Example #1
 //adds a new quest to the log
 public void Add(Quest newQuest)
     log[newQuest.Name] = newQuest;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds quests to a quest log
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="questToAdd">The quest</param>
 /// <param name="prerequisites">A list of prerequisite Quests</param>
 public void Add(Quest questToAdd, params Quest [] prerequisites)
     if(head == null && prerequisites.Length != 0)
         throw new ArgumentException("The first quest cannot have prerequisites");
     else if(head == null)
         head = new QuestNode(questToAdd);
Example #3
 public bool ContainsQuest(Quest quest)
     return log.ContainsValue(quest);
Example #4
 public QuestNode(Quest quest)
     data = quest;
     nextQuests = new List<Quest>();
     prerQuests = new List<Quest>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a path to a quest file and parses it to a quest object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">the file path</param>
        /// <returns>A quest</returns>
        public static Quest ParseQuest(string filename)
            Quest quest = null;
            Console.WriteLine("Quest file name: \n\t" + filename);
            using (StreamReader input = new StreamReader(filename))

                string data = input.ReadToEnd();
                if (data.Substring(5, 12).Contains("Storyline"))
                    //load individual quests
                    int index, end;
                    index = data.IndexOf("Folder") + 8;
                    end = data.IndexOf('"', index);
                    string folder = data.Substring(index, end - index);
                    storylineFolder = QUEST_DIRECTORY + folder;

                    Storyline newStoryline;

                    string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(storylineFolder);
                    Quest loaded;

                    //loop through all of the files in the directory
                    foreach (string path in files)
                        //try and parse the quest from each file
                        loaded = ParseQuest(path);

                        //if the parse was successfull, add it to the log
                        if (loaded != null)
                    int index, end;
                    string attribute;
                    //get name
                    index = data.IndexOf("Name:") + 6;
                    end = data.IndexOf('"', index);
                    string name = data.Substring(index, end - index);

                    //get world key
                    index = data.IndexOf("World:") + 7;
                    end = data.IndexOf('"', index);
                    string key = data.Substring(index, end - index);

                    //get the description
                    index = data.IndexOf("Description:") + 13;
                    end = data.IndexOf('"', index);
                    string description = data.Substring(index, end - index);

                    //get objective
                    index = data.IndexOf("Objective:") + 11;
                    end = data.IndexOf('"', index);
                    string objective = data.Substring(index, end - index);

                    //get reward
                    index = data.IndexOf("Reward:");
                    index = data.IndexOf("Cash:", index) + 5;
                    end = data.IndexOf("\n", index);
                    attribute = data.Substring(index, end - index);
                    int cash;
                    if (!int.TryParse(attribute, out cash))
                        cash = 0;
                    index = data.IndexOf("Q-Points:", index) + 9;
                    end = data.IndexOf("\n", index);
                    attribute = data.Substring(index, end - index);
                    int qPoints;
                    if (!int.TryParse(attribute, out qPoints))
                        qPoints = 0;

                    //get start point
                    index = data.IndexOf("Start:");
                    index = data.IndexOf("X:", index) + 2;
                    end = data.IndexOf("\n", index);
                    attribute = data.Substring(index, end - index);
                    int X;
                    if (!int.TryParse(attribute, out X))
                        X = 10;
                    index = data.IndexOf("Y:", index) + 2;
                    end = data.IndexOf("\r", index);
                    attribute = data.Substring(index, end - index);
                    int Y;
                    if (!int.TryParse(attribute, out Y))
                        Y = 10;
                    Vector2 start = new Vector2(X, Y);

                    //get the win condition
                    index = data.IndexOf("Condition:") + 10;
                    end = data.IndexOf("\r", index);
                    attribute = data.Substring(index, end - index);
                    WinCondition condition; //win state
                    switch (attribute)
                        case "EnemyDies":
                            condition = WinCondition.EnemyDies;
                        case "ObtainItem":
                            condition = WinCondition.ObtainItem;
                        case "DeliverItem":
                            condition = WinCondition.DeliverItem;
                        case "AllEnemiesDead":
                            condition = WinCondition.AllEnemiesDead;

