public override void Step(Settings settings) { base.Step(settings); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, "Press: (c) create a shape, (d) destroy a shape."); _textLine += 15; }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, "Keys: left = a, brake = s, right = d"); _textLine += 15; base.Step(settings); }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { base.Step(settings); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, "This demonstrates a soft distance joint."); _textLine += 15; OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, "Press: (b) to delete a body, (j) to delete a joint"); _textLine += 15; }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { base.Step(settings); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, "Keys: (l) limits, (m) motors, (p) speed"); _textLine += 15; float force = _joint.MotorForce; OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, String.Format("Motor Force = {0}", force)); _textLine += 15; }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); #if GLRender openGlControl.InitializeContexts(); OpenGLDebugDraw.InitTextRenderer(openGlControl); #endif //GLRender Init(); SetView(); }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { settings.pause = 1; base.Step(settings); settings.pause = 0; Sweep sweep1 = new Sweep(); sweep1.C0.Set(0.0f, 20.0f); sweep1.A0 = 0.0f; sweep1.C = sweep1.C0; sweep1.A = sweep1.A0; sweep1.T0 = 0.0f; sweep1.LocalCenter = _body1.GetLocalCenter(); Sweep sweep2 = new Sweep(); sweep2.C0.Set(9.6363468f, 28.050615f); sweep2.A0 = 1.6408679f; sweep2.C = sweep2.C0 + new Vec2(-0.075121880f, 0.27358246f); sweep2.A = sweep2.A0 - 10.434675f; sweep2.T0 = 0.0f; sweep2.LocalCenter = _body2.GetLocalCenter(); TOIInput input = new TOIInput { SweepA = sweep1, SweepB = sweep2 }; float toi = Collision.TimeOfImpact(input, _shape1, _shape2); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, "toi = " + toi.ToString()); _textLine += 15; XForm xf2 = new XForm(); sweep2.GetTransform(out xf2, toi); int vertexCount = _shape2.VertexCount; Vec2[] vertices = new Vec2[Box2DNet.Common.Settings.MaxPolygonVertices]; Vec2[] localVertices = _shape2.Vertices; for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i) { vertices[i] = Box2DNet.Common.Math.Mul(xf2, localVertices[i]); } _debugDraw.DrawPolygon(vertices, vertexCount, new Color(0.5f, 0.7f, 0.9f)); localVertices = _shape2.CoreVertices; for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i) { vertices[i] = Box2DNet.Common.Math.Mul(xf2, localVertices[i]); } _debugDraw.DrawPolygon(vertices, vertexCount, new Color(0.5f, 0.7f, 0.9f)); }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { //B2_NOT_USED(settings); if (_automated == true) { int actionCount = Box2DXMath.Max(1, k_actorCount >> 2); for (int i = 0; i < actionCount; ++i) { Action(); } } _broadPhase.Commit(); for (int i = 0; i < k_actorCount; ++i) { Actor actor = _actors[i]; if (actor.proxyId == PairManager.NullProxy) { continue; } Color c = new Color(); switch (actor.overlapCount) { case 0: c.R = 0.9f; c.G = 0.9f; c.B = 0.9f; break; case 1: c.R = 0.6f; c.G = 0.9f; c.B = 0.6f; break; default: c.R = 0.9f; c.G = 0.6f; c.B = 0.6f; break; } OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawAABB(actor.aabb, c); } StringBuilder strBld = new StringBuilder(); strBld.AppendFormat("overlaps = {0}, exact = {1}, diff = {2}", new object[] { _overlapCount, _overlapCountExact, _overlapCount - _overlapCountExact }); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, 30, strBld.ToString()); Validate(); ++_stepCount; }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { base.Step(settings); float ratio = _joint1.Ratio; float L = _joint1.Length1 + ratio * _joint1.Length2; StringBuilder strBld = new StringBuilder(); strBld.AppendFormat("L1 + {0} * L2 = {1}", new object[] { ratio, L }); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, strBld.ToString()); _textLine += 15; }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { base.Step(settings); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, "Keys: (f) toggle friction, (m) toggle