Provides tools for sending paginated output.
Example #1
 public static void SendPage(TSPlayer player, int pageNumber, IList dataToPaginate, Settings settings = null)
     PaginationTools.SendPage(player, pageNumber, dataToPaginate, dataToPaginate.Count, settings);
Example #2
        private void OnTileEdit(object sender, GetDataHandlers.TileEditEventArgs e)
            var player = e.Player;

            #region Region Information Display

            if (player.AwaitingName)
                bool includeUnprotected = false;
                bool includeZIndexes    = false;
                bool persistentMode     = false;

                foreach (string nameParameter in player.AwaitingNameParameters)
                    // If this flag is passed the final output will include unprotected regions, i.e regions
                    // that have the DisableBuild flag set to false
                    if (nameParameter.Equals("-u", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        includeUnprotected = true;

                    // If this flag is passed the final output will include a region's Z index
                    if (nameParameter.Equals("-z", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        includeZIndexes = true;

                    // If this flag is passed the player will continue to receive region information upon editing tiles
                    if (nameParameter.Equals("-p", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        persistentMode = true;

                var output = new List <string>();
                foreach (Region region in _regionManager.Regions.OrderBy(r => r.Z).Reverse())
                    // Ensure that the specified tile is region protected
                    if (e.X < region.Area.Left || e.X > region.Area.Right)

                    if (e.Y < region.Area.Top || e.Y > region.Area.Bottom)

                    // Do not include the current region if it has not been protected and the includeUnprotected flag has not been set
                    if (!region.DisableBuild && !includeUnprotected)

                    output.Add($"{region.Name} {(includeZIndexes ? $"(Z:{region.Z}" : string.Empty)}");

                if (output.Count == 0)
                                                ? "There are no regions at this point."
                                                : "There are no regions at this point, or they are not protected.");
                    player.SendInfoMessage(includeUnprotected ? "Regions at this point: " : "Protected regions at this point: ");

                    foreach (string line in PaginationTools.BuildLinesFromTerms(output))
                        player.SendMessage(line, Color.White);

                if (!persistentMode)
                    player.AwaitingName           = false;
                    player.AwaitingNameParameters = null;

                // Revert all tile changes and handle the event
                player.SendTileSquare(e.X, e.Y, 4);
                e.Handled = true;


            #region TempPoints Setup

            if (player.AwaitingTempPoint != 0)
                // Set temp point coordinates to current tile coordinates
                player.TempPoints[player.AwaitingTempPoint - 1].X = e.X;
                player.TempPoints[player.AwaitingTempPoint - 1].Y = e.Y;
                player.SendInfoMessage($"Set temp point {player.AwaitingTempPoint}.");

                // Reset the awaiting temp point
                player.AwaitingTempPoint = 0;

                // Revert all tile changes and handle the event
                player.SendTileSquare(e.X, e.Y, 4);
                e.Handled = true;
