private static void ApplyIndividualCalibrations(TuioObject tobj)
            if (Settings.USE_INDIVIDUAL_CALIBRATION) // Modify object using calibration values before passing it on
                int symbolID = tobj.getSymbolID();

                // ERICSOCO ADDED
                if (symbolID > 4095)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                // Retrieve calibration values for this object
                float calA1 = MathHelper.ToRadians(Settings.CALIBRATIONS[symbolID, 0]);
                float calD = (float)Settings.CALIBRATIONS[symbolID, 1];
                float calA2 = MathHelper.ToRadians(Settings.CALIBRATIONS[symbolID, 2]);

                // Assume that the tuioObject is the origin, and that its orientation vector points up (along the y-axis).

                // Create a position vector based on the calibration information that is offset from the tuioObject/origin.
                Vector2 offsetVector = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(calA1), (float)Math.Sin(calA1));
                offsetVector = Vector2.Multiply(offsetVector, calD);

                // Rotate vector around the origin by the TUIO object's orientation.
                Matrix tMatrix = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(tobj.getAngle());

                // Translate vector by the TUIO object's position.
                tMatrix *= Matrix.CreateTranslation(tobj.getScreenX(Settings.RESOLUTION_X), tobj.getScreenY(Settings.RESOLUTION_Y), 0f);

                // Apply matrix transforms.
                offsetVector = Vector2.Transform(offsetVector, tMatrix);

                // Normalize to screen resolution.
                float offsetX = offsetVector.X / Settings.RESOLUTION_X;
                float offsetY = offsetVector.Y / Settings.RESOLUTION_Y;

                // Add other calibration angle to tuioObject angle.
                float offsetA = tobj.getAngle() + calA2;

                // Update the TUIO object.
                tobj.update(tobj.getTuioTime(), offsetX, offsetY, offsetA);

                // Add offset angle to tuioObject's rotation
                float offsetA = tobj.getAngle() + calA1;
                Vector2 offsetV = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(offsetA), (float)Math.Sin(offsetA));

                // Move fiducial point to data point
                // offsetV.Normalize();
                Vector2 dataPoint = Vector2.Multiply(offsetV, calD);

                tobj.update(tobj.getTuioTime(), tobj.getX() + dataPoint.X / RESOLUTION_X, tobj.getY() + dataPoint.Y / RESOLUTION_Y, tobj.getAngle() + calA2);