motor"); _textLine += 15; float torque = _joint1.MotorTorque; StringBuilder strBld = new StringBuilder(); strBld.AppendFormat("Motor Torque = {0}", new object[] { torque }); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, strBld.ToString()); _textLine += 15; }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { base.Step(settings); DistanceInput input = new DistanceInput(); input.TransformA = _transformA; input.TransformB = _transformB; input.UseRadii = true; SimplexCache cache = new SimplexCache(); cache.Count = 0; DistanceOutput output; Collision.Distance(out output, ref cache, ref input, _polygonA, _polygonB); StringBuilder strBld = new StringBuilder(); strBld.AppendFormat("distance = {0}", new object[] { output.Distance }); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, strBld.ToString()); _textLine += 15; strBld = new StringBuilder(); strBld.AppendFormat("iterations = {0}", new object[] { output.Iterations }); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, strBld.ToString()); _textLine += 15; { Color color = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f); int i; for (i = 0; i < _polygonA.VertexCount; ++i) { _dv[i] = Math.Mul(_transformA, _polygonA.Vertices[i]); } _debugDraw.DrawPolygon(_dv, _polygonA.VertexCount, color); for (i = 0; i < _polygonB.VertexCount; ++i) { _dv[i] = Math.Mul(_transformB, _polygonB.Vertices[i]); } _debugDraw.DrawPolygon(_dv, _polygonB.VertexCount, color); } Vec2 x1 = output.PointA; Vec2 x2 = output.PointB; OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawPoint(x1, 4.0f, new Color(1, 0, 0)); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawSegment(x1, x2, new Color(1, 1, 0)); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawPoint(x2, 4.0f, new Color(1, 0, 0)); }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { base.Step(settings); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, "Keys: (l) limits, (m) motors, (p) prismatic speed"); _textLine += 15; float torque1 = _joint1.MotorTorque; float torque2 = _joint2.MotorTorque; float force3 = _joint3.MotorForce; StringBuilder strBld = new StringBuilder(); strBld.AppendFormat("Motor Torque = {0}, {1} : Motor Force = {2}", new object[] { torque1, torque2, force3 }); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, strBld.ToString()); _textLine += 15; }
private void SimulationLoop() { #if GLRender GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit); CurrentTest.SetTextLine(30); CurrentTest.Step(_settings); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, 15, _testEntry.Name); openGlControl.Invalidate();//codeyu ErrorCode errorCode = GL.GetError(); if (errorCode != ErrorCode.NoError) { redrawTimer.Stop(); } #endif }
private void SimulationLoop() { #if GLRender Gl.glClear(Gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | Gl.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); CurrentTest.SetTextLine(30); CurrentTest.Step(settings); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, 15, testEntry.Name); openGlControl.Draw(); int errorCode = 0; if ((errorCode = Gl.glGetError()) > 0) { redrawTimer.Stop(); } #endif }
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #if GLRender openGlControl_Resize(this, EventArgs.Empty); OpenGLDebugDraw.InitTextRenderer(openGlControl); #endif //GLRender Init(); SetView(); chkbAabbs.Checked = _settings.drawAABBs == 1; chkbCF.Checked = _settings.drawContactForces == 1; chkbCN.Checked = _settings.drawContactNormals == 1; chkbCom.Checked = _settings.drawCOMs == 1; chkbCoreShapes.Checked = _settings.drawCoreShapes == 1; chkbCP.Checked = _settings.drawContactPoints == 1; chkbFF.Checked = _settings.drawFrictionForces == 1; chkbJoints.Checked = _settings.drawJoints == 1 ? true : false; chkbObbs.Checked = _settings.drawOBBs == 1 ? true : false; chkbPairs.Checked = _settings.drawPairs == 1 ? true : false; chkbShapes.Checked = _settings.drawShapes == 1 ? true : false; chkbStatistics.Checked = _settings.drawStats == 1 ? true : false; chkbToi.Checked = _settings.enableTOI == 1 ? true : false; chkbWarmStart.Checked = _settings.enableWarmStarting == 1 ? true : false; nudVelIters.Value = _settings.velocityIterations; nudPosIters.Value = _settings.positionIterations; nudHz.Value = (decimal)_settings.hz; foreach (TestEntry t in Test.g_testEntries) { cmbbTests.Items.Add(t); } _testEntry = Test.g_testEntries[0]; CurrentTest = _testEntry.CreateFcn(); cmbbTests.SelectedIndex = 0; redrawTimer.Interval = 16; redrawTimer.Enabled = true; }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { base.Step(settings); float ratio, value; ratio = _joint4.Ratio; value = _joint1.JointAngle + ratio * _joint2.JointAngle; StringBuilder strBld = new StringBuilder(); strBld.AppendFormat("theta1 + {0} * theta2 = {1}", new object[] { ratio, value }); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, strBld.ToString()); _textLine += 15; ratio = _joint5.Ratio; value = _joint2.JointAngle + ratio * _joint3.JointTranslation; strBld = new StringBuilder(); strBld.AppendFormat("theta2 + {0} * delta = {1}", new object[] { ratio, value }); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, strBld.ToString()); _textLine += 15; }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { settings.pause = 1; base.Step(settings); settings.pause = 0; Vec2 x1, x2; float distance = Collision.Distance(out x1, out x2, _shape1, _body1.GetXForm(), _shape2, _body2.GetXForm()); StringBuilder strBld = new StringBuilder(); strBld.AppendFormat("distance = {0}", new object[] { distance }); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, strBld.ToString()); _textLine += 15; strBld = new StringBuilder(); strBld.AppendFormat("iterations = {0}", new object[] { Collision.GJKIterations }); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, strBld.ToString()); _textLine += 15; OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawPoint(x1, 4.0f, new Color(1, 0, 0)); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawSegment(x1, x2, new Color(1, 0, 0)); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawPoint(x2, 4.0f, new Color(1, 0, 0)); }
/*public bool key_comp(MyContactPoint lhs, MyContactPoint rhs) * { * if( lhs.shape1 < rhs.shape1 ) return true; * if( lhs.shape1 == rhs.shape1 && lhs.shape2 < rhs.shape2 ) return true; * if( lhs.shape1 == rhs.shape1 && lhs.shape2 == rhs.shape2 && < ) return true; * return false; * }*/ public override void Step(Settings settings) { base.Step(settings); string oss = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < _pointCount; ++i) { switch (_points[i].state) { case ContactState.ContactAdded: { oss = string.Empty; _set.Add(_points[i], null); //if( ! m_set.insert( m_points[i] ).second ) //{ // oss << "ERROR "; //} //else //{ // oss << " "; //} oss += "added: " + _points[i].shape1.ToString() + " -> " + _points[i].shape2.ToString(); oss += " : " + _points[i].id.Key.ToString(); _strings.Enqueue(oss); break; } case ContactState.ContactRemoved: { oss = string.Empty; if (!_set.ContainsKey(_points[i])) { oss += "ERROR "; } else { oss += " "; } oss += "removed: " + _points[i].shape1.ToString() + " -> " + _points[i].shape2.ToString(); oss += " : " + _points[i].id.Key.ToString(); _strings.Enqueue(oss); _set.Remove(_points[i]); break; } case ContactState.ContactPersisted: { oss = string.Empty; if (!_set.ContainsKey(_points[i])) { oss += "ERROR persist: " + _points[i].shape1.ToString() + " -> "; oss += _points[i].shape2.ToString() + " : " + _points[i].id.Key; _strings.Enqueue(oss); } break; } } } while (_strings.Count > 15) { _strings.Dequeue(); } foreach (string s in _strings) { OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, s); _textLine += 15; } }
