protected override XElement[] Do(WebContext context) { string currentPassword = context.httprequest.Form["currentPassword"]; string newPassword = context.httprequest.Form["newPassword"]; if(newPassword != context.httprequest.Form["newPassword2"]) throw new FLocalException("new passwords mismatch"); string registrationEmail = context.httprequest.Form["registrationEmail"]; int postsPerPage = int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["postsPerPage"]); int threadsPerPage = int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["threadsPerPage"]); int usersPerPage = int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["usersPerPage"]); int uploadsPerPage = int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["uploadsPerPage"]); Skin skin = Skin.LoadById(int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["skinId"])); ModernSkin modernSkin = ModernSkin.LoadById(int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["modernSkinId"])); Machichara machichara = Machichara.LoadById(int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["machicharaId"])); int maxUploadImageWidth = int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["maxUploadImageWidth"]); int maxUploadImageHeight = int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["maxUploadImageHeight"]); if((postsPerPage < 1) || (postsPerPage > 200)) throw new FLocalException("wrong number for postsPerPage"); if((threadsPerPage < 1) || (threadsPerPage > 200)) throw new FLocalException("wrong number for threadsPerPage"); if((usersPerPage < 1) || (usersPerPage > 200)) throw new FLocalException("wrong number for usersPerPage"); if((uploadsPerPage < 1) || (uploadsPerPage > 200)) throw new FLocalException("wrong number for uploadsPerPage"); if(!context.account.checkPassword(currentPassword)) throw new FLocalException("Wrong password. You should enter your current password in order to change settings."); AccountSettings.Save(context.session.account, postsPerPage, threadsPerPage, usersPerPage, uploadsPerPage, skin, modernSkin, machichara, maxUploadImageWidth, maxUploadImageHeight); if(newPassword != null && newPassword != "") { context.account.updatePassword(newPassword); } if(registrationEmail != null && registrationEmail != "") { context.account.updateRegistrationEmail(registrationEmail); } return new XElement[0]; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="server"></param> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="callbackEndPoint"></param> /// <param name="cancel"></param> public override void Run(IHostServer server, WebContext context, string callbackEndPoint, CancellationToken cancel) { if (context.PreparedParameters == null) { context.PreparedParameters = RequestParameters.Create(context); } var preparedParams = context.PreparedParameters; var fingerprint = preparedParams.Get("cert"); var cms = preparedParams.Get("message"); var container = server.Container; var caConfigProvider = container.Get<ICaConfigProvider>(); if (caConfigProvider == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot get CA config"); } var caConfig = caConfigProvider.GetConfig(); if (caConfig == null || !caConfig.GetIsValid()) { throw new Exception("Not valid CA config"); } var cmsDecryptor = new CmsDecryptor(); cmsDecryptor.Initialize(caConfig); var cmsMessage = new CmsMessage { CertificateFingerprint = fingerprint, EncryptedMessage = cms }; context.ContentType = MimeHelper.JSON; string salt; lock (TokenAuthGetSaltHandler.Sync) { salt = TokenAuthGetSaltHandler.Salts[fingerprint].Value; } var message = cmsDecryptor.Descrypt(cmsMessage); var result = message != salt ? "false" : "true"; context.Finish(result); }
public App() { InitializeComponent(); // Handle when your app starts DomainContext.DomainClientFactory = new WebApiDomainClientFactory() { HttpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler() { AutomaticDecompression = System.Net.DecompressionMethods.Deflate | System.Net.DecompressionMethods.GZip }, // TODO: REPLACE WITH IP OF YOUR COMPUTER // We might needto query this ! //ServerBaseUri = new Uri("http://localhost:51359/ClientBin/", UriKind.Absolute) ServerBaseUri = new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute) }; // Create a WebContext and add it to the ApplicationLifetimeObjects collection. // This will then be available as WebContext.Current. WebContext webContext = new WebContext(); webContext.Authentication = new FormsAuthentication() { DomainContext = new AuthenticationDomainService1() }; MainPage = new XamarinXamlApp.MainPage(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the singleton application object. This is the first line of authored code /// executed, and as such is the logical equivalent of main() or WinMain(). /// </summary> public App() { this.InitializeComponent(); this.Suspending += OnSuspending; DomainClientFactory = new WebApiDomainClientFactory() { HttpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler() { AutomaticDecompression = System.Net.DecompressionMethods.Deflate | System.Net.DecompressionMethods.GZip }, ServerBaseUri = new Uri("http://localhost:51359/ClientBin/", UriKind.Absolute) }; DomainContext.DomainClientFactory = DomainClientFactory; // Create a WebContext and add it to the ApplicationLifetimeObjects collection. // This will then be available as WebContext.Current. WebContext webContext = new WebContext(); webContext.Authentication = new FormsAuthentication() { DomainContext = new AuthenticationDomainService1() }; //webContext.Authentication = new WindowsAuthentication(); }
