public AsyncTestDriver(Action<Options, Output> action, Func<Options, bool> skipTest, uint maxWaitHandles) { this.action = action; this.actionDelegate = this.ActionAsIsolated; this.skipTest = skipTest; this.maxWaitHandles = maxWaitHandles; }
private static void TestCasing(IReadOnlyList<string> array, Func<string, string> function) { for (var i = 0; i < array.Count; i++) { Assert.Equal(array[i], function(Camel[i])); Assert.Equal(array[i], function(Pascal[i])); Assert.Equal(array[i], function(Dashed[i])); Assert.Equal(array[i], function(Spaced[i])); Assert.Equal(array[i], function(Traps[i])); } }
public static bool Until(Func<bool> operation, TimeSpan timeout = default(TimeSpan)) { if (timeout == default(TimeSpan)) timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15); var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); while (operation.Invoke() == false) { if (stopwatch.Elapsed >= timeout) throw new TimeoutException("Timed out waiting for operation to complete...."); Thread.Sleep(300); } return true; }
private IWebHost StartWebSocketServer(Func<HttpContext, Task> app) { Action<IApplicationBuilder> startup = builder => { builder.Use(async (ct, next) => { try { // Kestrel does not return proper error responses: // await next(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ct.Response.HasStarted) { throw; } ct.Response.StatusCode = 500; ct.Response.Headers.Clear(); await ct.Response.WriteAsync(ex.ToString()); } }); builder.UseWebSockets(); builder.Run(c => app(c)); }; var configBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder(); configBuilder.AddInMemoryCollection(); var config = configBuilder.Build(); config["server.urls"] = "http://localhost:54321"; var host = new WebHostBuilder() .UseConfiguration(config) .UseKestrel() .Configure(startup) .Build(); host.Start(); return host; }
public void TestSetup() { isBadEntityAccessFromEntity = (badType, entityConatainerType) => (isEntityType(badType) && isEntityType(entityConatainerType) && !badType.BaseType.GetGenericArguments().SequenceEqual(entityConatainerType.BaseType.GetGenericArguments())) || badType.IsGenericType && badType.GetGenericArguments().Any(_ => isBadEntityAccessFromEntity(_, entityConatainerType)); isBadEntityAccessFromAggregate = (badType, aggregateConatainerType) => (isEntityType(badType) && isAggregateRootType(aggregateConatainerType) && badType.BaseType.GetGenericArguments().Any(_ => _ != aggregateConatainerType)) || badType.IsGenericType && badType.GetGenericArguments().Any(_ => isBadEntityAccessFromAggregate(_, aggregateConatainerType)); /* * This one isn't needed because we don't care if entities access other aggregate roots. Thought it would a useful definition though. */ isBadAggregateAccessFromEntity = (badType, entityConatainerType) => (isAggregateRootType(badType) && isEntityType(entityConatainerType) && entityConatainerType.BaseType.GetGenericArguments().Any(_ => _ != badType)) || (badType.IsGenericType && badType.GetGenericArguments().Any(_ => isBadAggregateAccessFromEntity(_, entityConatainerType))); badMemberType = (type, entityContainerType) => isBadEntityAccessFromEntity(type, entityContainerType) || isBadEntityAccessFromAggregate(type, entityContainerType); }
private void TestEvents(Func<Context, Int32> saveChangesAction) { insertingFiredCount = 0; updatingFiredCount = 0; deletingFiredCount = 0; insertedFiredCount = 0; updatedFiredCount = 0; deletedFiredCount = 0; using (var context = new Context()) { var nickStrupat = new Person { FirstName = "Nick", LastName = "Strupat", }; AddHandlers(nickStrupat); context.People.Add(nickStrupat); var johnSmith = new Person { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Smith" }; AddHandlers(johnSmith); context.People.Add(johnSmith); AssertNoEventsHaveFired(); saveChangesAction(context); AssertInsertEventsHaveFired(); nickStrupat.FirstName = "Nicholas"; saveChangesAction(context); AssertUpdateEventsHaveFired(); context.People.Remove(nickStrupat); context.People.Remove(johnSmith); saveChangesAction(context); AssertAllEventsHaveFired(); context.Database.Delete(); } }
