public string ansGenerated()
            string temp = new htmlInsertorMethods().p("<b> Test " + FormatRoman(_testNumber) + "</b> " + _instruction);

            temp += examItems.ansGenerated(_Type, sectionItems);
        List <examItem> sectionItems = new List <examItem>(); // TODO: !!!!!!!!!!! remove this and put the adding of questions in exam item then rename that to exam items
        //examItems myExamItems;

        /// <summary>
        /// this should generate section/test
        /// </summary>
        public string generated(object sender)
            string temp = new htmlInsertorMethods().p("<b> Test " + FormatRoman(_testNumber) + "</b> " + _instruction);

            //string temp = new htmlInsertorMethods().p(_testNumber + _instruction);

            //int i;
            //if (sectionItems.Count > 0) {
            //    i = 0;
            //    do {
            //    //Debug.Print("sender: " + sender.ToString());
            //        temp += sectionItems[i].generated; // adding of question
            //    } while (++i < sectionItems.Count);

            temp += examItems.generated(_Type, sectionItems);