public void InitFromData(List <float> impulses, List <float> arcSteps,
                                 List <float> curvature, List <float> torsion,
                                 OrthonormalFrame initialFrame, Vector3 initialPos)
            if (initialFrame.T.magnitude < 0.01f ||
                initialFrame.B.magnitude < 0.01f ||
                initialFrame.N.magnitude < 0.01f)
                throw new System.Exception("Initial frame has zeroes");

            displayPoints = new List <Vector3>();
            lRenderer     = GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
            segments      = new List <CurveSegment>();

            // Create the initial segment
            CurveSegment prevHelix = new CurveSegment(initialPos, curvature[0], -torsion[0], 0, arcSteps[0], initialFrame);


            float len = arcSteps[0];

            // For each impulse, make a new segment rotated by that angle.
            for (int i = 1; i < impulses.Count; i++)
                float impulse = impulses[i];
                float arcStep = arcSteps[i];
                // New start point is the end of the previous curve segment.
                Vector3 newBase = TransformedHelixPoint(prevHelix, prevHelix.arcLength);
                // New frame is the frame rotated to the end of the segment.
                OrthonormalFrame newFrame = TransformedHelixFrame(prevHelix, prevHelix.arcLength);

                // Apply the torsion impulse as well.
                Quaternion impulseRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Mathf.Rad2Deg * impulse, newFrame.T);
                newFrame = newFrame.RotatedBy(impulseRot);

                int clampedC = Mathf.Min(i, curvature.Count - 1);
                int clampedT = Mathf.Min(i, torsion.Count - 1);

                prevHelix = new CurveSegment(newBase, curvature[clampedC], -torsion[clampedT], impulse, arcStep, newFrame);

                len += arcStep;


            // Add the last point of the last curve
            displayPoints.Add(TransformedHelixPoint(prevHelix, arcSteps[arcSteps.Count - 1]));

            // Set up line renderer
            lRenderer.SetWidth(0.1f, 0.1f);

            //Debug.Log("Arc length of TIC = " + ArcLength);
Example #2
        public OrthonormalFrame PropagateBishop(Vector3 prevPos, Vector3 nextPos, OrthonormalFrame prevFrame)
            Vector3 tangent     = (nextPos - position).normalized;
            Vector3 prevTangent = (position - prevPos).normalized;
            Vector3 binormal    = Vector3.Cross(prevTangent, tangent).normalized;

            float angle = TelescopeUtils.AngleBetween(prevTangent, tangent, binormal);

            Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, binormal);

            OrthonormalFrame rotated = prevFrame.RotatedBy(rotation);

            bishopFrame = rotated;
Example #3
        public static OrthonormalFrame FrameAlongHelix(float curvature, float torsion, float arcLength)
            // No torsion = just a circular rotation.
            if (Mathf.Abs(torsion) < 1e-6)
                OrthonormalFrame defaultFrame = new OrthonormalFrame(Vector3.forward, Vector3.up,
                                                                     Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, Vector3.up));
                Quaternion r = rotateAlongCircle(curvature, arcLength);
            // Torsion but no curvature = rotate about forward axis in a screw motion
            if (curvature < 1e-6)
                OrthonormalFrame defaultFrame = new OrthonormalFrame(Vector3.forward, Vector3.up,
                                                                     Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, Vector3.up));
                float      rotationAngle = torsion * arcLength;
                Quaternion r             = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Mathf.Rad2Deg * rotationAngle, Vector3.forward);

            float sumSq  = curvature * curvature + torsion * torsion;
            float a      = curvature / sumSq;
            float b      = torsion / sumSq;
            float abSqrt = Mathf.Sqrt(a * a + b * b);

            float t = arcLength;

            Vector3 tangent = new Vector3(b,
                                          -a * Mathf.Sin(t / abSqrt),
                                          a * Mathf.Cos(t / abSqrt)) / abSqrt;

            tangent.y *= -1;

            Vector3 normal = new Vector3(0,
                                         Mathf.Cos(t / abSqrt),
                                         Mathf.Sin(t / abSqrt)) * -1;

            normal.y *= -1;

            Vector3 binormal = Vector3.Cross(tangent, normal);

            return(new OrthonormalFrame(tangent, normal, binormal));
        /// <summary>
        /// Rotate this entire curve by the given rotation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rotation"></param>
        public void Rotate(Quaternion rotation)
            OrthonormalFrame initFrame   = segments[0].frame.RotatedBy(rotation);
            CurveSegment     initSegment = segments[0];

            initSegment.frame = initFrame;
            segments[0]       = initSegment;

            CurveSegment prevHelix = segments[0];
            float        len       = prevHelix.arcLength;


            for (int i = 1; i < segments.Count; i++)
                // New start point is the end of the previous curve segment.
                Vector3 newBase = TransformedHelixPoint(prevHelix, prevHelix.arcLength);
                // New frame is the frame rotated to the end of the segment.
                OrthonormalFrame newFrame = TransformedHelixFrame(prevHelix, prevHelix.arcLength);

                // Apply the torsion impulse as well.
                Quaternion impulseRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Mathf.Rad2Deg * segments[i].impulse, newFrame.T);
                newFrame = newFrame.RotatedBy(impulseRot);

                prevHelix = new CurveSegment(newBase, segments[i].curvature, segments[i].torsion,
                                             segments[i].impulse, segments[i].arcLength, newFrame);

                len += segments[i].arcLength;

                segments[i] = prevHelix;

            // Add the last point of the last curve
            displayPoints.Add(TransformedHelixPoint(prevHelix, prevHelix.arcLength));

            // Set up line renderer
            lRenderer.SetWidth(0.1f, 0.1f);
Example #5
        void FixFrenetForward(int start)
            int validIndex = start + 1;

            // Search forward until we find a valid Frenet frame
            while (discretizedPoints[validIndex].frenetFrame.B.magnitude == 0)

            // Un-rotate the valid frame so that it's aligned with the current tangent
            OrthonormalFrame nextFrame       = discretizedPoints[validIndex].frenetFrame;
            Vector3          nextTangent     = nextFrame.T;
            Vector3          currentTangent  = discretizedPoints[validIndex - 1].frenetFrame.T;
            Quaternion       reverseRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(nextTangent, currentTangent);
            OrthonormalFrame backFrame       = nextFrame.RotatedBy(reverseRotation);

            // Set the aligned frame to all of the points missing frames
            for (int i = start; i < validIndex; i++)
                discretizedPoints[i].frenetFrame = backFrame;
        public void RecomputeAndRedraw()

            // For each impulse, recompute the curve along that segment.
            for (int i = 1; i < segments.Count; i++)
                CurveSegment prevHelix = segments[i - 1];
                float        impulse   = segments[i].impulse;
                // New start point is the end of the previous curve segment.
                Vector3 newBase = TransformedHelixPoint(prevHelix, prevHelix.arcLength);
                // New frame is the frame rotated to the end of the segment.
                OrthonormalFrame newFrame = TransformedHelixFrame(prevHelix, prevHelix.arcLength);

                CurveSegment s = segments[i];
                s.frame         = newFrame;
                s.startPosition = newBase;
                segments[i]     = s;

                // Apply the torsion impulse as well.
                Quaternion impulseRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Mathf.Rad2Deg * impulse, newFrame.T);
                newFrame = newFrame.RotatedBy(impulseRot);


            // Add the last point of the last curve
            int last = segments.Count - 1;

            displayPoints.Add(TransformedHelixPoint(segments[last], segments[last].arcLength));

            // Set up line renderer
            lRenderer.SetWidth(0.1f, 0.1f);