Example #1
        private void BindProfile()
            var profile = GetProfile();

            if (profile != null)
                ddlFavoriteTour.SelectedValue = profile.FavoriteTour != null ? profile.FavoriteTour.ToString() : string.Empty;

                if(profile.FavoriteLiveShow != null)

                    var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

                    var show = showService.GetShow(profile.FavoriteLiveShow.Value);

                    //var item = new ListItem(show.GetShowName(), show.ShowId.ToString());

                    lblCurrentSelection.Text = show.GetShowName();

                    //ddlFavoriteLiveShow.Items.Insert(0, item);

                    //item.Selected = true;
Example #2
        public IList <KeyValuePair <IShow, IMyShow> > GetMyShowsFromMyShowsForUser(Guid userId)
            var showService   = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance <IShowRepository>());
            var myShowService = new MyShowService(Ioc.GetInstance <IMyShowRepository>());

            var myShows = myShowService.GetMyShowsForUser(userId);

            if (myShows == null || myShows.Count() <= 0)

            var showIds = (from show in myShows
                           select show.ShowId).ToList();

            var shows = (from show in showService.GetAllShows()
                         from myShow in myShows.Where(x => x.ShowId == show.ShowId)
                         where showIds.Contains(show.ShowId)
                         select new { Show = show, MyShow = myShow }).OrderBy(x => x.Show.ShowDate).ToList();

            var showList = new List <KeyValuePair <IShow, IMyShow> >();

            shows.ForEach(x => { showList.Add(new KeyValuePair <IShow, IMyShow>(x.Show, x.MyShow)); });

        private void BindFromPhishNet()
            const string apiCall = "http://api.phish.net/api.js?api=2.0&method=pnet.user.myshows.get&format=json&apikey=6D31B9439E9F9B550B42&username={0}";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtUserName.Text))

            hdnBindFrom.Value = "phishnet";

            var url = string.Format(apiCall, txtUserName.Text);

            var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);

            var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

            var ver = response.ProtocolVersion.ToString();

            var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());

            var resp = reader.ReadToEnd();

            var showDates = JSONParser.AddMyShowJSON(resp);

            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
            var myShowService = new MyShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IMyShowRepository>());
            var userId = new Guid(Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name).ProviderUserKey.ToString());

            var shows = showService.GetShows(showDates);

            var finalShows = myShowService.GetShowsNotInUsersMyShows(userId, shows);

            var labelName = txtUserName.Text + "'s Shows From Phish.Net";

            BindShows(labelName, false, finalShows);
        private void Bind()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["showId"]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["showDate"]))

            var showIdStr = Request.QueryString["showId"];

            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(showIdStr))
                DateTime date;
                var success = DateTime.TryParse(Request.QueryString["showDate"], out date);

                if (!success)

                var s = showService.GetShow(date);

                if (s == null)

                showIdStr = s.ShowId.ToString();

            var showId = new Guid(showIdStr);
            ShowId = showId;

            var myShowService = new MyShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IMyShowRepository>());
            //var setSongService = new SetSongService(Ioc.GetInstance<ISetSongRepository>());
            //var analysisService = new AnalysisService(Ioc.GetInstance<IAnalysisRepository>());
            var ticketStubService = new TicketStubService(Ioc.GetInstance<ITicketStubRepository>());

            BindReviews(showId, ref myShowService);

            var show = (Show)showService.GetShow(showId);

            SetPageTitle("Review of " + show.GetShowName());

            ShowName = show.GetShowName();

            //var ss = (from set in show.Sets.OrderBy(x => x.SetNumber)
            //          from song in setSongService.GetSetSongsBySet(set.SetId).OrderBy(z => z.Order).DefaultIfEmpty()
            //          from analysis in analysisService.GetAnalysisBySetSongAndUser(song.SetSongId, userId).DefaultIfEmpty()
            //          select new { Set = set, Song = song, Analysis = analysis }).ToList();

            ////SlideShowExtender1.ContextKey = showId.ToString();

