Example #1
        private void ReproduceByParallelThreads()
            #region Parallel Reproduct Code
            Thread[] th = new Thread[countCPUCore];

            // Create a semaphore that can satisfy up to three
            // concurrent requests. Use an initial count of zero,
            // so that the entire semaphore count is initially
            // owned by the main program thread.
            Semaphore sem = new Semaphore(countCPUCore, countCPUCore);
            bool[] isAlive = new bool[countCPUCore];
            bool[] isCompleted = new bool[countCPUCore];

            int length = (Npop - N_keep) / countCPUCore;
            int divideReminder = (Npop - N_keep) % countCPUCore;

            for (int proc = 0; proc < th.Length; proc++)
                ThreadToken tt = new ThreadToken(proc,
                    length + ((proc == countCPUCore - 1) ? divideReminder : 0),
                    N_keep + (proc * length));

                th[proc] = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart((x) =>
                    // Entered
                    isAlive[((ThreadToken)x).No] = true;

                    // work ...
                    PReproduction(((ThreadToken)x).startIndex, ((ThreadToken)x).length, ((ThreadToken)x).rand);

                    // We have finished our job, so release the semaphore
                    isCompleted[((ThreadToken)x).No] = true;

            foreach (bool alive in isAlive) // wait parent starter for start all children.
                if (!alive)
                    goto startloop;

            foreach (bool complete in isCompleted) // wait parent to interrupt for finishes all of children jobs.
                if (!complete)
                    goto endLoop;

            // Continue Parent Work
Example #2
        private void ReproduceByParallelTask()
            #region Parallel Reproduct Code
            Task[] tasks = new Task[countCPUCore];

            int length = (Npop - N_keep) / countCPUCore;
            int divideReminder = (Npop - N_keep) % countCPUCore;

            for (int proc = 0; proc < tasks.Length; proc++)
                ThreadToken tt = new ThreadToken(proc,
                    length + ((proc == countCPUCore - 1) ? divideReminder : 0),
                    N_keep + (proc * length));

                tasks[proc] = Task.Factory.StartNew(x =>
                    // work ...
                    PReproduction(((ThreadToken)x).startIndex, ((ThreadToken)x).length, ((ThreadToken)x).rand);

                }, tt, tokenSource.Token);// TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent);

            // When user code that is running in a task creates a task with the AttachedToParent option,
            // the new task is known as a child task of the originating task,
            // which is known as the parent task.
            // You can use the AttachedToParent option to express structured task parallelism,
            // because the parent task implicitly waits for all child tasks to complete.
            // The following example shows a task that creates one child task:

            // or

            //Block until all tasks complete.
            //Parent.Wait(); // when all task are into a parent task