Example #1
 private void hostBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // Host Button
     if (isIngame)
         MessageBox.Show("Please stay in the main menu before starting a session!", "Error"); // Prevent the user from hosting/connecting while being ingame
     WriteToTABS("HOSTNOW");                                  // Send the host command
     button1.Enabled = false;                                 // Disable the host btn
     button2.Enabled = false;                                 // Disable the connection btn
     isHost          = true;
     new Thread(() => ScreenshotHandler.UdpThread()).Start(); // Start the udp listener
Example #2
        private void connectBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // Connect Button
            if (isIngame)
                MessageBox.Show("Please stay in/enter the main menu before starting a session!", "Error");
                WriteToTABS("CONNECT|" + IPAddress.Parse(textBox1.Text).ToString());  // Send connect cmd + ip with parse checking
                button1.Enabled = false;                                              // Disable the host btn
                button2.Enabled = false;                                              // Disable the connection btn

                screenPartner = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(textBox1.Text), 8042); // Connect to the other screenClient
                new Thread(() => ScreenshotHandler.UdpThread()).Start();              // Start the udp listener
                ScreenshotHandler.WriteToUdp(StrToByte("HELLO"));                     // Send hello
            } catch (Exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid IP!", "Error");
Example #3
        private void imageUpdater_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!initImg && ScreenshotHandler.winSize.Width > 0)
                initImg           = true;
                pictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height);

            if (ScreenshotHandler.winSize.Width > 0)
                screenPercentageX = (float)this.Width / (float)ScreenshotHandler.winSize.Width;
                screenPercentageY = (float)this.Height / (float)ScreenshotHandler.winSize.Height; // Get our screen percentage

            byte[] data;
            while (ScreenshotHandler.datas.TryTake(out data))
                string strData = MainUI.ByteToStr(data);
                if (strData.StartsWith("IMG"))                                                   // If it's an image
                    strData = strData.Split(new string[] { "|$|" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0]; // Only get our header

                    if (ScreenshotHandler.winSize.Width == 0)
                        string[] sizeData = strData.Split('|')[2].Split(',');
                        ScreenshotHandler.winSize = new Size(int.Parse(sizeData[0]), int.Parse(sizeData[1]));

                    /*if(totalImage == null)
                     * {
                     *  string[] sizeData = strData.Split('|')[2].Split(',');
                     *  totalImage = new Bitmap(int.Parse(sizeData[0]), int.Parse(sizeData[1])); // Make a total image if it's missing
                     * }*/

                    string[] pointData = strData.Replace("{X=", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("Y=", "").Split('|')[1].Split(',');

                    byte[] imgData = ScreenshotHandler.Decompress(ScreenshotHandler.GetImageData(data)); // Get the image bytes
                    Point  loc     = new Point(int.Parse(pointData[0]), int.Parse(pointData[1]));        // Get the box location

                    MemoryStream imgMem = new MemoryStream(imgData);
                    Image        boxImg = Image.FromStream(imgMem); // Get image from bytes

                    Bitmap boxBit = new Bitmap(boxImg);
                    if (!ScreenshotHandler.imageBlocks.ContainsKey(loc))
                        ScreenshotHandler.imageBlocks.Add(loc, boxBit);
                        ScreenshotHandler.imageBlocks[loc] = boxBit;

                    pictureBox1.Invalidate(new Rectangle((int)((float)loc.X * screenPercentageX - 1),
                                                         (int)((float)loc.Y * screenPercentageY), (int)((float)boxBit.Width * screenPercentageX + 1),
                                                         (int)((float)boxBit.Height * screenPercentageY))); // Refresh the picturebox

                    /*MainUI.screenshareForm.Invoke(() => {
                     *  /*int dW = (loc.X + boxImg.Width + 1) - totalImage.Width;
                     *  int dH = (loc.Y + boxImg.Height + 1) - totalImage.Height;
                     *  if (dW > 0) // Crop width if it's too big
                     *  {
                     *      Bitmap toCrop = new Bitmap(boxImg);
                     *      boxImg = toCrop.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, toCrop.Width - dW, toCrop.Height), toCrop.PixelFormat);
                     *      toCrop.Dispose();
                     *  }
                     *  if (dH > 0) // Crop height if it's too big
                     *  {
                     *      Bitmap toCrop = new Bitmap(boxImg);
                     *      boxImg = toCrop.Clone(new Rectangle(0, 0, toCrop.Width, toCrop.Height - dH), toCrop.PixelFormat);
                     *      toCrop.Dispose();
                     *  } // Old client-side cropping (useless)
                     *  using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(totalImage)) // Draw the image on the totalImage
                     *  {
                     *      g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighSpeed;
                     *      g.DrawImage(boxImg, loc);
                     *  }
                     *  boxImg.Dispose();
                     * });*/

                    //imgMem.Dispose(); // Clear memory
Example #4
        private static void TCPReceiver()
            using (NetworkStream nStream = tcp.GetStream())             // Get the stream
                using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(nStream)) // Read it
                    uiWriter = new BinaryWriter(nStream);               // Set the writer

                    while (true)                                        // Permanently try to read
                        string newData = reader.ReadString();           // Unbelievably messy code for receiving commands (somebody else can improve it :)) )

                        if (newData.Equals("SHOWSAND"))
                            instance.Invoke(() => { MessageBox.Show("You can now start the Sandbox", "Connected!"); });
                        else if (newData.StartsWith("SHOWMSG"))
                            instance.Invoke(() => { MessageBox.Show(newData.Split('|')[1], "Message from TABS"); });
                        else if (newData.StartsWith("INGAME"))
                            isIngame = bool.Parse(newData.Split('|')[1]); // Change the ingame status
                        else if (newData.StartsWith("DEBUG"))
                            Console.WriteLine(newData.Split('|')[1]); // Print out debug text
                        else if (newData.StartsWith("WINH"))
                            ScreenshotHandler.unityWindow = new IntPtr(long.Parse(newData.Split('|')[1])); // Set the handle
                            new Thread(() => ScreenshotHandler.FramingThread()).Start();                   // Start the framing thread
                        else if (newData.StartsWith("GSTARTED"))
                            bool started = bool.Parse(newData.Split('|')[1]); // Is game started?
                            if (!isIngame)
                                continue;            // Continue if the player's in the main menu
                            if (!isHost)
                                if (started)
                                    screenshareForm.Visible = true;
                                    // Arrange and make the screenshare window ready for receiving
                                    screenshareForm.Visible = false;
                                    WinAPIs.SetForegroundWindow(ScreenshotHandler.unityWindow); // Hide the screenshare form
                                    // and set the game as the active one again
                            ScreenshotHandler.streaming = started;