            //rptSongs.DataSource = ss;

            var ticketStub = (TicketStub)ticketStubService.GetByShow(showId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (ticketStub == null)

            phTicketStub.Visible = true;
            imgTicketStub.ImageUrl = LinkBuilder.GetTicketStubLink(ticketStub.Photo.FileName);
Example #5
        public void yearSelector_YearSelected(object sender, PhishPond.Concrete.EventArgs.SelectYearCommandEventArgs e)
            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
            var shows = showService.GetShowsByYear(e.Year);

            rptShows.DataSource = shows;
Example #6
        private void Bind()
            ShowService showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

            var shows = showService.GetAllShows();

            gridShows.DataSource = shows;
        public void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ShowService service = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

            bool success = false;
            short? rank;
            DateTime? showDate;
            Guid? showId = null;
            Guid? tourId = null;

            if (Validated(out rank, out showDate))
                //order = ddlOrder.SelectedValue != "0" ? (short?)short.Parse(ddlOrder.SelectedValue) : null;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtGuid.Text))
                    showId = Guid.NewGuid();
                    showId = new Guid(txtGuid.Text);

                Show show = new Show()
                    ShowId = showId.Value,
                    //ShowName = txtShowName.Text.Trim(),
                    VenueName = txtVenueName.Text.Trim(),
                    City = txtCity.Text.Trim(),
                    State = ddlStates.SelectedValue.Trim(),
                    Country = ddlCountry.Text.Trim(),
                    //Order = order,
                    //TicketPrice = ticketPrice,
                    Notes = txtNotes.Text.Trim(),
                    ShowDate = showDate,
                    //Official = chkOfficial.Checked,
                    UserId = new Guid(Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name).ProviderUserKey.ToString()),
                    TourId = tourId

                service.SaveCommit(show, out success);

            if (success)
                lnkAddSetsToShow.NavigateUrl = LinkBuilder.AddSetsToShowLink(showId.Value);
                phAddSetsToShow.Visible = true;
                phSuccess.Visible = true;
                phError.Visible = false;
                phError.Visible = true;
                phSuccess.Visible = false;
Example #8
        public void yearSelector_YearSelected(object sender, PhishPond.Concrete.EventArgs.SelectYearCommandEventArgs e)
            var year = e.Year;

            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
            var show = showService.GetShowsByYear(year);

            var scriptHelper = new ScriptHelper("SuccessAlert", "alertDiv", show.First().GetShowName());
            Page.RegisterStartupScript(scriptHelper.ScriptName, scriptHelper.GetSuccessScript());
Example #9
        public IList<IShow> GetShowsFromMyShowsForUser(Guid userId, int year)
            var showIds = GetShowIdsFromMyShows(userId);

            if (showIds == null || showIds.Count() <= 0) return null;

            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
            var shows = showService.GetShowsByYear(year).ToList();

            return (from show in shows
                    where showIds.Contains(show.ShowId)
                    select show).OrderBy(x => x.ShowDate.Value).ToList();
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase context)
            HttpRequestBase request = context.Request;
            var tourIdStr = request.QueryString["t"];
            HttpResponseBase response = context.Response;

            string final;

            //string final = "{\"records\":[{\"Show\":\"Keep your current selection\",\"ID\":\"-1\"},{\"Show\":\"12/27/2010 - DCU Center - Worcester, MA\",\"ID\":\"cb62c626-dda0-46bc-b4d9-6eed30cbcdf8\"},{\"Show\":\"12/28/2010 - DCU Center - Worcester, MA\",\"ID\":\"e852d885-7e74-4aca-903c-81bd67d31129\"},{\"Show\":\"12/30/2010 - Madison Square Garden - New York, NY\",\"ID\":\"15ce4a44-9833-4901-acf8-43cec36e1f06\"},{\"Show\":\"12/31/2010 - Madison Square Garden - New York, NY\",\"ID\":\"88314a34-07d1-464b-8c70-a88628c71036\"},{\"Show\":\"01/01/2011 - Madison Square Garden - New York, NY\",\"ID\":\"dc586a9a-497e-4257-a3d5-d9e326e12bfb\"}]}";

            if (tourIdStr != "-1")
                var tourId = new Guid(tourIdStr);

