Example #1
        public void AzureSql_E2E_Test()
            // Note: !!! it is recommended though to use "using" statement since it would call Dispose even in 
            // the case of exception, which would ensure all resources cleaned up.
            using (var portal = new AzurePortal(DefaultSubscription))

                // Create Azure Sql server. Notice that here we specified admin user name and password, however all parameters
                // are optional. If user and password are not specified, TestEasy default ones will be used.
                var server = portal.Sql.CreateSqlServer(user: "******", password: "******");

                // by default when we use Sql.CreateServer, current machine is added to firewall rules by TestEasy
                // however you can add your own server firewall rules
                var rule = server.CreateFirewallRule("mydummyrule", "", "");

                Assert.AreEqual("", rule.StartIPAddress);
                Assert.AreEqual("", rule.EndIPAddress);

                // delete now our firewall rule


                // create a database on just created server
                var database = server.CreateDatabase("MyTestDatabase");

                // check if database was created for server
                Assert.AreEqual(1, server.Databases.Count());

                // just dummy check that connection string is not empty

                // now remove database
                Assert.AreEqual(0, server.Databases.Count());

                // remove server

                // check if server was deleted
Example #2
        public void AzureSql_FastCreateDatabase_Test()
            TestEasyLog.Instance.StartScenario("Sample for quick database creation");

            // Note: !!! it is recommended though to use "using" statement since it would call Dispose even in 
            // the case of exception, which would ensure all resources cleaned up.
            using (var portal = new AzurePortal(DefaultSubscription))

                TestEasyLog.Instance.StartScenario("Create database");

                // This is fastest way to create database from scratch.
                // Note: if you don't specify server name here, new server will be created for your database.
                // If you would remove server at the end it would be ok, however if each test would createa separate 
                // server for each scenario it may overload subscription capacity. To avoid that make sure you reuse 
                // servers and databases accross scenario of the same test class, unless it is needed by scenario to
                // have fresh objects. 
                // In this API default user and password would be used to create server and your machine's IP would be 
                // automatically added to firewallrules on a new server.
                var database = portal.Sql.CreateSqlDatabase("mytestdbx");

                TestEasyLog.Instance.EndScenario("Database created");

                // just dummy check that connection string is not empty

                TestEasyLog.Instance.StartScenario("Drop database");
                // now remove database and server

                TestEasyLog.Instance.EndScenario("Database dropped");

                // check if server was deleted

            TestEasyLog.Instance.EndScenario("Sample complete");
Example #3
        public void AzureCloudServices_FastWebRoleCreate_Test()
            var packagePath = Path.GetFullPath("SamplePackage.cspkg");
            var configPath = Path.GetFullPath("SampleServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg");

            // Note: !!! it is recommended though to use "using" statement since it would call Dispose even in 
            // the case of exception, which would ensure all resources cleaned up.
            using (var portal = new AzurePortal(DefaultSubscription))

                var webRole = portal.CloudServices.DeployRole(packagePath, configPath);
                // wait for webRole to populate
                portal.CloudServices.WaitForRoleToRespond(webRole.Deployment.Uri.ToString(), 5000 /* increase timeout here to 600000 in real tests */);

                // now remove WebRole
                Assert.IsNull(portal.CloudServices.GetDeployment(webRole.HostedService, webRole.Deployment.Name));
Example #4
 public void AzureVirtualMachines_GetListOfAllAvailableOsImages_Test()
     // Note: !!! it is recommended though to use "using" statement since it would call Dispose even in 
     // the case of exception, which would ensure all resources cleaned up.
     using (var portal = new AzurePortal(DefaultSubscription))
         var oses = portal.VirtualMachines.GetOsImages();
Example #5
        public void AzureSql_FastCreateWebSiteWithDatabase_Test()
            // Note: !!! it is recommended though to use "using" statement since it would call Dispose even in 
            // the case of exception, which would ensure all resources cleaned up.
            using (var portal = new AzurePortal(DefaultSubscription))
                // This is fastest way to create database from scratch.
                // Note: if you don't specify server name here, new server will be created for your database.
                // If you would remove server at the end it would be ok, however if each test would createa separate 
                // server for each scenario it may overload subscription capacity. To avoid that make sure you reuse 
                // servers and databases accross scenario of the same test class, unless it is needed by scenario to
                // have fresh objects. 
                // In this API default user and password would be used to create server and your machine's IP would be 
                // automatically added to firewallrules on a new server.
                var database = portal.Sql.CreateSqlDatabase("mytestdbx");