public FakeDbProvider(Func<DbConnection> factory, string providerId) : base(factory, providerId) { }
private static async Task<IEnumerable<SMTP.EMail>> GetEmails( Server sut, Func<Server, IEnumerable<SMTP.EMail>> getEmailsFunc, params Func<Task>[] sendEmails) { using (var countdown = new CountdownEvent(sendEmails.Count())) using (sut.EmailReceived.Subscribe(actual => { countdown.Signal(); })) { foreach (var t in sendEmails) await t(); countdown.Wait (); return getEmailsFunc(sut); } }
static KeyValuePair<Expression, Func<double, double>> Test(Expression K, Func<double, double> V) { return new KeyValuePair<Expression, Func<double, double>>(K, V); }
static bool RunTest(Expression fx, Func<double, double> Result) { Variable vx = Variable.New("x"); try { Func<double, double> compiled = ExprFunction.New(fx, vx).Compile<Func<double, double>>(); int N = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { double x = (((double)i / N) * 2 - 1) * Math.PI; if (Math.Abs((double)fx.Evaluate(vx, x) - Result(x)) > 1e-6) { Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1} != {2}", fx, fx.Evaluate(vx, x), Result(x)); return false; } if (Math.Abs(compiled(x) - Result(x)) > 1e-6) { Console.WriteLine("Miscompile: {0} -> {1} != {2}", fx, compiled(x), Result(x)); return false; } } return true; } catch (Exception Ex) { Console.WriteLine(Ex.Message); return false; } }
public Func(Func<int> f) { m_func = f; }
public AsyncTestDriver(Action<Options, Output> action, Func<Options, bool> skipTest) : this(action, skipTest, MaxWaitHandles_Default) { }
private void AssertCompile(Func<Func<string, Expression>, Expression, Expression> createExpression, LogAndResult<object> expected) { var res = WithLog(createExpression).Compile()(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, res); }
public double RunTest(Circuit.Circuit C, Simulation S, Func<double, double> Vin, int Samples, string Name) { double t0 = (double)S.Time; double T = S.TimeStep; int N = 353; double[] input = new double[N]; List<List<double>> output = S.Output.Select(i => new List<double>(Samples)).ToList(); List<double[]> buffers = S.Output.Select(i => new double[N]).ToList(); double time = 0.0; int samples = 0; double t = 0; for (; samples < Samples; samples += N) { for (int n = 0; n < N; ++n, t += T) input[n] = Vin(t); long a = Timer.Counter; S.Run(input, buffers); time += Timer.Delta(a); for (int i = 0; i < S.Output.Count(); ++i) output[i].AddRange(buffers[i]); } simulateTime += time; int t1 = Math.Min(samples, 4000); Log.WriteLine("Performance {0}", Quantity.ToString(samples / time, Units.Hz)); Plot p = new Plot() { Title = Name, Width = 800, Height = 400, x0 = t0, x1 = T * t1, xLabel = "Time (s)", yLabel = "Voltage (V)", }; p.Series.AddRange(output.Select((i, j) => new Scatter( i.Take(t1) .Select((k, n) => new KeyValuePair<double, double>(n * T, k)).ToArray()) { Name = S.Output.ElementAt(j).ToString() })); return samples / time; }
public double Run(Circuit.Circuit C, Func<double, double> Vin, Expression Input, IEnumerable<Expression> Plots) { long a = Timer.Counter; Analysis analysis = C.Analyze(); TransientSolution TS = TransientSolution.Solve(analysis, (Real)1 / (SampleRate * Oversample), Log); analysisTime += Timer.Delta(a); Simulation S = new Simulation(TS) { Oversample = Oversample, Iterations = Iterations, Log = Log, Input = new[] { Input }, Output = Plots, }; Log.WriteLine(""); if (Samples > 0) return RunTest( C, S, Vin, Samples, C.Name); else return 0.0; }
public double Run(string FileName, Func<double, double> Vin, Expression Input, IEnumerable<Expression> Plots) { Circuit.Circuit C = Schematic.Load(FileName, Log).Build(); C.Name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName); return Run(C, Vin, Input, Plots); }
