Example #1
 public ScatterFillExpression(TExpression src, SVar value, int dimension, TExpression indices)
     this.src       = src;
     this.value     = value;
     this.dimension = dimension;
     this.indices   = indices;
Example #2
 public static SVar Lerp(SVar a, SVar b, SVar weight)
     return(new SVar(new DelegateScalarExpression(() => LerpFloat(a.Evaluate(), b.Evaluate(), weight.Evaluate()))));
Example #3
        // public TVar Pow(TVar y) { return new TVar(new BinaryScalarTensorExpression(this.Expression, y.Expression, Ops.Tpow)); }

        public static SVar Atan2(SVar y, SVar x)
            return(new SVar(new DelegateScalarExpression(() => (float)Math.Atan2(y.Evaluate(), x.Evaluate()))));
Example #4
 public SVar Clamp(SVar min, SVar max)
     return(new SVar(new DelegateScalarExpression(() => ClampFloat(expression.Evaluate(), min.expression.Evaluate(), max.expression.Evaluate()))));
Example #5
 public SVar Pow(SVar y)
     return(new SVar(new BinaryScalarExpression(expression, y.expression, (xVal, yVal) => (float)Math.Pow(xVal, yVal))));
Example #6
 public static TVar Fill(SVar value, IAllocator allocator, DType type, params long[] sizes)
     return(new TVar(new FillExpression(allocator, type, sizes, res => Ops.Fill(res, value.Evaluate()))));
Example #7
 public static TVar RandomBernoulli(SeedSource seedSource, SVar p, IAllocator allocator, DType type, params long[] sizes)
     return(new TVar(new FillExpression(allocator, type, sizes, res => Ops.RandomBernoulli(res, seedSource, p.Evaluate()))));
Example #8
 public static TVar RandomCauchy(SeedSource seedSource, SVar median, SVar sigma, IAllocator allocator, DType type, params long[] sizes)
     return(new TVar(new FillExpression(allocator, type, sizes, res => Ops.RandomCauchy(res, seedSource, median.Evaluate(), sigma.Evaluate()))));
Example #9
 public static TVar RandomLogNormal(SeedSource seedSource, SVar mean, SVar stdv, IAllocator allocator, DType type, params long[] sizes)
     return(new TVar(new FillExpression(allocator, type, sizes, res => Ops.RandomLogNormal(res, seedSource, mean.Evaluate(), stdv.Evaluate()))));
Example #10
 public static TVar RandomUniform(SeedSource seedSource, SVar min, SVar max, IAllocator allocator, DType type, params long[] sizes)
     return(new TVar(new FillExpression(allocator, type, sizes, res => Ops.RandomUniform(res, seedSource, min.Evaluate(), max.Evaluate()))));
Example #11
 public static TVar RandomExponential(SeedSource seedSource, SVar lambda, IAllocator allocator, DType type, params long[] sizes)
     return(new TVar(new FillExpression(allocator, type, sizes, res => Ops.RandomExponential(res, seedSource, lambda.Evaluate()))));
Example #12
 // Returns a copy of this tensor, with the given indices filled with the given value.
 // If, when this op is evaluated, the write target is the same tensor as this, then the copy is unnecessary and is skipped.
 public TVar ScatterFill(SVar value, int dimension, TVar indices)
     return(new TVar(new ScatterFillExpression(this.Expression, value, dimension, indices.Expression)));
Example #13
 public static TVar Lerp(TVar a, TVar b, SVar weight)
     return(new TVar(new BinaryTensorTensorExpression(a.Expression, b.Expression, (res, aVal, bVal) => Ops.Lerp(res, aVal, bVal, weight.Evaluate()))));
Example #14
 public TVar Clamp(SVar min, SVar max)
     return(new TVar(new UnaryTensorExpression(this.Expression, (res, src) => Ops.Clamp(res, src, min.Evaluate(), max.Evaluate()))));
Example #15
 public TVar Pow(SVar y)
     return(new TVar(new BinaryTensorScalarExpression(this.Expression, y.Expression, Ops.Pow)));
Example #16
 public TVar Div(SVar rhs)
     return(new TVar(new BinaryTensorScalarExpression(this.Expression, rhs.Expression, Ops.Div)));