Example #1
        // get the characters we need to generate
        private static char[] getCharactersToGenerate(string inputText, int codePage, bool generateSpace)
            CodePageInfo cpi = new CodePageInfo(codePage);

            // Expand and remove all ranges from the input text (look for << x - y >>
            // expand the ranges into the input text
            inputText = expandAndRemoveCharacterRanges(inputText, codePage);

            List <char> characterList         = new List <char>();
            List <char> CodePageCharacterList = new List <char>(cpi.GetAllValidCharacter());

            // iterate over the characters in the textbox
            characterList = inputText.Aggregate <char, List <char> >(new List <char>(), (list, c) =>
                if (c == ' ' && !generateSpace)
                }                                       // skip - space is not encoded rather generated dynamically by the driver
                else if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t')
                }                                                     // dont generate newlines or tab

            // remove dublicats and sort
            // remove all charaters not includet in codepage and return
                   .OrderBy(p => cpi.GetOffsetFromCharacter(p))
        // genereate a list of blocks describing the characters
        private List <CharacterDescriptor>[] generateCharacterDescriptorBlockList()
            char currentCharacter, previousCharacter = '\0';
            List <List <CharacterDescriptor> > characterBlockList = new List <List <CharacterDescriptor> >();
            // initialize first block
            List <CharacterDescriptor> characterBlock = null;
            CodePageInfo cpi = new CodePageInfo(OutConfig.CodePage);

            // get the difference between two characters required to create a new group
            int differenceBetweenCharsForNewGroup = OutConfig.generateLookupBlocks ?
                                                    OutConfig.lookupBlocksNewAfterCharCount : int.MaxValue;

            // iterate over characters, saving previous character each time
            for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex < Characters.Length; ++charIndex)
                // get character
                currentCharacter = Characters[charIndex].Character;

                // check if this character is too far from the previous character and it isn't the first char
                if (cpi.GetCharacterDifferance(previousCharacter, currentCharacter) < differenceBetweenCharsForNewGroup && previousCharacter != '\0')
                    // it may not be far enough to generate a new group but it still may be non-sequential
                    // in this case we need to generate place holders
                    int previousCharacterOffset = cpi.GetOffsetFromCharacter(previousCharacter);
                    int currentCharacterOffset  = cpi.GetOffsetFromCharacter(currentCharacter);

                    for (int sequentialCharIndex = previousCharacterOffset + 1;
                         sequentialCharIndex < currentCharacterOffset;
                        // add the character placeholder to the current char block
                        characterBlock.Add(new CharacterDescriptor(this));
                    // fall through and add to current block
                    // done with current block, add to list (null is for first character which hasn't
                    // created a group yet)
                    if (characterBlock != null)

                    // create new block
                    characterBlock = new List <CharacterDescriptor>();

                // add to current block

                // save previous char
                previousCharacter = currentCharacter;

            // done; add current block to list

Example #3
        // populate the fields
        void populateControls()
            // set datasources
            cbxPaddingHoriz.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(OutputConfiguration.PaddingRemoval));
            cbxPaddingVert.DataSource  = Enum.GetNames(typeof(OutputConfiguration.PaddingRemoval));
            cbxCommentStyle.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(OutputConfiguration.CommentStyle));
            cbxBitLayout.DataSource    = Enum.GetNames(typeof(OutputConfiguration.BitLayout));
            cbxByteFormat.DataSource   = Enum.GetNames(typeof(OutputConfiguration.ByteFormat));
            cbxRotation.DataSource     = OutputConfiguration.Rotation.GetNames();