                ShowService showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
                var shows = showService.GetOfficialShows(tourId).ToList();

                if (shows != null && shows.Count > 0)
                    var jsonifier = new BasicJSONifier("records", "ID", "Show", "-1", "Keep your current selection");

                    shows.ForEach(x =>
                        jsonifier.Add(x.ShowId.ToString(), x.GetShowName());

                    final = jsonifier.GetFinalizedJSON();
                    var jsonifier = new BasicJSONifier("records", "ID", "Show");
                    jsonifier.Add("-1", "There are no shows for this tour");
                    final = jsonifier.GetFinalizedJSON();
                var jsonifier = new BasicJSONifier("records", "ID", "Show");
                jsonifier.Add("-1", "Please choose a tour");
                final = jsonifier.GetFinalizedJSON();

            response.ContentType = "application/json";
            response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
        public IEnumerable<ITicketStub> GetTicketStubsByYear(int year)
            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
            var shows = showService.GetShowsByYear(year);
            var showIds = shows.Select(x => x.ShowId).ToList();

            var showStubs = (from t in GetAllTicketStubs()
                    join s in shows on t.ShowId equals s.ShowId
                    where showIds.Contains(t.ShowId.Value)
                       select new ShowTicketStub(s,t));

            var showStubsList = showStubs.ToList();

            return showStubsList.OrderBy(x => x.Show.ShowDate.Value).Select(y => y.TicketStub);
Example #12
        public IList <IShow> GetShowsFromMyShowsForUser(Guid userId)
            var showIds = GetShowIdsFromMyShows(userId);

            if (showIds == null || showIds.Count() <= 0)

            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance <IShowRepository>());

            return((from show in showService.GetAllShows().ToList()
                    where showIds.Contains(show.ShowId)
                    select show).OrderBy(x => x.ShowDate).ToList());
        public IEnumerable <ITicketStub> GetTicketStubsByYear(int year)
            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance <IShowRepository>());
            var shows       = showService.GetShowsByYear(year);
            var showIds     = shows.Select(x => x.ShowId).ToList();

            var showStubs = (from t in GetAllTicketStubs()
                             join s in shows on t.ShowId equals s.ShowId
                             where showIds.Contains(t.ShowId.Value)
                             select new ShowTicketStub(s, t));

            var showStubsList = showStubs.ToList();

            return(showStubsList.OrderBy(x => x.Show.ShowDate.Value).Select(y => y.TicketStub));
Example #14
        public IList <IShow> GetShowsNotInUsersMyShows(Guid userId, int year)
            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance <IShowRepository>());

            var myShows = GetMyShowsForUser(userId);

            if (myShows == null || myShows.Count() <= 0)

            var showIds = myShows.Select(x => x.ShowId).ToList();

            return(showService.GetShowsByYear(year).Where(x => !showIds.Contains(x.ShowId)).OrderBy(y => y.ShowDate).ToList());
        private void Bind()
            TourService tourService = new TourService(Ioc.GetInstance<ITourRepository>());
            ShowService showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

            ddlTourType.Items.AddRange((from x in tourService.GetAllToursDescending() select new ListItem(x.TourName, x.TourId.ToString())).ToArray());
            ddlShowType.Items.AddRange((from x in showService.GetAllShows() select new ListItem(x.GetShowName(), x.ShowId.ToString())).ToArray());

            ListItem item = new ListItem("Please select either a tour or a song", "-1");

            ddlTourType.Items.Insert(0, item);
            ddlShowType.Items.Insert(0, item);

            item.Selected = true;
Example #16
        private void Bind()
            if (EmptyNullUndefined(Request.QueryString["showId"]))

            //If a showId is sent then bind the tour and show
            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

            var show = showService.GetShow(new Guid(Request.QueryString["showId"]));

            if (show == null)

            //bind year from show
        private void Bind()
            var myShowService = new MyShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IMyShowRepository>());

