public override bool parseXml(XElement xml) { if (xml == null || xml.Name != "ActionIntervalAnimate") { return(false); } if (!base.parseXml(xml)) { return(false); } try { XElement xmlFrames = xml.Element("Frames"); IEnumerable <XElement> xmlFrameList = xmlFrames.Elements(); foreach (XElement xmlFrame in xmlFrameList) { string image = TUtil.parseStringXElement(xmlFrame.Element("Image"), ""); long duration = TUtil.parseLongXElement(xmlFrame.Element("Duration"), -1); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(image) || duration == -1) { return(false); } frames.Add(new TAnimateFrame { image = image, duration = duration }); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(false); } }
public override bool parseXml(XElement xml, TLayer parentLayer) { if (xml == null || xml.Name != "TextActor") return false; if (!base.parseXml(xml, parentLayer)) return false; try { text = xml.Element("Text").Value; FontFamily family = Program.findFontFamily(xml.Element("FontFamilyName").Value); float fontSize = TUtil.parseFloatXElement(xml.Element("FontSize"), 12); FontStyle fontStyle = (FontStyle)TUtil.parseIntXElement(xml.Element("FontStyle"), 0); if (family != null) font = new Font(family, fontSize, fontStyle, GraphicsUnit.Point); else font = new Font("Arial", fontSize, fontStyle, GraphicsUnit.Point); color = Color.FromArgb(int.Parse(xml.Element("Color").Value)); BoxSize.Width = float.Parse(xml.Element("SizeWidth").Value); BoxSize.Height = float.Parse(xml.Element("SizeHeight").Value); refreshMatrix(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return false; } }
private void startDocument() { // default values bgmOn = true; effectOn = true; voiceOn = true; transitionDelegate = null; transitionStartTime = 0; // sound emulator soundEmulator = new TSoundEmulator(document.libraryManager); // play document background playBGM(document.backgroundMusic, document.backgroundMusicVolume); // load prev button image try { int prevSceneButtonIndex = document.libraryManager.imageIndex(document.prevSceneButton); if (prevSceneButtonIndex == -1) { imgPrevButton = TUtil.resizedImage(Properties.Resources.emulator_img_nav_prev, new Size(Program.NAVBUTTON_WIDTH, Program.NAVBUTTON_HEIGHT), Program.NAVBUTTON_STRETCH); } else { imgPrevButton = TUtil.resizedImage(Image.FromFile(document.libraryManager.imageFilePath(prevSceneButtonIndex)), new Size(Program.NAVBUTTON_WIDTH, Program.NAVBUTTON_HEIGHT), Program.NAVBUTTON_STRETCH); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); imgPrevButton = TUtil.resizedImage(Properties.Resources.emulator_img_nav_prev, new Size(Program.NAVBUTTON_WIDTH, Program.NAVBUTTON_HEIGHT), Program.NAVBUTTON_STRETCH); } // load next button image try { int nextSceneButtonIndex = document.libraryManager.imageIndex(document.nextSceneButton); if (nextSceneButtonIndex == -1) { imgNextButton = TUtil.resizedImage(Properties.Resources.emulator_img_nav_next, new Size(Program.NAVBUTTON_WIDTH, Program.NAVBUTTON_HEIGHT), Program.NAVBUTTON_STRETCH); } else { imgNextButton = TUtil.resizedImage(Image.FromFile(document.libraryManager.imageFilePath(nextSceneButtonIndex)), new Size(Program.NAVBUTTON_WIDTH, Program.NAVBUTTON_HEIGHT), Program.NAVBUTTON_STRETCH); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); imgNextButton = TUtil.resizedImage(Properties.Resources.emulator_img_nav_next, new Size(Program.NAVBUTTON_WIDTH, Program.NAVBUTTON_HEIGHT), Program.NAVBUTTON_STRETCH); } // initial scene changeScene(document.currentScene()); // start timer bStepFlag = true; threadStep = new Thread(new ThreadStart(step)); threadStep.SetApartmentState(System.Threading.ApartmentState.STA); threadStep.Start(); }
