Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method to check if the uri has an extension that is in the list
 /// of this handler's supported extensions.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="uri">The uri to check</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if the extension is supported, <c>false</c>otherwise.</returns>
 protected bool CheckExtension(Uri uri)
     return Extensions.Contains(uri.GetExtension().ToLower());
        public void LoadOrImport(Uri uri)
            if (uri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");

            uri = DataManager.Songs.TryRewriteUri(uri);

            string ext = uri.GetExtension();

            Song song = null;

                if (ext == ".ppl")
                    song = new Song(uri, new PowerpraiseSongReader());
                else if (ext == ".sng")
                    song = new Song(uri, new SongBeamerSongReader());
                else if (ext == ".chopro" || ext == ".cho" || ext == ".pro")
                    song = new Song(uri, new ChordProSongReader());
                else if (ext == ".usr")
                    song = new Song(uri, new CcliUsrSongReader());
                else if (ext == ".txt")
                    song = new Song(uri, new CcliTxtSongReader());
                else if (ext == ".xml")
                    song = new Song(uri, new OpenLyricsSongReader());
                else if (ext == "") // OpenSong songs have no file extension
                    song = new Song(uri, new OpenSongSongReader());
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Song format is not supported.");
            catch(Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format(Resource.eMsgCouldNotOpenSong, uri.FormatLocal(), e.Message), Resource.dialogError, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            if (song != null)
Example #3
        protected virtual ICollection<ContentType> GetContentTypeByUrl(Uri url, ContentKind requiredKind)
            var ext = url.GetExtension();

            if (null == ext)
                return null;

            return FilterByKind(ExtensionLookup[ext], requiredKind).ToArray();
Example #4
 public static bool IsValidImageUri(Uri uri)
     var ext = uri.GetExtension().ToLower();
     return ImageExtensions.Contains(ext);