public bool Sort(System.Comparison <_Ty> comparer) { if (m_nLeng <= 1) { return(false); } bool bSort = false; _Ty temp; int i = m_nLeng - 1; int j = 0; int nSwapIndex = 0; while (i > 0) { nSwapIndex = 0; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (comparer(m_pData[j + 1], m_pData[j]) < 0) {// temp = m_pData[j + 1]; m_pData[j + 1] = m_pData[j]; m_pData[j] = temp; nSwapIndex = j;//记录交换下标 bSort = true; } } i = nSwapIndex; } return(bSort); }
/// <summary> /// 初始堆进行调整 /// 将H[0..length-1]建成堆 /// 调整完之后第一个元素是序列的最小的元素 /// </summary> /// <param name="length">Length.</param> /// <param name="comparer">Comparer.</param> private void BuildingHeap(System.Comparison <T> comparer) { //最后一个有孩子的节点的位置 i= (length -1) / 2 for (int i = (size - 1) / 2; i >= 0; --i) { HeapAdjust(i, size, comparer); } }
/// <summary> /// Запрос всех элементов данного типа по предикату /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="Extent">Бизнес-класс</typeparam> /// <param name="Match">Предикат</param> /// <param name="Comparision">Сравнение</param> /// <returns>Результат</returns> public static List <Extent> Query <Extent>(Predicate <Extent> Match, System.Comparison <Extent> Comparision) { testAndThrow(); List <Extent> result = new List <Extent>(db.Query <Extent>(Match)); result.Sort(Comparision); return(result); }
void Start() { isLoaded = false; Load(file); System.Comparison <Task> comparison = (x, y) => x.TimeToPresent.CompareTo(y.TimeToPresent); TasksList.Sort(comparison); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * @brief 配列のソート実行 */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void Sort(System.Comparison <T> fnComparer) { if (m_Buffer == null) { return; } System.Array.Sort(m_Buffer, 0, m_BufferSize, new Comparer(fnComparer)); }
static int Sort(IntPtr L) { try { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 1 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(System.Collections.Generic.List <string>))) { System.Collections.Generic.List <string> obj = (System.Collections.Generic.List <string>)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); obj.Sort(); return(0); } else if (count == 2 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(System.Collections.Generic.List <string>), typeof(System.Comparison <string>))) { System.Collections.Generic.List <string> obj = (System.Collections.Generic.List <string>)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); System.Comparison <string> arg0 = null; LuaTypes funcType2 = LuaDLL.lua_type(L, 2); if (funcType2 != LuaTypes.LUA_TFUNCTION) { arg0 = (System.Comparison <string>)ToLua.ToObject(L, 2); } else { LuaFunction func = ToLua.ToLuaFunction(L, 2); arg0 = DelegateFactory.CreateDelegate(typeof(System.Comparison <string>), func) as System.Comparison <string>; } obj.Sort(arg0); return(0); } else if (count == 2 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(System.Collections.Generic.List <string>), typeof(System.Collections.Generic.IComparer <string>))) { System.Collections.Generic.List <string> obj = (System.Collections.Generic.List <string>)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); System.Collections.Generic.IComparer <string> arg0 = (System.Collections.Generic.IComparer <string>)ToLua.ToObject(L, 2); obj.Sort(arg0); return(0); } else if (count == 4 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(System.Collections.Generic.List <string>), typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(System.Collections.Generic.IComparer <string>))) { System.Collections.Generic.List <string> obj = (System.Collections.Generic.List <string>)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); int arg0 = (int)LuaDLL.lua_tonumber(L, 2); int arg1 = (int)LuaDLL.lua_tonumber(L, 3); System.Collections.Generic.IComparer <string> arg2 = (System.Collections.Generic.IComparer <string>)ToLua.ToObject(L, 4); obj.Sort(arg0, arg1, arg2); return(0); } else { return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: System.Collections.Generic.List<string>.Sort")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