            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

            var myShows = myShowService.GetAllMyShows().Where(x => x.Notes != null).OrderByDescending(y => y.NotesUpdatedDate).Take(5);

            var reviews = (from myShow in myShows
                           from show in showService.GetOfficialShows()
                           where show.ShowId == myShow.ShowId
                           select new { Show = show, MyShow = myShow });

            rptRecentShowReviews.DataSource = reviews;
Example #18
        private void Bind()
            ShowService service = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
            SetService setService = new SetService(Ioc.GetInstance<ISetRepository>());

            var shows = service.GetAllShows();
            var sets = setService.GetAllSets();

            foreach (var show in shows)
                ddlShows.Items.Add(new ListItem(show.GetShowName(), show.ShowId.ToString()));

            ListItem item = new ListItem("Please select a show", "-1");

            ddlShows.Items.Insert(0, item);

            item.Selected = true;

            foreach (Set set in sets)
                StringBuilder setName = new StringBuilder();

                if (set.Official)

                if (set.Encore)
                    setName.Append(" (E)");

                if (set.ShowId != null)
                    setName.Append(" (S)");

                if (set.SetNumber > 0)
                    setName.Append(string.Format(" - {0}", set.SetNumber));

                ddlSets.Items.Add(new ListItem(setName.ToString(), set.SetId.ToString()));
            ListItem item2 = new ListItem("Please select a set", "-1");

            ddlSets.Items.Insert(0, item2);

            item2.Selected = true;
Example #19
        public IList <IShow> GetShowsNotInUsersMyShows(Guid userId, Guid tourId)
            TourService service     = new TourService(Ioc.GetInstance <ITourRepository>());
            var         showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance <IShowRepository>());

            var myShows = GetMyShowsForUser(userId);

            var tour = service.GetTour(tourId);

            if (myShows == null || myShows.Count() <= 0) //then just return all of them
                return(showService.GetAllShows().Where(x => x.TourId == tourId).OrderBy(y => y.ShowDate).ToList());

            var showIds = myShows.Select(x => x.ShowId).ToList();

            return(showService.GetAllShows().Where(x => x.TourId == tourId && !showIds.Contains(x.ShowId)).OrderBy(y => y.ShowDate).ToList());
        public void Process(IQueryable<IWantedList> activeWantedLists)
            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
            var setService = new SetService(Ioc.GetInstance<ISetRepository>());
            var setSongService = new SetSongService(Ioc.GetInstance<ISetSongRepository>());

            var liveSongManglers = (from show in showService.GetAllShows().OrderByDescending(x => x.ShowDate).Take(10)
                          from set in setService.GetSetsForShow(show.ShowId)
                          from setsong in setSongService.GetSetSongsBySet(set.SetId)
                          select new LiveSongDateMangler { LiveSong = (SetSong)setsong, ShowDate = show.ShowDate.Value });

            foreach (var wanted in activeWantedLists)

                //bust it raw dawg
                ///LEFT OFF HERE
        private void Bind()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["showId"]))
                var showId = new Guid(Request.QueryString["showId"]);

                var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

                var show = showService.GetShow(showId);

                if (show != null)
                    ddlShows.SelectedValue = show.ShowId.ToString();
        private void Bind()
            var photoService = new PhotoService(Ioc.GetInstance<IPhotoRepository>());
            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

            var photos = photoService.GetRecentlyAddedPhotos().ToList();
            var showIds = (from p in photos select p.ShowId.Value).ToList();
            var shows = showService.GetShows(showIds);

            var showPhotos = new List<ShowPhoto>();

            showPhotos = (from p in photos
                          from s in shows
                          where p.ShowId == s.ShowId
                          select new ShowPhoto { NickName = p.NickName, ShowDate = s.ShowDate.Value.ToShortDateString(), ShowId = s.ShowId.ToString() }).ToList();

            rptRecentlyAddedPictures.DataSource = showPhotos;
        public IList <IMyShowArt> GetMyShowArtByTourAndUser(Guid tourId, Guid userId)
            ShowService   showService   = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance <IShowRepository>());
            MyShowService myShowService = new MyShowService(Ioc.GetInstance <IMyShowRepository>());

            var shows = showService.GetOfficialShows(tourId);

            var showIds = (from s in shows select s.ShowId).ToList();

