public ChangeDocumentBGMAction(TDocument doc, FrmMainContainer mainForm, string oldBGM, string newBGM) { this.document = doc; this.mainForm = mainForm; this.oldBGM = oldBGM; this.newBGM = newBGM; }
public ChangeDocumentAvatarMask(TDocument doc, FrmMainContainer mainForm, string oldImage, string newImage) { this.document = doc; this.mainForm = mainForm; this.oldImage = oldImage; this.newImage = newImage; }
public ChangeDocumentNextSceneButton(TDocument doc, FrmMainContainer mainForm, string oldButton, string newButton) { this.document = doc; this.mainForm = mainForm; this.oldButton = oldButton; this.newButton = newButton; }
public ChangeDocumentNVBDelayAction(TDocument doc, FrmMainContainer mainForm, int oldNVBDelay, int newNVBDelay) { this.document = doc; this.mainForm = mainForm; this.oldNVBDelay = oldNVBDelay; this.newNVBDelay = newNVBDelay; }
public ChangeImageActorAction(TDocument doc, TImageActor actor, string image) { this.document = doc; = actor; this.oldImage = actor.image; this.newImage = image; }
public ChangeDocumentBGMVolumeAction(TDocument doc, FrmMainContainer mainForm, int oldBGMVolume, int newBGMVolume) { this.document = doc; this.mainForm = mainForm; this.oldBGMVolume = oldBGMVolume; this.newBGMVolume = newBGMVolume; }
public ChangeDocumentNVBRightRenderAction(TDocument doc, FrmMainContainer mainForm, bool oldRenderButton, bool newRenderButton) { this.document = doc; this.mainForm = mainForm; this.oldRenderButton = oldRenderButton; this.newRenderButton = newRenderButton; }
public DeleteSceneAction(TDocument doc, FrmMainContainer mainForm, int sceneIndex, TScene scene) { this.document = doc; this.mainForm = mainForm; this.sceneIndex = sceneIndex; this.scene = scene; }
public ReorderSceneAction(TDocument doc, FrmMainContainer mainForm, int oldIndex, int newIndex) { this.document = doc; this.mainForm = mainForm; this.oldIndex = oldIndex; this.newIndex = newIndex; }
public TransferActorAction(TDocument doc, TActor actor, TLayer parent) { this.document = doc; = actor; this.oldData = new ActorMatrixData(); this.newData = new ActorMatrixData(); this.oldParent = actor.parent; this.newParent = parent; this.oldData.position = actor.position; this.oldData.scale = actor.scale; this.oldData.skew = actor.skew; this.oldData.rotation = actor.rotation; // actor's position based on new parent PointF pt = actor.parent.logicalToScreen(actor.position); pt = parent.screenToLogical(pt); // actor's rotation based on new parent float angle = actor.rotationOnScreen(); if (parent is TActor) { angle -= ((TActor)parent).rotationOnScreen(); } TUtil.normalizeDegreeAngle(angle); // for scale RectangleF bound = actor.bound(); PointF s = actor.logicalVectorToScreen(new PointF(bound.Width, bound.Height)); SizeF scale = new SizeF(1, 1); Matrix m2 = new Matrix(); m2.Translate(pt.X, pt.Y); m2.Rotate((float)(angle * 180 / Math.PI)); m2.Translate(-actor.anchor.X * actor.bound().Width, -actor.anchor.Y * actor.bound().Height); Matrix m = parent.matrixFromScreen(); m.Multiply(m2); if (m.IsInvertible) { PointF[] aPos = { s }; m.Invert(); m.TransformVectors(aPos); s = aPos[0]; scale = new SizeF(s.X / bound.Width, s.Y / bound.Height); } this.newData.position = pt; this.newData.scale = scale; this.newData.skew = actor.skew; this.newData.rotation = angle; oldIndex = actor.parent.childs.IndexOf(actor); }
public ModifyActorAction(TDocument doc, TActor actor) { this.document = doc; = actor; this.original = new ActorData(); = new ActorData(); setOriginalData(actor); }
public ModifySceneAction(TDocument doc, TScene scene) { this.document = doc; this.scene = scene; this.original = new SceneData(); = new SceneData(); setOriginalData(scene); }
public TTextActor(TDocument doc) : base(doc) { this.text = ""; this.font = new Font("Arial", 12); this.color = Color.Black; this.BoxSize = new SizeF(); }
public TTextActor(TDocument doc, string text, float x, float y, float width, float height, TLayer parent, string actorName) : base(doc, x, y, parent, actorName) { this.text = text; this.font = new Font("Arial", 12); this.color = Color.Black; this.BoxSize = new SizeF(width, height); this.refreshMatrix(); }
