private static MobilePhoneStore GetMobilePhoneStoreFromInput(MobilePhoneShop mobilePhoneShop) { MobilePhoneStore[] mobilePhoneStores = mobilePhoneShop.MobilePhoneStores; MobilePhoneStore mobilePhoneStore = null; do { Console.WriteLine($"Please write index number of mobilePhoneStore from list below. MobilePhoneStores:"); PrintStores(mobilePhoneShop, false, false); bool isInputInt = int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int mobilePhoneStoreIndexFromInput); bool isValidInputInt = isInputInt && mobilePhoneStoreIndexFromInput >= 0 && mobilePhoneStoreIndexFromInput < mobilePhoneStores.Length && mobilePhoneStores[mobilePhoneStoreIndexFromInput] != null; if (isValidInputInt) { mobilePhoneStore = mobilePhoneStores[mobilePhoneStoreIndexFromInput]; } else { Console.WriteLine($"=> Invalid number"); } } while (mobilePhoneStore == null); return(mobilePhoneStore); }
private static string AddStoreToShop(MobilePhoneShop iphoneShop) { MobilePhoneStore mobilePhoneStore = CreateMobilePhoneStoreFromInput(); iphoneShop.AddStore(mobilePhoneStore); return($"=> Shop '{mobilePhoneStore.GetDescription()}' successfully created."); }
internal void AddStore(MobilePhoneStore iPhoneStore) { for (int i = 0; i < MobilePhoneStores.Length; i++) { if (MobilePhoneStores[i] == null) { MobilePhoneStores[i] = iPhoneStore; break; } } }
private static void PrintAllPhonesInStore(MobilePhoneStore mobilePhoneStore) { int currentPhoneIndex = 0; foreach (var phone in mobilePhoneStore.Phones) { string stringToShow = $" [{currentPhoneIndex}] - Phone cell is "; stringToShow += phone == null ? "empty" : $"'{phone.GetDescription()}'"; Console.WriteLine(stringToShow); currentPhoneIndex++; } }
private static string AddPhoneToStore(MobilePhoneShop iphoneShop) { if (!IsAnyMobilePhoneStoreAvailable(iphoneShop)) { return($"=> in {iphoneShop.GetDescription()} no real stores are available. Please add any real store before add a phone."); } MobilePhoneStore store = GetMobilePhoneStoreFromInput(iphoneShop); MobilePhone mobilePhone = CreatePhoneFromInput(); bool isPhoneAddedToStore = iphoneShop.AddPhoneToStore(mobilePhone, store.Address); string resultMessage = isPhoneAddedToStore ? "successfully added" : "was not added"; return($"=> Phone with {mobilePhone.GetDescription()} {resultMessage} to store '{store.GetDescription()}'."); }