            // display string arrays


            // add leading


            // re-populate dropdown
Example #4
        // output configuration to form
        void loadFormToOutputConfiguration(ref OutputConfiguration outputConfig)
            // load combo boxes
            outputConfig.paddingRemovalHorizontal = (OutputConfiguration.PaddingRemoval)Enum.Parse(typeof(OutputConfiguration.PaddingRemoval), cbxPaddingHoriz.Text);
            outputConfig.paddingRemovalVertical   = (OutputConfiguration.PaddingRemoval)Enum.Parse(typeof(OutputConfiguration.PaddingRemoval), cbxPaddingVert.Text);
            int.TryParse(tbWidth.Text, out outputConfig.clippingHoriz);
            int.TryParse(tbHeight.Text, out outputConfig.clippingVert);
            outputConfig.commentStyle   = (OutputConfiguration.CommentStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(OutputConfiguration.CommentStyle), cbxCommentStyle.Text);
            outputConfig.bitLayout      = (OutputConfiguration.BitLayout)Enum.Parse(typeof(OutputConfiguration.BitLayout), cbxBitLayout.Text);
            outputConfig.byteFormat     = (OutputConfiguration.ByteFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(OutputConfiguration.ByteFormat), cbxByteFormat.Text);
            outputConfig.rotation       = OutputConfiguration.Rotation.Parse(cbxRotation.Text);
            outputConfig.descCharWidth  = (OutputConfiguration.DescriptorFormat)Array.IndexOf(OutputConfiguration.DescriptorFormatDisplayString, cbxCharWidthFormat.Text);
            outputConfig.descCharHeight = (OutputConfiguration.DescriptorFormat)Array.IndexOf(OutputConfiguration.DescriptorFormatDisplayString, cbxCharHeightFormat.Text);
            outputConfig.descFontHeight = (OutputConfiguration.DescriptorFormat)Array.IndexOf(OutputConfiguration.DescriptorFormatDisplayString, cbxFontHeightFormat.Text);
            outputConfig.descImgWidth   = (OutputConfiguration.DescriptorFormat)Array.IndexOf(OutputConfiguration.DescriptorFormatDisplayString, cbxImgWidthFormat.Text);
            outputConfig.descImgHeight  = (OutputConfiguration.DescriptorFormat)Array.IndexOf(OutputConfiguration.DescriptorFormatDisplayString, cbxImgHeightFormat.Text);

            // text boxes
            outputConfig.byteLeadingString             = cbxByteLeadingChar.Text;
            outputConfig.spaceGenerationPixels         = int.Parse(txtSpacePixels.Text);
            outputConfig.lookupBlocksNewAfterCharCount = int.Parse(txtLookupBlocksNewAfterCharCount.Text);
            outputConfig.varNfBitmaps     = txtVarNfFontBitmaps.Text;
            outputConfig.varNfCharInfo    = txtVarNfCharInfo.Text;
            outputConfig.varNfFontInfo    = txtVarNfFontInfo.Text;
            outputConfig.varNfImageBitmap = txtVarNfImageBitmap.Text;
            outputConfig.varNfImageInfo   = txtVarNfImageInfo.Text;

            // load check boxes
            outputConfig.flipHorizontal               = cbxFlipHoriz.Checked;
            outputConfig.flipVertical                 = cbxFlipVert.Checked;
            outputConfig.addCommentVariableName       = cbxCommentVarName.Checked;
            outputConfig.addCommentCharVisualizer     = cbxCommentCharVisual.Checked;
            outputConfig.addCommentCharDescriptor     = cbxCommentCharDesc.Checked;
            outputConfig.generateSpaceCharacterBitmap = cbxGenerateSpaceBitmap.Checked;
            outputConfig.generateLookupArray          = cbxGenerateLookupArray.Checked;
            outputConfig.byteOrderMsbFirst            = cbxByteOrderMsbFirst.Checked;

            outputConfig.bmpVisualizerChar = (txtBmpVisualizerChar.Text.Length >= 1) ?
                                             txtBmpVisualizerChar.Text[0] :

            outputConfig.bmpVisualizerCharEmpty = (txtBmpVisualizerChar.Text.Length >= 2) ?
                                                  txtBmpVisualizerChar.Text[1] :

            outputConfig.CodePage             = CodePageInfo.GetCodepage(cbxCharacterEncoding.Text);
            outputConfig.addCodePage          = cbxAddCodePage.Checked;
            outputConfig.generateLookupBlocks = cbxGenerateLookupBlocks.Checked;