            var myShows = (from p in myShowService.GetMyShowsForUser(userId)
                           where showIds.Contains(p.ShowId)
                           select p).ToList();

            var myShowArts = new List <IMyShowArt>();

            myShows.ForEach(x =>

        public IList<IMyShowArt> GetMyShowArtByTourAndUser(Guid tourId, Guid userId)
            ShowService showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
            MyShowService myShowService = new MyShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IMyShowRepository>());

            var shows = showService.GetOfficialShows(tourId);

            var showIds = (from s in shows select s.ShowId).ToList();

            var myShows = (from p in myShowService.GetMyShowsForUser(userId)
                           where showIds.Contains(p.ShowId)
                           select p).ToList();

            var myShowArts = new List<IMyShowArt>();

            myShows.ForEach(x => 

            return myShowArts;
        public void lnkAddMyShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
            var myShowService = new MyShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IMyShowRepository>());

            Guid userId = new Guid(Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name).ProviderUserKey.ToString());
            var showId = new Guid(hdnShowId.Value);

            var show = showService.GetShow(showId);
            var myShow = myShowService.GetMyShow(showId, userId);

            if (myShow != null)
                //phAlreadyAdded.Visible = true;

            var newMyShow = new MyShow
                CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                MyShowId = Guid.NewGuid(),
                ShowId = showId,
                UserId = userId

            bool success = false;

            myShowService.SaveCommit(newMyShow, out success);

            if (success)
                var scriptHelper = new ScriptHelper("ErrorAlert", "alertDiv", "There was a problem adding this show. If this happens again, then please contact the administrator.");
                Page.RegisterStartupScript(scriptHelper.ScriptName, scriptHelper.GetFatalScript());
        private void Bind()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["setSongId"]))

            var setSongId = new Guid(Request.QueryString["setSongId"]);

            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
            var setService = new SetService(Ioc.GetInstance<ISetRepository>());
            var setSongService = new SetSongService(Ioc.GetInstance<ISetSongRepository>());

            var setSong = setSongService.GetSetSong(setSongId);
            var set = setService.GetSet(setSong.SetId.Value);
            var show = showService.GetShow(set.ShowId.Value);

            ShowName = show.GetShowName();
            SongName = setSong.SongName;
            lnkReviewShow.NavigateUrl = LinkBuilder.AnalysisLink(show.ShowId);
            lnkNoReviews.NavigateUrl = LinkBuilder.AnalysisLink(show.ShowId);

            SetPageTitle("Review of " + SongName + " from " + ShowName);

Example #27
        private void Bind()
            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

            var shows = showService.GetAllShows();

            foreach (var show in shows)
                ddlShow.Items.Add(new ListItem(show.GetShowName(), show.ShowId.ToString()));

            var item = new ListItem("None", "0");

            ddlShow.Items.Insert(0, item);

            item.Selected = true;
Example #28
        public IList<KeyValuePair<IShow, IMyShow>> GetMyShowsFromMyShowsForUser(Guid userId)
            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
            var myShowService = new MyShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IMyShowRepository>());

            var myShows = myShowService.GetMyShowsForUser(userId);

            if (myShows == null || myShows.Count() <= 0)
                return null;

            var showIds = (from show in myShows
                           select show.ShowId).ToList();

            var shows = (from show in showService.GetAllShows()
                         from myShow in myShows.Where(x => x.ShowId == show.ShowId)
                         where showIds.Contains(show.ShowId)
                         select new { Show = show, MyShow = myShow }).OrderBy(x => x.Show.ShowDate).ToList();

            var showList = new List<KeyValuePair<IShow, IMyShow>>();

            shows.ForEach(x =>{ showList.Add(new KeyValuePair<IShow, IMyShow>(x.Show, x.MyShow)); });

            return showList;
Example #29
        public IList<IShow> GetShowsNotInUsersMyShows(Guid userId, int year)
            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

            var myShows = GetMyShowsForUser(userId);

            if (myShows == null || myShows.Count() <= 0)
                return showService.GetShowsByYear(year).ToList();

            var showIds = myShows.Select(x => x.ShowId).ToList();

