/// <summary>
        /// Examine command result and perform relevant actions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandResult">The command result returned by the terminal core.</param>
        private static void InterpretResult(CommandResult commandResult)
            // Set the terminal core command context to the one returned in the result so that it can be passed
            // in again on the next API request. This maintains certain state information.
            _commandContext = commandResult.CommandContext;

            // If the result calls for the screen to be cleared, clear it.
            if (commandResult.ClearScreen)

            // Set the terminal core current user to the one returned in the result and display the username in the console title bar.
            _username = commandResult.CurrentUser != null ? commandResult.CurrentUser.Username : null;
            Console.Title = commandResult.TerminalTitle;

            // Add a blank line to the console before displaying results.
            if (commandResult.DisplayItems.Count > 0)

            // Iterate over the display collection and perform relevant display actions based on the type of the object.
            foreach (var displayInstruction in commandResult.DisplayItems)

            if (!commandResult.EditText.IsNullOrEmpty())
                SendKeys.SendWait(commandResult.EditText.Replace("\n", "--"));

            // If the terminal is prompting for a password then set the global PasswordField bool to true.
            _passwordField = commandResult.PasswordField;

            // If the terminal is asking to be closed then kill the runtime loop for the console.
            _appRunning = !commandResult.Exit;
        private void FinalParsing(CommandResult commandResult)
            foreach (var displayItem in commandResult.DisplayItems)
                if (_currentUser != null && !_currentUser.Sound)
                    displayItem.DisplayMode |= DisplayMode.Mute;

                if (ParseAsHtml)
                    if ((displayItem.DisplayMode & DisplayMode.Parse) != 0)
                        displayItem.Text = BBCodeUtility.ConvertTagsToHtml(displayItem.Text);
                        displayItem.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(displayItem.Text);

                    var masterParser = new BBCodeParser(new[]
                        new BBTag("transmit", "<span class='transmit' transmit='${transmit}'>", "</span>", new BBAttribute("transmit", "")),
                        new BBTag("topicboardid", "<span id='topicboardid'>", "</span>"),
                        new BBTag("topicstatus", "<span id='topicstatus'>", "</span>"),
                        new BBTag("topictitle", "<span id='topictitle'>", "</span>"),
                        new BBTag("topicreplycount", "<span id='topicreplycount'>", "</span>"),
                        new BBTag("topicbody", "<div id='topicbody'>", "</div>"),
                        new BBTag("topicmaxpages", "<span id='topicmaxpages'>", "</span>"),
                        new BBTag("topiceditedby", "<span id='topiceditedby'>", "</span>"),
                        new BBTag("replyeditedby", "<span id='replyeditedby'>", "</span>")

                    displayItem.Text = masterParser.ToHtml(displayItem.Text, false);

                    displayItem.Text = displayItem.Text
                        .Replace("\n", "<br />")
                        .Replace("\r", "")
                        .Replace("  ", " &nbsp;");

                    string cssClass = null;
                    if ((displayItem.DisplayMode & DisplayMode.Inverted) != 0)
                        cssClass += "inverted ";
                        displayItem.Text = string.Format("&nbsp;{0}&nbsp;", displayItem.Text);
                    if ((displayItem.DisplayMode & DisplayMode.Dim) != 0)
                        cssClass += "dim ";
                    if ((displayItem.DisplayMode & DisplayMode.Italics) != 0)
                        cssClass += "italics ";
                    if ((displayItem.DisplayMode & DisplayMode.Bold) != 0)
                        cssClass += "bold ";
                    displayItem.Text = string.Format("<span class='{0}'>{1}</span>", cssClass, displayItem.Text);
                    var masterParser = new BBCodeParser(new[]
                        new BBTag("transmit", "", ""),
                        new BBTag("topicboardid", "", ""),
                        new BBTag("topicstatus", "", ""),
                        new BBTag("topictitle", "", ""),
                        new BBTag("topicreplycount", "", ""),
                        new BBTag("topicbody", "", ""),
                        new BBTag("topicmaxpages", "", ""),
                        new BBTag("topiceditedby", "", ""),
                        new BBTag("replyeditedby", "", "")