public TImageActor(TDocument doc, Image texture, float x, float y, TLayer parent, string actorName) : base(doc, x, y, parent, actorName) { // save file path image = ""; // load image this.loadImage(texture); this.refreshMatrix(); }
public TSceneManager(TDocument doc) { document = doc; currentSceneIndex = -1; Scenes = new List <TScene>(); Thumbnails = new ImageList(); Thumbnails.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; Thumbnails.ImageSize = new Size(Program.SCENE_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, Program.SCENE_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT); }
public TScene(TDocument doc, string sceneName) : base(doc, null, sceneName) { // default background color of new scene backgroundColor = Color.White; // default values touchIndication = true; prevButtonVisible = true; nextButtonVisible = true; // BGM backgroundMusic = ""; backgroundMusicVolume = 100; }
public TLayer(TDocument doc, TLayer parentLayer, string layerName) { document = doc; name = layerName; parent = parentLayer; locked = false; backgroundColor = Color.Transparent; alpha = 1; childs = new List <TLayer>(); animations = new List <TAnimation>(); run_state = Program.DEFAULT_STATE_DEFAULT; run_enabled = true; events = new List <string>(); states = new List <string>(); }
public TLibraryManager(TDocument doc) { Document = doc; ImageFiles = new List <string>(); LargeImageListThumbnails = new ImageList(); LargeImageListThumbnails.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; LargeImageListThumbnails.ImageSize = new Size(LARGE_IMAGE_LIST_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, LARGE_IMAGE_LIST_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT); SmallImageListThumbnails = new ImageList(); SmallImageListThumbnails.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; SmallImageListThumbnails.ImageSize = new Size(SMALL_IMAGE_LIST_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_LIST_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT); ImageToolbarThumbnails = new ImageList(); ImageToolbarThumbnails.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit; ImageToolbarThumbnails.ImageSize = new Size(32, 32); SoundFiles = new List <string>(); }
public TActor(TDocument doc, float x, float y, TLayer parent, string actorName) : base(doc, parent, actorName) { Anchor = new PointF(0.5F, 0.5F); Position = new PointF(x, y); Scale = new SizeF(1, 1); Skew = new SizeF(0, 0); Rotation = 0; zIndex = 0; draggable = false; acceleratorSensibility = false; autoInteractionBound = true; InteractionBound = new RectangleF(); puzzle = false; PuzzleArea = new RectangleF(0, 0, Program.BOOK_WIDTH, Program.BOOK_HEIGHT); matrix = new Matrix(); _backupActor = null; run_xVelocity = 0; run_yVelocity = 0; }
public TScene(TDocument doc) : base(doc, null, "") { // default background color of new scene backgroundColor = Color.White; // default values touchIndication = true; prevButtonVisible = true; nextButtonVisible = true; // bgm backgroundMusic = ""; backgroundMusicVolume = 100; // store scene manager document = doc; // initialize runtime variables run_matrix = null; run_extraActors = null; }
public AddSceneAction(TDocument doc, FrmMainContainer mainForm, TScene scene) { this.document = doc; this.mainForm = mainForm; this.scene = scene; }
public TImageActor(TDocument doc) : base(doc) { image = ""; ImgTexture = null; }
public TAvatarActor(TDocument doc, float x, float y, float width, float height, TLayer parent, string actorName) : base(doc, x, y, parent, actorName) { this.BoxSize = new SizeF(width, height); this.refreshMatrix(); }
public TAvatarActor(TDocument doc) : base(doc) { this.BoxSize = new SizeF(); }
public AddActorAction(TDocument doc, TActor actor) { this.document = doc; = actor; }
public DeleteActorsAction(TDocument doc, List <TActor> selectedItems) { this.document = doc; this.actorList = new List <TActor>(selectedItems); this.actorDatas = new List <ActorData>(); }