            // radio buttons
            // -- wrap
            if (rbnLineWrapAtColumn.Checked)
                outputConfig.lineWrap = OutputConfiguration.LineWrap.AtColumn;
                outputConfig.lineWrap = OutputConfiguration.LineWrap.AtBitmap;
Example #5
        // output configuration to form
        void loadOutputConfigurationToForm(OutputConfiguration outputConfig)
            // set flag
            m_loadingOutputConfigurationToForm = true;

            // load combo boxes
            cbxPaddingHoriz.SelectedIndex     = (int)outputConfig.paddingRemovalHorizontal;
            cbxPaddingVert.SelectedIndex      = (int)outputConfig.paddingRemovalVertical;
            cbxCommentStyle.SelectedIndex     = (int)outputConfig.commentStyle;
            cbxBitLayout.SelectedIndex        = (int)outputConfig.bitLayout;
            cbxByteOrderMsbFirst.Checked      = outputConfig.byteOrderMsbFirst;
            cbxByteFormat.SelectedIndex       = (int)outputConfig.byteFormat;
            cbxRotation.SelectedIndex         = (int)outputConfig.rotation;
            cbxCharWidthFormat.SelectedIndex  = (int)outputConfig.descCharWidth;
            cbxCharHeightFormat.SelectedIndex = (int)outputConfig.descCharHeight;
            cbxFontHeightFormat.SelectedIndex = (int)outputConfig.descFontHeight;
            cbxImgWidthFormat.SelectedIndex   = (int)outputConfig.descImgWidth;
            cbxImgHeightFormat.SelectedIndex  = (int)outputConfig.descImgHeight;

            // text boxes
            cbxByteLeadingChar.Text = outputConfig.byteLeadingString;
            txtSpacePixels.Text     = outputConfig.spaceGenerationPixels.ToString();
            txtLookupBlocksNewAfterCharCount.Text = outputConfig.lookupBlocksNewAfterCharCount.ToString();
            cbxOutputConfigurations.Text          = outputConfig.displayName;
            txtVarNfFontBitmaps.Text = outputConfig.varNfBitmaps;
            txtVarNfCharInfo.Text    = outputConfig.varNfCharInfo;
            txtVarNfFontInfo.Text    = outputConfig.varNfFontInfo;
            txtVarNfImageBitmap.Text = outputConfig.varNfImageBitmap;
            txtVarNfImageInfo.Text   = outputConfig.varNfImageInfo;

            // load check boxes
            cbxFlipHoriz.Checked            = outputConfig.flipHorizontal;
            cbxFlipVert.Checked             = outputConfig.flipVertical;
            cbxCommentVarName.Checked       = outputConfig.addCommentVariableName;
            cbxCommentCharVisual.Checked    = outputConfig.addCommentCharVisualizer;
            cbxCommentCharDesc.Checked      = outputConfig.addCommentCharDescriptor;
            cbxGenerateSpaceBitmap.Checked  = outputConfig.generateSpaceCharacterBitmap;
            cbxGenerateLookupArray.Checked  = outputConfig.generateLookupArray;
            txtBmpVisualizerChar.Text       = "" + outputConfig.bmpVisualizerChar + outputConfig.bmpVisualizerCharEmpty;
            cbxGenerateLookupBlocks.Checked = outputConfig.generateLookupBlocks;
            cbxCharacterEncoding.Text       = CodePageInfo.GetCodepageName(outputConfig.CodePage);
            cbxAddCodePage.Checked          = outputConfig.addCodePage;

            // radio buttons
            // -- wrap
            rbnLineWrapAtColumn.Checked = (outputConfig.lineWrap == OutputConfiguration.LineWrap.AtColumn);
            rbnLineWrapAtBitmap.Checked = !rbnLineWrapAtColumn.Checked;

            // clear flag
            m_loadingOutputConfigurationToForm = false;
        // get font info from string
        private void populateFontInfoFromCharacters()
            // do nothing if no chars defined
            if (Characters.Length == 0)

            // total offset
            int charByteOffset = 0;

