Example #1
 private void ResetReadAddresses()
     for (int j = 0; j < write_regs.Length; j++)
         Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(0x0, ref write_regs[j], ref febClient.client); //Set the read pointers back to 0
Example #2
        public RunName()

            this.GainTextBox.Text = "unknown";

            if (PP.FEB1.client != null)
                Mu2e_FEB_client myFEB;
                myFEB = PP.FEB1;
                Mu2e_Register r1;

                Mu2e_Register.FindName("AFE_VGA0", ref myFEB.arrReg, out r1);
                r1.fpga_index = 0;
                Mu2e_Register.ReadReg(ref r1, ref myFEB.client);
                this.GainTextBox.Text = r1.val.ToString();

                Mu2e_Register.FindName("AFE_VGA1", ref myFEB.arrReg, out r1);
                r1.fpga_index = 0;
                Mu2e_Register.ReadReg(ref r1, ref myFEB.client);
                this.GainTextBox.Text += "-" + r1.val.ToString();

                Mu2e_Register.FindName("AFE_VGA0", ref myFEB.arrReg, out r1);
                r1.fpga_index = 1;
                Mu2e_Register.ReadReg(ref r1, ref myFEB.client);
                this.GainTextBox.Text += "-" + r1.val.ToString();
                Mu2e_Register.FindName("AFE_VGA1", ref myFEB.arrReg, out r1);
                r1.fpga_index = 1;
                Mu2e_Register.ReadReg(ref r1, ref myFEB.client);
                this.GainTextBox.Text += "-" + r1.val.ToString();
        public ROOTNET.NTH1I[] GetHistogram(uint channel, byte binning)
            //Get the registers for the requested channel

            //Get the read/write addresses which are important for starting and reading the histograms
            uint[,] channels = AFE_ChannelAddresses(channel);
            uint histCntrl_Dark_Base = 0x60 + (uint)Ext_mode + channels[0, 4]; // This turns on the histogramming with the defined mode

            //binning should only be 1, 2, 4, or 8, since those are the only supported histogram bin widths
            switch (binning)
            case 1:
                histCntrl_Dark_Base += 0x0;

            case 2:
                histCntrl_Dark_Base += 0x500;

            case 4:
                histCntrl_Dark_Base += 0xA00;

            case 8:
                histCntrl_Dark_Base += 0xF00;

                histCntrl_Dark_Base += 0x0;

            //Get the registers specific to the requested channel

            //Start the histogramming and wait for it to finish (very quick)
            Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(histCntrl_Dark_Base, ref histo_controls[0], ref febClient.client);
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(accumulation_interval + 50); //small bit of time buffer added to the interval

            //Get and unpack the data
            UInt32[][] histogramBinContents = ParseData(ReceiveData(channel));

            //Fill the histograms
            ROOTNET.NTH1I[] histo = new ROOTNET.NTH1I[2];
            for (uint i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                histo[i] = new ROOTNET.NTH1I("Ch" + channels[i, 3].ToString(), channels[i, 3].ToString(), 512, 0, binning * 512);
                for (uint binIndex = 0; binIndex < histogramBinContents[i].Length; binIndex++)
                    histo[i].SetBinContent((int)binIndex, histogramBinContents[i][binIndex]);

            //Return the histograms
Example #4
 public void SetAccumulation_Interval(ushort value)
     accumulation_interval = value;
     for (int i = 1; i < histo_controls.Length; i++)
         Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(accumulation_interval, ref histo_controls[i], ref febClient.client); //if we update the accumulation interval in the class, we need to update the registers on the FEB
Example #5
 private void SetRegisters()
     for (int i = 1; i < histo_controls.Length; i++)
         Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(accumulation_interval, ref histo_controls[i], ref febClient.client); //Set the accumulation interval
Example #6
        //The optional writeType allows for "dwr" to be used for voltage registers to apply calibrations.
        public static void WriteReg(UInt32 v, ref Mu2e_Register reg, ref TcpClient myClient, string writeType = "wr")
            ushort addr       = (ushort)(reg.addr + (reg.fpga_index * reg.fpga_offset_mult));
            ushort upper_addr = (ushort)(reg.upper_addr + (reg.fpga_index * reg.fpga_offset_mult));
            ushort lower_addr = (ushort)(reg.lower_addr + (reg.fpga_index * reg.fpga_offset_mult));

