Example #1
        // Only called if action_idx has changed since last time
        void UpdateLoopList(LetterAnimation animation)
            // add any new loops from the next action index to the loop list
            ActionLoopCycle loop;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < animation.NumLoops; idx++)
                loop = animation.GetLoop(idx);

                if (loop.m_start_action_idx == m_anim_state_vars.m_action_index)
                    // add this new loop into the ordered active loop list
                    int new_loop_cycle_span = loop.SpanWidth;

                    int loop_idx = 0;
                    foreach (ActionLoopCycle active_loop in m_anim_state_vars.m_active_loop_cycles)
                        if (loop.m_start_action_idx == active_loop.m_start_action_idx && loop.m_end_action_idx == active_loop.m_end_action_idx)
                            // This loop is already in the active loop list, don't re-add
                            loop_idx = -1;

                        if (new_loop_cycle_span < active_loop.SpanWidth)


                    if (loop_idx >= 0)
                        m_anim_state_vars.m_active_loop_cycles.Insert(loop_idx, loop.Clone());
Example #2
        public static int ImportLegacyData(this LetterAnimation letter_anim, List <object> data_list, int index_offset = 0)
            KeyValuePair <string, string> value_pair;
            string key, value;
            int    idx;
            int    loop_idx = 0, action_idx = 0;

            for (idx = index_offset; idx < data_list.Count; idx++)
                value_pair = (KeyValuePair <string, string>)data_list[idx];
                key        = value_pair.Key;
                value      = value_pair.Value;

                if (key.Equals("ANIM_DATA_END"))
                    // reached end of this animations import data

                switch (key)
                case "m_letters_to_animate":
                    List <object> letter_list = value.StringToList(';');
                    letter_anim.m_letters_to_animate = new List <int>();
                    if (letter_list != null)
                        foreach (object obj in letter_list)

                case "m_letters_to_animate_custom_idx":
                    letter_anim.m_letters_to_animate_custom_idx = int.Parse(value); break;

                case "m_letters_to_animate_option":
                    letter_anim.m_letters_to_animate_option = (LETTERS_TO_ANIMATE)int.Parse(value); break;

                // LOOP DATA IMPORT
                case "LOOP_DATA_START":
                    if (loop_idx == letter_anim.NumLoops)

                case "LOOP_DATA_END":
                    loop_idx++; break;

                case "m_delay_first_only":
                    letter_anim.GetLoop(loop_idx).m_delay_first_only = bool.Parse(value); break;

                case "m_end_action_idx":
                    letter_anim.GetLoop(loop_idx).m_end_action_idx = int.Parse(value); break;

                case "m_loop_type":
                    letter_anim.GetLoop(loop_idx).m_loop_type = (LOOP_TYPE)int.Parse(value); break;

                case "m_number_of_loops":
                    letter_anim.GetLoop(loop_idx).m_number_of_loops = int.Parse(value); break;

                case "m_start_action_idx":
                    letter_anim.GetLoop(loop_idx).m_start_action_idx = int.Parse(value); break;

                // ACTION DATA IMPORT
                case "ACTION_DATA_START":
                    if (action_idx == letter_anim.NumActions)
                    idx = letter_anim.GetAction(action_idx).ImportLegacyData(data_list, idx + 1);

            // Remove any extra LoopData or LetterAction instances that existed prior to importing
            if (letter_anim.NumLoops > loop_idx)
                letter_anim.RemoveLoops(loop_idx, letter_anim.NumLoops - loop_idx);

            if (letter_anim.NumActions > action_idx)
                letter_anim.RemoveActions(action_idx, letter_anim.NumActions - action_idx);

