public void Save() { UpdateDBTags(); if (ob) { File.Create(DBDir.FullName + "/.obfuscate").Dispose(); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(DBDir.FullName + "/.integrity", FileMode.Create))) { writer.Write(integrate); } foreach (FileInfo file in DBDir.GetFiles()) { if (file.Name.Equals(".obfuscate")) { continue; } if (file.Name.Equals("")) { continue; } RC4.Schedule(dbkey); RC4.CipherFile(file.FullName); } foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in DBDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { if (dir.Name.Equals(".US")) { continue; } foreach (FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles()) { Console.Write("Obfuscating {0}/{1}...", dir.Name, file.Name); RC4.Schedule(dbkey); RC4.CipherFile(file.FullName); Program.ClearLine(); } } } sortedData = null; unsortedData = null; }
public IDB(DirectoryInfo currentDir) { ConsoleColor dcol = Console.ForegroundColor; DBDir = currentDir; if (Directory.Exists(DBDir.FullName + @"/.temp")) { Directory.Delete(DBDir.FullName + @"/.temp", true); } Console.WriteLine("---Validating DB structure---"); Console.Write("[WORK] .US folder exists"); if (Directory.Exists(DBDir.FullName + "/.US")) { Program.ClearLine(); Console.Write("["); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write("PASS"); Console.ForegroundColor = dcol; Console.Write("] .US folder exists\n"); } else { Program.ClearLine(); Console.Write("["); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("FAIL"); Console.ForegroundColor = dcol; Console.Write("] .US folder exists\n"); Console.WriteLine("Verification failed. Unable to open DB."); throw new IDBInvalidException(".US folder either does not exist or cannot be accessed."); } Console.Write("[WORK] checking folder naming (2 b64 digits)"); Regex dirNaming = new Regex("^[A-Za-z0-9+_][A-Za-z0-9+_]$"); foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in DBDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { if (dir.Name.Equals(".US")) { continue; } if (dir.Name.Length == 2 && !dirNaming.Match(dir.Name).Success) { Program.ClearLine(); Console.Write("["); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("FAIL"); Console.ForegroundColor = dcol; Console.Write("] checking folder naming (2 b64 digits)\n"); Console.WriteLine("Verification failed. Unable to open DB."); throw new IDBInvalidException("Extraneous folders, or incorrect naming scheme."); } } Program.ClearLine(); Console.Write("["); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write("PASS"); Console.ForegroundColor = dcol; Console.Write("] checking folder naming (2 b64 digits)\n"); Console.Write("[WORK] .DBTags file exists"); if (File.Exists(DBDir.FullName + "/.DBTags")) { Program.ClearLine(); Console.Write("["); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write("PASS"); Console.ForegroundColor = dcol; Console.Write("] .DBTags file exists\n"); } else { Program.ClearLine(); Console.Write("["); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("FAIL"); Console.ForegroundColor = dcol; Console.Write("] .DBTags file exists\n"); Console.WriteLine("Verification failed. Unable to open DB."); throw new IDBInvalidException("Cannot locate .DBTags file."); } if (File.Exists(DBDir.FullName + "/.obfuscate")) { ob = true; Console.WriteLine("\nObfuscation marker detected. Checking integrity."); Console.Write("[WORK] .integrity file exists"); if (File.Exists(DBDir.FullName + "/.integrity")) { Program.ClearLine(); Console.Write("["); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write("PASS"); Console.ForegroundColor = dcol; Console.Write("] .integrity file exists\n"); Console.Write("Key required: "); dbkey = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("[WORK] validating integrity"); File.Copy(DBDir.FullName + "/.integrity", DBDir.FullName + "/.itemp"); RC4.Schedule(dbkey); RC4.CipherFile(DBDir.FullName + "/.integrity"); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(DBDir.FullName + "/.integrity", FileMode.Open))) { string checkstring = reader.ReadToEnd(); if (checkstring.Equals(integrate)) { File.Delete(DBDir.FullName + "/.itemp"); Program.ClearLine(); Console.Write("["); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write("PASS"); Console.ForegroundColor = dcol; Console.Write("] validating integrity\n"); } else { File.Delete(DBDir.FullName + "/.integrity"); File.Move(DBDir.FullName + "/.itemp", DBDir.FullName + "/.integrity"); Program.ClearLine(); Console.Write("["); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("FAIL"); Console.ForegroundColor = dcol; Console.Write("] validating integrity\n"); Console.WriteLine("Verification failed. Unable to open DB."); throw new IDBInvalidException(".integrity file needed for obfuscated database."); } } RC4.Schedule(dbkey); RC4.CipherFile(DBDir.FullName + "/.DBTags"); foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in DBDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { if (dir.Name.Equals(".US")) { continue; } foreach (FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles()) { Console.Write("Deobfuscating {0}/{1}...", dir.Name, file.Name); RC4.Schedule(dbkey); RC4.CipherFile(file.FullName); Program.ClearLine(); } } } else { Program.ClearLine(); Console.Write("["); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.Write("FAIL"); Console.ForegroundColor = dcol; Console.Write("] .integrity file exists\n"); Console.WriteLine("Verification failed. Unable to open DB."); throw new IDBInvalidException(".integrity file does not match, integrity unknown."); } } Console.WriteLine("\nVerification complete. Reading database..."); sortedData = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); unsortedData = new List <string>(); Console.Write("Image count: 0"); int binCount = 0; foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in DBDir.EnumerateDirectories()) { if (dir.Name.Equals(".US")) { continue; } binCount++; foreach (FileInfo file in dir.EnumerateFiles()) { sortedData.Add(dir.Name + file.Name.Split('.')[0], null); Program.ClearLine(); Console.Write("Image count: {0}", sortedData.Count); } } Console.Write("\nUnsorted image count: 0"); foreach (FileInfo file in new DirectoryInfo(DBDir.FullName + @"/.US/").EnumerateFiles()) { unsortedData.Add(file.Name); Program.ClearLine(); Console.Write("Unsorted image count: {0}", unsortedData.Count); } double binFill; double ic = (double)sortedData.Count; binFill = ic / (double)binCount; Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Bin count: {0} [{1}]", binCount, binFill); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Reading tag list: 0 [0]"); using (StreamReader dbt = new StreamReader(DBDir.FullName + @"/.DBTags")) { string currentItem = ""; int items = 0; int tags = 0; while (!dbt.EndOfStream) { string line = dbt.ReadLine().Trim(); if (line.Length == 0) { continue; } if (line[0].Equals('\\')) { currentItem = line.Split('\\')[1]; sortedData[currentItem] = new List <string>(); items++; } else { sortedData[currentItem].Add(line.ToUpper()); tags++; } Program.ClearLine(); Console.Write("Reading tag list: {0} [{1}]", tags, items); } } }