            if (myClient.Connected)
                NetworkStream TNETStream = myClient.GetStream();
                //StreamWriter SW = new StreamWriter(TNETStream);
                //StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(TNETStream);
                if (reg.width <= 16)
                    if (v >= Math.Pow(2, 16))
                        Exception e = new Exception("write val greater than possible"); throw e;
                    string sv   = Convert.ToString(v, 16);
                    string lout = writeType + " " + Convert.ToString(addr, 16) + " " + sv + "\r\n";
                    byte[] buf  = PP.GetBytes(lout);
                    TNETStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);

                else if (reg.width > 16)
                    //if (v >= Math.Pow(2, 16)) !stupid! what if we want to write a zero?
                        uint   vu   = v % (uint)(Math.Pow(2, 16));
                        string sv   = Convert.ToString(vu, 16);
                        string lout = writeType + " " + Convert.ToString(upper_addr, 16) + " " + sv + "\r\n";
                        byte[] buf  = PP.GetBytes(lout);
                        TNETStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);
                        string sv   = "0";
                        string lout = writeType + " " + Convert.ToString(upper_addr, 16) + " " + sv + "\r\n";
                        byte[] buf  = PP.GetBytes(lout);
                        TNETStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);

                        uint   vl   = v & (uint)(0xffff);
                        string sv   = Convert.ToString(vl, 16);
                        string lout = writeType + " " + Convert.ToString(lower_addr, 16) + " " + sv + "\r\n";
                        byte[] buf  = PP.GetBytes(lout);
                        TNETStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);
                reg.val = v;
                Exception e = new Exception("can't scan without a connected FEB client"); throw (e);
Example #7
        public RunName()

            this.GainTextBox.Text = "";
            Mu2e_Register reg;

            if (PP.FEB_clients != null)
                if (PP.FEB_clients.Any(x => x.ClientOpen))
                    foreach (Mu2e_FEB_client feb in PP.FEB_clients)
                        if (feb.ClientOpen)
                            Mu2e_Register.FindName("AFE_VGA0", 0, ref feb.arrReg, out reg);
                            Mu2e_Register.ReadReg(ref reg, ref feb.client);
                            GainTextBox.Text += reg.val.ToString();
                            Mu2e_Register.FindName("AFE_VGA1", 0, ref feb.arrReg, out reg);
                            Mu2e_Register.ReadReg(ref reg, ref feb.client);
                            GainTextBox.Text += "-" + reg.val.ToString() + "-";

            //if (PP.FEB1.client != null)
            //    Mu2e_FEB_client feb1 = PP.FEB1;
            //    Mu2e_Register r1;

            //    Mu2e_Register.FindName("AFE_VGA0", 0, ref feb1.arrReg, out r1);
            //    //r1.fpga_index = 0;
            //    Mu2e_Register.ReadReg(ref r1, ref feb1.client);
            //    this.GainTextBox.Text += r1.val.ToString();
            //    Mu2e_Register.FindName("AFE_VGA1", 0, ref feb1.arrReg, out r1);
            //    //r1.fpga_index = 0;
            //    Mu2e_Register.ReadReg(ref r1, ref feb1.client);
            //    this.GainTextBox.Text += "-" + r1.val.ToString();

            //if (PP.FEB2.client != null)
            //    Mu2e_FEB_client feb2 = PP.FEB2;
            //    Mu2e_Register r1;

            //    Mu2e_Register.FindName("AFE_VGA0", 0, ref feb2.arrReg, out r1);
            //    //r1.fpga_index = 0;
            //    Mu2e_Register.ReadReg(ref r1, ref feb2.client);
            //    this.GainTextBox.Text += "-" + r1.val.ToString();
            //    Mu2e_Register.FindName("AFE_VGA1", 0, ref feb2.arrReg, out r1);
            //    //r1.fpga_index = 0;
            //    Mu2e_Register.ReadReg(ref r1, ref feb2.client);
            //    this.GainTextBox.Text += "-" + r1.val.ToString();
        //Fills the histogram-related register list
        private void GetRegisters(uint requested_channel)
            uint fpga = requested_channel / 16;