Example #3
		// Only called if action_idx has changed since last time
		void UpdateLoopList(LetterAnimation animation)
			// add any new loops from the next action index to the loop list
			ActionLoopCycle loop;
			for(int idx=0; idx < animation.NumLoops; idx++)
				loop = animation.GetLoop(idx);
				if(loop.m_start_action_idx == m_anim_state_vars.m_action_index)
					// add this new loop into the ordered active loop list
					int new_loop_cycle_span = loop.SpanWidth;
					int loop_idx = 0;
					foreach(ActionLoopCycle active_loop in m_anim_state_vars.m_active_loop_cycles)
						if(loop.m_start_action_idx == active_loop.m_start_action_idx && loop.m_end_action_idx == active_loop.m_end_action_idx)
							// This loop is already in the active loop list, don't re-add
							loop_idx = -1;
						if(new_loop_cycle_span < active_loop.SpanWidth)
					if(loop_idx >= 0)
						m_anim_state_vars.m_active_loop_cycles.Insert(loop_idx, loop.Clone());
		void DrawLoopTree(LetterAnimation selected_animation)
			if(font_manager.NumAnimations == 0)
			float main_editor_height = Instance.position.height - WINDOW_BORDER_TOP - WINDOW_BORDER_BOTTOM;
			int num_actions = selected_animation.NumActions;
			float gui_y_offset = WINDOW_BORDER_TOP;
			int action_idx = 0;
			gui_y_offset = WINDOW_BORDER_TOP;
			// Draw A's
			m_state_node_rects = new Rect[num_actions];
			EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(state_overview_x, gui_y_offset, 100, LINE_HEIGHT*2), "Loops [" + selected_animation.NumLoops + "]", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
			gui_y_offset += LINE_HEIGHT*2;
			if(GUI.Button(new Rect(state_overview_x, gui_y_offset, 60, LINE_HEIGHT), new GUIContent(m_display_loops_tree ? "Hide" : "Show", (m_display_loops_tree ? "Hide" : "Show") + " the loops setup menu.")))
				m_display_loops_tree = !m_display_loops_tree;
			gui_y_offset += LINE_HEIGHT * 2;
			LOOP_SCROLL_POS = GUI.BeginScrollView(
				new Rect(state_overview_x, gui_y_offset, MainEditorX - state_overview_x - 14, main_editor_height - (gui_y_offset - WINDOW_BORDER_TOP)),
				new Rect(0,0, MainEditorX - 35, selected_animation.NumActions * ACTION_NODE_SPACING)
			gui_y_offset = 0;
			for(action_idx = 0; action_idx < selected_animation.NumActions; action_idx++)
				GUI.Label(new Rect(20, gui_y_offset, 40, 20), "A" + action_idx, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
					m_state_node_rects[action_idx] = new Rect(20 - ACTION_NODE_MARGIN, gui_y_offset - ACTION_NODE_MARGIN, 20 + (2 * ACTION_NODE_MARGIN), 20 + (2 * ACTION_NODE_MARGIN));
				gui_y_offset += ACTION_NODE_SPACING;
				// Draw existing loops
				Vector2 point1, point2;
				// Draw Loop assignment-in-progress line, triggered by users click and drag on action nodes
				if(m_mouse_down_node_idx >= 0)
					DrawLine(m_mouse_down_pos, new Vector2(m_mouse_down_pos.x, m_mouse_drag_pos.y), Color.gray, 3);
				state_overview_width = 0;
				int num_loops = selected_animation.NumLoops;
				GUIStyle my_style = EditorStyles.miniButton;
				my_style.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
				my_style.normal.textColor = Color.black;
				// Loop through loop list, drawing loop line representations on loop timeline and adding loop list entries
				float loops_list_x;
				ActionLoopCycle loop_cycle;
				int last_span_width = -1;
				int indent_num = 0;
				float line_offset_x = 0;
				float loop_list_line_y = 0;
				GUI.SetNextControlName ("LoopsTitle");
				// Display loop list header
				EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(loop_tree_width + 60, loop_list_line_y, 100, LINE_HEIGHT), "Active Loops", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
				loop_list_line_y += LINE_HEIGHT;
				EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(loop_tree_width + 52, loop_list_line_y, 30, LINE_HEIGHT), new GUIContent("From","The index of the action to start this loop."), EditorStyles.miniBoldLabel);
				EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(loop_tree_width + 87, loop_list_line_y, 20, LINE_HEIGHT), new GUIContent("To", "The index of the action to end this loop."), EditorStyles.miniBoldLabel);
				EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(loop_tree_width + 110, loop_list_line_y, 42, LINE_HEIGHT), new GUIContent("#Loops", "The number of times to run through this loop. Enter zero to run loop infinitely."), EditorStyles.miniBoldLabel);
				EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(loop_tree_width + 190, loop_list_line_y, 40, LINE_HEIGHT), new GUIContent("Type", "The type/behaviour of this loop."), EditorStyles.miniBoldLabel);
				EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(loop_tree_width + 262, loop_list_line_y, 70, LINE_HEIGHT), new GUIContent("DFO [?]", "'Delay First Only' - Letter action delays (non-constant) will only be applied for the first forward pass through the loop. This stops the letters getting more and more out of sequence with every loop interation."), EditorStyles.miniBoldLabel);
				loop_list_line_y += LINE_HEIGHT;
				for(int loop_idx=0; loop_idx < num_loops; loop_idx++)
					loop_cycle = selected_animation.GetLoop(loop_idx);
					if(last_span_width == -1)
						last_span_width = loop_cycle.SpanWidth;
					// Check for invalid loops
					if(loop_cycle.m_start_action_idx >= num_actions || loop_cycle.m_end_action_idx >= num_actions)
						// invalid loop. Delete it.
					// Represent loop as a line on the Action timeline
					if(last_span_width != loop_cycle.SpanWidth)
						last_span_width = loop_cycle.SpanWidth;
					line_offset_x = 20 + (indent_num * LOOP_LINE_OFFSET);
					if(loop_cycle.m_start_action_idx != loop_cycle.m_end_action_idx)
						point1 = m_state_node_rects[loop_cycle.m_start_action_idx].center + new Vector2(line_offset_x, 0);
						point2 = m_state_node_rects[loop_cycle.m_end_action_idx].center + new Vector2(line_offset_x, 0);
						DrawLine(point1, point2, loop_cycle.m_loop_type == LOOP_TYPE.LOOP ? LOOP_COLOUR : LOOP_REVERSE_COLOUR, 2);
						DrawLine(point1 + new Vector2(0, -2), point1 + new Vector2(0, 2), loop_cycle.m_loop_type == LOOP_TYPE.LOOP ? LOOP_COLOUR : LOOP_REVERSE_COLOUR, 6);
						DrawLine(point2 + new Vector2(0, -2), point2 + new Vector2(0, 2), loop_cycle.m_loop_type == LOOP_TYPE.LOOP ? LOOP_COLOUR : LOOP_REVERSE_COLOUR, 6);
						point1 = m_state_node_rects[loop_cycle.m_start_action_idx].center + new Vector2(line_offset_x, -2);
						point2 = m_state_node_rects[loop_cycle.m_end_action_idx].center + new Vector2(line_offset_x, 2);
						DrawLine(point1, point2, loop_cycle.m_loop_type == LOOP_TYPE.LOOP ? LOOP_COLOUR : LOOP_REVERSE_COLOUR, 6);
					// Display loop number
					my_style.normal.textColor = loop_cycle.m_loop_type == LOOP_TYPE.LOOP ? LOOP_COLOUR : LOOP_REVERSE_COLOUR;
					EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(point1.x, (point1.y + point2.y) / 2 - 10, loop_cycle.m_number_of_loops > 9 ? 30 : 20, 20),  loop_cycle.m_number_of_loops <= 0 ? "~" : "" + loop_cycle.m_number_of_loops, my_style); //EditorStyles.miniButton);
