/// <summary>
        /// Method to create a proxy client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logger">The logger to use</param>
        /// <returns>The new proxy client</returns>
        public override ProxyClient Create(Utils.Logger logger)
            ProxyClient ret = new IpProxyClient();

                RegistryKey settings = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings");

                int enabled = (int)settings.GetValue("ProxyEnable", 0);

                if (enabled != 0)
                    string autoConfigUrl = settings.GetValue("AutoConfigURL") as string;

                    if (autoConfigUrl != null)
                        Uri autoConfigUri = new Uri(autoConfigUrl, UriKind.Absolute);

                        if ((_scriptFactory == null) || (!_scriptFactory.ScriptUri.Equals(autoConfigUri)))
                            using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                                client.Proxy = null;
                                string scriptData = client.DownloadString(autoConfigUrl);

                                logger.LogVerbose("Received auto config script from {0}", autoConfigUrl);

                                _scriptFactory = new ScriptProxyClientFactory();
                                _scriptFactory.ScriptUri = autoConfigUri;
                                _scriptFactory.Script = scriptData;

                        ret = _scriptFactory.Create(logger);
                        string proxyServer = settings.GetValue("ProxyServer") as string;

                        if (proxyServer != null)
                            string[] servers = proxyServer.ToLower().Split(new[] { ' ', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            string currServer = null;
                            bool socks = false;

                            // Take socks in preference, otherwise accept HTTP or default
                            foreach (string server in servers)
                                if (server.Contains('='))
                                    if (server.StartsWith("socks="))
                                        currServer = server.Substring(6).Trim();
                                        logger.LogVerbose("Found system SOCKS server {0}", currServer);
                                        socks = true;
                                    else if (server.StartsWith("http="))
                                        currServer = server.Substring(5).Trim();
                                        logger.LogVerbose("Found system HTTP proxy {0}", currServer);
                                    currServer = server.Trim();
                                    logger.LogVerbose("Found default HTTP proxy {0}", currServer);

                            if (currServer != null)
                                string host = null;
                                int port = 0;

                                if (currServer.Contains("/"))
                                    if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(currServer, UriKind.Absolute))
                                        Uri uri = new Uri(currServer);

                                        host = uri.Host;
                                        port = uri.Port;
                                    string[] values = currServer.Split(':');
                                    if (values.Length == 2)
                                        host = values[0].Trim();
                                        int.TryParse(values[1].Trim(), out port);

                                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(host) || (port <= 0) || (port > 65535))
                                    logger.LogError("Invalid system proxy string {0}", currServer);
                                    if (socks)
                                        ret = new SocksProxyClient(host, port, false, SocksProxyClient.SupportedVersion.Version4, false);
                                        ret = new HttpProxyClient(host, port, false);
            catch (SecurityException)
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
            catch (WebException ex)

            return ret;