Example #1
        public Exchange(Self localIdentity, byte csid, byte[] publicKey)
            Local = localIdentity;

            cipherSet = localIdentity.CipherSets [csid];
            var ri = new CS1ARemoteInfo();

            ri.RemotePublicKey = publicKey;
            remoteInfo = ri;

            var idKey = localIdentity.CipherSets [csid].Keys.PublicKey;

            for (int i = 0; i < publicKey.Length; ++i)
                if (publicKey [i] == idKey [i])
                if (publicKey [i] > idKey [i])
                    Order = HashOrder.High;
                    At    = 1;
                    Order = HashOrder.Low;
                    At    = 2;
Example #2
		public Exchange (Self localIdentity, byte csid, byte[] publicKey)
			Local = localIdentity;

			cipherSet = localIdentity.CipherSets [csid];
			var ri = new CS1ARemoteInfo ();
			ri.RemotePublicKey = publicKey;
			cipherSet.GenerateEphemeralKeys (ri);
			remoteInfo = ri;

			var idKey = localIdentity.CipherSets [csid].Keys.PublicKey;
			for (int i = 0; i < publicKey.Length; ++i) {
				if (publicKey [i] == idKey [i]) {
				if (publicKey [i] > idKey [i]) {
					Order = HashOrder.High;
					At = 1;
				} else {
					Order = HashOrder.Low;
					At = 2;
Example #3
        public void GenerateEphemeralKeys(ICipherSetRemoteInfo remoteInfo)
            CS1ARemoteInfo ri = (CS1ARemoteInfo)remoteInfo;

            ri.EphemeralKeys = ECKeyPair.Generate(SecNamedCurves.GetByName("secp160r1"));
            var hashToken = Helpers.SHA256Hash(ri.EphemeralKeys.PublicKey.Take(16).ToArray());

            ri.Token = hashToken.Take(16).ToArray();
Example #4
        public bool MessageVerify(ICipherSetRemoteInfo remoteInfo, Packet outer)
            CS1ARemoteInfo ri = (CS1ARemoteInfo)remoteInfo;

            byte[] ivData   = outer.Body.Skip(21).Take(4).ToArray();
            byte[] hmacData = outer.Body.Skip(outer.Body.Length - 4).Take(4).ToArray();

            // Check the hmac to validate the packet
            var agreedHMacKeyData = Helpers.ToByteArray(ECDHAgree(ri.RemotePublicKey, Key.PrivateKey), 20);

            byte[] hmacKey = new byte[24];
            if (agreedHMacKeyData.Length != 20)
                // It's not a correct agreed value, expected 20 bytes
            Buffer.BlockCopy(agreedHMacKeyData, 0, hmacKey, 0, 20);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(ivData, 0, hmacKey, 20, 4);

            var hmac = new HMac(new Sha256Digest());

            byte[] fullIv = new byte[16];
            Array.Clear(fullIv, 0, 16);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(ivData, 0, fullIv, 0, 4);
            hmac.Init(new KeyParameter(hmacKey, 0, 24));
            hmac.BlockUpdate(outer.Body, 0, outer.Body.Length - 4);
            byte[] mac = new byte[hmac.GetMacSize()];
            hmac.DoFinal(mac, 0);
            var macValue = Helpers.Fold(mac, 3);

            if (!macValue.SequenceEqual(hmacData))
                // The hmacs did not match, blow up the world

Example #5
		public void Handshake()
			byte[] A_KEY = Telehash.Base32Encoder.Decode("anfpjrveyyloypswpqzlfkjpwynahohffy");
			byte[] A_SEC = Telehash.Base32Encoder.Decode("cgcsbs7yphotlb5fxls5ogy2lrc7yxbg");
			byte[] B_KEY = Telehash.Base32Encoder.Decode("amhofcnwgmolf3owg2kipr5vus7uifydsy");
			byte[] B_SEC = Telehash.Base32Encoder.Decode("ge4i7h3jln4kltngwftg2yqtjjvemerw");

			Self localSelf = new Self ();
			CipherSet1a cs = new CipherSet1a ();
			cs.LoadKeys (A_KEY, A_SEC);
			localSelf.CipherSets.Add(0x1a, cs);

			Exchange ex = new Exchange (localSelf, 0x1a, B_KEY);
			var outPacket = ex.Handshake (0x1a);
			Console.Write (outPacket);

			Self remoteSelf = new Self ();
			CipherSet1a remoteCs = new CipherSet1a ();
			remoteCs.LoadKeys (B_KEY, B_SEC);
			remoteSelf.CipherSets.Add (0x1a, remoteCs);
			CS1ARemoteInfo ri = new CS1ARemoteInfo ();
			ri.RemotePublicKey = A_KEY;
			var decryptedPacket = remoteCs.MessageDecrypt (outPacket);

			System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write (decryptedPacket);
Example #6
        public Packet MessageEncrypt(ICipherSetRemoteInfo remoteInfo, Packet inner)
            CS1ARemoteInfo ri = (CS1ARemoteInfo)remoteInfo;

            var agreedValue = ECDHAgree(ri.RemotePublicKey, ri.EphemeralKeys.PrivateKey);

            // Hash the agreed key
            var hashedValue = Helpers.SHA256Hash(Helpers.ToByteArray(agreedValue, 20));

            // Fold to get the actual key for AES
            byte[] aesKey = Helpers.Fold(hashedValue);
            Random rnd    = new Random();

            // Setup and encrypt the actual data
            byte[] aesIV = new byte[16];
            Array.Clear(aesIV, 4, 12);

            var cipher     = new SicBlockCipher(new AesFastEngine());
            var parameters = new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(aesKey), aesIV);

            cipher.Init(true, parameters);

            var encryptedInner = new byte[inner.FullPacket.Length];
            BufferedBlockCipher bufferCipher = new BufferedBlockCipher(cipher);
            var offset = bufferCipher.ProcessBytes(inner.FullPacket, encryptedInner, 0);

            bufferCipher.DoFinal(encryptedInner, offset);

            // Construct the packet minus the hmac
            Packet outPacket = new Packet();

            outPacket.Body = new byte[29 + encryptedInner.Length];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(ri.EphemeralKeys.PublicKey, 0, outPacket.Body, 0, ri.EphemeralKeys.PublicKey.Length);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(aesIV, 0, outPacket.Body, 21, 4);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(encryptedInner, 0, outPacket.Body, 25, encryptedInner.Length);

            // ECDH for the hmac key using
            var idAgreedValue = ECDHAgree(ri.RemotePublicKey, Key.PrivateKey);

            // Mash on the IV for the compound key
            byte[] macKey             = new byte[24];
            byte[] idAgreedValueArray = Helpers.ToByteArray(idAgreedValue, 20);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(idAgreedValueArray, 0, macKey, 0, idAgreedValueArray.Length);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(aesIV, 0, macKey, idAgreedValueArray.Length, 4);

            // Actually hmac all the data now
            var hmac = new HMac(new Sha256Digest());

            hmac.Init(new KeyParameter(macKey, 0, 24));
            hmac.BlockUpdate(outPacket.Body, 0, 25 + encryptedInner.Length);
            byte[] mac = new byte[hmac.GetMacSize()];
            hmac.DoFinal(mac, 0);

            // Fold it up, shove it in and we're done
            var foldedMac = Helpers.Fold(mac, 3);

            Buffer.BlockCopy(foldedMac, 0, outPacket.Body, 25 + encryptedInner.Length, foldedMac.Length);
