public static void Upload(string filename, string path) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("EnableSCP"))) { string host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SCPDirectory"); string user = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SCPLogin"); string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SCPPassword"); string newDirectory = "/home/honeybadgers/public_html/Music Files/" + Globals.UserID + "/"; //Create a new SCP instance Scp scp = new Scp(host, user, password); scp.Connect(); scp.Mkdir(newDirectory); //Copy a file from local machine to remote SSH server scp.To(path, newDirectory + filename); } }
private void cmdOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String app = projectDirectory; CloverleafEnvironment.RemoteServerHost = txtHostName.Text; this.Hide(); String host = txtHostName.Text; String user = txtUsername.Text; String password = txtPassword.Text; Int32 port = FirstOpenPort(host, 60000, 65000); String zipDirectory = CloverleafEnvironment.CloverleafAppDataPath; String zipFileName = "web." + host + "." + user + "." + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".zip"; String zipPath = Path.Combine(zipDirectory, zipFileName); String scriptPath = Path.Combine(zipDirectory, "web." + host + "." + user + "." + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".sh"); String closeScriptPath = Path.Combine(zipDirectory, "web." + host + "." + user + "." + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ""); String pidPath = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zipFileName) + ".pid"; String remoteDirectory = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zipFileName); FastZip fz = new FastZip(); fz.CreateEmptyDirectories = true; fz.RestoreAttributesOnExtract = true; fz.RestoreDateTimeOnExtract = true; fz.CreateZip(zipPath, app, true, null); Scp scp = new Scp(host, user, password); scp.Connect(); if (scp.Connected == false) { throw new SshTransferException("Couldn't connect to host with SCP."); } scp.Mkdir("/home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf"); scp.Put(zipPath, "/home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + zipFileName); File.Delete(zipPath); String ssh1ArgumentData = ""; String ssh2ArgumentData = ""; if (optXSP.Checked == true) { ssh1ArgumentData = "#! /bin/bash" + "\n" + "cd /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf" + "\n" + "mkdir " + remoteDirectory + "\n" + "cp " + zipFileName + " " + remoteDirectory + "\n" + "cd " + remoteDirectory + "\n" + "unzip " + zipFileName + " > /dev/null \n" + "xsp2 --nonstop --port " + port.ToString() + "& \n" + "pgrep -l " + user + " -n mono > /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + pidPath; ssh2ArgumentData = "#! /bin/bash" + "\n" + "cd /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf" + "\n" + "kill `cat " + pidPath + "`" + "\n" + "rm -rf " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pidPath) + "*"; } File.WriteAllText(scriptPath, ssh1ArgumentData); File.WriteAllText(closeScriptPath, ssh2ArgumentData); if (scp.Connected == false) { throw new SshTransferException("Couldn't connect to host with SCP."); } scp.Put(scriptPath, "/home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + Path.GetFileName(scriptPath)); scp.Put(closeScriptPath, "/home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + Path.GetFileName(closeScriptPath)); String stdOut = ""; String stdErr = ""; SshExec ssh = new SshExec(host, user, password); ssh.Connect(); ssh.RunCommand("/bin/bash /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + Path.GetFileName(scriptPath), ref stdOut, ref stdErr); (new RemoteWebServerCloser(Path.GetFileName(closeScriptPath), host, user, password)).Show(); ProcessStartInfo wwwProcInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); wwwProcInfo.FileName = "http://" + host + ":" + port.ToString(); wwwProcInfo.UseShellExecute = true; Process wwwProc = new Process(); wwwProc.StartInfo = wwwProcInfo; wwwProc.Start(); }
private void cmdOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String app = Path.Combine(solutionDirectory, (String) lstLaunchItems.SelectedItem); CloverleafEnvironment.RemoteServerHost = txtHostName.Text; this.Hide(); String host = txtHostName.Text; String user = txtUsername.Text; String password = txtPassword.Text; String zipDirectory = CloverleafEnvironment.CloverleafAppDataPath; String zipFileName = host + "." + user + "." + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".zip"; String zipPath = Path.Combine(zipDirectory, zipFileName); String scriptPath = Path.Combine(zipDirectory, DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".sh"); String remoteExecutable = Path.GetFileName(app); String remoteDirectory = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zipFileName); FastZip fz = new FastZip(); fz.CreateEmptyDirectories = true; fz.RestoreAttributesOnExtract = true; fz.RestoreDateTimeOnExtract = true; fz.CreateZip(zipPath, Path.GetDirectoryName(app), true, null); ProcessStartInfo xInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); xInfo.FileName = CloverleafEnvironment.XPath; xInfo.Arguments = "-ac -internalwm"; Process xProcess = new Process(); xProcess.StartInfo = xInfo; xProcess.Start(); Scp scp = new Scp(host, user, password); scp.Connect(); if (scp.Connected == false) { throw new SshTransferException("Couldn't connect to host with SCP."); } scp.Mkdir("/home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf"); scp.Put(zipPath, "/home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + zipFileName); File.Delete(zipPath); String ssh1ArgumentData = "#! /bin/bash" + "\n" + "export DISPLAY=" + cboLocalIPs.SelectedItem.ToString() + ":0.0" + "\n" + "cd /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf" + "\n" + "mkdir " + remoteDirectory + "\n" + "cp " + zipFileName + " " + remoteDirectory + "\n" + "cd " + remoteDirectory + "\n" + "unzip " + zipFileName + " > /dev/null \n" + "mono " + remoteExecutable + "\n" + "cd /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf" + "\n" + "rm " + zipFileName + "\n" + "rm -rf " + remoteDirectory + "\n" + "rm /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + Path.GetFileName(scriptPath); File.WriteAllText(scriptPath, ssh1ArgumentData); if (scp.Connected == false) { throw new SshTransferException("Couldn't connect to host with SCP."); } scp.Put(scriptPath, "/home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + Path.GetFileName(scriptPath)); String stdOut = ""; String stdErr = ""; SshExec ssh = new SshExec(host, user, password); ssh.Connect(); ssh.RunCommand("/bin/bash /home/" + user + "/.cloverleaf/" + Path.GetFileName(scriptPath), ref stdOut, ref stdErr); (new RemoteStdOutDisplay(stdOut, stdErr)).Show(); }