public Marker(
     object id,
     MarkerLayer layer,
     Range range,
     bool tailed       = true,
     bool reversed     = false,
     bool valid        = true,
     string invalidate = "overlap",
     bool?exclusive    = null,
     IDictionary <string, object> properties = null,
     bool exclusivitySet = false)
     Id         = id;
     Layer      = layer;
     Tailed     = tailed;
     Reversed   = reversed;
     Valid      = valid;
     Invalidate = invalidate;
     Exclusive  = exclusive;
     Properties = properties == null
         ? new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, object>(new Dictionary <string, object>())
         : new ReadOnlyDictionary <string, object>(properties);
     HasChangeObservers = false;
     if (!exclusivitySet)
         Layer.SetMarkerIsExclusive(id, IsExclusive());
     PreviousEventState = GetSnapshot(GetRange());
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Public: Create a new buffer with the given params.
        /// * `params` {Object} or {String} of text
        ///   * `text` The initial {String} text of the buffer.
        ///   * `shouldDestroyOnFileDelete` A {Function} that returns a {Boolean}
        ///     indicating whether the buffer should be destroyed if its file is
        ///     deleted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The initial <see cref="string"/> text of the buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="shouldDestroyOnFileDelete">
        ///     A <see cref="Action<bool>"/> that returns a <see cref="bool"/>
        ///     indicating whether the buffer should be destroyed if its file is
        ///     deleted.
        /// </param>
        public TextBuffer(
            string text,
            object maxUndoEntries      = null,
            object encoding            = null,
            object preferredLineEnding = null,
            Action <bool> shouldDestroyOnFileDelete = null,
            string filePath = null,
            bool?load       = null)
            refcount               = 0;
            conflict               = false;
            file                   = null;
            fileSubscriptions      = null;
            stoppedChangingTimeout = null;
            emitter                = new Emitter();
            changesSinceLastStoppedChangingEvent = new object[0];
            changesSinceLastDidChangeTextEvent   = new object[0];
            id     = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');
            buffer = new NativeTextBuffer(text);
            debouncedEmitDidStopChangingEvent = debounce(this.emitDidStopChangingEvent.bind(this), this.stoppedChangingDelay);
            this.maxUndoEntries = maxUndoEntries != null ? maxUndoEntries : defaultMaxUndoEntries;
            this.setHistoryProvider(new DefaultHistoryProvider(this));
            languageMode       = new NullLanguageMode();
            nextMarkerLayerId  = 0;
            nextDisplayLayerId = 0;
            defaultMarkerLayer = new MarkerLayer(this, String(nextMarkerLayerId++));
            displayLayers      = new { };
            markerLayers       = new { };
            markerLayers[] = defaultMarkerLayer;
            markerLayersWithPendingUpdateEvents = new Set();
            selectionsMarkerLayerIds            = new Set();
            nextMarkerId            = 1;
            outstandingSaveCount    = 0;
            loadCount               = 0;
            cachedHasAstral         = null;
            _emittedWillChangeEvent = false;


            loaded                  = false;
            destroyed               = false;
            transactCallDepth       = 0;
            digestWhenLastPersisted = false;

            shouldDestroyOnFileDelete = p.shouldDestroyOnFileDelete || (() => false);

            if (p.filePath)
                if (p.load)
                        'The `load` option to the TextBuffer constructor is deprecated. ' +
                        'Get a loaded buffer using TextBuffer.load(filePath) instead.');
                    this.load(new ('internal' : true));

            version      = 5;
            newlineRegex = newlineRegex;
            spliceArray  = spliceArray;

            Patch = superstring.Patch;

            stoppedChangingDelay   = 300;
            fileChangeDelay        = 200;
            backwardsScanChunkSize = 8000;
            defaultMaxUndoEntries  = 10000;