public virtual bool parseXml(XElement xml, TLayer parentLayer) { if (xml == null) { return(false); } try { name = xml.Element("Name").Value; parent = parentLayer; locked = TUtil.parseBoolXElement(xml.Element("Locked"), false); backgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(TUtil.parseIntXElement(xml.Element("BackgroundColor"), 0)); alpha = float.Parse(xml.Element("Alpha").Value); XElement xmlEvents = xml.Element("Events"); IEnumerable <XElement> xmlEventList = xmlEvents.Elements("Event"); foreach (XElement xmlEvent in xmlEventList) { events.Add(xmlEvent.Value); } XElement xmlStates = xml.Element("States"); IEnumerable <XElement> xmlStateList = xmlStates.Elements("State"); foreach (XElement xmlState in xmlStateList) { states.Add(xmlState.Value); } XElement xmlAnimations = xml.Element("Animations"); IEnumerable <XElement> xmlAnimationList = xmlAnimations.Elements("Animation"); foreach (XElement xmlAnimation in xmlAnimationList) { TAnimation animation = new TAnimation(this); if (!animation.parseXml(xmlAnimation)) { return(false); } animations.Add(animation); } XElement xmlChilds = xml.Element("Childs"); IEnumerable <XElement> xmlChildList = xmlChilds.Elements(); foreach (XElement xmlChild in xmlChildList) { TLayer layer = (TLayer)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(GetType().Namespace + ".T" + xmlChild.Name.ToString()), new Object[] { document }); if (!layer.parseXml(xmlChild, this)) { return(false); } childs.Add(layer); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(false); } }
public TransferActorAction(TDocument doc, TActor actor, TLayer parent) { this.document = doc; = actor; this.oldData = new ActorMatrixData(); this.newData = new ActorMatrixData(); this.oldParent = actor.parent; this.newParent = parent; this.oldData.position = actor.position; this.oldData.scale = actor.scale; this.oldData.skew = actor.skew; this.oldData.rotation = actor.rotation; // actor's position based on new parent PointF pt = actor.parent.logicalToScreen(actor.position); pt = parent.screenToLogical(pt); // actor's rotation based on new parent float angle = actor.rotationOnScreen(); if (parent is TActor) { angle -= ((TActor)parent).rotationOnScreen(); } TUtil.normalizeDegreeAngle(angle); // for scale RectangleF bound = actor.bound(); PointF s = actor.logicalVectorToScreen(new PointF(bound.Width, bound.Height)); SizeF scale = new SizeF(1, 1); Matrix m2 = new Matrix(); m2.Translate(pt.X, pt.Y); m2.Rotate((float)(angle * 180 / Math.PI)); m2.Translate(-actor.anchor.X * actor.bound().Width, -actor.anchor.Y * actor.bound().Height); Matrix m = parent.matrixFromScreen(); m.Multiply(m2); if (m.IsInvertible) { PointF[] aPos = { s }; m.Invert(); m.TransformVectors(aPos); s = aPos[0]; scale = new SizeF(s.X / bound.Width, s.Y / bound.Height); } this.newData.position = pt; this.newData.scale = scale; this.newData.skew = actor.skew; this.newData.rotation = angle; oldIndex = actor.parent.childs.IndexOf(actor); }
private void pnlDisplayBox_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (currentScene == null) { return; } if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && MousePressed) { // fire drop event if (MouseDownActor != null) { MouseDownActor.fireEvent(Program.DEFAULT_EVENT_DROP, false); // check this actor is puzzle actor if (MouseDownActor.puzzle && !MouseDownActor.isMoving()) { PointF[] bound1 = MouseDownActor.interactionBoundOnScreen(); // check if the puzzle actor went the correct puzzle area if (TUtil.isPolygonsIntersect(bound1, MouseDownActor.puzzleAreaOnScreen())) { // turn off the puzzle function after success MouseDownActor.puzzle = false; // fire puzzle success event MouseDownActor.fireEvent(Program.DEFAULT_EVENT_PUZZLE_SUCCESS, false); } else { // if puzzle is failed, actor return to original position TAnimation animation = new TAnimation(MouseDownActor); TSequence sequence = animation.addSequence(); sequence.addAction(new TActionIntervalMove() { duration = 300, position = MouseDownActor.backupActor.position }); sequence.addAction(new TActionInstantDispatchEvent() { actor =, eventu = Program.DEFAULT_EVENT_PUZZLE_FAIL, recursive = false }); animation.start(); extraAnimations.Add(animation); } } } MousePressed = false; MouseDownActor = null; // redraw workspace this.pnlDisplayBox.Refresh(); } }