public virtual void Step(Settings settings) { float timeStep = settings.hz > 0.0f ? 1.0f / settings.hz : 0.0f; if (settings.pause != 0) { if (settings.singleStep != 0) { settings.singleStep = 0; } else { timeStep = 0.0f; } OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, "****PAUSED****"); _textLine += 15; } uint flags = 0; flags += (uint)settings.drawShapes * (uint)DebugDraw.DrawFlags.Shape; flags += (uint)settings.drawJoints * (uint)DebugDraw.DrawFlags.Joint; flags += (uint)settings.drawCoreShapes * (uint)DebugDraw.DrawFlags.CoreShape; flags += (uint)settings.drawAABBs * (uint)DebugDraw.DrawFlags.Aabb; flags += (uint)settings.drawOBBs * (uint)DebugDraw.DrawFlags.Obb; flags += (uint)settings.drawPairs * (uint)DebugDraw.DrawFlags.Pair; flags += (uint)settings.drawCOMs * (uint)DebugDraw.DrawFlags.CenterOfMass; flags += (uint)settings.drawController * (uint)DebugDraw.DrawFlags.Controller; _debugDraw.Flags = (DebugDraw.DrawFlags)flags; _world.SetWarmStarting(settings.enableWarmStarting > 0); _world.SetContinuousPhysics(settings.enableTOI > 0); _pointCount = 0; _world.Step(timeStep, settings.velocityIterations, settings.positionIterations); _world.Validate(); if (_bomb != null && _bomb.IsFrozen()) { _world.DestroyBody(_bomb); _bomb = null; } if (settings.drawStats != 0) { OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, String.Format("proxies(max) = {0}({1}), pairs(max) = {2}({3})", new object[] { _world.GetProxyCount(), Box2DX.Common.Settings.MaxProxies, _world.GetPairCount(), Box2DX.Common.Settings.MaxProxies })); _textLine += 15; OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, String.Format("bodies/contacts/joints = {0}/{1}/{2}", new object[] { _world.GetBodyCount(), _world.GetContactCount(), _world.GetJointCount() })); _textLine += 15; } if (_mouseJoint != null) { Body body = _mouseJoint.GetBody2(); Vec2 p1 = body.GetWorldPoint(_mouseJoint._localAnchor); Vec2 p2 = _mouseJoint._target; Gl.glPointSize(4.0f); Gl.glColor3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); Gl.glBegin(Gl.GL_POINTS); Gl.glVertex2f(p1.X, p1.Y); Gl.glVertex2f(p2.X, p2.Y); Gl.glEnd(); Gl.glPointSize(1.0f); Gl.glColor3f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f); Gl.glBegin(Gl.GL_LINES); Gl.glVertex2f(p1.X, p1.Y); Gl.glVertex2f(p2.X, p2.Y); Gl.glEnd(); } if (settings.drawContactPoints != 0) { //float k_forceScale = 0.01f; float k_axisScale = 0.3f; for (int i = 0; i < _pointCount; ++i) { MyContactPoint point = _points[i]; if (point.state == ContactState.ContactAdded) { // Add OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawPoint(point.position, 10.0f, new Color(0.3f, 0.95f, 0.3f)); } else if (point.state == ContactState.ContactPersisted) { // Persist OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawPoint(point.position, 5.0f, new Color(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.95f)); } else { // Remove OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawPoint(point.position, 10.0f, new Color(0.95f, 0.3f, 0.3f)); } if (settings.drawContactNormals == 1) { Vec2 p1 = point.position; Vec2 p2 = p1 + k_axisScale * point.normal; OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawSegment(p1, p2, new Color(0.4f, 0.9f, 0.4f)); } else if (settings.drawContactForces == 1) { /*Vector2 p1 = point.position; * Vector2 p2 = p1 + k_forceScale * point.normalForce * point.normal; * OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawSegment(p1, p2, new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.3f));*/ } if (settings.drawFrictionForces == 1) { /*Vector2 tangent = Vector2.Cross(point.normal, 1.0f); * Vector2 p1 = point.position; * Vector2 p2 = p1 + k_forceScale * point.tangentForce * tangent; * OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawSegment(p1, p2, new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.3f));*/ } } } }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { base.Step(settings); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, "Press 1-5 to drop stuff"); _textLine += 15; }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { base.Step(settings); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, "Max toi iters = " + Box2DX.Collision.Collision.MaxToiIters + ", max root iters = " + Box2DX.Collision.Collision.MaxToiRootIters); }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { base.Step(settings); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, "Keys: (l) limits, (s) motor"); _textLine += 15; }
public override void Step(Settings settings) { base.Step(settings); OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, "Press: B to launch a bullet."); }