            for (int i = 0; i < base_controls.Length; i++)
                Mu2e_Register.FindAddr(Convert.ToUInt16(base_controls[i] + (fpga * 0x400)), ref febClient.arrReg, out histo_controls[i]); //Histogram control registers
                //histo_controls[i].addr += Convert.ToUInt16(fpga * histo_controls[i].fpga_offset_mult); //Apply the offset to the histo_controls
Example #9
        public bool ReadCMB_SN(int FPGAnum, int CMB_num, out string CMB_ROM)
            CMB_ROM = "";
                if (_ClientOpen && FPGAnum < 4)
                    //CMB_set.fpga_index = Convert.ToUInt16(FPGAnum);
                    //CMB_cmnd.fpga_index = Convert.ToUInt16(FPGAnum);
                    //CMB_read.fpga_index = Convert.ToUInt16(FPGAnum);
                    Mu2e_Register.FindAddrFPGA(0x25, (uint)FPGAnum, ref this.arrReg, out Mu2e_Register CMB_set);
                    Mu2e_Register.FindAddrFPGA(0x24, (uint)FPGAnum, ref this.arrReg, out Mu2e_Register CMB_cmnd);
                    Mu2e_Register.FindAddrFPGA(0x26, (uint)FPGAnum, ref this.arrReg, out Mu2e_Register CMB_read);

                    switch (CMB_num)
                    case 0:
                        Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(1, ref CMB_set, ref this.client);

                    case 1:
                        Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(2, ref CMB_set, ref this.client);

                    case 2:
                        Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(4, ref CMB_set, ref this.client);

                    case 3:
                        Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(8, ref CMB_set, ref this.client);

                        Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(1, ref CMB_set, ref this.client);
                    Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(0x200, ref CMB_cmnd, ref this.client);

                    SendStr("rdi 26"); //This only reads the first FPGA, is this intended?
                    ReadStr(out string t, out int rt);
                    CMB_ROM = t;
            catch { return(false); }
Example #10
 //Fills the histogram-related register list
 private void GetRegisters()
     for (int i = 0; i < base_addrs.Length; i++)
         Mu2e_Register.FindAddr(base_addrs[i], ref febClient.arrReg, out histo_controls[i]); //Histogram controls
     for (int k = 0; k < write_addrs.Length; k++)
         Mu2e_Register.FindAddr(write_addrs[k], ref febClient.arrReg, out write_regs[k]); //write registers
Example #11
        public static void add_WC_reg(out List <Mu2e_Register> list_of_reg)
            list_of_reg = new List <Mu2e_Register>(1);
            Mu2e_Register r1 = new Mu2e_Register();

            r1.name             = "CSR";
            r1.addr             = 0x00;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.comment          = "Control and status register";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

Example #12
        //public bool SoftwareTrig()
        //    SW.WriteLine("trig");
        //    timeout = 0;
        //    while ((SR.ReadLine() != "trig") && (timeout < max_timeout)) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); timeout++; }
        //    if (timeout < max_timeout) { return true; } else { return false; }

        public bool CheckStatus(out uint spill_state, out uint spill_num, out uint trig_num)
            Mu2e_Register.FindAddr(0x76, ref arrReg, out Mu2e_Register reg_spill_state);
            Mu2e_Register.FindAddr(0x68, ref arrReg, out Mu2e_Register reg_spill_num);
            Mu2e_Register.FindAddr(0x67, ref arrReg, out Mu2e_Register reg_trig_count);

            Mu2e_Register.ReadReg(ref reg_spill_state, ref client);
            Mu2e_Register.ReadReg(ref reg_spill_num, ref client);
            Mu2e_Register.ReadReg(ref reg_trig_count, ref client);

            spill_state = reg_spill_state.val;
            spill_num   = reg_spill_num.val;
            trig_num    = reg_trig_count.val;
Example #13
        public ROOTNET.NTH1I[] GetHistogram(uint channel, string suffix = "")
            channel %= 8;                                               //requested channel mod 8 (since each AFE only cares about the 8 channels connected to it)

            SetRegisters();                                             //Preps the FEB (re-sets accumulation interval and resets the read pointers)
            uint histCntrl_Dark_Base = 0x60 + (uint)Ext_mode + channel; // This is the "on" command for the histogramming and setting for gated histograms and the channel requested

            //Start the histogramming and wait for it to finish (very quick)
            Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(histCntrl_Dark_Base, ref histo_controls[0], ref febClient.client);
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(accumulation_interval + 250); //small bit of time buffer added to the interval

            //Get and unpack the data
            UInt32[][] histogramBinContents = ParseData(ReceiveData(channel));

            //Fill the histograms
            ROOTNET.NTH1I[] histo = new ROOTNET.NTH1I[read_addrs.Length];
            for (uint i = 0; i < read_addrs.Length; i++)
                    histo[i] = new ROOTNET.NTH1I("Ch" + ((8 * i) + channel).ToString() + suffix, ((8 * i) + channel).ToString(), num_bins, 0, num_bins); //First bin is underflow, last bin is overflow
                    for (uint binIndex = 0; binIndex < histogramBinContents[i].Length; binIndex++)
                        histo[i].SetBinContent((int)binIndex + 1, histogramBinContents[i][binIndex]);
                catch (NullReferenceException)
                    //leave it as an empty histogram