public override bool parseXml(XElement xml, TLayer parentLayer) { if (xml == null) { return(false); } if (!base.parseXml(xml, parentLayer)) { return(false); } try { Anchor.X = float.Parse(xml.Element("AnchorX").Value); Anchor.Y = float.Parse(xml.Element("AnchorY").Value); Position.X = float.Parse(xml.Element("PositionX").Value); Position.Y = float.Parse(xml.Element("PositionY").Value); Scale.Width = float.Parse(xml.Element("ScaleWidth").Value); Scale.Height = float.Parse(xml.Element("ScaleHeight").Value); Skew.Width = float.Parse(xml.Element("SkewWidth").Value); Skew.Height = float.Parse(xml.Element("SkewHeight").Value); Rotation = float.Parse(xml.Element("Rotation").Value); refreshMatrix(); zIndex = int.Parse(xml.Element("ZIndex").Value); draggable = bool.Parse(xml.Element("Draggable").Value); acceleratorSensibility = bool.Parse(xml.Element("AcceleratorSensibility").Value); autoInteractionBound = bool.Parse(xml.Element("AutoInteractionBound").Value); InteractionBound = new RectangleF(float.Parse(xml.Element("InteractionBoundX").Value), float.Parse(xml.Element("InteractionBoundY").Value), float.Parse(xml.Element("InteractionBoundWidth").Value), float.Parse(xml.Element("InteractionBoundHeight").Value)); puzzle = bool.Parse(xml.Element("Puzzle").Value); PuzzleArea = new RectangleF(TUtil.parseFloatXElement(xml.Element("PuzzleAreaX"), 0), TUtil.parseFloatXElement(xml.Element("PuzzleAreaY"), 0), TUtil.parseFloatXElement(xml.Element("PuzzleAreaWidth"), Program.BOOK_WIDTH), TUtil.parseFloatXElement(xml.Element("PuzzleAreaHeight"), Program.BOOK_HEIGHT)); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(false); } }
// execute action for every frame // if action is finished, return true; public override bool step(FrmEmulator emulator, long time) { float elapsed = time - run_startTime; if (elapsed > duration) { elapsed = duration; } TLayer layer = sequence.animation.layer; if (layer is TActor) { TActor target = (TActor)layer; target.rotation = TUtil.normalizeDegreeAngle(run_easingFunction.ease(easingType, easingMode, duration, elapsed, run_startAngle, run_endAngle)); } return(base.step(emulator, time)); }
public void transferLayer(TActor item, TLayer target) { // item's position based on new parent PointF pt = item.parent.logicalToScreen(item.position); pt = target.screenToLogical(pt); // item's rotation based on new parent float angle = item.rotationOnScreen(); if (target is TActor) { angle -= ((TActor)target).rotationOnScreen(); } TUtil.normalizeDegreeAngle(angle); // for scale RectangleF bound = item.bound(); PointF s = item.logicalVectorToScreen(new PointF(bound.Width, bound.Height)); // new properties item.position = pt; item.rotation = angle; item.scale = new Size(1, 1); Matrix m = target.matrixFromScreen(); m.Multiply(item.matrix); if (m.IsInvertible) { PointF[] aPos = { s }; m.Invert(); m.TransformVectors(aPos); s = aPos[0]; item.scale = new SizeF(s.X / bound.Width, s.Y / bound.Height); } item.parent.childs.Remove(item); target.childs.Add(item); item.parent = target; }
public override bool parseXml(XElement xml) { if (xml == null || xml.Name != "ActionInstantChangeBGM") { return(false); } if (!base.parseXml(xml)) { return(false); } try { sound = xml.Element("Sound").Value; volume = TUtil.parseIntXElement(xml.Element("Volume"), 100); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(false); } }
public override bool parseXml(XElement xml) { if (xml == null || xml.Name != "ActionInstantStopAllSounds") { return(false); } if (!base.parseXml(xml)) { return(false); } try { bgm = TUtil.parseBoolXElement(xml.Element("BGM"), true); effect = TUtil.parseBoolXElement(xml.Element("Effect"), true); voice = TUtil.parseBoolXElement(xml.Element("Voice"), true); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(false); } }
