public override void DataBind(IField value)
            if (!(value is TagLibrary.Types.TagReference))
                throw new Exception("Cannot bind " + value.ToString() + " to TagReference control.");

            this.value = (TagLibrary.Types.TagReference)value;

            this.txtValue.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", this.value, "Value"));
        private void btnBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TagBrowserDialog tbd = null;

            //TODO: fix this so that the edited tag has the version info and we launch the right type of browser
            if (ProjectManager.ProjectLoaded)
                tbd = new TagBrowserDialog(ProjectManager.Version);
                tbd = new TagBrowserDialog(MapfileVersion.HALOPC);

            //tbd.SelectedTag = this.value;
            tbd.AddFilter("All Files (*.*)|*.*");
            if (tbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
            this.value.Value = tbd.SelectedTag.PathNoExtension;