                    //get the id of the entity or item that satisfies the quest condition
                    string target = "";
                    string recipient = "";
                    switch (condition)
                        case WinCondition.EnemyDies:
                        case WinCondition.ObtainItem:
                            //get the name of the entity
                            index = data.IndexOf("Target:") + 7;
                            string test = data.Substring(index);
                            end = data.IndexOf('\n', index) - 1;
                            target = data.Substring(index, end - index);
                        case WinCondition.DeliverItem:
                            //get the target item
                            index = data.IndexOf("Target:") + 7;
                            target = data.Substring(index);

                            //get destination
                            index = data.IndexOf("Recipient:") + 10;
                            end = data.IndexOf('\n');
                            recipient = data.Substring(index, index - end);
            #region Read Enemies
                    //read all of the living entities
                    Dictionary<string, Entity.LivingEntity> livingEntities = new Dictionary<string, Entity.LivingEntity>();
                    int endEntity = data.Length;
                    FloatRectangle EntityRect;
                    AI.AI ai;
                    //string test = data.Substring(index, 10);
                    index = 1;
                    while((index = data.IndexOf("Living Entity:", index)) > 0)
                        ai = null;
                        endEntity = data.IndexOf("End Living Enity", index);

                        //get the id
                        index = data.IndexOf("ID:", index) + 3;
                        end = data.IndexOf('\r', index);
                        string id = data.Substring(index, end - index);

                        //get the start position
                        //get start point
                        index = data.IndexOf("Start:", index);
                        index = data.IndexOf("X:", index) + 2;
                        end = data.IndexOf("\n", index);
                        attribute = data.Substring(index, end - index);
                        int sX;
                        if (!int.TryParse(attribute, out sX))
                            sX = 10;
                        index = data.IndexOf("Y:", index) + 2;
                        end = data.IndexOf("\r", index);
                        attribute = data.Substring(index, end - index);
                        int sY;
                        if (!int.TryParse(attribute, out sY))
                            sY = 10;

                        //get texture
                        index = data.IndexOf("Texture:", index) + 9;
                        end = data.IndexOf('"', index);
                        string texturePath = data.Substring(index, end - index);
                        GUI.Sprite sprite = GUI.Sprites.spritesDictionary[texturePath];

                        //create rectangle
                        EntityRect = new FloatRectangle(sX, sY, sprite.Width, sprite.Height);

                        //get the health
                        index = data.IndexOf("Health:", index) + 7;
                        end = data.IndexOf('\n', index);
                        attribute = data.Substring(index, end - index);
                        int health;
                        if(!int.TryParse(attribute, out health))
                            health = 0;

                        livingEntities[id] = new Entity.LivingEntity(EntityRect, sprite, health, null);
                        livingEntities[id].Name = id;

                        //get the ai
                        index = data.IndexOf("AI:", index) + 3;
                        end = data.IndexOf('\n', index) - 1;
                        if (index >= 0)
                            attribute = data.Substring(index, end - index);

                            switch (attribute)
                                case "Low":
                                    ai = new AI.LowAI(livingEntities[id]);
                                case "Mid":
                                    ai = new AI.HighAI(livingEntities[id]);
                                case "High":
                                    ai = new AI.HighAI(livingEntities[id]);
                                    ai = null;

                            livingEntities[id].ai = ai;
                            livingEntities[id].inventory.Add(new Item.Weapon(50, 1, 10, "Bam", 100, 0.5));
                            livingEntities[id].inventory.ActiveWeapon = 0;




            #region Read Items
                    Dictionary<string, QuestItem> items = new Dictionary<string,QuestItem>();
                    index = 0;
                    int endItem = data.Length;
                    while((index = data.IndexOf("Item:", index)) > 0)
                        endItem = data.IndexOf("End Item", index);

                        //get the id
                        index = data.IndexOf("ID:", index) + 3;
                        end = data.IndexOf('\n', index);
                        string id = data.Substring(index, end - index);

                        //get the texture
                        index = data.IndexOf("Texture:", index) + 9;
                        end = data.IndexOf('"', index);
                        string texturePath = data.Substring(index, end - index);
                        GUI.Sprite sprite = GUI.Sprites.spritesDictionary[texturePath];

                        //create item
                        items[id] = new QuestItem(id);
                        items[id].Item = new Item.Item();
                        items[id].Item.previewSprite = sprite;


                    //Create the quest
                    quest = new Quest(name, objective, description, start, null, condition, qPoints, cash);
                    quest.worldKey = key;
                    quest.Status = 1;
                    //add the entities to the quests entitiy list
                    foreach (Entity.LivingEntity entity in livingEntities.Values.ToList())