            //Return the histograms
 private void SetRegisters()
     Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(accumulation_interval, ref histo_controls[1], ref febClient.client); //Set the accumulation interval
     Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(0x0, ref histo_controls[2], ref febClient.client);                   //Set the read pointers back to 0
     Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(0x0, ref histo_controls[3], ref febClient.client);                   //Set the read pointers back to 0
 public void SetAccumulation_interval(ushort value)
     accumulation_interval = value;
     Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(accumulation_interval, ref histo_controls[1], ref febClient.client); //if we update the accumulation interval in the class, we need to update the register on the FEB
Example #16
 public static bool FindAddr(UInt16 reg_addr, ref List <Mu2e_Register> reg_list, out Mu2e_Register reg)
     //Or instead just do
     //Mu2e_Register reg = regList.Find(r => r.addr == reg_addr);
     reg = null;
     foreach (Mu2e_Register r in reg_list)
         if (r.addr == reg_addr)
             reg = r; return(true);
     { return(false); }
Example #17
        public static void add_FEB_reg(out List <Mu2e_Register> list_of_reg)
            list_of_reg = new List <Mu2e_Register>(10);
            Mu2e_Register r1 = new Mu2e_Register();

            r1.name             = "CSR";
            r1.addr             = 0x00;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.comment          = "Control and status register";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.bit_comment[0]   = "Enable the on card test pulser";
            r1.bit_comment[1]   = "Run the test pulser for one spill or continuously (0=run once)";
            r1.bit_comment[2]   = "Enable the flash gate";
            r1.bit_comment[3]   = "CMB pulse function (0=applied to the flash gate, 1= applied to the CMB LEDs";
            r1.bit_comment[4]   = "Issue a reset to the AFE deserializer logic in the FPGA";
            r1.bit_comment[5]   = "Issue a MIG DDR interface reset";
            r1.bit_comment[6]   = "Reset readout sequencer 1: Reset, 0: No action";
            r1.bit_comment[7]   = "Issue a general reset. The AFE FIFOs, Trigger counter, Spill counter and Readout sequencer are reset.";
            r1.bit_comment[8]   = "Reset the serial controller in the AFE chips";
            r1.bit_comment[9]   = "Clear FM receive parity error";

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "SDRAM_WritePointer";
            r1.addr             = 0x03;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "SDRam Write address (2=upper bits, 3=lower bits)";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.width            = 32;
            r1.upper_addr       = 0x02;
            r1.lower_addr       = 0x03;

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "SDRAM_ReadPointer";
            r1.addr             = 0x05;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "SDRam Read address (4=upper bits, 5=lower bits)";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.width            = 32;
            r1.upper_addr       = 0x04;
            r1.lower_addr       = 0x05;

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "SDRAM_read_swapped";
            r1.addr             = 0x06;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Byte swapped SDRam read data port";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "SDRAM_read";
            r1.addr             = 0x07;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Un-swapped SDRam data port";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "MIG_Status";
            r1.addr             = 0x08;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "MIG status register";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.bit_comment[0]   = "DDR Reset Busy";
            r1.bit_comment[1]   = "DDR Cal Done";
            r1.bit_comment[2]   = "WRITE command FIFO full";
            r1.bit_comment[3]   = "WRITE command FIFO empty";
            r1.bit_comment[4]   = "WRITE data FIFO full";
            r1.bit_comment[5]   = "WRITE data FIFO empty";
            r1.bit_comment[6]   = "READ command FIFO full";
            r1.bit_comment[7]   = "READ command FIFO empty";
            r1.bit_comment[8]   = "READ data FIFO full";
            r1.bit_comment[9]   = "READ data FIFO full";

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "MIG_fifo_count";
            r1.addr             = 0x09;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "13:8 = ? , 5:0 = ?";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "MIG burst size";
            r1.addr             = 0x0A;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "always 8 for now";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "HISTO_THRESH_AFE0";
            r1.addr             = 0x10;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Histogram counter threshold for AFE 0";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "HISTO_THRESH_AFE1";
            r1.addr             = 0x11;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Histogram counter threshold for AFE 1";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "HISTO_COUNT_INTERVAL";
            r1.addr             = 0x12;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "A 12 bit counting interval in steps of 1 millisecond.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "HISTO_CHAN_SEL";
            r1.addr             = 0x13;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "A three bit register specifying which of the eight AFE channels is applied to the threshold (for both AFEs).";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "HISTO_COUNT0";
            r1.addr             = 0x15;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Histogram count AFE0 (0x14=upper bits, 0x15=lower bits)";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.width            = 32;
            r1.upper_addr       = 0x14;
            r1.lower_addr       = 0x15;

