Example #1
        public static PathGenetic BestSolution(List <PathGenetic> population)
            PathGenetic currentBestPath = population[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < population.Count; i++)
                if (population[i].cost < currentBestPath.cost)
                    currentBestPath = population[i];

Example #2
        public static PathGenetic GenerateChildPolish(Cplex cplex, Instance instance, INumVar[] x, PathGenetic mother, PathGenetic father)
            //Percorso di codifica del figlio
            int[] path = new int[mother.path.Length];

            //Fisso le variabili in soluzione in entrambi i genitori
            for (int i = 0; i < mother.path.Length; i++)
                if (mother.path[i] == 1 && father.path[i] == 1)
                    x[i].LB = 1;

                else if (mother.path[i] == 0 && father.path[i] == 0)
                    x[i].UB = 0;

            //Risolvo il modello

            //Ottengo la soluzione ottima calcolata da Cplex
            double[] pathChild = cplex.GetValues(x);

            //Traduco il vettore restituitomi in un vettore di interi
            for (int i = 0; i < mother.path.Length; i++)
                if (pathChild[i] >= 0.5)
                    path[i] = 1;
                    path[i] = 0;

            //Creiamo il figlio
            PathGenetic child = new PathGenetic(path, cplex.GetObjValue());

            //Fisso il LB di tutte le variabili a
            for (int i = 0; i < mother.path.Length; i++)
                x[i].LB = 0;
                x[i].UB = 1;
Example #3
        static void GeneticAlgorithm(Instance instance, Process process, Random rnd, Stopwatch clock, int sizePopulation, string choice)
            PathGenetic incumbentSol    = new PathGenetic();
            PathGenetic currentBestPath = null;

            List <PathGenetic> OriginallyPopulated = new List <PathGenetic>();
            List <PathGenetic> ChildPoulation      = new List <PathGenetic>();

            List <int>[] listArray = Utility.BuildSLComplete(instance);

            //Generate the first population
            for (int i = 0; i < sizePopulation; i++)
                OriginallyPopulated.Add(Utility.NearestNeightborGenetic(instance, rnd, true, listArray));
                //Generate the child
                for (int i = 0; i < sizePopulation; i++)
                    if (i % 2 != 0)
                        ChildPoulation.Add(Utility.GenerateChild(instance, rnd, OriginallyPopulated[i], OriginallyPopulated[i - 1], listArray));

                OriginallyPopulated = Utility.NextPopulation(instance, sizePopulation, OriginallyPopulated, ChildPoulation);

                //currentBestPath contains the best path of the current population
                currentBestPath = Utility.BestSolution(OriginallyPopulated);

                if (currentBestPath.cost < incumbentSol.cost)
                    incumbentSol = (PathGenetic)currentBestPath.Clone();
                    Utility.PrintGeneticSolution(instance, process, incumbentSol);

                // We empty the list that contain the child
                ChildPoulation.RemoveRange(0, ChildPoulation.Count);
            } while (clock.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0 < instance.TimeLimit);

            Console.WriteLine("Best distance found within the timelit is: " + incumbentSol.cost);
Example #4
        public static PathGenetic GenerateChild(Instance instance, Random rnd, PathGenetic mother, PathGenetic father, List <int>[] listArray)
            PathGenetic child;

            int[] pathChild = new int[instance.NNodes];

            //This variable defines the point of breaking the path of the father and that of the mother
            int crossover = (rnd.Next(0, instance.NNodes));

            for (int i = 0; i < instance.NNodes; i++)
                if (i > crossover)
                    pathChild[i] = mother.path[i];
                    pathChild[i] = father.path[i];

            //With a probability of 0.01 we make a mutation
            if (rnd.Next(0, 101) == 100)
                Mutation(instance, rnd, pathChild);

            //The repair method ensures that the child is a permissible path
            child = Repair(instance, pathChild, listArray);

            if (ProbabilityTwoOpt(instance, rnd) == 1)
                child.path = InterfaceForTwoOpt(child.path);

