public void TestTemplate() { string xmlTemplate = Resources.ReleaseNotesTemplate.ToString(); //string xmlTemplate = Util.readFile("src/test/resources/ReleaseNotesTemplate.doc"); xmlTemplate = ReplacePh(xmlTemplate, "phCompanyName", "EasyWorld - coding for fun pty"); xmlTemplate = ReplacePh(xmlTemplate, "phEnv", "Production"); xmlTemplate = ReplacePh(xmlTemplate, "phVersion", "1.0 beta"); xmlTemplate = ReplacePh(xmlTemplate, "phProjectLeader", "Leonardo Correa"); Table tbl = new Table(); tbl.AddTableEle(TableEle.TH, "Jira Number", "Description"); tbl.AddTableEle(TableEle.TD, "J2W-1234", "Read Templates nicelly"); tbl.AddTableEle(TableEle.TD, "J2W-9999", "Make Java2word funky!!!"); xmlTemplate = ReplacePh(xmlTemplate, "phTableIssues", tbl.Content); Paragraph p01 = Paragraph.With("1) Stop the server").Create(); Paragraph p02 = Paragraph.With("2) Run the script to deploy the app xxx").Create(); Paragraph p03 = Paragraph.With("3) Start the server").Create(); Paragraph p04 = Paragraph.With("4) Hope for the best").Create(); string instructions = p01.Content + p02.Content + p03.Content + p04.Content; //Workaround: phInstructions is already inside a 'text' fragment. //If you know the template, you can remove the whole element and add all Paragraphs //* Table above doesn't need workaround because table can be normally inside a paragraph. xmlTemplate = ReplacePh(xmlTemplate, "<w:t>phInstructions</w:t>", instructions); xmlTemplate = ReplacePh(xmlTemplate, "phDateTime", new DateTime().ToString()); //TestUtils.createLocalDoc(xmlTemplate); }