unsafe public void AddSpongyEdges(ICollection <AnchorEdge> spongyEdges) { AnchorEdge[] regularEdges = new AnchorEdge[spongyEdges.Count]; int idx = 0; foreach (var edge in spongyEdges) { regularEdges[idx++] = RegularEdge(edge.anchorId1, edge.anchorId2); } System.Comparison <AnchorEdge> alphabeticCompare = (x, y) => { int cmp1 = x.anchorId1.CompareTo(y.anchorId1); if (cmp1 < 0) { return(-1); } if (cmp1 > 0) { return(1); } int cmp2 = x.anchorId2.CompareTo(y.anchorId2); return(cmp2); }; System.Array.Sort(regularEdges, alphabeticCompare); int spongyIdx = 0; for (int frozenIdx = 0; frozenIdx < frozenEdges.Count; ++frozenIdx) { if (spongyIdx >= regularEdges.Length) { break; } int frozenToSpongy = alphabeticCompare(frozenEdges[frozenIdx], regularEdges[spongyIdx]); if (frozenToSpongy >= 0) { if (frozenToSpongy > 0) { // insert edge here frozenEdges.Insert(frozenIdx, regularEdges[spongyIdx]); } // If existing frozen is greater, we just inserted (above) spongy, so advance. // If they are equal, we want to skip spongy, so advance. // If existing is lesser, we haven't reached insertion point yet, // so don't advance spongyIdx (stay out of this conditional branch if frozenToSpongy < 0). ++spongyIdx; } } while (spongyIdx < regularEdges.Length) { frozenEdges.Add(regularEdges[spongyIdx++]); } checkError(); }
private void Awake() { Instance = this; FogNullZones = new List <Bounds>(); // Create3DNoiseTexture(); // CreateDitherTexture(); NoiseTexture3DInstance = NoiseTexture3D; Shader.SetGlobalTexture("_WeatherMakerNoiseTexture3D", NoiseTexture3D); nullFogZoneSorterReference = NullFogZoneSorter; lightSorterReference = LightSorter; }
public void FindNodes() { nodes = FindObjectsOfType <MapNode>(); System.Comparison <MapNode> comp = (a, b) =>; System.Array.Sort(nodes, comp); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; ++i) { nodes[i].map = this; nodes[i].node_idx = i; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * @brief 配列の内包チェック */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public bool ChkInside(System.Comparison <T> fnComparer, T tTarget) { for (int i = 0; i < m_BufferSize; ++i) { if (fnComparer.Invoke(m_Buffer[i], tTarget) <= 0) { continue; } return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 堆排序算法 /// </summary> /// <param name="length">Length.</param> /// <param name="comparer">Comparer.</param> private void HeapSort(System.Comparison <T> comparer) { //初始堆 BuildingHeap(comparer); //从最后一个元素开始对序列进行调整 for (int i = size - 1; i > 0; --i) { //交换堆顶元素H[0]和堆中最后一个元素 T temp = buffer [i]; buffer [i] = buffer [0]; buffer [0] = temp; //每次交换堆顶元素和堆中最后一个元素之后,都要对堆进行调整 HeapAdjust(0, i, comparer); } }
// Random floating point numbers don't really add much confidence, better to explicitly test // specific edge cases and (logarithmic?) ranges. private void RoundTripFloatRandom <T>(System.Comparison <T> compare, double min, double max) { const int n = 10000; Random rand = new Random(0x1337); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // Add carefully, to avoid overflowing max range. double d = rand.NextDouble(); double num = d * max + (1.0 - d) * min; T tnum = (T)Convert.ChangeType(num, typeof(T)); RoundTrip <T>(compare, false, tnum); } }
private void RoundTrip <T>(System.Comparison <T> compare, bool writeJsonToConsole, params T[] input) { string json = JsonMapper.ToJson(input); if (writeJsonToConsole) { Console.WriteLine(json); } T[] output = JsonMapper.ToObject <T[]>(json); Assert.AreEqual(input.Length, output.Length); for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; ++i) { Assert.That(compare(input[i], output[i]) == 0, "{0} does not match {1}", input[i], output[i]); } }
//默认的sort同优先级会乱序,所以使用自己写的插入排序实现 public static void SortEx <T>(this List <T> list, System.Comparison <T> comparison) { int count = list.Count; T tem; for (int j = 1; j < count; j++) { tem = list[j]; int i = j - 1; for (; i >= 0 && comparison(list[i], tem) > 0; i--) { list[i + 1] = list[i]; } list[i + 1] = tem; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*! * @brief 配列のソート実行 */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void Sort(System.Comparison <T> fnComparer, System.Action <T> fnCreateSortNum) { if (m_Buffer == null) { return; } //------------------- // ソートに使用する番号を構築 //------------------- for (int i = 0; i < m_BufferSize; ++i) { fnCreateSortNum.Invoke(m_Buffer[i]); } System.Array.Sort(m_Buffer, 0, m_BufferSize, new Comparer(fnComparer)); }