                TSP.TwoOpt(instance, child);

                child.path = Reverse(child.path);
Example #5
        public static void PrintGeneticSolution(Instance instance, Process process, PathGenetic Heuristic)
            StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(instance.InputFile + ".dat", false);

            for (int i = 0; i + 1 < instance.NNodes; i++)
                int vertice1 = Heuristic.path[i];
                int vertice2 = Heuristic.path[i + 1];
                file.WriteLine(instance.Coord[vertice1].X + " " + instance.Coord[vertice1].Y + " " + (vertice1 + 1));
                file.WriteLine(instance.Coord[vertice2].X + " " + instance.Coord[vertice2].Y + " " + (vertice2 + 1) + "\nEdges");
            file.WriteLine(instance.Coord[Heuristic.path[0]].X + " " + instance.Coord[Heuristic.path[0]].Y + " " + (Heuristic.path[0] + 1));
            file.WriteLine(instance.Coord[Heuristic.path[instance.NNodes - 1]].X + " " + instance.Coord[Heuristic.path[instance.NNodes - 1]].Y + " " + (Heuristic.path[instance.NNodes - 1] + 1) + "\nEdges");

            //GNUPlot input file needs to be closed
            //Accessing GNUPlot to read the file
            if (Program.VERBOSE >= -1)
                PrintGNUPlot(process, instance.InputFile, 1, Heuristic.cost, -1);
Example #6
        static void Polishing(Cplex cplex, Instance instance, Process process, Random rnd, int sizePopulation, Stopwatch clock)
            //Definisco l' oggetto che codifica la soluzione che rappresenta l' incumbent(miglio soluzione in assoluto fra tutte le generazioni)
            PathGenetic incumbentSol = new PathGenetic();

            //Miglior soluzione all' interno di una generazione
            PathGenetic currentBestPath = null;

            //Popolazione padre corrente
            List <PathGenetic> OriginallyPopulated = new List <PathGenetic>();

            //Popolazione figlia
            List <PathGenetic> ChildPoulation = new List <PathGenetic>();

            List <int>[] listArray = Utility.BuildSLComplete(instance);

            //Costruisco il modello
            INumVar[] x = Utility.BuildModel(cplex, instance, -1);

            //Installo la lazy
            cplex.Use(new TSPLazyConsCallback(cplex, x, instance, process, false));

            //Ripristino il numero di thread al numero di core logici
            cplex.SetParam(Cplex.Param.Threads, cplex.GetNumCores());

            //Setto un EpGap di 0.2(molto alto) in modo da produrre nel piĆ¹ breve tempo possibile una soluzione
            cplex.SetParam(Cplex.DoubleParam.EpGap, 0.1);

            for (int i = 0; i < sizePopulation; i++)
                OriginallyPopulated.Add(Utility.NearestNeightborGeneticPolish(instance, rnd, listArray));

                for (int i = 0; i < sizePopulation; i++)
                    if ((i != 0) && (i % 2 != 0))
                        ChildPoulation.Add(Utility.GenerateChildPolish(cplex, instance, x, OriginallyPopulated[i], OriginallyPopulated[i - 1]));

                OriginallyPopulated = Utility.NextPopulation(instance, sizePopulation, OriginallyPopulated, ChildPoulation);

                //Miglio soluzione della popolazione attualE
                currentBestPath = Utility.BestSolution(OriginallyPopulated);

                if (currentBestPath.cost < incumbentSol.cost)
                    //Aggiorno la soluzione incumbent
                    incumbentSol = (PathGenetic)currentBestPath.Clone();

                    //Print the new incombent solution

                    StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(instance.InputFile + ".dat", false);

                    for (int i = 0; i < instance.NNodes; i++)
                        for (int j = i + 1; j < instance.NNodes; j++)
                            int pos = Utility.xPos(i, j, instance.NNodes);

                            if (incumbentSol.path[pos] >= 0.5)
                                file.WriteLine(instance.Coord[i].X + " " + instance.Coord[i].Y + " " + (i + 1));
                                file.WriteLine(instance.Coord[j].X + " " + instance.Coord[j].Y + " " + (j + 1) + "\n");

                    Utility.PrintGNUPlot(process, instance.InputFile, 1, incumbentSol.cost, -1);

                ChildPoulation.RemoveRange(0, ChildPoulation.Count);
            } while (clock.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0 < instance.TimeLimit);

            Console.WriteLine("Best distance found within the timelit is: " + incumbentSol.cost);