public void SetViewRect(Coordinates[] corners) { if (corners.Length != 4) { return; } bool change = false; if (this.cornersLast != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (this.cornersLast[i] != corners[i]) { change = true; break; } } } else { change = true; } if (!change) { return; } this.cornersLast = corners; contextAreaChanged = true; overview.SetViewRect(corners); SkyBall.SetViewRect(corners); }
private void SetWindowState(WindowsStates newState) { int diff = 0; switch (newState) { case WindowsStates.StatusOnly: pinUp.Direction = Direction.Expanding; pinUp1.Visible = false; diff = Height - 50; break; case WindowsStates.OneLine: pinUp.Direction = Direction.Expanding; diff = Height - 120; pinUp1.Visible = true; autoRestore = true; break; case WindowsStates.MultiLine: pinUp.Direction = Direction.Collapsing; diff = Height - 345; pinUp1.Visible = true; autoRestore = true; break; default: break; } Top += diff; Height -= diff; state = newState; SkyBall.Space = Earth3d.MainWindow.Space; SkyBall.ShowSkyball = SkyBall.Space && state != WindowsStates.StatusOnly; SkyBall.RefreshHint(); contextResults.Invalidate(); }
private void UpdateVisibility(bool space) { if (ShowTimeline) { Timeline.Visible = true; closeBox.Visible = true; PushPin.Visible = true; this.levelLabel.Visible = false; this.ConstellationLabel.Visible = false; this.queueProgressBar.Visible = false; this.label1.Visible = false; this.label2.Visible = false; this.label3.Visible = false; this.studyOpacity.Visible = false; this.viewTarget.Visible = false; this.ImageDataSetsCombo.Visible = false; this.FilterCombo.Visible = false; this.contextResults.Visible = false; this.paginator1.Visible = false; this.overview.Visible = false; this.SkyBall.Visible = false; this.layerToggle.Visible = false; this.faderText.Visible = false; this.trackingText.Visible = false; this.trackingLabel.Visible = false; this.actualSizeLabel.Visible = false; this.bigSizeLabel.Visible = false; this.scaleText.Visible = false; this.scaleLabel.Visible = false; this.scaleButton.Visible = false; this.solarSystemScaleTrackbar.Visible = false; this.trackingTarget.Visible = false; = false; } else { this.PushPin.Visible = false; this.closeBox.Visible = false; this.levelLabel.Visible = true; this.ConstellationLabel.Visible = true; this.queueProgressBar.Visible = true; this.label1.Visible = true; this.label2.Visible = true; this.label3.Visible = true; this.viewTarget.Visible = true; this.ImageDataSetsCombo.Visible = true; this.FilterCombo.Visible = true; this.paginator1.Visible = true; this.SkyBall.Visible = true; this.layerToggle.Visible = true; this.trackingText.Visible = true; this.trackingTarget.Visible = true; = true; Timeline.Visible = false; bool solarSystem = Earth3d.MainWindow.SolarSystemMode; studyOpacity.Visible = (Earth3d.MainWindow.StudyImageset != null); trackingTarget.Visible = (state != WindowsStates.StatusOnly) && solarSystem; contextResults.Visible = state != WindowsStates.StatusOnly; actualSizeLabel.Visible = solarSystem; bigSizeLabel.Visible = solarSystem; solarSystemScaleTrackbar.Visible = solarSystem; scaleText.Visible = solarSystem; if (solarSystem) { if (solarSystemScaleTrackbar.Value != Settings.Active.SolarSystemScale) { solarSystemScaleTrackbar.Value = Settings.Active.SolarSystemScale; } } SkyBall.Space = space; if (solarSystem) { if (SkyBall.ShowSkyball) { SkyBall.ShowSkyball = false; SkyBall.RefreshHint(); } } else { SkyBall.ShowSkyball = state != WindowsStates.StatusOnly; //SkyBall.ShowSkyball = space && state != WindowsStates.StatusOnly; } overview.Visible = (state != WindowsStates.StatusOnly) && !(solarSystem || !space); if (Earth3d.MainWindow.Tracking && (Earth3d.MainWindow.Space)) { trackingLabel.Visible = true; if (lastTracking != Earth3d.MainWindow.TrackingObject.Name) { trackingText.Text = Earth3d.MainWindow.TrackingObject.Name.Substring(0, Math.Min(40, Earth3d.MainWindow.TrackingObject.Name.Length)); lastTracking = Earth3d.MainWindow.TrackingObject.Name; } } else if (Earth3d.MainWindow.SolarSystemMode) { trackingLabel.Visible = true; if (Earth3d.MainWindow.TrackingObject != null && lastTracking != Earth3d.MainWindow.TrackingObject.Name) { trackingText.Text = Earth3d.MainWindow.TrackingObject.Name; lastTracking = trackingText.Text; trackingTarget.Items.Clear(); trackingTarget.Items.Add(Earth3d.MainWindow.TrackingObject); trackingTarget.Invalidate(); } if (contextResults.Count == 0) { RunQuerySolarSystem(); contextAreaChanged = false; } } else { trackingLabel.Visible = false; trackingText.Text = ""; } // COmmented to add context search to planetary mode //if (!(space || solarSystem) && state != WindowsStates.StatusOnly) //{ // autoRestore = true; // SetWindowState(WindowsStates.StatusOnly); //} if ((space || solarSystem) && state == WindowsStates.StatusOnly && autoRestore) { SetWindowState(WindowsStates.OneLine); } } }