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { //当前参数 object coursePack = null; //输入异常 filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Write(string.Format("<br/> {0} Action start Execute.....", Message)); //给当前控制器加参数 if (filterContext.ActionParameters.ContainsKey("currentCoursePack")) { filterContext.ActionParameters["currentCoursePack"] = null; } if (filterContext.ActionParameters.ContainsKey("currentCoursePack")) { filterContext.ActionParameters["currentCoursePack"] = coursePack; } //设置当前控制器默认具备的viewBag filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.currentCoursePack = null; UserData ud = new WebContext(filterContext.HttpContext).GetUserData(); filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.currentUserInfo = ud; //返回结果 filterContext.Result = new HttpStatusCodeResult(404); base.OnActionExecuting(filterContext); }
protected override XElement[] Do(WebContext context) { string title = context.httprequest.Form["title"].Trim(); if(title == "") throw new FLocalException("title is empty"); string[] rawOptions = context.httprequest.Form.GetValues("option"); List<string> options = new List<string>(); foreach(string rawOption in rawOptions) { if(rawOption != null && rawOption.Trim() != "") { options.Add(rawOption.Trim()); } } if(options.Count < 2) throw new FLocalException("Only " + options.Count + " options is entered"); bool isDetailed = context.httprequest.Form.AllKeys.Contains("isDetailed"); bool isMultiOption = context.httprequest.Form.AllKeys.Contains("isMultiOption"); Poll poll = Poll.Create( context.session.account.user, isDetailed, isMultiOption, title, options ); return new XElement[] { poll.exportToXml(context), }; }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public void Process(WebContext context) { var parameters = RequestParameters.Create(context); var script = parameters.PostData; string lang = parameters.Get("lang"); string format = parameters.Get("format"); Func<string, XElement> executor = null; if (lang == "bxl"){ executor = BxlExecutor; } else{ executor = BSharpExecutor; } Action<XElement, WebContext> render = null; if (format == "wiki"){ render = RenderAsWiki; } else{ render = RenderAsNative; } _showroot = script.Contains("##showroot"); XElement xml = null; try{ xml = executor(script); } catch (Exception ex){ xml = new XElement("error", ex.ToString()); } render(xml, context); }
public void Run(IHostServer server, WebContext context, string callbackEndPoint, CancellationToken cancel) { var id = context.User.Identity as Identity; if(null==id)throw new Exception("invalid identity type"); if (null == id.ImpersonationSource) { if(!id.IsAdmin)throw new Exception("not admin"); } var src = id.ImpersonationSource ?? id; var p = RequestParameters.Create(context); var to = p.Get("login"); Identity newid = null; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(to)) { newid = (Identity)src; } else { var user = Users.GetUser(to); if (null != user) { newid = new Identity(user); } else { newid =new Identity{Name = to, IsAuthenticated = true}; } newid.ImpersonationSource = src; } context.User = new GenericPrincipal(newid,null); var token = TokenService.Create(context.Request); newid.Token = token; TokenService.Store(context.Response,context.Request.Uri,token); context.Finish(newid.stringify()); }
protected override IEnumerable<XElement> getSpecificData(WebContext context) { if(!context.httprequest.Path.StartsWith("/static/") && !context.httprequest.Path.StartsWith("/favicon")) context.LogError(new WrongUrlException()); return new XElement[] { new XElement("path", context.httprequest.Path) }; }
protected override XElement[] Do(WebContext context) { Post post = Post.LoadById(int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["postId"])); XElement postXml = post.exportToXml(context); post.Punish( context.session.account, PunishmentType.LoadById(int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["punishmentTypeId"])), context.httprequest.Form["comment"].Trim(), (context.httprequest.Form["transfer"] == "transfer") ? (PunishmentTransfer.NewTransferInfo?)new PunishmentTransfer.NewTransferInfo(Board.LoadById(int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["transfer_boardId"])), context.httprequest.Form["transfer_subThread"] == "transfer_subThread") : null, (context.httprequest.Form["layerChange"] == "layerChange") ? (PunishmentLayerChange.NewLayerChangeInfo?)new PunishmentLayerChange.NewLayerChangeInfo(PostLayer.LoadById(int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["layerChange_layerId"])), context.httprequest.Form["layerChange_subThread"] == "layerChange_subThread") : null ); return new XElement[] { post.thread.board.exportToXml(context, Board.SubboardsOptions.None), postXml }; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="server"></param> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="callbackEndPoint"></param> /// <param name="cancel"></param> public override void Run(IHostServer server, WebContext context, string callbackEndPoint, CancellationToken cancel) { var container = server.Container; if (container == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot access container"); } var caProxy = container.Get<ICaWrapper>(); if (caProxy == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot access CA proxy"); } if (context.PreparedParameters == null) { context.PreparedParameters = RequestParameters.Create(context); } var certId = context.PreparedParameters.Get("cert"); var message = context.PreparedParameters.Get("message"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(certId)) { throw new ArgumentException("Empty certificate fingerprint"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message)) { throw new ArgumentException("Empty encrypted message"); } var user = caProxy.ProcessAuth(certId, message); if (user != null) { var result = ProcessUserLogin(user, server, context); var strResult = result.Result.stringify(); context.Finish(strResult); return; } context.Finish("false"); }