                // check if database was created for server
                Assert.AreEqual(1, database.Server.Databases.Count());

                // just dummy check that connection string is not empty

                var site = portal.WebSites.CreateWebSite(
                    connectionStringInfo: new Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites.Models.WebSiteUpdateConfigurationParameters.ConnectionStringInfo 
                            Name = "DefaultConnectionString", 
                            ConnectionString = database.ConnectionString,
                            Type = "SQLAzure",


                // now remove database and server

                // check if server was deleted
Example #6
        public void AzureWebSites_E2E_FTP_Test()
            // Note: !!! it is recommended though to use "using" statement since it would call Dispose even in 
            // the case of exception, which would ensure all resources cleaned up.
            using (var portal = new AzurePortal(DefaultSubscription))
                // first check if this website exist by some reason from previous Bvt run
                if (portal.WebSites.WebSiteExists("mywebsite1112"))

                // Create Azure WebSite
                WebSite site = portal.WebSites.CreateWebSite("mywebsite1112");

                // Deploy website content
                portal.WebSites.PublishWebSite(Path.GetFullPath("TestEasyWebSite"), "mywebsite1112", PublishMethod.Ftp, siteRootRelativePath: "musicstore");
                portal.WebSites.PublishDirectory(Path.GetFullPath("TestEasyWebSite"), "mywebsite1112", PublishMethod.Ftp, siteRootRelativePath: "packages"); // at .../site/wwwroot/packages
                portal.WebSites.PublishDirectory(Path.GetFullPath("TestEasyWebSite"), "mywebsite1112", PublishMethod.Ftp, siteRootRelativePath: "..\\packages"); // .../site/packages
                portal.WebSites.PublishDirectory(Path.GetFullPath("TestEasyWebSite"), "mywebsite1112", PublishMethod.Ftp, siteRootRelativePath: "..\\..\\packages"); // .../packages 

                // Ping website
                Assert.IsTrue(TestEasyHelpers.Web.PingUrl(site.GetUrl() + "/musicstore/default.html"));
Example #7
        public void AzureSql_PublishDatabase_Test()
            // Note: !!! it is recommended though to use "using" statement since it would call Dispose even in 
            // the case of exception, which would ensure all resources cleaned up.
            using (var portal = new AzurePortal(DefaultSubscription))

                // create two databases from scratch (they are empty but for feature demonstration its ok)
                var databaseSource = portal.Sql.CreateSqlDatabase("mytestdbxs");
                var server = databaseSource.Server;
                var databaseDestination = portal.Sql.CreateSqlDatabase("mytestdbxd", server);

                // now use WebDeploy to publish source database to destination including data(!).
                // Note: that calling publish database can be called sequentially and next time would bring only 
                // database updates.
                    includeData: true);

                // now remove database and server

                // check if server was deleted
Example #8
        public void AzureSql_ExplicitResourceCleanup_Test()
            // Create an entry point to all Azure functionality
            var portal = new AzurePortal(DefaultSubscription);
            var database = portal.Sql.CreateSqlDatabase("mytestdbx");

            // check if database was created for server

            // It is important to call this method in the end of your test to clean up all Azure resources
            // you have used explicitly or implicitly while using TestEasy API. TestEasy remembers all resources 
            // that were created and frees them. If we don't free resources subscription will reach it's limits soon,
            // and tests will be blocked.
            // Note: !!! it is recommended though to use "using" statement since it would call Dispose even in 
            // the case of exception, which would ensure all resources cleaned up.

            // check if server was deleted