static int Sort(IntPtr L) { try { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 1) { System.Collections.Generic.List <string> obj = (System.Collections.Generic.List <string>)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(System.Collections.Generic.List <string>)); obj.Sort(); return(0); } else if (count == 2 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes <System.Collections.Generic.IComparer <string> >(L, 2)) { System.Collections.Generic.List <string> obj = (System.Collections.Generic.List <string>)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(System.Collections.Generic.List <string>)); System.Collections.Generic.IComparer <string> arg0 = (System.Collections.Generic.IComparer <string>)ToLua.ToObject(L, 2); obj.Sort(arg0); return(0); } else if (count == 2 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes <System.Comparison <string> >(L, 2)) { System.Collections.Generic.List <string> obj = (System.Collections.Generic.List <string>)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(System.Collections.Generic.List <string>)); System.Comparison <string> arg0 = (System.Comparison <string>)ToLua.ToObject(L, 2); obj.Sort(arg0); return(0); } else if (count == 4) { System.Collections.Generic.List <string> obj = (System.Collections.Generic.List <string>)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(System.Collections.Generic.List <string>)); int arg0 = (int)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); int arg1 = (int)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 3); System.Collections.Generic.IComparer <string> arg2 = (System.Collections.Generic.IComparer <string>)ToLua.CheckObject <System.Collections.Generic.IComparer <string> >(L, 4); obj.Sort(arg0, arg1, arg2); return(0); } else { return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: System.Collections.Generic.List<string>.Sort")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
public void Sort(System.Comparison <T> comparison) { bool isChanged = false; lock (syncObject) { if (!_isReadOnly) { _list.Sort(comparison); isChanged = true; } } if (isChanged) { RaiseCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset)); } }
/// <summary> /// Метод реализует сортировку, т.е. перестановку элементов последовательности в соотвествии с функцией /// сравнения, заданной аргументом /// </summary> /// <param name="compare">Функция, задающая сравнение друх входов</param> public void SortComparison(System.Comparison <PxEntry> compare) { if (typ.Vid != PTypeEnumeration.sequence) { throw new Exception("SortComparison can't be implemented to this vid"); } PTypeSequence pts = (PTypeSequence)typ; long llen = this.Count(); if (llen < 2) { return; // сортировать не нужно } // Указатель на нулевой элемент и размер головы записи long p0 = this.Element(0).offset; int size = pts.ElementType.HeadSize; // организуем массив offset'ов - указателей на головы элементов long[] offsets = new long[llen]; for (long ind = 0; ind < llen; ind++) { offsets[ind] = p0 + size * ind; } //теперь сортируем используя функцию сравнения PxEntry e1 = new PxEntry(pts.ElementType, long.MinValue, this.fis); PxEntry e2 = new PxEntry(pts.ElementType, long.MinValue, this.fis); Array.Sort <long>(offsets, (long o1, long o2) => { e1.offset = o1; e2.offset = o2; return(compare(e1, e2)); }); // Надеюсь, отсортировали // Превращаю массив смещений в массив индексов элементов int[] indexes = new int[llen]; for (long ind = 0; ind < llen; ind++) { indexes[ind] = (int)((offsets[ind] - p0) / size); } // теперь в i-ом элементе массива находится индекс элемента (головы), который должен попасть на i-ю позицию ReorderSequenceArrayHeads(llen, p0, size, indexes); }