public void CleanUp() { if (this._webContext != null) { this._webContext.Dispose(); this._webContext = null; } }
public override void Run(IHostServer server, WebContext context, string callbackEndPoint, CancellationToken cancel) { var container = server.Container; if (container == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot access container"); } if (context.PreparedParameters == null) { context.PreparedParameters = RequestParameters.Create(context); } var certId = context.PreparedParameters.Get("cert"); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(certId)) { throw new ArgumentException("Empty certificate fingerprint"); } var hostConfigProvider = container.Get<IHostConfigProvider>(); if (hostConfigProvider == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot resolve server role"); } var hostConfig = hostConfigProvider.GetConfig(); if (hostConfig == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot resolve server role"); } var definition = hostConfig.Definition; if (definition == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot resolve server role"); } var caAttr = definition.Attr("ca"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(caAttr) && caAttr.To<bool>()) { lock (Sync) { Salt saltObj; if (Salts.ContainsKey(certId)) { saltObj = Salts[certId]; if (saltObj.Expire <= DateTime.UtcNow) { saltObj = new Salt { Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Expire = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1) }; Salts[certId] = saltObj; } } else { saltObj = new Salt { Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Expire = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1) }; Salts[certId] = saltObj; } context.Finish("\"" + saltObj.Value + "\""); CleanUpExpiredSaltsInternal(); return; } } var caProxy = container.Get<ICaWrapper>(); if (caProxy == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot access CA proxy"); } context.ContentType = MimeHelper.JSON; var salt = caProxy.GetSalt(certId); context.Finish(salt); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <see cref="App"/> instance. /// </summary> public App() { InitializeComponent(); // Create a WebContext and add it to the ApplicationLifetimeObjects // collection. This will then be available as WebContext.Current. WebContext webContext = new WebContext(); webContext.Authentication = new FormsAuthentication(); //webContext.Authentication = new WindowsAuthentication(); this.ApplicationLifetimeObjects.Add(webContext); }
protected override XElement[] Do(WebContext context) { Upload upload = Upload.LoadById(int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["uploadId"])); AvatarsSettings.RemoveAvatar(context.account, upload); return new XElement[] { new XElement("uploadedId", }; }
protected override XElement[] Do(WebContext context) { HttpPostedFile file = context.httprequest.Files["file"]; if(file == null) throw new FLocalException("file not uploaded"); if(file.ContentLength != file.InputStream.Length) throw new FLocalException("file is not uploaded completely"); Upload upload = UploadManager.SafeUploadFile(file.InputStream, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName), context.session.account.user); return new XElement[] { new XElement("uploadedId", }; }
protected string getTitle(WebContext context) { string title = context.httprequest.Form["title"].Trim(); if(title == "") { throw new FLocalException("Title is empty"); } if(title.Length > 100) { throw new FLocalException("Title is too long"); } return title; }
protected override IEnumerable<XElement> getSpecificData(WebContext context) { Uri url = context.httprequest.Url; return new XElement[] { new XElement( "url", new XElement("host", url.Host), new XElement("port", url.Port) ), }; }
protected string getBody(WebContext context) { string body = context.httprequest.Form["Body"].Trim(); if(body == "") { throw new FLocalException("Body is empty"); } if(body.Length > 30000) { throw new FLocalException("Body is too long"); } return body; }
protected override void _Do(WebContext context) { string[] requestParts = context.httprequest.Path.Split(new[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Account account = context.session.account; Thread thread = Thread.LoadById(int.Parse(requestParts[2])); if(!requestParts[3].StartsWith("p")) throw new WrongUrlException(); //throw new CriticalException("wrong url"); Post post = Post.LoadById(int.Parse(requestParts[3].PHPSubstring(1))); //if( != throw new CriticalException("id mismatch"); thread.forceMarkAsRead(account, post); }