public double Run(string FileName, Func<double, double> Vin) { Circuit.Circuit C = Schematic.Load(FileName, Log).Build(); C.Name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName); return Run( C, Vin, C.Components.OfType<Input>().Select(i => Expression.Parse(i.Name + "[t]")).DefaultIfEmpty("V[t]").SingleOrDefault(), C.Nodes.Select(i => i.V)); }
public void Run(IEnumerable<string> Tests, Func<double, double> Vin) { List<string> errors = new List<string>(); List<string> performance = new List<string>(); // This test generates the signal for the LiveSPICE 'logo'. //Run("Subcircuit Trivial.schx", Vin, "V1[t]", new Expression[] { "_v15[t]", "_v11[t]" }); //return; foreach (string File in Tests) { string Name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(File); try { double perf = Run(File, Vin); performance.Add(Name + ":\t" + Quantity.ToString(perf, Units.Hz) + " (" + (perf / (double)SampleRate).ToString("G3") + "x real time)"); } catch (Exception ex) { errors.Add(Name + ":\t" + ex.Message); Log.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } Log.WriteLine("Analyze/Simulate {0}/{1}", analysisTime, simulateTime); Log.WriteLine("{0} succeeded:", performance.Count); foreach (string i in performance) Log.WriteLine(i); Log.WriteLine("{0} failed:", errors.Count); foreach (string i in errors) Log.WriteLine(i); }
protected void Check(Formula actual, Func<bool> expected) { Check(actual, new StateFormula(expected)); }
private int CountPixelsHorizontal(LockBitmap locked, Func<Color, bool> colorFunc, IEnumerable<int> range, int y) { int count = 0; foreach (var x in range) { var pixel = locked.GetPixel(x, y); if (colorFunc(pixel)) { count++; } else { break; } } return count; }
private void TestBrains(Func<RobotAI> botFactory, string dir) { var now = DateTime.Now; var typeBot = botFactory(); string botName = typeBot.GetType().Name; using (var writer = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(TestsDir, botName + "_" + now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss") + ".txt"))) { long sum = 0; WriteLineAndShow(writer, botName + " " + now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); WriteLineAndShow(writer); WriteLineAndShow(writer, "\t score: [W|N|A] <SCORE> (W - win, N - nothing, A - Abort)"); WriteLineAndShow(writer); WriteLineAndShow(writer, "map".PadRight(FilenamePadding) + "ms".PadRight(ValuePadding) + "ch?".PadRight(ValuePadding) + "curScore".PadRight(ValuePadding) + "prevScores ... moves"); foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.map.txt")) { string mapName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) ?? "NA"; var lines = File.ReadAllLines(file); var bot = botFactory(); var map = new Map(lines); var robotMove = RobotMove.Wait; var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var botWrapper = new BotWithBestMomentsMemory(bot); while(robotMove != RobotMove.Abort && map.State == CheckResult.Nothing) { robotMove = (timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < 150) ? botWrapper.NextMove(map) : RobotMove.Abort; map = map.Move(robotMove); botWrapper.UpdateBestSolution(map); } string[] history = LoadHistory(dir, mapName, botName); string result = botWrapper.BestMovesEndState.ToString()[0] + " " + botWrapper.BestScore.ToString(); bool resultChanged = result != history.FirstOrDefault(); WriteLineAndShow(writer, mapName.PadRight(FilenamePadding) + timer.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString().PadRight(ValuePadding) + (resultChanged ? "*" : "").PadRight(ValuePadding) + result.PadRight(ValuePadding) + String.Join(" ", history.Take(10)) + " " + botWrapper.GetBestMoves()); if (resultChanged) history = new[] {result}.Concat(history).ToArray(); File.WriteAllLines(GetHistoryFilename(dir, mapName, botName), history); sum += botWrapper.BestScore; } WriteLineAndShow(writer, sum.ToString()); } }
