Example #1
        public static Shader bakeShader(ShaderLayer shaderLayer, TextureRecipe recipe)
            TextAsset shaderBaseText = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("template.shader");

            if (shaderBaseText == null)
                Debug.LogError("Failed to template shader");

            string        shaderName = ShaderLayer.getShaderName(recipe, shaderLayer);
            string        shaderPath = ShaderLayer.getShaderPath(recipe, shaderLayer);
            string        shaderText = shaderBaseText.text;
            List <string> lines      = shaderText.Split('\n').ToList <string>();

            int numLines = lines.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++)
                string line = lines[i];
                if (line.Contains("$$"))
                    if (line.Contains("$$ASSETNAME"))
                        line     = line.Replace("$$ASSETNAME", shaderPath);
                        lines[i] = line;
                    else if (line.Contains("$$STARTFUNCS"))
                        var funcs = getFunctions(shaderLayer);
                        lines.InsertRange(i + 1, funcs);
                        i       += funcs.Count;
                        numLines = lines.Count;
                    else if (line.Contains("$$STARTPROPS"))
                        var props = getProperties(shaderLayer);
                        lines.InsertRange(i + 1, props);
                        i       += props.Count;
                        numLines = lines.Count;
                    else if (line.Contains("$$STARTINPUTS"))
                        var inputs = getInputs(shaderLayer);
                        lines.InsertRange(i + 1, inputs);
                        i       += inputs.Count;
                        numLines = lines.Count;
                    else if (line.Contains("$$STARTSHADER"))
                        lines.Insert(i + 1, getCalls(shaderLayer));
                        numLines = lines.Count;

            string baseAssetPath   = "Assets/TextureRecipes/Resources/";
            string shaderAssetPath = baseAssetPath + shaderName + ".shader";

            //Can't do this because we want to overwrite an existing asset! shaderPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(shaderPath);

            //Generating the text for the shader is a very fast operation. Rather than trying to figure out which changes
            //would have altered the shader, we simply generate the shader as a byproduct of every change, and then see
            //if it has changed since the last time we output it. The really expensive part is outputting the shader and
            //triggering the Unity shader post-process and compilation steps (we're talking >1.5s vs 3ms).
            string[] existingLines = null;
            existingShaderLines.TryGetValue(shaderPath, out existingLines);

            string[] newLines = lines.ToArray();
            if (existingLines != null)
                if (existingLines.Length == newLines.Length)
                    bool allMatch = true;
                    for (int i = 0; allMatch && (i < newLines.Length); i++)
                        if (existingLines[i] != newLines[i])
                            allMatch = false;

                    if (allMatch)

            //File.WriteAllLines(shaderAssetPath, newLines);
            using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(shaderAssetPath, false))
                writer.NewLine = "\n";
                foreach (string str in newLines)

            existingShaderLines[shaderPath] = newLines;
