Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a JWT with RSA512 using a private key loaded from the environment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// A JWT is compromised of 3 dot-separated, base64 strings.
        /// Jose_Header.JWT_Payload.JWT_Signature
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="payload">The data to be encrypted.</param>
        /// <returns>The JWT.</returns>
        public string GenerateJWT(Dictionary <string, string> payload)

            // Make sure we have the proper parameters inside the dictionary
            if (!payload.ContainsKey(Constants.UserTypeKey) || !payload.ContainsKey(Constants.IdKey))
                throw new ArgumentException("UserType or ID was not provided.");

            // Create the header and convert it to a Base64 string
            Dictionary <string, string> joseHeader = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { Constants.MediaType, Constants.MediaJWT },  // Media type
                { Constants.SigningAlgKey, Constants.SIGNING_ALGORITHM }  // Signing algorithm type

            // If the expiration date wasn't already specified, then create one
            if (!payload.ContainsKey(Constants.EXPIRATION_FIELD))
                // Add a 20 min expiration
                payload.Add(Constants.EXPIRATION_FIELD, TimeUtilityService.GetEpochFromNow().ToString());

            // Base64 encode the header and payload
            string encodedHeader  = StringUtilityService.DictionaryToString(joseHeader).ToBase64URL();
            string encodedPayload = StringUtilityService.DictionaryToString(payload).ToBase64URL();

            // The signature will be the hash of the header and payload
            string stringToSign = encodedHeader + '.' + encodedPayload;

            // Create the signature
            string signature = GetPKCSSignature(stringToSign).ToBase64URL();

            return(string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", encodedHeader, encodedPayload, signature));
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Hash a string data with HMAC SHA256.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"> a string to be hashed </param>
 /// <returns> a string of hash code </returns>
 public static string HashWithSHA256(string data)
     using (SHA256CryptoServiceProvider sha256 = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider())
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Hashes the string with SHA1.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="str">The input to be hashed </param>
 /// <returns>Hex string of the hashed input</returns>
 public static string HashWithSHA1(string str)
     using (SHA1CryptoServiceProvider sha1 = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider())
         // Convert the str to ASCII byte array ->
         // Compute the hashcode in byte array with the ASCII byte array ->
         // Convert the hashcode byte array to a hex string
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Hash a password with SHA3-256 KDF.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="password"> password to be hashed</param>
        /// <param name="salt"> salt used for hashing </param>
        /// <param name="iterations"> number of iterations </param>
        /// <param name="hashLength"> the length of the output hashcode </param>
        /// <returns> a string of derived key </returns>
        public static string HashWithKDF(string password, byte[] salt, int iterations = Constants.DefaultHashIterations,
                                         int hashLength = Constants.DefaultHashByteLength)
            byte[] passwordBytes             = StringUtilityService.HexStringToBytes(password);
            Pkcs5S2ParametersGenerator pbkdf = new Pkcs5S2ParametersGenerator(new Sha3Digest());

            pbkdf.Init(passwordBytes, salt, iterations);
            KeyParameter derivedKey = pbkdf.GenerateDerivedMacParameters(hashLength * Constants.ByteLength) as KeyParameter;

Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Decrypts a JWT in order to verify it and see the payload.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jwt">The token to decrypt.</param>
        /// <returns>The contents inside the token.</returns>
        public Dictionary <string, string> DecryptJWT(string jwt)
            string[] segments = jwt.Split('.');

            // Make sure we have the proper JWT format of 3 tokens delimited by periods
            if (segments.Length != 3)
                throw new InvalidTokenException("JWT must have 3 segments separated by periods.");

            string encodedHeader  = segments[0];
            string encodedPayload = segments[1];

            // Convert header back to dictionary format
            string decodedHeader = segments[0].FromBase64URL();
            Dictionary <string, string> headerJSON = StringUtilityService.StringToDictionary(decodedHeader);

            // Convert payload back to dictionary format
            string decodedPayload = segments[1].FromBase64URL();
            Dictionary <string, string> payloadJSON = StringUtilityService.StringToDictionary(decodedPayload);

