public void DownloadFile(string urlAddress, string location)
            using (webClient = new WebClient())
                webClient.DownloadFileCompleted   += new AsyncCompletedEventHandler(Completed);
                webClient.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler(ProgressChanged);

                Uri URL = urlAddress.StartsWith("http://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? new Uri(urlAddress) : new Uri("http://" + urlAddress);

                    webClient.DownloadFileAsync(URL, location);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "  " + URL);

            void ProgressChanged(object sender, DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e)
                downloadProgress.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;

                LdownloadProgress.Text = e.ProgressPercentage.ToString() + "%";

            void Completed(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
                if (e.Error != null)
                    string error = e.Error.ToString();

                if (e.Cancelled == true)
                    MessageBox.Show("Download has been canceled.");
                    // Alert on download complete
                    MessageBox.Show("Client Downloaded Please wait for Install Confirmation!");
                    // Run Intall function with textbox input to update config file and extract game files

                     *   TODO:
                     *      Create function [DeleteSetup()] to Delete Setup File after install.
                     *      Launcher.DeleteSetup();
                    // Alert on Completion
                    MessageBox.Show("TCoS Installed Successfully!");