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "HISTO_COUNT1";
            r1.addr             = 0x17;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Histogram count AFE1 (0x16=upper bits, 0x17=lower bits)";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.width            = 32;
            r1.upper_addr       = 0x16;
            r1.lower_addr       = 0x17;

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "MUX_SEL";
            r1.addr             = 0x20;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Selects which of 16 DAC trim resistors is connected to the second level multiplexer. Set Mux enable to 0 before taking SiPM pulsed data.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.bit_comment[0]   = "CH select 3:0";
            r1.bit_comment[4]   = "MUX enable";

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "CHAN_MASK";
            r1.addr             = 0x21;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "A four bit register to select which CMBs to read out. Bits 0..3 enable CMBs 1..4";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "TEST_COUNTER";
            r1.addr             = 0x23;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "A write to this address defines the 32 bit test counter.  A read from this address displays the value of bits and increments all 32 bits of the counter after the read.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.width            = 32;
            r1.upper_addr       = 0x22;
            r1.lower_addr       = 0x23;

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "ONE_WIRE_COMMAND";
            r1.addr             = 0x24;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "One wire command register";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.bit_comment[0]   = "Bits 0..7: if an individual write transaction is requested, the lower eight bits of this register are sent to the one wire interface.";
            r1.bit_comment[8]   = "Bit 8: Start the read temperature sequencer. A complete read temperature sequence will execute when this bit is set. The read value of this bit will return a 0 until the sequence is complete.";
            r1.bit_comment[9]   = "Bit 9: Start the read ROM sequencer. A complete ROM read sequence will execute when this bit is set. The read value of this bit will return a 0 until the sequence is complete.";

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "ONE_WIRE_CONTROL";
            r1.addr             = 0x25;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "One wire control register";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.bit_comment[0]   = "Bit 0..3: Selects which CMB read data is stored in the register file";
            r1.bit_comment[4]   = "Bit 4: Request a write transaction";
            r1.bit_comment[5]   = "Bit 5: Request a read transaction";
            r1.bit_comment[6]   = "Request a reset transaction";
            r1.bit_comment[7]   = "Bit 7: Transaction status. Returns a ‘1’ when transaction is in progress";
            r1.bit_comment[8]   = "Bit 15..8: Transaction bitcount (N-1). For a write set to seven. For a 72 bit read set to 71.";

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "ONE_WIRE_READ0";
            r1.addr             = 0x26;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "One wire control register";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "ONE_WIRE_READ1";
            r1.addr             = 0x27;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "One wire control register";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "ONE_WIRE_REA2";
            r1.addr             = 0x28;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "One wire control register";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "ONE_WIRE_READ3";
            r1.addr             = 0x29;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "One wire control register";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "ONE_WIRE_READ4";
            r1.addr             = 0x2a;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "One wire control register";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            //r1 = new Mu2e_Register();
            //r1.name = "FLASH_GATE_TURN_ON_TIME";
            //r1.addr = 0x28;
            //r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            //r1.comment = "A write to this address defines the time in the microbunch in steps of 6.28ns that the flash gate is asserted, that is when the SiPM voltage is lowered. The microbunch duration is 270 steps";
            //r1.bit_comment = new string[15];