            return showService.GetShowsByYear(year).Where(x => !showIds.Contains(x.ShowId)).OrderBy(y => y.ShowDate).ToList();
Example #30
        public IList<IShow> GetShowsNotInUsersMyShows(Guid userId, Guid tourId)
            TourService service = new TourService(Ioc.GetInstance<ITourRepository>());
            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

            var myShows = GetMyShowsForUser(userId);

            var tour = service.GetTour(tourId);

            if (myShows == null || myShows.Count() <= 0) //then just return all of them
                return showService.GetAllShows().Where(x => x.TourId == tourId).OrderBy(y => y.ShowDate).ToList();

            var showIds = myShows.Select(x => x.ShowId).ToList();

            return showService.GetAllShows().Where(x => x.TourId == tourId && !showIds.Contains(x.ShowId)).OrderBy(y => y.ShowDate).ToList();
        public override void ProcessRequest(HttpContextBase context)
            HttpRequestBase request = context.Request;
            var showIdStr = request.QueryString["s"];
            var showDateStr = request.QueryString["d"];
            HttpResponseBase response = context.Response;

            var final = string.Empty;

            if (EmptyNullUndefined(showIdStr) && EmptyNullUndefined(showDateStr))
                final = GetNoImagesFound();

                response.ContentType = "application/json";
                response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(showIdStr))
                DateTime date;
                var success = DateTime.TryParse(showDateStr, out date);

                if (!success)

                var s = showService.GetShow(date);

                if (s == null)

                showIdStr = s.ShowId.ToString();

            var showId = new Guid(showIdStr);

            IPhotoRepository photoRepo = new PhotoRepository(new PhishDatabase(new ConnectionString(new AppConfigManager(), connKey)));

            PhotoService photoService = new PhotoService(photoRepo);

            var photos = photoService.GetPhotosByShow(showId).Where(x => x.Thumbnail == false).ToList();

            if (photos == null || photos.Count <= 0)
                final = GetNoImagesFound();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(final))
                var json = new ImageJSONifier("records");

                foreach (var photo in photos)
                    var path = (PhotoType)photo.Type != PhotoType.TicketStub ? ShowImagesFolder : TicketStubImagesFolder;

                    json.Add(new ImageItem
                        Image = path + photo.FileName,
                        Description = photo.Notes,
                        Title = photo.NickName,
                        //Thumb =  //This is a consideration.  If we want to go through the trouble of using the thumb or not

                final = json.GetFinalizedJSON();

            response.ContentType = "application/json";
            response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
        public void yearSelector_YearSelected(object sender, PhishPond.Concrete.EventArgs.SelectYearCommandEventArgs e)
            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

            var shows = showService.GetShowsByYear(e.Year);


            ddlShows.Items.AddRange((from s in shows
                                     select new ListItem(s.GetShowName(), s.ShowId.ToString())).ToArray());
        private void SetShows(Guid tourId)

            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

            var shows = showService.GetOfficialShows(tourId);


            ddlShows.Items.AddRange((from s in shows
                                     select new ListItem(s.GetShowName(), s.ShowId.ToString())).ToArray());
        private void Bind()
            Guid showId;
            IMyShow myShow;
            var userId = new Guid(Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name).ProviderUserKey.ToString());

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["showId"]))

            showId = new Guid(Request.QueryString["showId"]);
            ShowId = showId;
            hdnShowId.Value = showId.ToString();
            var myShowService = new MyShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IMyShowRepository>());