private Line FindVerticalBorder(LockBitmap locked, IEnumerable<int> range, int y, Func<double, int> v, Func<Color, bool> borderFunc, bool isLeft = true) { foreach (var x in range) { var pixel = locked.GetPixel(x, y); if (borderFunc(pixel)) { var upStart = Math.Max(y - v(6), 0); var upRange = Enumerable.Range(upStart, y - upStart).Reverse(); var downRange = Enumerable.Range(y + 1, locked.Height - y - 1); var rng = isLeft ? Enumerable.Range(x + 1, 5) : Enumerable.Range(x - 5, 5).Reverse(); var up = CountPixelsVertical(locked, borderFunc, upRange, x, rng); var down = CountPixelsVertical(locked, borderFunc, downRange, x); return new Line(new Point(x, y - up), new Point(x, y + down)); } } return null; }
public LoopBackHandler(Func<HttpRequestMessage, HttpResponseMessage> f) { _f = f; }
public void ConditionalAccess_ManOrBoy2() { var p = Expression.Parameter(typeof(S?)); var x = Expression.Constant(0); var P = p.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0].GetProperty("P"); var I = p.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0].GetProperty("Item"); var M = p.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0].GetMethod("M"); var cP = (Func<Expression, Expression>)(e => CSharpExpression.ConditionalProperty(e, P)); var cI = (Func<Expression, Expression>)(e => CSharpExpression.ConditionalIndex(e, I, new[] { x })); var cM = (Func<Expression, Expression>)(e => CSharpExpression.ConditionalCall(e, M, new[] { x })); var cases = new Func<Expression, Expression>[][] { new[] { cP }, new[] { cP, cI }, new[] { cP, cI, cM }, new[] { cM }, new[] { cM, cP }, new[] { cM, cP, cI }, new[] { cI }, new[] { cI, cM }, new[] { cI, cM, cP }, }; foreach (var cs in cases) { var e = cs.Aggregate((Expression)p, (a, b) => b(a)); var f = Expression.Lambda<Func<S?, S?>>(e, p).Compile(); Assert.IsNull(f(null)); for (var i = 0; i < cs.Length; i++) { Assert.IsNull(f(new S(i))); } Assert.IsNotNull(f(new S(cs.Length))); } }
private void TestOrder(Func<Context, Int32> saveChangesAction) { var list = new List<Int32>(); using (var context = new Context()) { var janeDoe = new Person { FirstName = "Jane", LastName = "Doe", }; janeDoe.Triggers().Inserted += e => list.Add(0); ((EntityWithInsertTracking)janeDoe).Triggers().Inserted += e => list.Add(1); ((EntityWithTracking)janeDoe).Triggers().Inserted += e => list.Add(2); context.People.Add(janeDoe); saveChangesAction(context); } Assert.IsTrue(list.SequenceEqual(new [] {0, 1, 2})); }
private void TestCommon(Func<ITestObject> generator) { stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var obj = generator(); input.Write(obj); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); var obj2 = output.Read(); TestResult(obj, (ITestObject)obj2); }
private int CountPixelsVertical(LockBitmap locked, Func<Color, bool> colorFunc, IEnumerable<int> range, int x, IEnumerable<int> additionalRange = null) { int count = 0; foreach (var y in range) { var pixel = locked.GetPixel(x, y); if (colorFunc(pixel)) { count++; if (additionalRange != null && additionalRange.All(ax => colorFunc(locked.GetPixel(ax, y)))) { break; } } else { break; } } return count; }
private void TestEvents(Func<Context, Int32> saveChangesAction) { insertingFiredCount = 0; updatingFiredCount = 0; deletingFiredCount = 0; insertFailedFiredCount = 0; updateFailedFiredCount = 0; deleteFailedFiredCount = 0; insertedFiredCount = 0; updatedFiredCount = 0; deletedFiredCount = 0; updateFailedThingValue = null; using (var context = new Context()) { var nickStrupat = new Person { FirstName = "Nick", LastName = "Strupat", }; AddHandlers(nickStrupat); nickStrupat.Triggers().Deleting += e => { e.Entity.IsMarkedDeleted = true; e.Cancel(); }; context.People.Add(nickStrupat); var johnSmith = new Person { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Smith" }; AddHandlers(johnSmith); context.People.Add(johnSmith); AssertNoEventsHaveFired(); saveChangesAction(context); Assert.IsTrue(nickStrupat.Number == 42); AssertInsertEventsHaveFired(); Assert.IsTrue(context.Things.First().Value == "Insert trigger fired for Nick"); nickStrupat.FirstName = "Nicholas"; saveChangesAction(context); AssertUpdateEventsHaveFired(); nickStrupat.LastName = null; try { context.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { nickStrupat.LastName = "Strupat"; } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.GetType().Name + " exception caught"); } context.SaveChanges(); Assert.AreEqual(updateFailedFiredCount, 1); Assert.IsTrue(context.Things.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).First().Value == updateFailedThingValue); context.People.Remove(nickStrupat); context.People.Remove(johnSmith); saveChangesAction(context); AssertAllEventsHaveFired(); context.Database.Delete(); } }