                    //items too
                    /* Quest needs to be updated
                    foreach(Item.Item item in items.Values.ToArray())

                    switch (condition)
                        case WinCondition.EnemyDies:
                            quest.EnemyToKill = livingEntities[target];
                        case WinCondition.AllEnemiesDead:
                        case WinCondition.ObtainItem:
                            quest.FindThis = items[target].Item;
                        case WinCondition.DeliverItem:
                            quest.Delivery = items[target].Item;
                            quest.Recipient = livingEntities[recipient];

            return quest;
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the quest you want to view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quest"></param>
        public void Load(Quest quest)
            // load the quest
            currentQuest = quest;

            // load text
            questNameLabel.Text = currentQuest.Name;
            questRewardMoneyLabel.Text = "$" + currentQuest.CashReward + "";
            questRewardPointLabel.Text = "@" + currentQuest.Reward + "";

                //0: Unavailable, 1: Unstarted, 2: In progress, 3: complete
                case 0:
                    questStatusLabel.Text = "Unavailable";
                    questStatusLabel.Color = Color.Gray;
                    IsActive = false;
                case 1:
                    questStatusLabel.Text = "Available";
                    questStatusLabel.Color = Color.Blue;
                case 2:
                    questStatusLabel.Text = "In Progress";
                    questStatusLabel.Color = Color.Yellow;
                case 3:
                    questStatusLabel.Text = "Complete";
                    questStatusLabel.Color = Color.Green;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the quest you want to view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quest"></param>
        public void Load(Quest quest)
            // load the quest
            currentQuest = quest;

            // load text
            name.Text = currentQuest.Name;
            description.Text = currentQuest.Description;
            cashReward.Text = "$" + currentQuest.CashReward + "";
            pointReward.Text = "@" + currentQuest.Reward + "";

            // load objectives
            ObjectivesUI tmpObjective = null;
                case WinCondition.AllEnemiesDead:
                    // enemies to kill? (not sure about this one)
                    // foreach for #

                    // tmp dict.
                    Dictionary<string, Entity.LivingEntity> objectiveEntities = new Dictionary<string, Entity.LivingEntity>();
                    foreach(Entity.Entity ent in quest.entitites)

                    // Currently no way to get entity names or group them by types (no mugger class etc...) (?)
                    tmpObjective = new ObjectivesUI(objectivesContainer.Size);

                    string namesOfEnemies = "";
                    foreach (Entity.Entity e in quest.entitites)
                        namesOfEnemies += e.Name + "\n";

                    tmpObjective.Load("Kill these enemies:\n" + namesOfEnemies, "", quest.entitites[0].sprite.Texture);
                    //tmpObjective.parent = objectivesContainer;

                case WinCondition.DeliverItem:
                    // deliver some item to some recipient
                    tmpObjective = new ObjectivesUI(new Vector2(objectivesContainer.Size.X, objectivesContainer.Size.Y / 2));
                    tmpObjective.Load("Deliver this", quest.Delivery.name, quest.Delivery.previewSprite.Texture);
                    //tmpObjective.parent = objectivesContainer;

                    tmpObjective.Load("Recipient", quest.Recipient.Name, quest.Recipient.sprite.Texture);
                    tmpObjective.Location = new Vector2(0, objectivesContainer.Size.Y / 2);
                    //tmpObjective.parent = objectivesContainer;

                case WinCondition.EnemyDies:
                    // kill some enemy
                    tmpObjective = new ObjectivesUI(objectivesContainer.Size);
                    tmpObjective.Load("Kill this enemy", quest.EnemyToKill.Name, quest.EnemyToKill.sprite.Texture);
                    //tmpObjective.parent = objectivesContainer;

                case WinCondition.ObtainItem:
                    // find this
                    tmpObjective = new ObjectivesUI(objectivesContainer.Size);
                    tmpObjective.Load("Find this item", quest.FindThis.name, quest.FindThis.previewSprite.Texture);
                    //tmpObjective.parent = objectivesContainer;
Example #8
        public void Close()
            name.Text = "Quest Name";
            description.Text = String.Empty;
            cashReward.Text = "$000";
            pointReward.Text = "@000";

            currentQuest = null;