            // set start char
            FirstChar = CodePageInfo.GetLastValidCharacter();
            LastChar  = CodePageInfo.GetFirstValidCharacter();

            // the fixed absolute character height
            this.FixedAbsolutCharHeight = OutConfig.rotation.getAbsoluteCharacterDimensions(Characters[0].BitmapToGenerate.Size).Height;

            // iterate through letter string
            for (int charIdx = 0; charIdx < Characters.Length; ++charIdx)
                // skip empty bitmaps
                if (Characters[charIdx].BitmapToGenerate == null)

                // get char
                char currentChar = Characters[charIdx].Character;

                // is this character smaller than start char?
                if (CodePageInfo.GetCharacterDifferance(currentChar, FirstChar) > 0)
                    FirstChar = currentChar;

                // is this character bigger than end char?
                if (CodePageInfo.GetCharacterDifferance(currentChar, LastChar) < 0)
                    LastChar = currentChar;

                // populate offset of character
                Characters[charIdx].OffsetInBytes = charByteOffset;

                // increment byte offset
                charByteOffset += Characters[charIdx].DataLength;
Example #7
        // expand and remove character ranges ( look for << x - y >> )
        private static string expandAndRemoveCharacterRanges(string s, int codePage)
            // create the search pattern
            //String searchPattern = @"<<.*-.*>>";
            String searchPattern = @"<<(?<rangeStart>.*?)-(?<rangeEnd>.*?)>>";

            // create the regex
            Regex regex = new Regex(searchPattern, RegexOptions.Multiline);

            // get matches
            MatchCollection regexMatches = regex.Matches(s.Replace(" ", ""));

            // holds the number of characters removed
            int charactersRemoved = 0;

            CodePageInfo cp = new CodePageInfo(codePage);

            // for each match
            foreach (Match regexMatch in regexMatches)
                // get range start and end
                int rangeStart = 0, rangeEnd = 0;

                // try to parse ranges
                if (TryParseCharacterRangePoint(regexMatch.Groups["rangeStart"].Value, out rangeStart) &&
                    TryParseCharacterRangePoint(regexMatch.Groups["rangeEnd"].Value, out rangeEnd))
                    // remove this from the string
                    s = s.Remove(regexMatch.Index - charactersRemoved, regexMatch.Length);

                    // save the number of chars removed so that we can fixup index (the index
                    // of the match changes as we remove characters)
                    charactersRemoved += regexMatch.Length;

                    // create a string from these values
                    for (int charIndex = rangeStart; charIndex <= rangeEnd; ++charIndex)
                        // shove this character to a encodet char container
                        char unicodeChar = cp.GetCharacterFromOffset(charIndex);

                        // add this to the string
                        s += unicodeChar;

Example #8
        // populate preformatted text
        private void populateTextInsertCheckbox()
            string allEnglish = "", numbers = "", letters = "", uppercaseLetters = "", lowercaseLetters = "", symbols = "";

            // generate characters
            for (char character = ' '; character < 127; ++character)
                // add to all
                allEnglish += character;

                // classify letter
                if (Char.IsNumber(character))
                    numbers += character;
                else if (Char.IsSymbol(character))
                    symbols += character;
                else if (Char.IsLetter(character) && Char.IsLower(character))
                    letters += character; lowercaseLetters += character;
                else if (Char.IsLetter(character) && !Char.IsLower(character))
                    letters += character; uppercaseLetters += character;

            string allEuropean = allEnglish, extraPunctuations = "", extraSymbols = "", extraNumbers = "";

            for (char character = (char)129; character <= 255; ++character)
                if (Char.IsLetter(character))
                    allEuropean += character;
                if (Char.IsPunctuation(character))
                    extraPunctuations += character;
                if (Char.IsSymbol(character))
                    extraSymbols += character;
                if (Char.IsNumber(character))
                    extraNumbers += character;