            //r1 = new Mu2e_Register();
            //r1.name = "FLASH_GATE_TURN_OFF_TIME";
            //r1.addr = 0x29;
            //r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            //r1.comment = "A write to this address defines the time in the microbunch in steps of 6.28ns that the flash gate is de-asserted.";
            //r1.bit_comment = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "AFE_INPUT_FIFO_EMPTY_FLAG";
            r1.addr             = 0x2F;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Shows the level of the empty flags of the 16 FIFOs used to buffer data destined for the DDR RAM.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
                r1.name             = "BIAS_DAC_CH" + i.ToString();
                r1.addr             = (ushort)(0x30 + i);
                r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
                r1.comment          = "12 bit DACs with a span of ±4.096V. Chan" + i.ToString();
                r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
                r1.name             = "LED_INTENSITY_DAC_CH" + i.ToString();
                r1.addr             = (ushort)(0x40 + i);
                r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
                r1.comment          = "Four 12 bit DACs with a span of 0..14V.  Addresses 0x40..0x43 Apply to CMB 1..4. Chan" + i.ToString();
                r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "BIAS_BUS_DAC0";
            r1.addr             = 0x44;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x0;
            r1.comment          = "Two 12 bits DACs with a possible span of 0..80V. Address 0x44 applies to CMB1..2";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "BIAS_BUS_DAC1";
            r1.addr             = 0x45;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x0;
            r1.comment          = "Two 12 bits DACs with a possible span of 0..80V. Address 0x44 applies to CMB3..4";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "AFE_VGA0";
            r1.addr             = 0x46;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Two 12 bits DACs with a span of 0..1.54V. Address 0x46 applies to AFE 0";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "AFE_VGA1";
            r1.addr             = 0x47;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Two 12 bits DACs with a span of 0..1.54V. Address 0x46 applies to AFE 1";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
                r1.name             = "SETUP_DAC_CH" + i.ToString();
                r1.addr             = (ushort)(0x48 + i);
                r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
                r1.comment          = "Dont' touch this. Chan" + i.ToString();
                r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "SPILL_TRIG_COUNT";
            r1.addr             = 0x67;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x0;
            r1.comment          = "Reads the number of triggers received during the spill.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.width            = 32;
            r1.upper_addr       = 0x66;
            r1.lower_addr       = 0x67;

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "SPILL_NUMBER";
            r1.addr             = 0x68;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x0;
            r1.comment          = "Increments once per spill. Use buffer reset to reset this counter.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.width            = 16;

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "EVENT_WORD_COUNT";
            r1.addr             = 0x69;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x0;
            r1.comment          = "Increments once per spill. Use buffer reset to reset this counter.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.width            = 16;

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "SPILL_WORD_COUNT";
            r1.addr             = 0x6B;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x0;
            r1.comment          = "Read the word count from the most recent spill";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.width            = 32;
            r1.upper_addr       = 0x6A;
            r1.lower_addr       = 0x6B;

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "UPTIME";
            r1.addr             = 0x6D;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x0;
            r1.comment          = "A counter showing the number of seconds since the last FPGA reset";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.width            = 32;
            r1.upper_addr       = 0x6C;
            r1.lower_addr       = 0x6D;

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "TRIG_TIME_STAMP";
            r1.addr             = 0x73;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "A 32 bit register showing the time stamp of the most recent trigger";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.width            = 32;
            r1.upper_addr       = 0x72;
            r1.lower_addr       = 0x73;

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "PULSER_TRIG_DELAY";
            r1.addr             = 0x74;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "An eight bit value in steps of 6.28ns that specifies the delay between receipt of a pulser trigger command from the controller and the issuing of a test pulse to the CMB LEDs. The desire is to obviate the need for pipeline readjustment between data taking and pulser triggers.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "SPILL_ERROR";
            r1.addr             = 0x75;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x0;
            r1.comment          = "Read the spill error register";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.bit_comment[0]   = "[0] One or more of the AFE FIFOs has overflowed";
            r1.bit_comment[1]   = "[1] Event FIFO empty. This should be the case at the end of a spill.";
            r1.bit_comment[2]   = "[2] Parity error on the command link from the controller to the TDC.";

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "SPILL_STATE";
            r1.addr             = 0x76;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x0;
            r1.comment          = "Read the spill state register";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.bit_comment[0]   = "[0] The DDR write sequencer is busy.";
            r1.bit_comment[1]   = "[1] Spill End Flag.";
            r1.bit_comment[2]   = "[2] Spill Gate.";

///broadcast reg

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "FLASH_GATE_CONTROL";
            r1.addr             = 0x300;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Broadcast. Flash gate control.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.bit_comment[0]   = "[0] Enable the flash gate.";
            r1.bit_comment[1]   = "[1] Select the CMB pulse routing. 0: Flash Gate, 1: LED flasher.";
            r1.bit_comment[2]   = "[2] LED Flasher signal source. 0: Test pulser, 1: Flash Gate.";