private XDocument getData(WebContext context) { var st = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var specificData = this.getSpecificData(context); var commonData = this.getCommonData(context); return new XDocument( new XElement("root", specificData, commonData, new XElement("processingTime", st.ElapsedMilliseconds) ) ); }
/// <summary> /// Произведение авторизации и всех сопутствующих процедур /// </summary> /// <param name="user">Пользователь</param> /// <param name="server">Сервер</param> /// <param name="context">Контекст</param> /// <returns>HandlerResult</returns> private HandlerResult ProcessUserLogin(IUser user, IHostServer server, WebContext context) { var identity = new Identity(user) {AuthenticationType = "secure"}; context.User = new GenericPrincipal(identity, null); var logondata = new LogonInfo { Identity = identity, RemoteEndPoint = context.Request.RemoteEndPoint, LocalEndPoint = context.Request.LocalEndPoint, UserAgent = context.Request.UserAgent }; var token = TokenService.Create(context.Request); TokenService.Store(context.Response, context.Request.Uri, token); return new HandlerResult { Result = true, Data = logondata }; }
protected override XElement[] Do(WebContext context) { User.UserData newData = new User.UserData { location = context.httprequest.Form["location"].Trim(), title = context.httprequest.Form["title"].Trim(), signatureUbb = context.httprequest.Form["signature"].Trim(), biographyUbb = context.httprequest.Form["biography"].Trim(), }; context.account.user.UpdateData(newData); return new XElement[0]; }
protected IEnumerable<XElement> getCommonData(WebContext context) { return new XElement[] { new XElement("handlerName", this.GetType().FullName), new XElement("title", Config.instance.AppInfo), new XElement("timestamp", DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()),, context.userSettings.modernSkin.exportToXml(), context.userSettings.machichara.exportToXml(), context.exportSession(), context.exportRequestParameters(), }; }
public void Handle(WebContext context) { try { context.WriteTransformResult(this.templateName, this.getData(context)); } catch(response.SkipXsltTransformException) { } catch(RedirectException) { throw; } catch(WrongUrlException) { throw; } catch(Exception e) { context.LogError(e); context.WriteTransformResult("Exception.xslt", new XDocument(new XElement("root", this.getCommonData(context), e.ToXml()))); } }
protected override Account DoCreateAccount(WebContext context) { Account account = Account.LoadById(int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["accountId"])); if(!account.needsMigration) throw new FLocalException("Account '" + + "' is already migrated"); string userInfo = ShallerGateway.getUserInfoAsString(; Regex regex = new Regex("\\(fhn\\:([a-z0-9]+)\\)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline); Match match = regex.Match(userInfo); if(!match.Success) throw new FLocalException("key (fhn:***) not found on user info page ("******"&What=login&showlite=l )"); string check = Util.md5(match.Groups[1].Value + " " + Config.instance.SaltMigration + " " +; if(check != context.httprequest["check"]) throw new FLocalException("Wrong key (fhn:" + match.Groups[1].Value + ")"); if(context.httprequest.Form["password"] != context.httprequest.Form["password2"]) throw new FLocalException("Passwords mismatch"); account.migrate(context.httprequest.Form["password"], context.httprequest.UserHostAddress, context.httprequest.Form["registrationEmail"]); return account; }
public App() { this.Startup += this.Application_Startup; this.Exit += this.Application_Exit; this.UnhandledException += this.Application_UnhandledException; InitializeComponent(); WebContext webcontext = new WebContext(); FormsAuthentication formsAuthentication = new System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.ApplicationServices.FormsAuthentication(); formsAuthentication.DomainContext = new AuthenticationContext(); webcontext.Authentication = formsAuthentication; this.ApplicationLifetimeObjects.Add(webcontext); }
protected override XElement[] Do(WebContext context) { Upload upload = null; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.httprequest.Form["uploadId"])) { upload = Upload.LoadById(int.Parse(context.httprequest.Form["uploadId"])); } context.account.user.SetAvatar(upload); return new XElement[] { (upload != null) ? new XElement("uploadedId", : null }; }
protected override sealed XElement[] Do(WebContext context) { if(context.httprequest.Form["constitution"] != "constitution") { throw new FLocalException("constitution not accepted"); } if(context.httprequest.Form["showPostsToAll"] != "showPostsToAll") { throw new FLocalException("publicity not accepted"); } if(context.httprequest.Form["law"] != "law") { throw new FLocalException("laws not accepted"); } this.DoCreateAccount(context); return new XElement[0]; }
private SystemManageDomainContext SystemManageDomainContext; //= new SystemManageDomainContext(); #endregion Fields #region Constructors //public ILogonPersionCallBack LogonPersionCallBack; public App() { SystemManageDomainContext = new SystemManageDomainContext(); this.Startup += this.Application_Startup; this.Exit += this.Application_Exit; this.UnhandledException += this.Application_UnhandledException; InitializeComponent(); CompositionInitializer.SatisfyImports(this); WebContext webContext = new WebContext(); webContext.Authentication = new FormsAuthentication(); this.ApplicationLifetimeObjects.Add(webContext); //LogonPersionCallBack = new OnLinePersionCallBack(); }