					// Display list view of loop cycle
					loops_list_x = loop_tree_width;
					EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(loops_list_x, loop_list_line_y, 100, LINE_HEIGHT), "Loop " + (loop_idx+1));
					loops_list_x += 58;
					EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(loops_list_x, loop_list_line_y, 20, LINE_HEIGHT), "" + loop_cycle.m_start_action_idx);
					loops_list_x += 30;
					EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(loops_list_x, loop_list_line_y, 20, LINE_HEIGHT), "" + loop_cycle.m_end_action_idx);
					loops_list_x += 32;
					loop_cycle.m_number_of_loops = EditorGUI.IntField(new Rect(loops_list_x, loop_list_line_y, 20, LINE_HEIGHT), loop_cycle.m_number_of_loops);
					loops_list_x += 30;
					loop_cycle.m_loop_type = (LOOP_TYPE) EditorGUI.EnumPopup(new Rect(loops_list_x, loop_list_line_y, 110, LINE_HEIGHT), loop_cycle.m_loop_type);
					loops_list_x += 130;
					loop_cycle.m_delay_first_only = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(loops_list_x, loop_list_line_y, 20, LINE_HEIGHT), loop_cycle.m_delay_first_only);
					loops_list_x += 30;
					if(GUI.Button(new Rect(loops_list_x, loop_list_line_y, 24, LINE_HEIGHT), "x"))
					loop_list_line_y += LINE_HEIGHT;
				loop_list_line_y += 5;
				// "Add new loop" line
				loops_list_x = loop_tree_width;
				EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(loops_list_x, loop_list_line_y, 100, LINE_HEIGHT), "New", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
				loops_list_x += 58;
				new_loop_from = EditorGUI.IntField(new Rect(loops_list_x, loop_list_line_y, 20, LINE_HEIGHT), new_loop_from);
				loops_list_x += 30;
				new_loop_to = EditorGUI.IntField(new Rect(loops_list_x, loop_list_line_y, 20, LINE_HEIGHT), new_loop_to);
				loops_list_x += 32;
				if(GUI.Button(new Rect(loops_list_x, loop_list_line_y, 40, LINE_HEIGHT), "Add"))
					selected_animation.AddLoop(new_loop_from, new_loop_to, false);
					new_loop_from = 0;
					new_loop_to = 0;
					// Force keyboard focus loss from any of the loop adding fields.
				// Set the width of the loop tree segment
				loop_tree_width = (int) line_offset_x + BASE_LOOP_LIST_POSITION_OFFSET;
				// Add additional width of loop list menu
				state_overview_width = loop_tree_width + LOOP_LIST_WIDTH;
				EventType eventType = Event.current.type;
				Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition;
			    if (eventType == EventType.MouseDown && mousePos.x < MainEditorX)
					int rect_idx = 0;
					foreach(Rect node_rect in m_state_node_rects)
							m_mouse_down_node_idx= rect_idx;
							m_mouse_down_pos = node_rect.center;
							m_mouse_drag_pos = m_mouse_down_pos;
						rect_idx ++;
				else if(eventType == EventType.MouseDrag)
					if(m_mouse_down_node_idx >= 0)
						m_mouse_drag_pos = mousePos;
				else if(eventType == EventType.MouseUp)
					if(m_mouse_down_node_idx >= 0 && mousePos.x < MainEditorX)
						int rect_idx = 0;
						foreach(Rect node_rect in m_state_node_rects)
	//							Debug.LogError("you joined : " + m_mouse_down_node_idx + " and " + rect_idx + " with button " + Event.current.button);
								int start, end;
								if(m_mouse_down_node_idx < rect_idx)
									start = m_mouse_down_node_idx;
									end = rect_idx;
									start = rect_idx;
									end = m_mouse_down_node_idx;
								selected_animation.AddLoop(start, end, Event.current.button == 1);
							rect_idx ++;
					m_mouse_down_node_idx = -1;
				state_overview_width = 0;