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "FLASH_GATE_TURN_ON";
            r1.addr             = 0x301;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Broadcast. A write to this address defines the time in the microbunch in steps of 6.28ns that the flash gate is asserted, that is when the SiPM voltage is lowered. The microbunch duration is 270 steps";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "FLASH_GATE_TURN_OFF";
            r1.addr             = 0x302;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Broadcast. A write to this address defines the time in the microbunch in steps of 6.28ns that the flash gate is de-asserted, that is when the SiPM voltage is raised.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "TRIG_CONTROL";
            r1.addr             = 0x303;
            r1.pref_hex         = true;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Broadcast. Trigger control register.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.bit_comment[0]   = "[0] Writing a ‘1’ to this bit position sends a software trigger.";
            r1.bit_comment[1]   = "[1] Selects the trigger input type as a pulse or an FM data stream. The assumption is that a trigger pulse comes from the LEMO connector, the FM encoded trigger message comes from the RJ-45 connector. The microprocessor controls the multiplexer that routes either the LEMO or the RJ-45 signal to the trigger input on the FPGAs.";
            r1.bit_comment[2]   = "[2] Trigger Inhibit. if trigger inhibit is enabled, this bit goes to one in response to a trigger";
            r1.bit_comment[3]   = "[3] Trigger Inhibit enable.";
            r1.bit_comment[4]   = "[4] Spill Inhibit. if spill inhibit is enabled, this bit goes to one in response to end of spill. Writing a ‘1’ to this position sets a request to clear the inhibit. Clear spill inhibit will wait until any spill in progress finishes before clearing and allow more triggers.";
            r1.bit_comment[5]   = "[5] Clear spill inhibit.";
            r1.bit_comment[6]   = "[6] Spill Inhibit enable.";
            r1.bit_comment[7]   = "[7] Not used.";
            r1.bit_comment[8]   = "[8] Enable the on card test pulser.";
            r1.bit_comment[9]   = "[9] Run the test pulser for one spill or continuously. 1: Run once 0: Run continuously";

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "HIT_DEL_REG";
            r1.addr             = 0x304;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Broadcast. Specifies the number of pipeline stages the hit data traverses before being presented to the first level FIFO. This is used to compensate for trigger delays. The least count is 12.56 ns and the span is eight bits. The minimum delay setting is one and increases monotonically up to a setting of 255. ";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "NUM_SAMPLE_REG";
            r1.addr             = 0x305;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Broadcast. Specifies the number ADC samples per trigger to record. 1..254 Samples.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "TEST_PULSE_FREQ";
            r1.addr             = 0x307;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Broadcast. Test Pulser frequency word. The rate is 0.0741 Hz per count.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];
            r1.width            = 32;
            r1.upper_addr       = 0x306;
            r1.lower_addr       = 0x307;

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "TEST_PULSE_DURATION";
            r1.addr             = 0x308;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Broadcast. A write to this address defines the length of the internally generated spill in seconds.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "TEST_PULSE_INTERSPILL";
            r1.addr             = 0x309;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Broadcast. A write to this address defines the length of the internally generated gap between spills in seconds. This is only significant if the test pulser is set to run continuously.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "COARSE_COUNT_INTI";
            r1.addr             = 0x30a;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "A write to this address defines the lower eight bits of the initial count of the time stamp counter. This can be used to match the delay between receipt of a trigger at the controller and the FEB.";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            r1                  = new Mu2e_Register();
            r1.name             = "TEST_PULSE_DELAY";
            r1.addr             = 0x30b;
            r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            r1.comment          = "Broadcast.A write to this address defines the delay in 6.28 ns clock ticks between receipt of a test pulse trigger from the controller and the firing of the trigger logic on the FEB";
            r1.bit_comment      = new string[15];

            //for (int i = 0; i < 59; i++)
            //    r1 = new Mu2e_Register();
            //    r1.name = "AFE0_REG_0x" + Convert.ToString(i, 16);
            //    r1.addr = (ushort)(0x100 + i);
            //    r1.pref_hex = true;
            //    r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            //    r1.comment = "This space is mapped onto to the AFE5807 register map.." + i.ToString();
            //    r1.bit_comment = new string[15];
            //    list_of_reg.Add(r1);

            //    r1 = new Mu2e_Register();
            //    r1.name = "AFE1_REG_0x" + Convert.ToString(i, 16);
            //    r1.addr = (ushort)(0x200 + i);
            //    r1.pref_hex = true;
            //    r1.fpga_offset_mult = 0x400;
            //    r1.comment = "This space is mapped onto to the AFE5807 register map.." + i.ToString();
            //    r1.bit_comment = new string[15];
            //    list_of_reg.Add(r1);
Example #18
        public bool ReadCMB_SN(int FPGAnum, int CMB_num, out string CMB_ROM)
            CMB_ROM = "";
                if (_ClientOpen)
                    Mu2e_Register CMB_set;  //addr25
                    Mu2e_Register.FindAddr(0x25, ref this.arrReg, out CMB_set);
                    Mu2e_Register CMB_cmnd; //addr24
                    Mu2e_Register.FindAddr(0x24, ref this.arrReg, out CMB_cmnd);
                    Mu2e_Register CMB_read; //addr26
                    Mu2e_Register.FindAddr(0x26, ref this.arrReg, out CMB_read);