            // add items
            cbxTextInsert.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem("All European", allEuropean));
            cbxTextInsert.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem("All English(ASCCI)", allEnglish));
            cbxTextInsert.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem("Numbers (0-9)", numbers));
            cbxTextInsert.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem("Letters (A-z)", letters));
            cbxTextInsert.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem("Lowercase letters (a-z)", lowercaseLetters));
            cbxTextInsert.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem("Uppercase letters (A-Z)", uppercaseLetters));
            cbxTextInsert.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem("Extra Punctuations", extraPunctuations));
            cbxTextInsert.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem("Extra Symbols", extraSymbols));
            cbxTextInsert.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem("Extra Numbers", extraNumbers));

            foreach (string s in CodePageInfo.GetEncoderNameList())
                if (s.ToLower() != "us-ascii"
                    //&& s.ToLower() != "utf-16"
                    cbxTextInsert.Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem(s, new string(new CodePageInfo(s).GetAllValidCharacter())));

            // select the first
            cbxTextInsert.SelectedIndex = 0;
 // get the display string for a character
 private static string getCharacterDisplayString(CodePageInfo codePage, char character)
     // return string
        public FontDescriptor(OutputConfiguration config, char[] characters, Font font)
            Font         = font;
            OutConfig    = config;
            CodePageInfo = new CodePageInfo(config.CodePage);

            // init char infos
            Characters = characters.Select(c => new CharacterDescriptor(this, c)).ToArray();

            // Find the widest bitmap size we are going to draw
            Size largestBitmap = Characters.Aggregate(new Size(),
                                                      (size, chi) =>
                return(new Size(
                           chi.SizeCharacter.Width > size.Width ? chi.SizeCharacter.Width : size.Width,
                           chi.SizeCharacter.Height > size.Height ? chi.SizeCharacter.Height : size.Height));

            // create bitmaps per characater
            Characters.ToList().ForEach(c => c.GenerateOriginal(largestBitmap));

            // iterate through all bitmaps and find the tightest common border. only perform
            // this if the configuration specifies

            // this will contain the values of the tightest border around the characters
            Border tightestCommonBorder = Border.Empty;

            // only perform if padding type specifies
            if (OutConfig.paddingRemovalHorizontal == OutputConfiguration.PaddingRemoval.Fixed ||
                OutConfig.paddingRemovalVertical == OutputConfiguration.PaddingRemoval.Fixed ||
                OutConfig.paddingRemovalHorizontal == OutputConfiguration.PaddingRemoval.Clipped ||
                OutConfig.paddingRemovalVertical == OutputConfiguration.PaddingRemoval.Clipped)
                // find the common tightest border
                tightestCommonBorder = Characters.ToList().
                                       Select <CharacterDescriptor, Border>(c => c.OriginalBorder)
                                       .Aggregate <Border, Border>(Border.Empty,
                                                                   (p1, p2) =>
                                                                   new Border(
                                                                       p1.Left <p2.Left?p1.Left : p2.Left,
                                                                                p1.Top <p2.Top?p1.Top : p2.Top,
                                                                                        p1.Right> p2.Right?p1.Right : p2.Right,
                                                                                p1.Bottom> p2.Bottom ? p1.Bottom : p2.Bottom)
            // iterate thruogh all bitmaps and generate the bitmap we will convert to string
            // this means performing all manipulation (pad remove, flip)

            // iterate over characters
            Characters.ToList().ForEach(c =>
                // check if bitmap exists
                if (c.GenerateManipulatetBitmap(tightestCommonBorder))
                    // create the page array for the character

            // populate font info

        // generate the strings
        private void GenerateStringsFromFontInfo()
            StringBuilder sourceText = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder headerText = new StringBuilder();

            if (OutConfig.addCommentVariableName)
                // add source file header
                sourceText.AppendFormat("{0}" + OutConfig.nl + "{1} Font data for {2}" + OutConfig.nl + "{3}" + OutConfig.nl + OutConfig.nl,
                                        getFontName(Font, false),

                // add source header
                sourceText.AppendFormat("{0}Character bitmaps for {1} {2}" + OutConfig.nl,
                                        getFontName(Font, false),

                // add header file header
                headerText.AppendFormat("{0}Font data for {1} {2}" + OutConfig.nl,
                                        getFontName(Font, false),