// rotate the selected item the specified angle, the angle is degree public void rotateSelectedItems(float angle, bool fixedAngle) { if (selectedItems.Count == 0) { return; } if (fixedAngle) { angle = (float)(Math.Floor(angle / 15) + 1) * 15; } if (selectedItems.Count == 1) { TActor item = (TActor)this.selectedItems[0]; TActor origin = item.backupActor; item.rotation = TUtil.normalizeDegreeAngle(origin.rotation + angle); } else { // center of selection PointF[] bound = this.selectedBound(); PointF c = new PointF((bound[0].X + bound[2].X) / 2, (bound[0].Y + bound[2].Y) / 2); // rotate each selected item for (int i = 0; i < selectedItems.Count; i++) { // adjust rotation value TActor item = this.selectedItems[0]; TActor origin = item.backupActor; item.rotation = TUtil.normalizeDegreeAngle(origin.rotation + angle); // item position PointF p = item.parent.logicalToScreen(item.position); p = TUtil.rotatePositionAround(c, p, angle); item.position = item.parent.screenToLogical(p); } } }
public bool parseXml(XElement xml) { if (xml == null || xml.Name != "Document") { return(false); } identifier = TUtil.parseStringXElement(xml.Element("Identifier"), ""); backgroundMusic = xml.Element("BackgroundMusic").Value; backgroundMusicVolume = TUtil.parseIntXElement(xml.Element("BackgroundMusicVolume"), 100); navigationButtonDelayTime = TUtil.parseIntXElement(xml.Element("NavigationButtonDelayTime"), 5); navigationLeftButtonRender = TUtil.parseBoolXElement(xml.Element("NavigationLeftButtonRender"), true); navigationRightButtonRender = TUtil.parseBoolXElement(xml.Element("NavigationRightButtonRender"), true); prevSceneButton = xml.Element("PrevSceneButton").Value; nextSceneButton = xml.Element("NextSceneButton").Value; avatarDefault = xml.Element("AvatarDefault").Value; avatarFrame = xml.Element("AvatarFrame").Value; avatarMask = xml.Element("AvatarMask").Value; return (libraryManager.parseXml(xml.Element("Libraries")) && sceneManager.parseXml(xml.Element("Scenes"))); }
public override bool parseXml(XElement xml, TLayer parentLayer) { if (xml == null || xml.Name != "Scene") { return(false); } if (!base.parseXml(xml, null)) { return(false); } try { touchIndication = bool.Parse(xml.Element("TouchIndication").Value); prevButtonVisible = bool.Parse(xml.Element("PrevButtonVisible").Value); nextButtonVisible = bool.Parse(xml.Element("NextButtonVisible").Value); backgroundMusic = xml.Element("BackgroundMusic").Value; backgroundMusicVolume = TUtil.parseIntXElement(xml.Element("BackgroundMusicVolume"), 100); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(false); } }
private void pnlWorkspace_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (this.document.currentScene() == null) { return; } if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && MousePressed) { if (MouseDownTool == TDocument.TOOL_SELECT) { // if have selection, move it if (this.document.haveSelection()) { if (MouseDownPart == 0) { // move selection items this.document.moveSelectedItems(e.X - MouseDownPos.X, e.Y - MouseDownPos.Y, (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0); } else if (MouseDownPart >= 1 && MouseDownPart <= 8) { // scale selection items this.document.scaleSelectedItems(MouseDownPart, e.X - MouseDownPos.X, e.Y - MouseDownPos.Y, (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0); } else if (MouseDownPart == 10) { // move anchor point this.document.moveAnchorOfSelectedItem(e.X - MouseDownPos.X, e.Y - MouseDownPos.Y, (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0); } else if (MouseDownPart == 9) { // rotate TActor item = this.document.selectedItems[0]; PointF p = item.parent.logicalToScreen(item.position); float a = TUtil.angleBetweenVectors(new PointF(MouseDownPos.X - p.X, MouseDownPos.Y - p.Y), new PointF(e.X - p.X, e.Y - p.Y)); this.document.rotateSelectedItems((float)(a * 180 / Math.PI), (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0); } } } else if (MouseDownTool == TDocument.TOOL_HAND) { PointF offset = this.document.offset; offset.X += e.X - MouseDownPos.X; offset.Y += e.Y - MouseDownPos.Y; this.document.offset = offset; // update mouse position MouseDownPos.X = e.X; MouseDownPos.Y = e.Y; } else if (MouseDownTool == TDocument.TOOL_TEXT || MouseDownTool == TDocument.TOOL_AVATAR) { // if have selection, move it if (!this.document.haveSelection() || MouseDownPart == -1 || MouseDownPart == 9) { this.SelectRegion.Width = e.X - this.SelectRegion.X; this.SelectRegion.Height = e.Y - this.SelectRegion.Y; } else if (MouseDownPart >= 1 && MouseDownPart <= 8 && MouseDownTool == TDocument.TOOL_TEXT) { // resize text actor if (this.document.resizeSelectedTextActor(MouseDownPart, e.X - MouseDownPos.X, e.Y - MouseDownPos.Y)) { // update mouse position MouseDownPos.X = e.X; MouseDownPos.Y = e.Y; } } } else if (MouseDownTool == TDocument.TOOL_BOUNDING) { if (this.document.haveSelection()) { if (MouseDownPart == 0) { // move the interaction bound this.document.moveInteractionBound(e.X - MouseDownPos.X, e.Y - MouseDownPos.Y, (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0); } else if (MouseDownPart >= 1 && MouseDownPart <= 8) { // scale the interaction bound this.document.scaleInteractionBound(MouseDownPart, e.X - MouseDownPos.X, e.Y - MouseDownPos.Y, (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0); } } } else if (MouseDownTool == TDocument.TOOL_PUZZLE) { if (this.document.haveSelection()) { if (MouseDownPart == 0) { // move the puzzle area this.document.movePuzzleArea(e.X - MouseDownPos.X, e.Y - MouseDownPos.Y, (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0); } else if (MouseDownPart >= 1 && MouseDownPart <= 8) { // scale the puzzle area this.document.scalePuzzleArea(MouseDownPart, e.X - MouseDownPos.X, e.Y - MouseDownPos.Y, (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0); } } } // redraw workspace this.pnlWorkspace.Refresh(); } else { if (this.document.activeTool() == TDocument.TOOL_SELECT) { if (this.document.haveSelection()) { // calc which part of selection is mouse position int cursor; int part = this.document.partOfSelection(e.X, e.Y, out cursor); if (part == -1) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } else if (part == 0) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll; } else if (part == 9) { this.Cursor = new Cursor(Properties.Resources.cursor_rotation.Handle); } else if (part == 10) { this.Cursor = Cursors.NoMove2D; } else if (cursor == 0) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS; } else if (cursor == 1) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE; } else if (cursor == 2) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE; } else if (cursor == 3) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNESW; } } } else if (this.document.activeTool() == TDocument.TOOL_TEXT) { if (this.document.haveSelection() && (this.document.selectedItems[0] is TTextActor)) { // calc which part of selection is mouse position int cursor; int part = this.document.partOfSelection(e.X, e.Y, out cursor); if (part == -1 || part == 9) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Cross; } else if (part == 0) { this.Cursor = Cursors.IBeam; } else if (cursor == 0) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS; } else if (cursor == 1) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE; } else if (cursor == 2) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE; } else if (cursor == 3) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNESW; } } } else if (this.document.activeTool() == TDocument.TOOL_BOUNDING || this.document.activeTool() == TDocument.TOOL_PUZZLE) { if (this.document.haveSelection()) { // calc which part of selection is mouse position int cursor; int part = this.document.partOfSelection(e.X, e.Y, out cursor); if (part == -1) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } else if (part == 0) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll; } else if (cursor == 0) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS; } else if (cursor == 1) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE; } else if (cursor == 2) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE; } else if (cursor == 3) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNESW; } } } else if (this.document.activeTool() == TDocument.TOOL_AVATAR) { this.Cursor = Cursors.Cross; } } }