                        if (FPGAnum < 4)
                            CMB_set.fpga_index  = Convert.ToUInt16(FPGAnum);
                            CMB_cmnd.fpga_index = Convert.ToUInt16(FPGAnum);
                            CMB_read.fpga_index = Convert.ToUInt16(FPGAnum);
                    catch { }

                    switch (CMB_num)
                    case 0:
                        Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(1, ref CMB_set, ref this.client);

                    case 1:
                        Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(2, ref CMB_set, ref this.client);

                    case 2:
                        Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(4, ref CMB_set, ref this.client);

                    case 3:
                        Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(8, ref CMB_set, ref this.client);

                        Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(1, ref CMB_set, ref this.client);
                    Mu2e_Register.WriteReg(0x200, ref CMB_cmnd, ref this.client);

                    SendStr("rdi 26");
                    string t  = "";
                    int    rt = 0;
                    ReadStr(out t, out rt);
                    CMB_ROM = t;
            catch { return(false); }
Example #19
 public static bool FindName(string reg_name, ref List <Mu2e_Register> reg_list, out Mu2e_Register reg)
     reg = null;
     foreach (Mu2e_Register r in reg_list)
         if (r.name == reg_name)
             reg = r; return(true);
     { return(false); }
Example #20
        public static void ReadReg(ref Mu2e_Register reg, ref TcpClient myClient)
            ushort addr       = (ushort)(reg.addr + (reg.fpga_index * reg.fpga_offset_mult));
            ushort upper_addr = (ushort)(reg.upper_addr + (reg.fpga_index * reg.fpga_offset_mult));
            ushort lower_addr = (ushort)(reg.lower_addr + (reg.fpga_index * reg.fpga_offset_mult));

                if (myClient.Connected)
                    NetworkStream TNETStream = myClient.GetStream();
                    //StreamWriter SW = new StreamWriter(TNETStream);
                    //StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(TNETStream);
                    if (reg.width <= 16)
                        string lin = "rd " + Convert.ToString(addr, 16) + "\r\n";
                        byte[] buf = PP.GetBytes(lin);
                        TNETStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);

                        if (myClient.Available > 0)
                            byte[] rec_buf = new byte[myClient.Available];
                            int ret_len = TNETStream.Read(rec_buf, 0, rec_buf.Length);
                            reg.prev_val = reg.val;
                            UInt32 t; double dv;
                            BufVal(rec_buf, out t, out dv);
                            reg.val = t;
                            reg.dv  = dv;
                    else if (reg.width > 16)
                        string lin = "rd " + Convert.ToString(upper_addr, 16) + "\r\n";
                        byte[] buf = PP.GetBytes(lin);
                        TNETStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);
                        UInt32[] tv = new UInt32[2];
                        if (myClient.Available > 0)
                            byte[] rec_buf = new byte[myClient.Available];
                            int ret_len = TNETStream.Read(rec_buf, 0, rec_buf.Length);
                            reg.prev_val = reg.val;
                            UInt32 t; double dv;
                            BufVal(rec_buf, out t, out dv);
                            tv[0] = t;
                        lin = "rd " + Convert.ToString(lower_addr, 16) + "\r\n";
                        buf = PP.GetBytes(lin);
                        TNETStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);

                        if (myClient.Available > 0)
                            byte[] rec_buf = new byte[myClient.Available];
                            int ret_len = TNETStream.Read(rec_buf, 0, rec_buf.Length);
                            reg.prev_val = reg.val;
                            UInt32 t; double dv;
                            BufVal(rec_buf, out t, out dv);
                            tv[1] = t;

                        reg.val = (tv[0] * 256 * 256) + tv[1];
            catch { }
Example #21
 public static bool FindAddr(UInt16 reg_addr, ref List <Mu2e_Register> reg_list, out Mu2e_Register reg)
     reg = null;
     foreach (Mu2e_Register r in reg_list)
         if (r.addr == reg_addr)
             reg = r; return(true);
     { return(false); }