                    displayItem.Text = masterParser.ToHtml(displayItem.Text, false);

                    if ((displayItem.DisplayMode & DisplayMode.DontWrap) == 0)
                        displayItem.Text = displayItem.Text.WrapOnSpace(AppSettings.MaxLineLength);
 private CommandResult BanMessage(CommandResult commandResult)
     commandResult.WriteLine("You were banned by {0}.", _currentUser.BanInfo.Creator);
     commandResult.WriteLine("Reason: {0}", _currentUser.BanInfo.Reason);
     commandResult.WriteLine("Expires {0}.", _currentUser.BanInfo.EndDate.TimeUntil());
     return commandResult;
        /// <summary>
        /// Display help information for all available commands, or invoke the help argument for a specifically supplied command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commands">The list of available commands.</param>
        /// <param name="args">Any arguments passed in.</param>
        /// <returns>A CommandResult option containing properties relevant to how data should be processed by the UI.</returns>
        private CommandResult DisplayHelp(IEnumerable<ICommand> commands, string[] args, CommandResult commandResult)
                if (args != null)
                        var commandName = args.First();
                        var command = commands.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Is(commandName));
                        if (command != null)
                            command.Invoke(new string[] { "-help" });
                            commandResult.WriteLine("'{0}' is not a recognized command.", commandName);
                    commandResult.WriteLine("The following commands are available:");
                    foreach (ICommand command in commands.OrderBy(x => x.Name))
                        if (command.ShowHelp)
                            commandResult.WriteLine(DisplayMode.DontType, "{0}{1}", command.Name.PadRight(15), command.Description);
                    commandResult.WriteLine("Type \"COMMAND -?\" for details on individual commands.");
                    commandResult.WriteLine("Note: Typing \"cancel\" will cancel out of any prompts you ar in.");
                    commandResult.WriteLine(DisplayMode.Dim | DisplayMode.DontType, new string('-', AppSettings.DividerLength));
                    var aliases = defaultAliases;
                    if (_currentUser != null)
                        aliases = _dataBucket.AliasRepository.GetAliases(_currentUser.Username).ToList();
                    if (aliases.Count() > 0)
                        if (_currentUser != null)
                            commandResult.WriteLine("You have the following aliases defined:");
                            commandResult.WriteLine("The following aliases are defined:");
                        foreach (var alias in aliases)
                            commandResult.WriteLine(DisplayMode.DontType, "{0}'{1}'", alias.Shortcut.ToUpper().PadRight(15, ' '), alias.Command);
                        commandResult.WriteLine("You have no aliases defined.");
            catch (OptionException ex)

            return commandResult;
        /// <summary>
        /// Accepts a command string and handles the parsing and execution of the command and the included arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandString">The command string. Usually a string passed in from a command line interface by the user.</param>
        /// <returns>A CommandResult option containing properties relevant to how data should be processed by the UI.</returns>
        public CommandResult ExecuteCommand(string commandString)
            if (commandString == null) commandString = string.Empty;
            var hasSpace = commandString.Contains(' ');
            var spaceIndex = 0;
            if (hasSpace)
                spaceIndex = commandString.IndexOf(' ');

            // Parse command string to find the command name.
            string commandName = hasSpace ? commandString.Remove(spaceIndex) : commandString;

            if (_currentUser != null)
                _currentUser.LastLogin = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Check for alias. Replace command name with alias.
            if ((_commandContext.Status & ContextStatus.Forced) == 0)
                var alias = defaultAliases.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Shortcut.Is(commandName));
                if (_currentUser != null)
                    alias = _dataBucket.AliasRepository.GetAlias(_currentUser.Username, commandName);
                if (alias != null)
                    commandString = hasSpace ? alias.Command + commandString.Remove(0, spaceIndex) : alias.Command;
                    hasSpace = commandString.Contains(' ');
                    spaceIndex = 0;
                    if (hasSpace)
                        spaceIndex = commandString.IndexOf(' ');
                    commandName = hasSpace ? commandString.Remove(spaceIndex) : commandString;