//============== return value ===============// // // -1 // 9 9 // ┌───────────────────────┐ // │ 1 8 4 │ // │ │ // -1 │ 5 0 7 │ -1 // │ │ // │ 2 6 3 │ // └───────────────────────┘ // 9 9 // -1 // // // Anchor Point : 10 //============================================// public int partOfSelection(float x, float y, out int cursor) { cursor = -1; if (selectedItems.Count == 0) { return(-1); } if (selectedItems.Count > 1) { return(containsInSelection(x, y) ? 0 : 9); } TActor actor = selectedItems[0]; if (currentTool == TDocument.TOOL_PUZZLE && !actor.puzzle) { return(-1); } PointF screenPos = new PointF(x, y); PointF logicalPos = currentTool != TDocument.TOOL_PUZZLE ? actor.screenToLogical(new PointF(x, y)) : actor.ownerScene().screenToLogical(new PointF(x, y)); RectangleF actorBound = actor.bound(); PointF anchorPosOnScreen = actor.logicalToScreen(new PointF(actorBound.Width * actor.anchor.X, actorBound.Height * actor.anchor.Y)); RectangleF bound; if (currentTool == TDocument.TOOL_BOUNDING) { bound = actor.interactionBound; } else if (currentTool == TDocument.TOOL_PUZZLE) { bound = actor.puzzleArea; } else { bound = actorBound; } PointF[] boundOnScreen; if (currentTool == TDocument.TOOL_BOUNDING) { boundOnScreen = actor.interactionBoundOnScreen(); } else if (currentTool == TDocument.TOOL_PUZZLE) { boundOnScreen = actor.puzzleAreaOnScreen(); } else { boundOnScreen = actor.boundOnScreen(); } int ctrl_size = 6; bool leftEdge = TUtil.distanceBetweenPointLine(screenPos, boundOnScreen[0], boundOnScreen[1]) <= ctrl_size; bool bottomEdge = TUtil.distanceBetweenPointLine(screenPos, boundOnScreen[1], boundOnScreen[2]) <= ctrl_size; bool rightEdge = TUtil.distanceBetweenPointLine(screenPos, boundOnScreen[2], boundOnScreen[3]) <= ctrl_size; bool topEdge = TUtil.distanceBetweenPointLine(screenPos, boundOnScreen[3], boundOnScreen[0]) <= ctrl_size; bool insideBound = bound.Contains(logicalPos); int first_cursor = 0; // cursor form part 5 double angle = -Math.Atan2(boundOnScreen[1].Y - boundOnScreen[0].Y, boundOnScreen[1].X - boundOnScreen[0].X) * 180 / Math.PI; if (angle < 0) { angle += 360; } first_cursor = (int)((angle + 22.5) / 45) % 4; int part = -1; if (leftEdge && topEdge) { part = 1; cursor = (first_cursor - 1) % 4; } else if (leftEdge && bottomEdge) { part = 2; cursor = (first_cursor + 1) % 4; } else if (rightEdge && bottomEdge) { part = 3; cursor = (first_cursor + 3) % 4; } else if (rightEdge && topEdge) { part = 4; cursor = (first_cursor + 5) % 4; } else if (leftEdge && TUtil.isPointProjectionInLineSegment(screenPos, boundOnScreen[0], boundOnScreen[1])) { part = 5; cursor = (first_cursor + 0) % 4; } else if (bottomEdge && TUtil.isPointProjectionInLineSegment(screenPos, boundOnScreen[1], boundOnScreen[2])) { part = 6; cursor = (first_cursor + 2) % 4; } else if (rightEdge && TUtil.isPointProjectionInLineSegment(screenPos, boundOnScreen[2], boundOnScreen[3])) { part = 7; cursor = (first_cursor + 4) % 4; } else if (topEdge && TUtil.isPointProjectionInLineSegment(screenPos, boundOnScreen[3], boundOnScreen[0])) { part = 8; cursor = (first_cursor + 6) % 4; } else if (TUtil.distanceBetweenPoints(screenPos, anchorPosOnScreen) <= ctrl_size) { part = 10; } else if (insideBound) { part = 0; } else if (currentTool != TDocument.TOOL_BOUNDING && currentTool != TDocument.TOOL_PUZZLE) { if (TUtil.distanceBetweenPoints(screenPos, boundOnScreen[0]) <= ctrl_size * 3 || TUtil.distanceBetweenPoints(screenPos, boundOnScreen[1]) <= ctrl_size * 3 || TUtil.distanceBetweenPoints(screenPos, boundOnScreen[2]) <= ctrl_size * 3 || TUtil.distanceBetweenPoints(screenPos, boundOnScreen[3]) <= ctrl_size * 3) { part = 9; } } return(part); }
public bool containsInSelection(float x, float y) { return(TUtil.isInPolygon(this.selectedBound(), new PointF(x, y))); }