            // Make sure that we are using the correct encryption algorithm in the header
            if (headerJSON[Constants.SigningAlgKey] != Constants.SIGNING_ALGORITHM)
                throw new InvalidTokenException("Incorrect encryption algorithm.");

            string strToVerify = encodedHeader + '.' + encodedPayload;

            // Make sure the signature is correct
            if (VerifyPKCSSignature(strToVerify))
                throw new InvalidTokenException("JWT could not be verified!");
Example #6
        public VerifyUploadResult VerifyUpload(UploadDTO dto, int maxPhotoChars, int minPhotoChars, double minimumImageSizeMB, double maximumImageSizeMB, List <string> validExtensions,
                                               int ingredientNameMaxChars, int ingredientNameMinChars, double maxIngredientPrice, int descriptionMaxChars,
                                               int descriptionMinChars, List <string> validCategories, List <string> validPriceUnits, int validTimeBufferMinutes,
                                               int maxRating, int minRating)
            var validPhotoPath = StringUtilityService.CheckLength(dto.ImagePath, maxPhotoChars, minPhotoChars);

            if (!validPhotoPath)
                return(new VerifyUploadResult(Constants.ImagePathInvalidMessage, false));

            var sizeMB    = dto.ImageSize * Constants.ToMBConversionFactor;
            var validSize = sizeMB >= minimumImageSizeMB && sizeMB <= maximumImageSizeMB;

            if (!validSize)
                return(new VerifyUploadResult(Constants.ImageNotWithinSizeMessage, false));

            var fileExtension = "." + dto.ImagePath.Split('.').Last();
            var validExt      = false;

            foreach (var ext in validExtensions)
                validExt = validExt || (fileExtension.ToLower().Equals(ext.ToLower()));

            if (!validExt)
                return(new VerifyUploadResult(Constants.ExtensionNotValidMessage, false));

            var validCat = false;

            foreach (var cat in validCategories)
                validCat = validCat || (dto.Category.ToLower().Equals(cat.ToLower()));

            if (!validCat)
                return(new VerifyUploadResult(Constants.CategoryNotValidMessage, false));

            if (!dto.Name.Equals(Constants.NoValueString))
                var validNameLength = StringUtilityService.CheckLength(dto.Name, ingredientNameMaxChars, ingredientNameMinChars);

                if (!validNameLength)
                    return(new VerifyUploadResult(Constants.IngredientNameLengthInvalidMessage, false));

            if (!dto.Price.Equals(Constants.NoValueDouble))
                var validPrice = dto.Price > Constants.NoValueDouble && dto.Price <= maxIngredientPrice;

                if (!validPrice)
                    return(new VerifyUploadResult(Constants.PriceInvalidMessage, false));

            if (!dto.Description.Equals(Constants.NoValueString))
                var validDescriptionLength = StringUtilityService.CheckLength(dto.Description, descriptionMaxChars, descriptionMinChars);

                if (!validDescriptionLength)
                    return(new VerifyUploadResult(Constants.DescriptionLengthInvalidMessage, false));

            if (!dto.PriceUnit.Equals(Constants.NoValueString))
                var validUnit = false;

                foreach (var unit in validPriceUnits)
                    validUnit = validUnit || (dto.PriceUnit.ToLower().Equals(unit.ToLower()));

                if (!validUnit)
                    return(new VerifyUploadResult(Constants.PriceUnitNotValidMessage, false));

            if (!dto.Time.Equals(Constants.NoValueDatetime))
                var validTime = (DateTime.Now - dto.Time).TotalMinutes <= validTimeBufferMinutes;

                if (!validTime)
                    return(new VerifyUploadResult(Constants.TimeNotValidMessage, false));

            if (!dto.Rating.Equals(Constants.NoValueInt))
                var validRating = dto.Rating >= minRating && dto.Rating <= maxRating;

                if (!validRating)
                    return(new VerifyUploadResult(Constants.InvalidRatingMessage, false));

            return(new VerifyUploadResult(Constants.NoValueString, true));