public static Delegate System_Comparison_int(LuaFunction func, LuaTable self, bool flag) { if (func == null) { System.Comparison <int> fn = delegate(int param0, int param1) { return(0); }; return(fn); } if (!flag) { System.Comparison <int> d = (new System_Comparison_int_Event(func)).Call; return(d); } else { System.Comparison <int> d = (new System_Comparison_int_Event(func, self)).CallWithSelf; return(d); } }
//默认的sort同优先级会乱序,所以使用自己写的插入排序实现 public static void SortEx <T>(this LinkedList <T> list, System.Comparison <T> comparison) { if (list.Count < 2) { return; } LinkedListNode <T> tem; LinkedListNode <T> last = list.First;//已经排好序的那部分的队尾,在它的后面是等待排序的节点 LinkedListNode <T> cur = last; do { do { if (comparison(last.Next.Value, cur.Value) >= 0) { if (last == cur)//不用插入了 { last = last.Next; cur = last; } else//插入 { tem = last.Next; list.Remove(tem); list.AddAfter(cur, tem); cur = last; } break; } if (cur.Previous == null) { tem = last.Next; list.Remove(tem); list.AddBefore(cur, tem); cur = last; break; } cur = cur.Previous; }while (true); } while (last.Next != null); }
public void Sort(System.Comparison <T> comparer) { bool changed = true; while (changed) { changed = false; for (int i = 1; i < _len; i++) { if (comparer.Invoke(_buffer[i - 1], _buffer[i]) > 0) { T temp = _buffer[i]; _buffer[i] = _buffer[i - 1]; _buffer[i - 1] = temp; changed = true; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Warning: bubble sort /// </summary> public void Sort(System.Comparison <T> comparer) { bool changed = true; while (changed) { changed = false; for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i) { if (comparer.Invoke(buffer[i - 1], buffer[i]) > 0) { T temp = buffer[i]; buffer[i] = buffer[i - 1]; buffer[i - 1] = temp; changed = true; } } } }
public override void Start() { _Instance = this; m_Grid = mDMono.transform.GetComponentEx <UIGrid>(); if (m_Grid.arrangement == UIGrid.Arrangement.Horizontal) { m_Column = (int)FilterSetting.Size.x; m_Row = (int)FilterSetting.Size.y; } else { m_Row = (int)FilterSetting.Size.x; m_Column = (int)FilterSetting.Size.y; } InitFilterSettings(); InitSelectionHandling(); SortingComparison = SortingComparisonHandler.Comparison; }
public void SaveFile() { BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name; FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create); if (nodes == null) { nodes = FindObjectsOfType <MapNode>(); System.Comparison <MapNode> comp = (a, b) =>; System.Array.Sort(nodes, comp); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; ++i) { nodes[i].node_idx = i; } } int attaker_idx = -1; int defender_idx = -1; if (target_node != null && selected_node != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; ++i) { if (nodes[i] == selected_node) { defender_idx = i; } if (nodes[i] == target_node) { attaker_idx = i; } } } MapSaveData data = new MapSaveData(nodes, attaker_idx, defender_idx); formatter.Serialize(stream, data); stream.Close(); saved_campaign = true; }
private Index(DataTable table, IndexField[] indexFields, System.Comparison <DataRow> comparison, DataViewRowState recordStates, IFilter rowFilter) { Bid.Trace("<ds.Index.Index|API> %d#, table=%d, recordStates=%d{ds.DataViewRowState}\n", ObjectID, (table != null) ? table.ObjectID : 0, (int)recordStates); Debug.Assert(indexFields != null); Debug.Assert(null != table, "null table"); if ((recordStates & (~(DataViewRowState.CurrentRows | DataViewRowState.OriginalRows))) != 0) { throw ExceptionBuilder.RecordStateRange(); } this.table = table; _listeners = new Listeners <DataViewListener>(ObjectID, delegate(DataViewListener listener) { return(null != listener); }); IndexFields = indexFields; this.recordStates = recordStates; _comparison = comparison; DataColumnCollection columns = table.Columns; isSharable = (rowFilter == null) && (comparison == null); // a filter or comparison make an index unsharable if (null != rowFilter) { this.rowFilter = new WeakReference(rowFilter); DataExpression expr = (rowFilter as DataExpression); if (null != expr) { _hasRemoteAggregate = expr.HasRemoteAggregate(); } } InitRecords(rowFilter); // do not AddRef in ctor, every caller should be responsible to AddRef it // if caller does not AddRef, it is expected to be a one-time read operation because the index won't be maintained on writes }
