public void RadioButtonListRendersOK()
            //  Arrange
            //  1   Set up an intance of the viewModelit works with
            SurveyResponsesViewModel responses = new SurveyResponsesViewModel();
            //      Populate with data
            responses.Answer = "5";
            responses.LikertScaleNumber = 1L;
            responses.QId_SeqNo = "1_1";
            responses.Text = "Strongly Disagree";

            //            var mockhttpContext = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();        // not used in helper so don't need it.
            var mockViewContext = new ViewContext();
            var mockViewDataContainer = new FakeViewDataContainer();

            //  2   instantiate an HtmlHelper
            //  NB! NB! NB! NB! NB! NB! NB!
            //  This is a STRONGLY TYPED Html Helper, as therefore we need to instantiate an html helper with a model.
            //  NB! NB! NB! NB! NB! NB! NB!
            HtmlHelper<SurveyResponsesViewModel> helper = new HtmlHelper<SurveyResponsesViewModel>(mockViewContext, mockViewDataContainer);

            //  Act
            MvcHtmlString result = HtmlHelperExtensions.RadioButtonListFor(helper, (r => responses.LikertScaleNumber) , responses.LikertScaleNumber, responses.QId_SeqNo, responses.Answer, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, result.ToHtmlString().Contains("input"), "Expected input. tag");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, result.ToHtmlString().Contains("name"), "Expected name attribute");
            Assert.IsFalse(result.ToHtmlString().Contains("checked"), "Should not have been a checked attribute");
        public TakeSurveyViewModel Map(TakeSurveyViewModel responses)
            Survey survey = _surveyRepository.GetSurvey(responses.SurveyId);

            TakeSurveyViewModel viewModel = new TakeSurveyViewModel();

            //  Map the survey to the survey view model.
            viewModel.SurveyId = survey.SurveyId;
            viewModel.Title = survey.Title;
            viewModel.UserName = survey.User.UserName;
            viewModel.StatusDate = string.Format("{0:d}", survey.StatusDate);
            viewModel.CategoryDescription = survey.Category.Description;

            //  Map the questions to the view model
            viewModel.Questions = new List<SurveyQuestionsViewModel>();

            //foreach (Core.Model.Question q in survey.Questions)
            foreach (SurveyQuestionsViewModel q in responses.Questions)
                //  Get the question and available responses from the repository.
                Core.Model.Question questionInfo = _questionRepository.GetQuestion(Convert.ToInt64(q.QId_SeqNo.Split('_')[0]));

                SurveyQuestionsViewModel questionViewModel = new SurveyQuestionsViewModel();
                questionViewModel.QId_SeqNo = q.QId_SeqNo;

                questionViewModel.SequenceNumber = questionInfo.SequenceNumber;
                questionViewModel.Text = questionInfo.Text;
                questionViewModel.Answer = q.Answer;

                //  Map the responses to the question
                questionViewModel.Responses = new List<SurveyResponsesViewModel>();
                //  this causes a DBContext Disposed error if it's visited a 2nd time.
                foreach (Core.Model.AvailableResponse r in questionInfo.AvailableResponses)
                    SurveyResponsesViewModel responsesViewModel = new SurveyResponsesViewModel();
                    responsesViewModel.QId_SeqNo = q.QId_SeqNo;
                    responsesViewModel.Answer = q.Answer.ToString();
                    responsesViewModel.LikertScaleNumber = r.LikertScaleNumber;
                    responsesViewModel.Text = r.Text;
            return viewModel;
        /// <summary>
        /// Map the Survey to the TakeSurveyViewModel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This mapping is done explicitly as the target structure is quite complex
        /// and the amount of exceptions required if AutoMapper were used would not
        /// have a significant effect on the amount of code.
        /// Additionally, the top level represents a single survey, but the
        /// lower levels represent collections of objects.
        /// </remarks>
        public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
            Survey survey = (Survey) filterContext.Controller.ViewData.Model;

            TakeSurveyViewModel viewModel = new TakeSurveyViewModel();

            //  Map the survey to the survey view model.
            viewModel.SurveyId = survey.SurveyId;
            viewModel.Title = survey.Title;
            viewModel.UserName = survey.User.UserName;
            viewModel.StatusDate = string.Format("{0:d}", survey.StatusDate);
            viewModel.CategoryDescription = survey.Category.Description;

            //  Map the questions to the view model
            viewModel.Questions = new List<SurveyQuestionsViewModel>();
            foreach (Core.Model.Question q in survey.Questions)
                SurveyQuestionsViewModel questionViewModel = new SurveyQuestionsViewModel();
                questionViewModel.QId_SeqNo = q.QuestionId.ToString() + "_" + q.SequenceNumber.ToString();
                questionViewModel.SequenceNumber = q.SequenceNumber;
                questionViewModel.Text = q.Text;

                //  Map the responses to the question
                questionViewModel.Responses = new List<SurveyResponsesViewModel>();
                foreach (Core.Model.AvailableResponse r in q.AvailableResponses)
                    SurveyResponsesViewModel responsesViewModel = new SurveyResponsesViewModel();
                    responsesViewModel.QId_SeqNo = questionViewModel.QId_SeqNo;
                    responsesViewModel.LikertScaleNumber = r.LikertScaleNumber;
                    responsesViewModel.Text = r.Text;

            filterContext.Controller.ViewData.Model = viewModel;