public void RunSeedMethod_WithoutDescription()
     using (var ctx = new CarsContext())
         ctx.Seed<CarBodyStyle>(descriptionField: null);
 public void TestStoreBrand()
     using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
     using (CarsContext context = new CarsContext())
         Brand volvo = new Brand { Name = "Volvo" };
        public void RunSeedMethod()
            // Not a proper unit test, nor placed in the right unit test lib,
            // but it's a great runner to use to get the code running.

            using (var ctx = new CarsContext())
        public void TestBasicSelect()
            using (CarsContext ctx = new CarsContext())
                var car = ctx.Cars.Select(basicSelect)
                    .Single(c => c.RegistrationNumber == "ABC123");

public void TestSavingChanges()
    using (var ctx = new CarsContext())
        var objCtx = ((IObjectContextAdapter)ctx).ObjectContext;

        bool eventCalled = false;

        objCtx.SavingChanges += (sender, args) => eventCalled = true;


        public void TestMergedSelect()
            using (CarsContext ctx = new CarsContext())
var car = ctx.Cars.Select(basicSelect.Merge(c => new CarExtendedInfo
    Color = c.Color,
    BrandName = c.Brand.Name
})).Single(c => c.RegistrationNumber == "ABC123");

Assert.AreEqual("Red", car.Color);
Assert.AreEqual("Volvo", car.BrandName);
        public void TestStoreCar()
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
            using (CarsContext context = new CarsContext())
                Brand volvo = new Brand { Name = "Volvo" };
                Car myVolvo = new Car
                    Brand = volvo,
                    RegistrationNumber = "ABC123"

        public void TestChangeTracking()
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
            using (CarsContext context = new CarsContext())
                context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

                Debug.WriteLine("Reading people...");
                var people = context.People.ToArray();
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Type of people[0] is {0}",

                Debug.WriteLine("Updating birth year of first person...");
                people[0].BirthYear = 1965;

                Debug.WriteLine("Saving changes...");
        public void TestNavigationAndForeignKeySetKey()
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
            using (CarsContext context = new CarsContext())
                var brands = context.Brands.Include(b => b.Cars).OrderBy(b => b.BrandId);
                var car = brands.First().Cars.First();

                Debug.WriteLine("The car has BrandId {0} pointing to Brand \"{1}\"",
                    car.BrandId, car.Brand.Name);
                Brand newBrand = brands.Skip(1).First();
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Setting BrandId to {0}", newBrand.BrandId));
                car.BrandId = newBrand.BrandId;
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("The car has BrandId {0} pointing to Brand \"{1}\"",
                    car.BrandId, car.Brand.Name));

                Debug.WriteLine("Saving Changes...");
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("The car has BrandId {0} pointing to Brand \"{1}\"",
                    car.BrandId, car.Brand.Name));
        public void TestChangeTrackingSimpleType()
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
            using (CarsContext context = new CarsContext())
                var phoneBook = context.PhoneBook.ToList();
                var entry = phoneBook.First();

                entry.PhoneNumber = "4567";

                Debug.WriteLine("Saving changes...");
        public void TestNavigationAndForeignKeySetNavigationPropertyWithProxy()
            using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
            using (CarsContext context = new CarsContext())
                var genders = context.Genders.Include(g => g.People).OrderBy(g => g.GenderId);
                var person = genders.First().People.First();

                Debug.WriteLine("The person has GenderId {0} pointing to Gender \"{1}\"",
                    person.GenderId, person.Gender.Description);
                Gender newGender = genders.Skip(1).First();
                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Setting Gender to {0}", newGender.Description));
                person.Gender = newGender;
                Debug.WriteLine("The person has GenderId {0} pointing to Gender \"{1}\"",
                    person.GenderId, person.Gender.Description);

                Debug.WriteLine("Saving Changes...");
                Debug.WriteLine("The person has GenderId {0} pointing to Gender \"{1}\"",
                    person.GenderId, person.Gender.Description);