// sortowanie katowe punktow z tablicy p w kierunku przeciwnym do ruchu wskazowek zegara wzgledem punktu centralnego c // czyli sortowanie wzgledem roznacych katow odcinka (c,p[i]) z osia x // przy pomocy parametru ifAngleEqual mo¿na doprwcyzowaæ kryterium sortowania gdy katy sa rowne // (domyslnie nic nie doprecyzowujemy, pozostawiamy rowne) public static Point[] AngleSort(Point c, Point[] p, System.Comparison <Point> ifAngleEqual = null) { if (ifAngleEqual == null) { ifAngleEqual = (p1, p2) => 0; } if (p == null) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException(); } if (p.Length < 2) { return(p); } System.Comparison <Point> cmp = delegate(Point p1, Point p2) { int r = -(new Geometry.Segment(c, p1)).Direction(p2); return(r != 0 ? r : ifAngleEqual(p1, p2)); }; var s1 = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Point>(); var s2 = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Point>(); for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; ++i) { if (p[i].y > c.y || (p[i].y == c.y && p[i].x >= c.x)) { s1.Add(p[i]); } else { s2.Add(p[i]); } } s1.Sort(cmp); s2.Sort(cmp); s1.AddRange(s2); return(s1.ToArray()); }
private void geneTest_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //泛型数据填充 Person p1 = new Person("张二", 31); Person p2 = new Person("张六", 49); Person p3 = new Person("张三", 33); List <Person> persons = new List <Person> { p1, p2, p3 }; lblinfo.Text = "数据填充完成!"; Persons personCol = new Persons { p1, p2, p3 }; BtnDo.Text = personCol.GetAllNames(); //按照默认规则对集合进行排序,通过不带参数的Sort方法对集合进行排序 - 通过数字 //persons.Sort(); //用 1 号比较器,Compare方法,对集合进行排序 - 通过名称 //persons.Sort(NameComparer.Default); //用 2 号比较器,通过内置的泛型委托System.Comparison<T>,对集合排序 - 名称 System.Comparison <Person> NameComparison = new System.Comparison <Person>(PersonComparison.Name); persons.Sort(NameComparison); //输出所有人姓名 foreach (Person p in persons) { textBox1.Text += p.Name + " "; } //用 3 号搜索器 - 输出所有中年人姓名 System.Predicate <Person> MidAgePredicate = new System.Predicate <Person>(PersonPredicate.MidAge); List <Person> MidAgePersons = persons.FindAll(MidAgePredicate); foreach (Person p in MidAgePersons) { textBox2.Text += p.Name + " "; } }
public static Delegate System_Comparison_string(LuaFunction func, LuaTable self, bool flag) { if (func == null) { System.Comparison <string> fn = delegate(string param0, string param1) { return(0); }; return(fn); } if (!flag) { System_Comparison_string_Event target = new System_Comparison_string_Event(func); System.Comparison <string> d = target.Call; target.method = d.Method; return(d); } else { System_Comparison_string_Event target = new System_Comparison_string_Event(func, self); System.Comparison <string> d = target.CallWithSelf; target.method = d.Method; return(d); } }
public System.Comparison <int> System_Comparison_int(LuaFunction func, LuaTable self, bool flag) { if (func == null) { System.Comparison <int> fn = delegate(int param0, int param1) { return(0); }; return(fn); } if (!flag) { System_Comparison_int_Event target = new System_Comparison_int_Event(func); System.Comparison <int> d = target.Call; target.method = d.Method; return(d); } else { System_Comparison_int_Event target = new System_Comparison_int_Event(func, self); System.Comparison <int> d = target.CallWithSelf; target.method = d.Method; return(d); } }
/// <summary> /// 已知H[s…m]除了H[s] 外均满足堆的定义 /// 调整H[s],使其成为大顶堆.即将对第s个结点为根的子树筛选 /// </summary> /// <param name="s">待调整的数组元素的位置.</param> /// <param name="length">数组的长度.</param> /// <param name="comparer">Comparer.</param> private void HeapAdjust(int s, int length, System.Comparison <T> comparer) { T tmp = buffer [s]; int child = 2 * s + 1; //左孩子结点的位置。(i+1 为当前调整结点的右孩子结点的位置) while (child < length) { if (child + 1 < length && comparer(buffer [child], buffer [child + 1]) < 0) // 如果右孩子大于左孩子(找到比当前待调整结点大的孩子结点) { ++child; } if (comparer(buffer [s], buffer [child]) < 0) // 如果较大的子结点大于父结点 { buffer [s] = buffer [child]; // 那么把较大的子结点往上移动,替换它的父结点 s = child; // 重新设置s ,即待调整的下一个结点的位置 child = 2 * s + 1; } else // 如果当前待调整结点大于它的左右孩子,则不需要调整,直接退出 { break; } buffer [s] = tmp; // 当前待调整的结点放到比其大的孩子结点位置上 } }