            // Parse command string and divide up arguments into a string array.
            var args = hasSpace ?
                commandString.Remove(0, spaceIndex)
                .Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) : null;

            // Obtain all roles the current user is a part of.
            var availableRoles = _currentUser != null ? _currentUser.Roles.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray() : new string[] { "Visitor" };

            // Create command result.
            var commandResult = new CommandResult(TerminalEvents)
                Command = commandName.ToUpper(),
                CurrentUser = _currentUser,
                CommandContext = _commandContext,
                IPAddress = _ipAddress,

            // Obtain all commands for the roles the user is a part of.
            var commands = _commands
                .Where(x => x.Roles.Any(y => availableRoles.Any(z => z.Is(y))))

            foreach (var cmd in commands)
                cmd.CommandResult = commandResult;
                cmd.AvailableCommands = commands;

            if (_currentUser != null && _currentUser.BanInfo != null)
                if (DateTime.UtcNow < _currentUser.BanInfo.EndDate)
                    return BanMessage(commandResult);

            // Obtain the command the user intends to execute from the list of available commands.
            var command = commands.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Is(commandName));

            if (commandName.Is("INITIALIZE"))

            // Perform different behaviors based on the current command context.
            switch (_commandContext.Status)
                // Perform normal command execution.
                case ContextStatus.Disabled:
                    if (command != null)
                        command.CommandResult.Command = command.Name;

                // Perform normal command execution.
                // If command does not exist, attempt to use command context instead.
                case ContextStatus.Passive:
                    if (command != null)
                        command.CommandResult.Command = command.Name;
                    else if (!commandName.Is("HELP"))
                        command = commands.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Is(_commandContext.Command));
                        if (command != null)
                            args = commandString.Contains(' ') ? commandString.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) : new string[] { commandString };
                            var newArgs = new List<string>();
                            if (_commandContext.Args != null) newArgs.AddRange(_commandContext.Args);
                            command.CommandResult.Command = command.Name;

                // Perform command execution using command context.
                // Reset command context if "CANCEL" is supplied.
                case ContextStatus.Forced:
                    if (!commandName.Is("CANCEL"))
                        command = commands.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name.Is(_commandContext.Command));
                        if (command != null)
                            command.CommandResult.Command = command.Name;
                            if (_commandContext.Prompt)
                                var newStrings = new List<string>();
                                if (_commandContext.PromptData != null)
                                _commandContext.PromptData = newStrings.ToArray();
                                args = commandString.Contains(' ') ? commandString.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) : new string[] { commandString };
                                var newArgs = new List<string>();
                                if (_commandContext.Args != null) newArgs.AddRange(_commandContext.Args);
                                args = newArgs.ToArray();
                        commandResult.WriteLine("Action canceled.");

            // If command does not exist, check if the command was "HELP".
            // If so, call the ShowHelp method to show help information for all available commands.
            if (command == null)
                if (commandName.Is("HELP"))
                    commandResult = DisplayHelp(commands, args, commandResult);
                else if (!commandName.Is("CANCEL"))
                    if (commandName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                        commandResult.WriteLine("You must supply a command.");
                        commandResult.WriteLine("'{0}' is not a recognized command or is not available in the current context.", commandName);

            _currentUser = commandResult.CurrentUser;
            if (_currentUser != null && _currentUser.BanInfo != null)
                if (DateTime.UtcNow < _currentUser.BanInfo.EndDate)
                    return BanMessage(commandResult);

            // Temporarily notify of messages on each command execution.
            if (_currentUser != null)
                var unreadMessageCount = _dataBucket.MessageRepository.UnreadMessages(_currentUser.Username);
                if (unreadMessageCount > 0)
                    commandResult.WriteLine("You have {0} unread message(s).", unreadMessageCount);

            commandResult.TerminalTitle = string.Format("Terminal - {0}", _currentUser != null ? _currentUser.Username : "******");


            return commandResult;