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["myShowId"]))
                var myShowId = new Guid(Request.QueryString["myShowId"]);
                myShow = myShowService.GetMyShow(myShowId);
                myShow = myShowService.GetMyShow(showId, userId);

            if (myShow != null)
                hdnMyShowId.Value = myShow.MyShowId.ToString();

                ajaxShowRating.CurrentRating = myShow.Rating == null ? 0 : int.Parse(myShow.Rating.Value.ToString());
                ajaxBustoutRating.CurrentRating = myShow.BustoutRating == null ? 0 : int.Parse(myShow.BustoutRating.Value.ToString());
                ajaxEnergyRating.CurrentRating = myShow.EnergyRating == null ? 0 : int.Parse(myShow.EnergyRating.Value.ToString());
                ajaxFlowRating.CurrentRating = myShow.FlowRating == null ? 0 : int.Parse(myShow.FlowRating.Value.ToString());
                ajaxSegueRating.CurrentRating = myShow.SegueRating == null ? 0 : int.Parse(myShow.SegueRating.Value.ToString());
                ajaxType1JamRating.CurrentRating = myShow.Type1JamRating == null ? 0 : int.Parse(myShow.Type1JamRating.Value.ToString());
                ajaxType2JamRating.CurrentRating = myShow.Type2JamRating == null ? 0 : int.Parse(myShow.Type2JamRating.Value.ToString());

                txtFree.Text = myShow.Notes;
                phMyShow.Visible = true;
                phMyShowRating.Visible = true;
                phNotMyShow.Visible = false;

            //var setSongService = new SetSongService(Ioc.GetInstance<ISetSongRepository>());
            var setService = new SetService(Ioc.GetInstance<ISetRepository>());
            //var analysisService = new AnalysisService(Ioc.GetInstance<IAnalysisRepository>());
            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

            var show = showService.GetShow(showId);

            SetPageTitle("Analyze " + show.GetShowName());

            lblShow.Text = show.GetShowName();
            //var sets = setService.GetSetsForShow(showId).ToList();  //sets NEEDS to be a list here! DO NOT CHANGE DAN!

            //var ss = (from set in sets
            //          from song in setSongService.GetSetSongsBySet(set.SetId).OrderBy(z => z.Order.Value).DefaultIfEmpty()
            //          from analysis in analysisService.GetAnalysisBySetSongAndUser(song.SetSongId, userId).DefaultIfEmpty()
            //          select new { Set = set, Song = song, Analysis = analysis }).ToList();

            //rptSongs.DataSource = ss;
        private void BindWithShowId(Guid showId)
            ShowId = showId;

            var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());

            var show = showService.GetShow(showId);

            if (show != null)

                if (!ddlShows.Items.Contains(new ListItem(show.GetShowName(), show.ShowId.ToString())))
                    phAddShow.Visible = true;
                    lnkAddMyShow.Text = string.Format("Click Here to add {0} to My Shows.", show.GetShowName());
                    phAddPicture.Visible = false;
                    phAddShow.Visible = false;
                    phAddPicture.Visible = true;

                ddlShows.SelectedValue = show.ShowId.ToString();
                hdnShowId.Value = show.ShowId.ToString();
Example #36
        public void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs e)
            using (IUnitOfWork uow = TheCore.Infrastructure.UnitOfWork.Begin())
                bool set = false;
                var profile = (Profile)GetProfile();

                if (ddlFavoriteTour.SelectedValue != "-1")
                    set = true;
                    profile.FavoriteTour = new Guid(ddlFavoriteTour.SelectedValue);

                var favoriteLiveShow = Request.Form["ddlFavoriteLiveShow"];

                if (favoriteLiveShow != null && favoriteLiveShow != "-1")
                    set = true;
                    var favoriteLiveShowId = new Guid(favoriteLiveShow);
                    profile.FavoriteLiveShow = favoriteLiveShowId;
                    var showService = new ShowService(Ioc.GetInstance<IShowRepository>());
                    var show = showService.GetShow(favoriteLiveShowId);

                    lblCurrentSelection.Text = show.GetShowName();

                ddlFavoriteLiveShowTour.SelectedIndex = 0;

                if (set)
                    var scriptHelper = new ScriptHelper("SuccessAlert", "alertDiv", "You have successfully saved your profile. Proceed to Step 3 by clicking NEXT below!");
                    Page.RegisterStartupScript(scriptHelper.ScriptName, scriptHelper.GetSuccessScript());
                    var scriptHelper = new ScriptHelper("ErrorAlert", "alertDiv", "Please select your Favorite Tour or Favorite Live Show");
                    Page.RegisterStartupScript(scriptHelper.ScriptName, scriptHelper.GetWarningScript());