public void addUsables(Usables usableToAdd)
        //Most of the instances of classes in the game are declared in this instance of the game class.
        public Game()
            //Clear the inventories. Prevents leftovers from previous games.
            inventory = new List <Item>();
            usables   = new List <Usables>();

            //Quick scene setter. Dark red is used to represent story elements.
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed;
            Console.WriteLine("The lift has stopped. You are trapped.");

            // build the "map"
            lDoors = new Location("Facing Forward.", "You are facing the doors to the lift.");

            lPanel = new Location("Facing Left.", "You are facing the lift panel.");
            //Adds instances of Usables for players to interact with later.
            Usables alarm      = new Usables("alarm");
            Usables floor1     = new Usables("floor1");
            Usables floor2     = new Usables("floor2");
            Usables floor3     = new Usables("floor3");
            Usables openDoors  = new Usables("opendoors");
            Usables closeDoors = new Usables("closedoors");


            lFloor = new Location("Facing Down.", "You are facing the floor. The unconscious body of a fellow traveller lies there, starved of oxygen.");

            lBack = new Location("Facing the rear.", "You are facing the back of the lift. There is a hole in the panel.");
            Usables maintenance = new Usables("maintenance");

            lRight = new Location("Facing right.", "You are facing the right of the lift.");

            lCeiling = new Location("Facing the ceiling", "You are facing upwards. You can see a small panel in the top of the lift.");

            lDoors.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Right, lRight));
            lDoors.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Left, lPanel));
            lDoors.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Down, lFloor));
            lDoors.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Up, lCeiling));

            lRight.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Right, lBack));
            lRight.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Left, lDoors));
            lRight.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Down, lFloor));
            lRight.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Up, lCeiling));

            lBack.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Right, lPanel));
            lBack.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Left, lRight));
            lBack.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Down, lFloor));
            lBack.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Up, lCeiling));

            lPanel.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Right, lDoors));
            lPanel.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Left, lBack));
            lPanel.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Down, lFloor));
            lPanel.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Up, lCeiling));

            lFloor.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Up, lDoors));

            lCeiling.addExit(new Exit(Exit.Directions.Down, lDoors));

            //Assign default values to the location variables.
            currentLocation = lDoors;
            locationCurrent = "lDoors";
            currentFloor    = "floor 1";