private List<Line> GetTooltipBlackLines(LockBitmap locked, Rectangle searchArea, int projectedTooltipWidth, Func<double, int> v, Graphics g) { var lines = new List<Line>(); Func<Color, bool> blackFunc = c => c.R < 10 && c.G < 10 && c.B < 10; var blackLinesThreshold = (int)Math.Floor(0.6 / 100 * locked.Height); // 0,6% of Height // It doesn't make sense to start search at the beginning of searchArea as it always covers the upper-left corner, // so we can skip this first vertical scanline to save some time (wouldn't find black lines there anyway). // In most cases tooltip will be found in first iteration as long as it was on the left side of the mouse cursor, // otherwise it should take no more than 2 iterations of the outer loop for (int x = searchArea.Left + projectedTooltipWidth * 3 / 4; x < searchArea.Right; x += projectedTooltipWidth * 3 / 4) { int? firstLineX = null; g.DrawLine(Pens.Red, x, searchArea.Top, x, searchArea.Bottom); for (int y = searchArea.Top; y < searchArea.Bottom; y++) { var pixel = locked.GetPixel(x, y); if (blackFunc(pixel)) { var leftRange = Enumerable.Range(searchArea.Left, x - searchArea.Left).Reverse(); // search until the searchArea.Left as it covers the upper-left corner var rightRange = Enumerable.Range(x + 1, (int)(projectedTooltipWidth * 1.2)); int left = CountPixelsHorizontal(locked, blackFunc, leftRange, y); // count black pixels to the left from current pos int right = CountPixelsHorizontal(locked, blackFunc, rightRange, y); // count black pixels to the right from current pos var line_width = left + right + 1; if (line_width > v(39)) { // make bigger steps when longer lines are found, they waste a lot of pixels and give no results (step is almost like tooltip border width) y += v(0.5); continue; } if (line_width > v(37) && line_width < v(39)) // potential tooltip width, can't calculate it to the pixel's accuracy { if (!firstLineX.HasValue && lines.Count > 0 && lines.Last().P1.X != x - left) // group only lines with the same x-pos { lines.Clear(); } if (!firstLineX.HasValue || lines[0].P1.X == x - left) { lines.Add(new Line(new Point(x - left, y), new Point(x + right, y))); g.DrawLine(Pens.Lime, lines.Last().P1, lines.Last().P2); } if (!firstLineX.HasValue && lines.Count > blackLinesThreshold) // just found the beginning of the tooltip { firstLineX = lines[0].P1.X; // already found a potential tooltip, so need to adjust X a bit, so that it's more efficiently used (as less pixels checked as possible) // leaving it as it is would cause the algorithm to find a lot of black areas inside the tooltip (and a lot of pixels read for no reason), // but if we move X just next to the left border then the other inner border of the tooltip will stop search very soon for each line, reducing the number of checked pixels massively // Note: it's safe to modify a loop iterator as the code won't iterate more over the outer loop anyway (see below: if (firstLineX.HasValue)) x = firstLineX.Value; searchArea.Height = locked.Height - searchArea.Top; // extend searchArea to the bottom (almost.. see comment below) } } } else if (firstLineX.HasValue) // no need to search until the very bottom of the screenshot, last "black" pixel is for sure last "black" line in the tooltip { break; } } if (firstLineX.HasValue) { return lines; } } return null; }
public AsyncTestDriver(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper, Action<ITestOutputHelper, Options, Output> action, Func<Options, bool> skipTest) : this(testOutputHelper, action, skipTest, MaxWaitHandles_Default) { }