internal static void Run() { Console.Clear(); if (printResult) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.WriteLine("ADVANCED MODE ENABLED: This will print detailed output while importing the chat.\n\n"); Console.ResetColor(); } Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine("HELLO! WELCOME TO TELEGRAM CHAT IMPORTER!\n\nThis app will import your TXT conversations from third-party apps (like WhatsApp) into your existing Telegram Chat with your partner. \nRead all the documentation on the GitHub page ( for all the important information.\n\nPress ENTER to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; AskConfirmation("\nWARNING: Telegram allows only a specific and unknown amount of messages within a specific timeframe for security reasons. You might not be able to message friends for a small period of time.\nThis is known as a 'flood limitation'.\n\nThus, I suggest you to do this at night or in a period of time that you do not need to use Telegram. Check for more information.\n\nType, exactly, 'I UNDERSTOOD', to continue:", true, true, "I UNDERSTOOD"); ConfirmationConfirmed = false; Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("Logging you in Telegram..."); Auth.AuthUser1().Wait(); AskConfirmation("Do you want to import a conversation using two users, in a 1:1 format? Otherwise, the chat will be imported inside your 'Saved Messages'. [y/n]: ", false); if (ConfirmationConfirmed) { SoloImporting = false; ConfirmationConfirmed = false; } else { SoloImporting = true; ConfirmationConfirmed = false; } if (!SoloImporting) { Auth.AuthUser2().Wait(); } while (!AllIsImported) { NotChosenUser = false; Console.Write("\n\nNow, please, type the complete path of the TXT file you want to import. You can also drag-and-drop it here.\n\nFILEPATH MUST NOT INCLUDE SPACES: "); filePath = Console.ReadLine(); while (filePath.Contains(" ")) { Console.Write("\n\nThe filepath contains an space. Please, make sure that there aren't spaces in the filepath and try again: "); filePath = Console.ReadLine(); if (!filePath.Contains(" ")) { break; } } CheckUsers(); while (!ImporterApp.FileIsValid) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.WriteLine("We couldn't find " + NameUser1 + " and " + NameUser2 + " in this file.\n\nPlease, check the documentation at to make sure that you are doing eveything right.\n\n"); Console.ResetColor(); AskConfirmation("Do you want to try again or close the app? (Yes (y), for trying again. No (n), for closing the app) [y/n]: ", false); if (!ConfirmationConfirmed) { Environment.Exit(0); } else { CheckUsers(); ConfirmationConfirmed = false; } } Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.WriteLine("\nThis file is valid to be imported. Counting the number of messages..."); Console.ResetColor(); TextHandler.TotalLines(); Console.WriteLine("The file has " + TextHandler.TotalCount + " lines."); TextHandler.UserLines(NameUser1, false); Console.WriteLine("\n" + NameUser1 + " has " + TextHandler.CountedLines1 + " messages."); TextHandler.UserLines(NameUser2, true); Console.WriteLine(NameUser2 + " has " + TextHandler.CountedLines2 + " messages."); AskConfirmation("Do you also want to upload to the chat the TXT file used? [y/n]: ", false); if (ConfirmationConfirmed) { UploadTXT = true; ConfirmationConfirmed = false; } else { UploadTXT = false; ConfirmationConfirmed = false; } ConfirmationConfirmed = false; Console.WriteLine("Making sure that everything is ready for the import process... This will take nanoseconds :)"); { if (NameUser1.Contains(":")) { NameUser1.Replace(":", ""); } if (NameUser2.Contains(":")) { NameUser2.Replace(":", ""); } TextHandler.CurrentMessage = 0; if (SoloImporting) { if (filePath == null | TextHandler.TotalCount == null | TextHandler.CountedLines1 == null | TextHandler.CountedLines2 == null | NameUser1 == null | NameUser2 == null | Auth.phone1 == null | Messaging.User1Id == 0 | FileIsValid == false | ConfirmationConfirmed == true | AllIsImported == true) { Console.WriteLine("\nSomething went wrong and the app can't recover the process. You will need to start over. Press ENTER to exit and try again."); Console.ReadLine(); Environment.Exit(0); } } else if (filePath == null | TextHandler.TotalCount == null | TextHandler.CountedLines1 == null | TextHandler.CountedLines2 == null | NameUser1 == null | NameUser2 == null | Auth.phone1 == null | Auth.phone2 == null | Messaging.User1Id == 0 | Messaging.User2Id == 0 | FileIsValid == false | ConfirmationConfirmed == true | AllIsImported == true) { Console.WriteLine("\nSomething went wrong and the app can't recover the process. You will need to start over. Press ENTER to exit and try again."); Console.ReadLine(); Environment.Exit(0); } AskConfirmation("\nEverything is ready for the import process.\nREMEMBER: You might trigger flood limits in your account. Read for more information.\n\nStart? [y/n]: ", true); ConfirmationConfirmed = false; Console.WriteLine(""); Messaging.MessageUser2("BEGINNING OF THE IMPORT OF " + filePath, false).Wait(); TextHandler.ParseStrings(); Messaging.MessageUser2("END OF THE IMPORT OF " + filePath + "\n\nA total of " + TextHandler.TotalCount + " messages were imported successfully.\n\n" + NameUser1 + " has " + TextHandler.CountedLines1 + " imported messages.\n" + NameUser2 + " has " + TextHandler.CountedLines2 + " imported messages.\n\nImported using Telegram Chat Importer. Available at", false).Wait(); if (UploadTXT) { Messaging.UploadFile().Wait(); } if (!SoloImporting) { Messaging.MarkMessagesAsRead().Wait(); } Console.WriteLine("\n\n\nSUCCESS!! All the messages were imported succesfully!"); AskConfirmation("\n\nDo you want to import another file?. Otherwise, data will be cleared. [y/n]: ", false); if (ConfirmationConfirmed) { ChooseUsers(); ConfirmationConfirmed = false; } else { if (File.Exists(@"sessionUser1.dat")) { File.Delete(@"sessionUser1.dat"); } if (File.Exists(@"sessionUser2.dat")) { File.Delete(@"sessionUser2.dat"); } AllIsImported = true; } ConfirmationConfirmed = false; } } Console.WriteLine("\nAll the data has been cleared and your session revoked. Now, you can log out the session on your mobile device or Telegram Desktop if you want."); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("\n\nThank you for using this app. If you like it, please, star the GitHub repository :D at \n\nPress ENTER to exit."); Console.ReadLine(); Environment.Exit(0); }