private void pnlWorkspace_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (this.document.currentScene() == null) { return; } // main form FrmMainContainer mainForm = (FrmMainContainer)this.MdiParent; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && MousePressed) { if (MouseDownTool == TDocument.TOOL_TEXT) { if (this.document.haveSelection() && MouseDownPart == 0) { mainForm.focusTextActorContent(); } else if (!this.document.haveSelection() || MouseDownPart == -1) { // positivation RectangleF bound = TUtil.positiveRectangle(SelectRegion); if (bound.Width > 1 && bound.Height > 1) { // item to current scene TTextActor actor = this.document.currentScene().pushText("", bound); this.document.actionManager.RecordAction(new AddActorAction(this.document, actor)); // set the document modified flag this.document.modified = true; // select new added text actor this.document.clearSelectedItems(); this.document.toggleSelectedItem(actor); // update panels mainForm.updateScenesPanel(this.document.sceneManager.currentSceneIndex); mainForm.updateOutlinePanel(); mainForm.updateHistoryPanel(); // fire mainform's selected item changed event mainForm.selectedItemChanged(); // show textbox of ribbon bar and make let user to edit content mainForm.focusTextActorContent(); // record modify action modifyActorAction = new ModifyActorAction(document, actor); } } else if (this.document.haveSelection() && modifyActorAction != null) { // this is the case when text box was resized with text tool modifyActorAction.setFinalData(this.document.selectedActor()); if (modifyActorAction.isModified()) { this.document.actionManager.RecordAction(modifyActorAction); // set the document modified flag this.document.modified = true; // ready to new modification action modifyActorAction = new ModifyActorAction(document, document.selectedActor()); // update history mainForm.updateHistoryPanel(); } // update panels this.document.sceneManager.updateThumbnail(this.document.sceneManager.currentSceneIndex); mainForm.updateScenesPanel(this.document.sceneManager.currentSceneIndex); mainForm.updateToolbarSceneSettings(); mainForm.updateOutlinePanel(); } } else if (MouseDownTool == TDocument.TOOL_AVATAR) { if (!this.document.haveSelection() || MouseDownPart == -1) { // positivation RectangleF bound = TUtil.positiveRectangle(SelectRegion); if (bound.Width > 1 && bound.Height > 1) { // item to current scene TAvatarActor actor = this.document.currentScene().pushAvatar(bound); this.document.actionManager.RecordAction(new AddActorAction(this.document, actor)); // set the document modified flag this.document.modified = true; // select new added avatar actor this.document.clearSelectedItems(); this.document.toggleSelectedItem(actor); // update panels mainForm.updateScenesPanel(this.document.sceneManager.currentSceneIndex); mainForm.updateOutlinePanel(); mainForm.updateHistoryPanel(); // fire mainform's selected item changed event mainForm.selectedItemChanged(); // record modify action modifyActorAction = new ModifyActorAction(document, actor); } } } else { if (this.document.haveSelection() && modifyActorAction != null) { // this is the case when text box was resized with text tool modifyActorAction.setFinalData(this.document.selectedActor()); if (modifyActorAction.isModified()) { this.document.actionManager.RecordAction(modifyActorAction); // set the document modified flag this.document.modified = true; // ready to new modification action modifyActorAction = new ModifyActorAction(document, document.selectedActor()); // update history mainForm.updateHistoryPanel(); } } // update panels this.document.sceneManager.updateThumbnail(this.document.sceneManager.currentSceneIndex); mainForm.updateScenesPanel(this.document.sceneManager.currentSceneIndex); mainForm.updateToolbarSceneSettings(); mainForm.updateOutlinePanel(); } foreach (TActor actor in this.document.selectedItems) { actor.deleteBackup(); } MousePressed = false; MouseDownTool = TDocument.TOOL_NONE; MouseDownPart = -1; SelectRegion = RectangleF.Empty; // reset cursor this.updateCursor(); // redraw workspace this.pnlWorkspace.Refresh(); } }