} {participant.Card2.ToUserFriendlyString()} | {participant.HandRank}").AppendLine();

            var emb = new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                Title       = $"{StaticDiscordEmoji.CardSuits[0]} HOLD'EM GAME STATE {StaticDiscordEmoji.CardSuits[0]}",
                Description = sb.ToString(),
                Color       = DiscordColor.DarkGreen

            if (!this.GameOver && tomove != null)
                emb.AddField("Deciding whether to call (type yes/no):", tomove.User.Mention);

            return(msg.ModifyAsync(embed: emb.Build()));
Example #2
        public override async Task RunAsync()
            this.Started = true;

            DiscordMessage msg = await this.Channel.EmbedAsync("Starting Hold'Em game... Keep an eye on DM!");

            foreach (HoldemParticipant participant in this.Participants)
                participant.Card1 = this.deck.GetNextCard();
                participant.Card2 = this.deck.GetNextCard();
                try {
                    participant.DmHandle = await participant.DmHandle.ModifyAsync($"Your hand: {participant.Card1.ToUserFriendlyString()} {participant.Card2.ToUserFriendlyString()}");
                } catch {

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));


            int bet = 5;

            for (int step = 0; step < 2; step++)
                foreach (HoldemParticipant participant in this.ActiveParticipants)
                    participant.Bet = 0;

                while (this.ActiveParticipants.Any(p => p.Bet != bet))
                    foreach (HoldemParticipant participant in this.ActiveParticipants)
                        await this.PrintGameAsync(msg, bet, participant);

                        if (await this.Interactivity.WaitForBoolReplyAsync(this.Channel.Id, participant.Id))
                            await this.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Do you wish to raise the current bet? If yes, reply yes and then reply raise amount in new message, otherwise say no. Max: {participant.Balance - bet}");

                            if (await this.Interactivity.WaitForBoolReplyAsync(this.Channel.Id, participant.Id))
                                int raise = 0;
                                InteractivityResult <DiscordMessage> mctx = await this.Interactivity.WaitForMessageAsync(
                                    m => m.Channel.Id == this.Channel.Id && m.Author.Id == participant.Id && int.TryParse(m.Content, out raise) && bet + raise <= participant.Balance

                                if (!mctx.TimedOut)
                                    bet += raise;
                            participant.Balance -= bet - participant.Bet;
                            participant.Bet      = bet;
                            this.Pot            += bet;
                            participant.Folded = true;


            this.GameOver = true;
            await this.PrintGameAsync(msg, bet, showhands : true);

            foreach (HoldemParticipant p in this.ActiveParticipants)
                p.HandRank = _evaluator.GetBestHand(new List <Card>(this.drawn)
                    p.Card1, p.Card2

            HoldemParticipant winner = this.Participants.OrderByDescending(p => p.HandRank).FirstOrDefault();

            if (!(winner is null))
                winner.Balance += this.Pot;
            this.Winner = winner?.User;