Example #1
        public void ArrangeWindow()
            WinAPIs.RECT wSize = new WinAPIs.RECT();
            WinAPIs.GetWindowRect(ScreenshotHandler.unityWindow, ref wSize); // Get the size of the window
            WinAPIs.GetClientRect(ScreenshotHandler.unityWindow, out unitySize);

            this.Location = new Point(wSize.left, wSize.top);
            this.Size     = new Size(wSize.right - wSize.left, wSize.bottom - wSize.top); // Set size and location
        public static Image GetImageFromWindow()
            IntPtr wDC = WinAPIs.GetWindowDC(unityWindow); // Device Context

            WinAPIs.RECT winSize = new WinAPIs.RECT();
            WinAPIs.GetWindowRect(unityWindow, ref winSize);    // Get the size of the window
            WinAPIs.RECT clientSize = new WinAPIs.RECT();
            WinAPIs.GetClientRect(unityWindow, out clientSize); // Get the client bounds for cropping later

            int width        = winSize.right - winSize.left;
            int height       = winSize.bottom - winSize.top;
            int clientWidth  = clientSize.right - clientSize.left;
            int clientHeight = clientSize.bottom - clientSize.top;

            int winBorderSize   = (width - clientWidth) / 2;
            int titleBorderSize = (height - clientHeight) - winBorderSize;

            IntPtr newDest   = WinAPIs.CreateCompatibleDC(wDC);                    // New device context
            IntPtr newBitmap = WinAPIs.CreateCompatibleBitmap(wDC, width, height); // New bitmap for the image

            IntPtr bitmapObj = WinAPIs.SelectObject(newDest, newBitmap);

            WinAPIs.BitBlt(newDest, 0, 0, width, height, wDC, 0, 0, WinAPIs.SRC_COPY); // Copy the exact image from these bounds
            WinAPIs.SelectObject(newDest, newBitmap);                                  // Reset the selection

            WinAPIs.ReleaseDC(unityWindow, wDC);             // Clean up memeory

            Bitmap cropImage = Image.FromHbitmap(newBitmap); // Convert into a bitmap

            WinAPIs.DeleteObject(newBitmap);                 // More cleaning

            Bitmap cropped = cropImage.Clone(new Rectangle(winBorderSize, titleBorderSize, cropImage.Width - 2 * winBorderSize,
                                                           cropImage.Height - titleBorderSize - winBorderSize), PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); // Remove the window borders

            cropImage.Dispose();                                                                                                             // Prevent a memleak