            // get bitmap name
            string charBitmapVarName = String.Format(OutConfig.varNfBitmaps, getFontName(Font, true)) + "[]";

            // source var
            sourceText.AppendFormat("{0} = " + OutConfig.nl + "{{" + OutConfig.nl, charBitmapVarName);

            Characters.ToList().ForEach(chi => chi.GenerateCharacterDataDescriptorAndVisulazer());
            Characters.Aggregate(sourceText, (sb, chi) =>
                // skip empty bitmaps
                if (chi.BitmapToGenerate == null)

                // now add letter array
                // space out
                if (OutConfig.addCommentCharDescriptor && chi.Character != chi.ParentFontInfo.LastChar)
                    // space between chars


            // space out
            sourceText.Append("};" + OutConfig.nl + OutConfig.nl);

            // Charater descriptor
            // whether or not block lookup was generated
            bool blockLookupGenerated = false;

            // check if required by configuration
            if (OutConfig.generateLookupArray)
                // generate the lookup array
                blockLookupGenerated = generateStringsFromCharacterDescriptorBlockList(sourceText, headerText);
            // Font descriptor

            // according to config
            if (OutConfig.addCommentVariableName)
                // result string
                sourceText.AppendFormat("{0}Font information for {1} {2}" + OutConfig.nl,
                                        getFontName(Font, false),

            // character name
            string fontInfoVarName = String.Format(OutConfig.varNfFontInfo, getFontName(Font, true));

            // add character array for header
            headerText.AppendFormat("extern {0};" + OutConfig.nl, fontInfoVarName);

            // the font character height
            string fontCharHeightString = "";

            // get character height sstring - displayed according to output configuration
            if (OutConfig.descFontHeight != OutputConfiguration.DescriptorFormat.DontDisplay)
                // convert the value
                fontCharHeightString = String.Format("\t{0}, {1} Character height{2}" + OutConfig.nl,
                                                     MyExtensions.ConvertValueByDescriptorFormat(OutConfig.descFontHeight, FixedAbsolutCharHeight),

            string fontCodePage = "";

            if (OutConfig.addCodePage)
                fontCodePage = string.Format("\t{0}, {1} CodePage {3}{2}" + OutConfig.nl,

            string spaceCharacterPixelWidthString = "";

            // get space char width, if it is up to driver to generate
            if (!OutConfig.generateSpaceCharacterBitmap)
                // convert the value
                spaceCharacterPixelWidthString = String.Format("\t{0}, {1} Width, in pixels, of space character{2}" + OutConfig.nl,

            // font info
            sourceText.AppendFormat("{2} =" + OutConfig.nl + "{{" + OutConfig.nl +
                                    "{3}" +
                                    "\t{4}, {0} First character '{9}'{1}" + OutConfig.nl +
                                    "\t{5}, {0} Last character '{10}'{1}" + OutConfig.nl +
                                    "{6}" +
                                    "{7}" +
                                    "\t{8}, {0} Character bitmap array{1}" + OutConfig.nl +
                                    "{11}" +
                                    "}};" + OutConfig.nl,
                                    getCharacterDisplayString(CodePageInfo, FirstChar),
                                    getCharacterDisplayString(CodePageInfo, LastChar),
                                    getFontInfoDescriptorsString(blockLookupGenerated, OutConfig, Font),
                                    MyExtensions.GetVariableNameFromExpression(String.Format(OutConfig.varNfBitmaps, getFontName(Font, true))),

            // add the appropriate entity to the header
            if (blockLookupGenerated)
                // add block lookup to header
                headerText.AppendFormat("extern const FONT_CHAR_INFO_LOOKUP {0}[];" + OutConfig.nl, getCharacterDescriptorArrayLookupDisplayString(Font));
                // add block lookup to header
                headerText.AppendFormat("extern {0}[];" + OutConfig.nl, String.Format(OutConfig.varNfCharInfo, getFontName(Font, true)));

            TextSource = sourceText.ToString();
            TextHeader = headerText.ToString();